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La construcción histórica de la libertad de prensa : Ley de Policía e Imprenta de 1883
Year: 2014 Publisher: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History

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La monografía analiza el derecho de la libertad de prensa tomando como referencia el periodo histórico de la Restauración Española, desde el pronunciamiento del general Martínez Campos y posterior gobierno conservador de Cánovas, hasta la publicación de la Ley de Policía e Imprenta de 26 de Julio de 1883. A través del correspondiente análisis de la ley, definida por la doctrina como la legislación que más garantías reconocía a la libertad de prensa en la historia del constitucionalismo español, se trata de dar respuesta a si la ley de 1883 reconocía una eficaz y real libertad de prensa o resultó ser una mera ficción en manos del poder.

La construcción histórica de la libertad de prensa : Ley de Policía e Imprenta de 1883
Year: 2014 Publisher: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History

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La monografía analiza el derecho de la libertad de prensa tomando como referencia el periodo histórico de la Restauración Española, desde el pronunciamiento del general Martínez Campos y posterior gobierno conservador de Cánovas, hasta la publicación de la Ley de Policía e Imprenta de 26 de Julio de 1883. A través del correspondiente análisis de la ley, definida por la doctrina como la legislación que más garantías reconocía a la libertad de prensa en la historia del constitucionalismo español, se trata de dar respuesta a si la ley de 1883 reconocía una eficaz y real libertad de prensa o resultó ser una mera ficción en manos del poder.

La construcción histórica de la libertad de prensa : Ley de Policía e Imprenta de 1883
Year: 2014 Publisher: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History

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La monografía analiza el derecho de la libertad de prensa tomando como referencia el periodo histórico de la Restauración Española, desde el pronunciamiento del general Martínez Campos y posterior gobierno conservador de Cánovas, hasta la publicación de la Ley de Policía e Imprenta de 26 de Julio de 1883. A través del correspondiente análisis de la ley, definida por la doctrina como la legislación que más garantías reconocía a la libertad de prensa en la historia del constitucionalismo español, se trata de dar respuesta a si la ley de 1883 reconocía una eficaz y real libertad de prensa o resultó ser una mera ficción en manos del poder.

El circulo del poder u la espiral del silencio.La historia oculta del Padre Marcial Maciel y Los Legionarios de Cristo
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9700517543 Year: 2004 Publisher: S.L., México Random House Mondadori, S.A. de C.V.

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Digital political participation, social networks and big data : disintermediation in the era of web 2.0
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030277577 3030277569 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book explores the changes in political communication in light of the development of a public opinion mediated by web 2.0 technologies. One of the most important changes in political communication is related to the process of disintermediation, i.e. the process by which digital technologies allow citizens to compete in the public space with those agents who, traditionally, co-opted public opinion. However, while disintermediation has undeniably generated a number of advances, having linked citizens to the public debate, the authors highlight some aspects where disintermediation is moving away from a rational and inclusive public space. They argue that these aspects, related to the immediacy, polarization and incivility of the communication, obscure the possibilities for democratization of digital political communication. José Manuel Robles-Morales is a lecturer at the Sociology III Department at Complutense University, Spain. His research focuses on digital political participation, digital political theory, and technological differences (digital divide). His publications have appeared in journals such as Information Communication and Society, The European Journal of Communication Research, Revista Internacional de Sociología and Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas. Ana María Córdoba-Hernández is Research and Faculty Head at the Faculty of Communication at the University of La Sabana, Colombia. Her research focuses on media, specifically in the context of international communication, digital political participation, the transformation of the network society and the analysis of socio-political phenomena across social networks.

Penal populism and public opinion : lessons from five countries
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1280473541 0195350480 0195302397 1602564167 9780195136234 9780195350487 0195136233 9781602564169 9780195302394 0197720145 9781280473548 019028577X Year: 2003 Publisher: New York: Oxford university press,

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This investigation of five Western criminal justice systems reveals startling similarities in recent sentencing policies. The authors contend that a trend of penal populism - criminal justice policies designed to appeal to the public appetite for retribution - has done little to reduce crime.

Het is maar een peiling : opiniepeilingen in de media : van wetenschap tot wichelarij?
ISBN: 9789028951044 Year: 2011 Publisher: Kalmthout Pelckmans

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Peilen naar politieke opvattingen, electorale voorkeuren en motieven van kiezers blijkt ook in Vlaanderen een favoriete sport, zelfs al bogen de opiniepeilers inmiddels op een reputatie die nauwelijks voor de gokindustrie moet onderdoen. Wie peilt wat en welke obstakels lonken daarbij om de hoek? Hoe (on)nauwkeurig brengen marktonderzoekers en wetenschappers de electorale voorkeuren van de kiezer in kaart en hoe punctueel berichten media daar vervolgens over? Hoe (on)betrouwbaar zijn de resultaten, hoe vakbekwaam zijn de opiniepeilers en hoe onafhankelijk de media die over peilingen berichten? Is onze opiniepeilingenindustrie in handen van weinig kritische wetenschappers, ondeskundige marktonderzoekers en onbetrouwbare politieke journalisten? In Het is maar een peiling bundelt Frank Thevissen voor het eerst de antwoorden op al deze netelige vragen. Hij doorprikt populaire en diepgewortelde clichs die over peilingen de ronde doen en demystifieert de wetenschappelijke pretentie waarmee Sommige academici commercile peilingen in opdracht van media en politieke partijen doorgaans hooghartig naar de prullenmand verwijzen. Aan de hand van tientallen actuele voorbeelden wordt op een voor de statistische leek toegankelijke manier, de gebrekkige methodologische en deontologische hygine blootgelegd in de keukens waar 'representatieve peilingen', stemtesten en politieke populariteitspolls worden bereid en via de media op ons bord belanden. Het is maar een peiling gaat ook op zoek naar de oorzaken van de gestage inflatie van de berichtgeving over peilingen. Het onthult hoe een conservatieve wetenschappelijke lobby, journalistieke sensatiedrift, tendentieuze berichtgeving en frauduleuze onderzoekspraktijken in het opiniepeilingenonderzoek konden binnendringen en ontkracht taaie 'wetenschappelijke' legendes die politicologen en sociologen over zichzelf ('ernstige wetenschappers'), hun eigen onderzoek en dat van collega's en commercile marktonderzoeksbureaus ('fantasten') verspreiden. Het is maar een peiling legt talloze peilingen en opinieonderzoeken op de ontleedtafel die de afgelopen tien jaar in Vlaanderen de politieke berichtgeving beheersten. Het gaat na hoe deze de publieke opinie regelmatig op het verkeerde been zetten, zonder dat daar veel wetenschappelijk vakmanschap of journalistiek vernuft aan te pas kwam. Kortom, Thevissen leidt ons rond in de achterkamers van onze opiniepeilingenindustrie: een plek die doorgaans hermetisch afgesloten blijft voor kiezers.


Media --- Opiniepeilingen --- Stemgedrag --- Verkiezingen --- Vlaanderen. --- Vlaanderen --- Politiek. --- België. --- Qualitative methods in social research --- mediaonderzoek --- journalistieke deontologie --- Journalism --- beïnvloeding --- opinieonderzoek --- Belgium --- Publieke opinie --- Methodologie --- Politicologie --- BPB1202 --- 654 Publieke opinie --- #SBIB:303H32 --- Sondage d'opinion --- průzkum veřejného mínění --- opiniepeiling --- javnomnenjska raziskava --- arvamusküsitlus --- sondazh i opinionit --- opinionsundersökning --- opinion poll --- sabiedriskās domas aptauja --- közvélemény-kutatás --- ispitivanje javnoga mnijenja --- sondagem de opinião --- испитување на јавното мислење --- stħarriġ tal-opinjoni pubblika --- badanie opinii publicznej --- opinionsundersøgelse --- mielipidetutkimus --- испитивање јавног мњења --- проучване на общественото мнение --- výskum verejnej mienky --- Meinungsumfrage --- δημοσκόπηση --- sondeo de opinión --- nuomonės apklausa --- sondaj de opinie --- sondaggio di opinione --- onderzoek van het kijk- en luistergedrag --- gallupundersökning --- průzkum sledovanosti --- průzkum poslechovosti --- nivel de audiență --- sondazh i opinionit publik --- prieskum verejnej mienky --- väljarundersökning --- Gelapa aptauja --- sondare a opiniei publice --- sondagem por escuta --- audience rating --- public opinion poll --- mielipidekysely --- průzkum politického mínění --- encuesta de la opinión pública --- Gallup-Verfahren --- arvamusuuring --- агенција за испитување на јавното мислење --- encuesta por teléfono --- Gallup-onderzoek --- јавна анкета --- istraživanje javnoga mnijenja --- Untersuchung der Hör- oder Sehbeteiligung --- Gallupo nuomonių apklausa --- viešosios nuomonės apklausa --- Gallup poll --- lytterundersøgelse --- indagine sull'opinione pubblica --- gallupkysely --- sabiedrības vērtējums --- avaliku arvamuse uuring --- sondage d'écoute --- σφυγμομέτρηση --- publikos vertinimas --- yleinen mielipidemittaus --- inchiesta per campione --- meningsmåling --- vlerësim i publikut --- Gallup --- Gallupovo istraživanje --- indagine telefonica --- γκάλλοπ --- Sondaj Gallup --- onderzoek naar de politieke opinie --- lyssnarundersökning --- sondage d'opinion politique --- Meinungsforschung --- sondazh i Gallupit --- anketa javnoga mišljenja --- gallup --- σφυγμομέτρηση ακροαματικότητας --- prieskum sledovanosti --- Gallupov výskum (výskum politických názorov) --- Waarneming en participerende waarneming, gecontroleerde observatie, groepsdiscussie (vragenlijsten, interviews, experimenten) --- Opiniepeiling --- pobalbhreith --- sondage d'opinion

Democracy, Populism, and Truth
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030434249 9783030434243 9783030434236 3030434230 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book tackles questions related to democracy, populism and truth, with results that are sure to inform pressing academic and popular debates. It is common to describe many of today’s most energizing politicians and political movements as populist. Some are progressive advocates of greater economic democracy or individual rights, while others are recognizably authoritarian and anti-democratic, even while claiming to defend democracy. What all populist leaders share in common is a rhetorical approach: their ability to articulate, or at least profess to channel, the wishes of ‘the people’, a group that populist leaders claim a unique ability to understand and govern, especially with regard to their dissatisfaction with ruling elites. They decry corruption (although not necessarily with any sincerity), and they sometimes identify more mainstream politicians and bureaucrats as ‘enemies of the people.’ The rise of populist politics raises pressing questions about the nature of populism, but also about relationships between populism and democratic institutions. For example, is populism ever a democratic tendency, or does its invocation of a monolithic demos (‘the people’) signify a fundamentally anti-democratic worldview? Populist political rhetoric also raises concerns about the relationship between truth, democracy, and journalistic integrity. While the history of anti-democratic advocacy (famously illustrated by Plato) has often highlighted the tendency of a democratic style of politics to prioritize popularity over truth, the development of social media—and evolving norms of journalistic communication and public political discourse—raise these misgivings in new forms.


Democratie --- Populisme --- Opinion publique --- democracy --- populism --- public opinion --- δημοκρατία --- demokrácia --- demokrātija --- democracia --- demokraatia --- democrazia --- demokracija --- démocratie --- demokratija --- democrație --- demokratia --- demokracie --- demokracja --- demokrati --- demokraci --- demokracia --- democratie --- Demokratie --- demokrazija --- демокрация --- демократија --- politický pluralizmus --- pluralizm polityczny --- πολιτικός πλουραλισμός --- folkstyre --- folkestyre --- politiek pluralisme --- politischer Pluralismus --- politiskais plurālisms --- demokrātiska vienlīdzība --- politikai pluralizmus --- égalité démocratique --- politický pluralismus --- ugwaljanza demokratika --- pluraliżmu politiku --- barazi demokratike --- pluralismo político --- politinis pliuralizmas --- politisk jämlikhet --- демократична равнопоставеност --- igualdad democrática --- democratische gelijkheid --- demokratische Gleichheit --- δημοκρατικό πολίτευμα --- demokraattinen yhdenvertaisuus --- poliittinen pluralismi --- demokratična enakost --- democratic equality --- demokratikus egyenlőség --- pluralisme politique --- politisk mångfald --- demokraatlik võrdsus --- igualdade democrática --- politisk pluralism --- ludowładztwo --- политически плурализъм --- politisk pluralisme --- pluralism politic --- pluralismo politico --- pluralizëm politik --- demokratická rovnost --- politički pluralizam --- uguaglianza democratica --- politični pluralizem --- egalitate democratică --- demokratická rovnosť --- political pluralism --- poliitiline pluralism --- demokratinė lygybė --- политички плурализам --- opinjoni pubblika --- κοινή γνώμη --- avalik arvamus --- allmän opinion --- közvélemény --- јавно мњење --- sabiedriskā doma --- öffentliche Meinung --- yleinen mielipide --- јавно мислење --- offentlig mening --- opinione pubblica --- veřejné mínění --- opinion publique --- javno mnenje --- verejná mienka --- opinión pública --- opinie publică --- opinia publiczna --- opinion publik --- viešoji nuomonė --- opinião pública --- обществено мнение --- publieke opinie --- javno mnijenje --- pubblico --- offentligheden --- populisms --- populizëm --- populizm --- популизам --- λαϊκισμός --- populizam --- Populismus --- populismo --- populismi --- populiżmu --- populisme --- популизъм --- populizem --- populizmus --- populizmas --- politický populizmus --- politický populismus --- populismus --- Populism. --- Democracy. --- Self-government --- Political science --- Equality --- Representative government and representation --- Republics --- Law—Philosophy. --- Law. --- Political science. --- Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History. --- Philosophy of Law. --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Acts, Legislative --- Enactments, Legislative --- Laws (Statutes) --- Legislative acts --- Legislative enactments --- Jurisprudence --- Legislation

Public opinion towards the EU
ISBN: 1443898465 9781443898461 1443894419 9781443894418 Year: 2016 Publisher: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

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European Union --- E.U. --- Public opinion. --- public opinion --- euroscepticism --- euroskepticizmus --- euroszkepticizmus --- eiroskepticisms --- euroskepticismus --- euroskepticizëm --- euroscepticisme --- Euroskepsis --- eurosceptycyzm --- Ewroxettiċiżmu --- euroskepticizmas --- евроскептицизам --- euroescepticismo --- euroscepsis --- evroskepticizem --- euroskeptitsism --- euroscetticismo --- ευρωσκεπτικισμός --- euroskepticizam --- euroskeptisismi --- евроскептицизъм --- euroskepsis --- euroskepticism --- euroceticismo --- EU-skepticism --- euroskeptik --- eurofobija --- Ewroxettiku --- Ewrofobija --- euroskeptisyys --- еврофобија --- europhobia --- eurocético --- eurofoobia --- euroskeptinen --- ευρωσκεπτικιστής --- euroescéptico --- eurosceptic --- eurofobie --- eurofobia --- euroskeptiker --- euroscettico --- EU-fobi --- europhobie --- ευρωφοβία --- evroskeptik --- eurosceptique --- евроскептик --- eurofobi --- еврофобия --- eurosceptyk --- eufóbia --- Europhobie --- euroszkeptikus --- evrofobija --- EU-skeptiker --- euroskeptikas --- eurofóbie --- eurocepticismo --- Euroskeptizismus --- eurosceptyczka --- euroscpticus --- eurofóbia --- Union européenne --- Europese Unie --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- an tAontas Eorpach --- Bashkimi Europian --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- opinjoni pubblika --- κοινή γνώμη --- avalik arvamus --- allmän opinion --- közvélemény --- јавно мњење --- sabiedriskā doma --- öffentliche Meinung --- yleinen mielipide --- јавно мислење --- offentlig mening --- opinione pubblica --- veřejné mínění --- opinion publique --- javno mnenje --- verejná mienka --- opinión pública --- opinie publică --- opinia publiczna --- opinion publik --- viešoji nuomonė --- opinião pública --- обществено мнение --- publieke opinie --- javno mnijenje --- pubblico --- offentligheden --- tuairimí an phobail --- Eoraisceipteachas

L'énergie nucléaire et les opinions publiques européennes
ISBN: 9782865922369 Year: 2008 Volume: 2 Publisher: Paris : IFRI,

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Nuclear energy --- Public opinion --- Energie nucléaire --- Opinion publique --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- 334.151.9 --- 334.151.7 --- 351.2 --- 338.753.0 --- BPB0907 --- Énergie nucléaire --- Europe --- EG : varia (leefmilieu, onderwijs, enz.). --- EG : industrieel- en energiebeleid. --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling. --- Energie: algemeenheden. --- Kernenergie --- Publieke opinie --- Europa --- Energie nucléaire --- Eiropa --- Ευρώπη --- Ewropa --- Euroopa --- Eurooppa --- Европа --- Európa --- hEorpa --- Evropa --- țări europene --- Europese landen --- země Evropy --- Euroopa riigid --- evropské státy --- países europeus --- evropské země --- европски земји --- European countries --- europæiske lande --- ευρωπαϊκές χώρες --- país europeo --- Euroopan maat --- paesi europei --- nazioni europee --- európske krajiny --- país de Europa --- európai országok --- Europos šalys --- pays européens --- státy Evropy --- Europese staten --- vende europiane --- europäische Länder --- europeiska länder --- opinjoni pubblika --- κοινή γνώμη --- avalik arvamus --- allmän opinion --- közvélemény --- јавно мњење --- sabiedriskā doma --- öffentliche Meinung --- yleinen mielipide --- јавно мислење --- offentlig mening --- opinione pubblica --- public opinion --- veřejné mínění --- javno mnenje --- verejná mienka --- opinión pública --- opinie publică --- opinia publiczna --- opinion publik --- viešoji nuomonė --- opinião pública --- обществено мнение --- publieke opinie --- javno mnijenje --- pubblico --- offentligheden --- kernenergie --- ydinenergia --- ядрена енергия --- kerneenergi --- energía nuclear --- kärnenergi --- nuklearna energija --- energji bërthamore --- energia nucleare --- branduolinė energija --- jadrová energia --- tuumaenergia --- energie nucleară --- kodolenerģētika --- enerġija nukleari --- nuclear energy --- nukleáris energia --- jaderná energie --- jedrska energija --- πυρηνική ενέργεια --- energia jądrowa --- energia nuclear --- нуклеарна енергија --- energia di origine nucleare --- svantaggi dell'energia nucleare --- energia atómica --- energía atómica --- atoomenergie --- fonte energetica nucleare --- atómová energia --- atomska energija --- atomová energie --- atomenerģētika --- nukleární energie --- Atomenergie --- атомска централа --- nuklear energi --- atomenergia --- atomenergi --- energia atomica --- atomic energy --- energie atomică --- atomivoima --- ατομική ενέργεια --- énergie atomique --- vantaggi dell'energia nucleare --- atominė energija --- предности на нуклеарната енергија --- недостатоци на нуклеарната енергија --- атомска енергија --- aatomienergia --- EG : varia (leefmilieu, onderwijs, enz.) --- EG : industrieel- en energiebeleid --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling --- Energie: algemeenheden --- An Eoraip --- tuairimí an phobail --- fuinneamh núicléach --- Énergie nucléaire

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