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Travail de fin d'études et stage[BR]- Travail de fin d'études : Adaptation, validation and proof of concept of a BIM to BES open-source toolchain based on the BuildingSystems library[BR]- Stage d'insertion professionnelle
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This master thesis is made as part of the bim to pim investigation of Tractebel, division of ENGIE. Its purposes are on the one hand to provide useful tools and results to the hosting company and on the other hand assess the student's skills in electromechanical engineering in the aim of granting him a Master's degree in Electromechanical Engineering.

The work is divided into 3 main tasks, the first one is to provide an open source toolchain of those options to the hosting company, i.e. to apprehend the different methods available to transfer the necessary bim (or pim) data to the beps software in an automated way. Several programs will be compared for the modelisation and the simulation part leading to the choice of Revit and OpenModelica because the first one produces an ifc file (recommended) and because the second one runs on the Modelica language (imposed). The bim2modelica converter will be the last piece of the chain of work. The motivation behind the toolchain are diverse but the necessity to create quickly the energetic model, this automatically with an in-end open-source beps software is the greatest. Once this toolchain operational, the second task will begin.

The second goal is to validate the chain of work, which means the results will have to be compared to the ones of another available method that has been validated (which may not be open source) or to several other methods that may not be valid. EnergyPlus will be selected for its validated status and for the great documentation that comes with the associated BESTest studies. If this comparison happens to provide data similar to a certain precision, the benchmark will be validated. As it was not, the strategy adopted was to ensure that any specifications of the BESTest cases could be taken into account. Afterwards, a zone heat balance was performed so as to detect the major differences. Finally, smaller differences were corrected one at a time as one began to have a better understanding of the BuildingSystems library. The third task could finally be entered as the proposed refinements lead to valid results.

The third objective act as a proof of concept and, due to its relation with the nuclear field, it reinforces the need to perform the second task before-hand. The hvac systems in a nuclear building are of importance not to be underestimate as they assure for instance the evacuation of hydrogen coming from the charging of the batteries, the filtration of the atmosphere, the job of maintaining the temperature in an acceptable range for the equipment housed, etc. It is therefore requested to study the effect of a shutdown of the latter, usually made using very conservative assumptions and simplified methods. Nonetheless, the statistical uncertainty analysis method coupled with a beps model is a better estimate calculation way that allows a better understanding of the behaviour of such an event. The maximum temperature that could be reached in a given room will therefore be computed with statistical methods and given data (such as some thermal load, meteorological conditions, geometric constraints,...). The proposed benchmark will in the end fulfill this task and lead to the same deduction as the conservative study thus ending this work. Ce mémoire est réalisé dans le cadre de l'enquête bim vers pim de Tractebel, division d'ENGIE. Ses objectifs sont d'une part de fournir des outils et des résultats utiles à l'entreprise d'accueil et d'autre part d'évaluer les compétences de l'étudiant en génie électromécanique dans le but de lui décerner un Master en génie électromécanique.

Le travail est divisé en 3 tâches principales, la première est de fournir un benchmark de la chaîne de calcul open source de ces outils à l'entreprise d'acceuil, c'est-à-dire d'appréhender les différentes méthodes disponibles pour transférer les donnée bim (ou pim) nécessaires au logiciel beps de façon automatisée. Plusieurs programmes seront comparés pour la partie modélisation et simulation conduisant au choix de Revit et OpenModelica. Le premier puisqu'il produit un fichier ifc (recommandé) et le deuxième parce qu'il tourne sur le language Modelica (imposé). Le convertisseur bim2modelica sera le dernier élément de la chaîne de travail à être sélectionné. Les motivations derrière cette chaine sont diverses mais la nécessité de créer rapidement le modèle énergétique, ceci automatiquement avec un logiciel beps open source est la plus grande. Une fois cette chaine de calcul opérationnel, la deuxième tâche pourra commencer.

Le deuxième objectif est de valider le benchmark, ce qui signifie que les résultats devront être comparés à ceux d'une autre méthode disponible qui a été validée (qui peut ne pas être open source) ou à plusieurs autres méthodes qui peuvent ne pas être valides. EnergyPlus sera sélectionné pour son statut valide et pour l'excellente documentation qui accompagne ses études BESTest. S'il s'avère que cette comparaison fournit des données proches à une certaine précision, le benchmark sera validé. Comme ce n'était pas le cas, la stratégie adoptée était de s'assurer que toutes les spécifications des cas BESTest pouvaient être prises en compte. Ensuite, un bilan thermique zonal a été réalisé afin de détecter les différences majeures. Enfin, les plus petites différences ont été corrigées une par une au fur et à mesure que la bibliothèque BuildingSystems fût prise en main. La troisième tâche pourra enfin être entamée car les améliorations proposées conduiront à des résultats valides.

Le troisième objectif sert de preuve de concept et, du fait de sa relation avec le domaine nucléaire, il renforce la nécessité d'effectuer en amont la deuxième tâche. Les systèmes hvac dans un bâtiment nucléaire sont d'une importance à ne pas sous-estimer car ils assurent par exemple l'évacuation de l'hydrogène provenant de la charge des batteries, la filtration de l'atmosphère, le travail de maintien de la température dans une gamme spécifiée pour les équipements hébergés, etc. Il est donc demandé d'étudier l'effet d'un arrêt de ces derniers, généralement réalisé à partir d'hypothèses très conservatrices et de méthodes simplifiées. Néanmoins, la méthode d'analyse d'incertitude statistique couplée à un modèle beps est un meilleur moyen de calcul estimatatoire qui permet une meilleure compréhension du comportement d'un tel événement. La température maximale pouvant être atteinte dans une pièce donnée sera donc calculée avec des méthodes statistiques et des données précises (telles que certaines charges thermiques, conditions météorologiques, contraintes géométriques,...). Le benchmark proposé remplira finalement cette tâche et conduira à la même déduction que l'étude conservatrice ce qui conclura ce travail.

Energy Efficiency in Electric Devices, Machines and Drives
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This Special Issue deals with improvements in the energy efficiency of electric devices, machines, and drives, which are achieved through improvements in the design, modelling, control, and operation of the system. Properly sized and placed coils of a welding transformer can reduce the required iron core size and improve the efficiency of the welding system operation. New structures of the single-phase field excited flux switching machine improve its performance in terms of torque, while having higher back-EMF and unbalanced electromagnetic forces. A properly designed rotor notch reduces the torque ripple and cogging torque of interior permanent magnet motors for the drive platform of electric vehicles, resulting in lower vibrations and noise. In the field of modelling, the torque estimation of a Halbach array surface permanent magnet motor with a non-overlapping winding layout was improved by introducing an analytical two-dimensional subdomain model. A general method for determining the magnetically nonlinear two-axis dynamic models of rotary and linear synchronous reluctance machines and synchronous permanent magnet machines is introduced that considers the effects of slotting, mutual interaction between the slots and permanent magnets, saturation, cross saturation, and end effects. Advanced modern control solutions, such as neural network-based model reference adaptive control, fuzzy control, senseless control, torque/speed tracking control derived from the 3D non-holonomic integrator, including drift terms, maximum torque per ampere, and maximum efficiency characteristics, are applied to improve drive performance and overall system operation.


History of engineering & technology --- interior permanent magnet synchronous motor --- torque ripple --- cogging torque --- electric vehicle --- notch --- mathematical model --- Halbach Array --- surface permanent magnet --- magnetic vector potential --- torque --- in-wheel electric vehicle --- independent 4-wheel drive --- torque distribution --- fuzzy control --- traction control --- active yawrate control --- energy efficiency --- industry --- water circuits --- OpenModelica --- optimisation --- induction motor --- speed estimation --- model reference adaptive system --- kalman filter --- luenberger observer --- flux switching machine --- modular rotor --- non-overlap winding --- magnetic flux analysis --- iron losses --- copper loss --- stress analysis --- finite element method --- magnetic loss --- maximum efficiency (ME) characteristic --- maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) characteristic --- modeling --- permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) --- sensorless control --- synchronous machines --- dynamic models --- nonlinear magnetics --- parameter estimation --- DC-DC converter --- resistance spot welding --- transformer --- efficiency --- dynamic power loss --- design --- induction machines --- nonlinear control --- torque/speed control --- interior permanent magnet synchronous motor --- torque ripple --- cogging torque --- electric vehicle --- notch --- mathematical model --- Halbach Array --- surface permanent magnet --- magnetic vector potential --- torque --- in-wheel electric vehicle --- independent 4-wheel drive --- torque distribution --- fuzzy control --- traction control --- active yawrate control --- energy efficiency --- industry --- water circuits --- OpenModelica --- optimisation --- induction motor --- speed estimation --- model reference adaptive system --- kalman filter --- luenberger observer --- flux switching machine --- modular rotor --- non-overlap winding --- magnetic flux analysis --- iron losses --- copper loss --- stress analysis --- finite element method --- magnetic loss --- maximum efficiency (ME) characteristic --- maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) characteristic --- modeling --- permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) --- sensorless control --- synchronous machines --- dynamic models --- nonlinear magnetics --- parameter estimation --- DC-DC converter --- resistance spot welding --- transformer --- efficiency --- dynamic power loss --- design --- induction machines --- nonlinear control --- torque/speed control

Energy Efficiency in Electric Devices, Machines and Drives
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This Special Issue deals with improvements in the energy efficiency of electric devices, machines, and drives, which are achieved through improvements in the design, modelling, control, and operation of the system. Properly sized and placed coils of a welding transformer can reduce the required iron core size and improve the efficiency of the welding system operation. New structures of the single-phase field excited flux switching machine improve its performance in terms of torque, while having higher back-EMF and unbalanced electromagnetic forces. A properly designed rotor notch reduces the torque ripple and cogging torque of interior permanent magnet motors for the drive platform of electric vehicles, resulting in lower vibrations and noise. In the field of modelling, the torque estimation of a Halbach array surface permanent magnet motor with a non-overlapping winding layout was improved by introducing an analytical two-dimensional subdomain model. A general method for determining the magnetically nonlinear two-axis dynamic models of rotary and linear synchronous reluctance machines and synchronous permanent magnet machines is introduced that considers the effects of slotting, mutual interaction between the slots and permanent magnets, saturation, cross saturation, and end effects. Advanced modern control solutions, such as neural network-based model reference adaptive control, fuzzy control, senseless control, torque/speed tracking control derived from the 3D non-holonomic integrator, including drift terms, maximum torque per ampere, and maximum efficiency characteristics, are applied to improve drive performance and overall system operation.

Energy Efficiency in Electric Devices, Machines and Drives
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This Special Issue deals with improvements in the energy efficiency of electric devices, machines, and drives, which are achieved through improvements in the design, modelling, control, and operation of the system. Properly sized and placed coils of a welding transformer can reduce the required iron core size and improve the efficiency of the welding system operation. New structures of the single-phase field excited flux switching machine improve its performance in terms of torque, while having higher back-EMF and unbalanced electromagnetic forces. A properly designed rotor notch reduces the torque ripple and cogging torque of interior permanent magnet motors for the drive platform of electric vehicles, resulting in lower vibrations and noise. In the field of modelling, the torque estimation of a Halbach array surface permanent magnet motor with a non-overlapping winding layout was improved by introducing an analytical two-dimensional subdomain model. A general method for determining the magnetically nonlinear two-axis dynamic models of rotary and linear synchronous reluctance machines and synchronous permanent magnet machines is introduced that considers the effects of slotting, mutual interaction between the slots and permanent magnets, saturation, cross saturation, and end effects. Advanced modern control solutions, such as neural network-based model reference adaptive control, fuzzy control, senseless control, torque/speed tracking control derived from the 3D non-holonomic integrator, including drift terms, maximum torque per ampere, and maximum efficiency characteristics, are applied to improve drive performance and overall system operation.

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