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Veilige gebieden : falen en slagen in het beschermen van burgers in oorlogstijd
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789045029610 Year: 2015 Publisher: Amsterdam Antwerpen Atlas Contact

Enforcing the peace
ISBN: 0231129130 0231129122 0231509219 9780231509213 1322353328 9781322353326 9780231129121 Year: 2004 Publisher: New York Columbia University Press

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Anarchy makes it easy for terrorists to set up shop. Yet the international community has been reluctant to commit the necessary resources to peacekeeping-with devastating results locally and around the globe. This daring new work argues that modern peacekeeping operations and military occupations bear a surprising resemblance to the imperialism practiced by liberal states a century ago. Motivated by a similar combination of self-interested and humanitarian goals, liberal democracies in both eras have wanted to maintain a presence on foreign territory in order to make themselves more secure, while sharing the benefits of their own cultures and societies. Yet both forms of intervention have inevitably been undercut by weak political will, inconsistent policy choices, and their status as a low priority on the agenda of military organizations. In more recent times, these problems are compounded by the need for multilateral cooperation-something even NATO finds difficult to achieve but is now necessary for legitimacy. Drawing lessons from this provocative comparison, Kimberly Zisk Marten argues that the West's attempts to remake foreign societies in their own image-even with the best of intentions-invariably fail. Focusing on operations in Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, and East Timor in the mid- to late 1990's, while touching on both post-war Afghanistan and the occupation of Iraq, Enforcing the Peace compares these cases to the colonial activities of Great Britain, France, and the United States at the turn of the twentieth century. The book weaves together examples from these cases, using interviews Marten conducted with military officers and other peacekeeping officials at the UN, NATO, and elsewhere. Rather than trying to control political developments abroad, Marten proposes, a more sensible goal of foreign intervention is to restore basic security to unstable regions threatened by anarchy. The colonial experience shows that military organizations police effectively if political leaders prioritize the task, and the time has come to raise the importance of peacekeeping on the international agenda.

Ius contra bellum : le droit international relatif au maintien de la paix : précis
ISBN: 9782802726319 9783719027308 2802726315 3719027309 Year: 2009 Volume: *6 Publisher: Bâle : Bruxelles : Helbing Lichtenhahn Bruylant,

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Coexistence pacifique --- Conflits internationaux--Règlement pacifique --- Conventions de Genève --- Conventions humanitaires --- Différends internationaux--Règlement pacifique --- Dispute settlement [Peaceful ](International relations) --- Disputes [Pacific settlement of international ] --- Droit humanitaire --- Droit humanitaire international --- Droit international humanitaire --- Droits de l'homme dans les conflits armés --- Forces d'interposition --- Forces de maintien de la paix --- Humanitair recht --- Humanitarian conventions --- Humanitarian law --- International disputes [Pacific settlement of ] --- International humanitarian law --- Interposition de forces de maintien de la paix --- Interventions extérieures pour le maintien de la paix --- Litiges internationaux--Règlement pacifique --- Négociations de paix --- Opérations de maintien de la paix --- PSD (Pacific settlement of international disputes) --- Pacific settlement of international disputes --- Pacific settlement of international disputes--Law and legislation --- Peaceful dispute settlement (International relations) --- Peaceful settlement of international disputes --- Peacekeeping (Military science) --- Peacekeeping forces --- Processus de paix--Intervention extérieure --- Règlement de conflits internationaux --- Règlement des différends internationaux --- Règlement pacifique des conflits internationaux --- Règlement pacifique des différends internationaux --- Résolution de conflits internationaux --- Settlement of international disputes [Pacific ] --- Vredesmachten --- Vreedzame regeling van internationale geschillen --- Maintien de la paix --- Recours à la force --- Nations Unies. --- BPB0904 --- Droit international --- Paix --- Charte des Nations unies --- 821.1 Volkenrecht --- 811.1 Rechtvaardige oorlog --- Internationaal recht --- Vrede --- Handvest van de Verenigde Naties --- Peacekeeping forces. --- Recours à la force armée --- United Nations. Security Council --- Maintien de la paix. --- Règlement pacifique des conflits internationaux. --- Recours à la force armée. --- Повелба на Обединетите нации --- Karta Narodów Zjednoczonych 1945 --- Carta de las Naciones Unidas --- Charta Spojených národov --- καταστατικός χάρτης των Ηνωμένων Εθνών --- Povelja Ujedinjenih naroda --- charta Spojených národů --- Charta der Vereinten Nationen --- Харта на Обединените нации --- Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas harta --- Повеља Уједињених нација --- Carta ONU --- Karta e Organizatës së Kombeve të Bashkuara --- Carta das Nações Unidas --- Ustanovna listina Združenih narodov --- Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsiooni põhikiri --- Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien peruskirja --- Jungtinių Tautų Chartija --- Karta tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti --- Egyesült Nemzetek Alapokmánya --- Carta delle Nazioni Unite --- FN-pagten --- United Nations Charter --- Förenta nationernas stadga --- charta OSN --- Повелба на ОН --- Carta dell'ONU --- pokój --- Friede --- pace --- peace --- taika --- miers --- mier --- mír --- mir --- rauha --- fred --- rahu --- paqe --- мир --- paċi --- vrede --- paz --- béke --- ειρήνη --- међународно право --- kansainvälinen oikeus --- nemzetközi jog --- международно право --- internationaal recht --- rahvusvaheline õigus --- tarptautinė teisė --- direito internacional --- international ret --- διεθνές δίκαιο --- dritt internazzjonali --- internationales Recht --- меѓународно право --- međunarodno pravo --- international law --- internationell rätt --- diritto internazionale --- prawo międzynarodowe --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare --- Derecho internacional --- drept internațional --- medzinárodné právo --- mednarodno pravo --- starptautisko tiesību akti --- mezinárodní právo --- меѓународно процесно право --- меѓународна постапка --- internationale procedure --- меѓународни судови --- starptautiskās tiesības --- starptautisko tiesību normas --- procedura internazionale --- меѓународни договори --- internationales Prozessrecht --- internationales Prozeßrecht --- Cairt na Náisiún Aontaithe --- dlí idirnáisiúnta --- síocháin --- Nations Unies

Lexique de la consolidation de la paix
ISBN: 9782802727903 Year: 2009 Volume: *4 Publisher: Bruxelles : Bruylant,

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International law --- Forces d'interposition --- Forces de maintien de la paix --- Interposition de forces de maintien de la paix --- Interventions extérieures pour le maintien de la paix --- Opérations de maintien de la paix --- Peacekeeping (Military science) --- Peacekeeping forces --- Processus de paix--Intervention extérieure --- Vredesmachten --- Pacific settlement of international disputes. --- Peace --- Security, International --- Arbitration (International law) --- Règlement pacifique des conflits internationaux --- Paix --- Sécurité internationale --- Maintien de la paix --- Arbitrage international --- Droit international --- Peace. --- International law. --- 856.6 Vredesopbouw --- BPB1101 --- Prévention des conflits --- Politique internationale --- Vrede --- Conflictpreventie --- Internationale politiek --- Règlement pacifique des conflits internationaux --- Sécurité internationale --- Peacekeeping forces. --- Règlement pacifique des conflits internationaux. --- Paix. --- Droit international. --- Pacific settlement of international disputes --- Coexistence, Peaceful --- Peaceful coexistence --- International relations --- Disarmament --- Peace-building --- War --- Dispute settlement, Peaceful (International relations) --- Disputes, Pacific settlement of international --- International disputes, Pacific settlement of --- Peaceful dispute settlement (International relations) --- Peaceful settlement of international disputes --- PSD (Pacific settlement of international disputes) --- Settlement of international disputes, Pacific --- Dispute resolution (Law) --- Law of nations --- Nations, Law of --- Public international law --- Law --- Law and legislation --- pokój --- Friede --- pace --- peace --- taika --- miers --- mier --- mír --- mir --- rauha --- fred --- rahu --- paqe --- мир --- paċi --- vrede --- paz --- béke --- ειρήνη --- international affairs --- medzinárodná politika --- rahvusvaheline poliitika --- internationale politiek --- politikë ndërkombëtare --- международна политика --- política internacional --- međunarodni poslovi --- internationell politik --- mednarodna politika --- међународна политика --- affarijiet internazzjonali --- international politik --- διεθνής πολιτική --- nemzetközi ügyek --- меѓународна политика --- kansainvälinen politiikka --- internationale Politik --- politică internațională --- starptautiski jautājumi --- mezinárodní politika --- polityka międzynarodowa --- tarptautinė politika --- politica internazionale --- medzinárodné záležitosti --- international politics --- starptautiskā politika --- asuntos internacionales --- világpolitika --- assuntos internacionais --- mezinárodní záležitosti --- affaires internationales --- internationale Angelegenheiten --- internationale zaken --- politici internaționale --- nemzetközi politika --- affari internazionali --- internacionální záležitosti --- internacionální politika --- tarptautiniai reikalai --- διεθνή θέματα --- Weltpolitik --- predchádzanie konfliktom --- Konfliktprävention --- conflictpreventie --- preprečevanje konfliktov --- konfliktien torjuminen --- konfliktförebyggande --- conflict prevention --- спречавање сукоба --- спречување судир --- zapobieganie konfliktom --- konfliktu novēršana --- konfliktide ennetamine --- prevenzione dei conflitti --- konfliktų prevencija --- предотвратяване на конфликт --- prevenção de conflitos --- cosc coinbhleachtaí --- sprječavanje sukoba --- prevenirea conflictelor --- πρόληψη των συγκρούσεων --- parandalim i konfliktit --- konfliktusmegelőzés --- prevención de conflictos --- prevenzjoni tal-kunflitti --- předcházení konfliktům --- konfliktforebyggelse --- právo proti válce --- предотвратяване на конфликти --- prevention of war --- закон за предотвратяване на войни --- krigsförebyggande åtgärder --- sprečavanje rata --- konflikto prevencija --- sodan ehkäiseminen --- lege privind prevenirea războiului --- πρόληψη πολεμικής σύρραξης --- δίκαιο για την πρόληψη του πολέμου --- diritto contro la guerra --- prevenirea războiului --- prévention de la guerre --- jus contra bellum --- direito da prevenção da guerra --- parandalim i luftës --- předcházení válce --- právo týkajúce sa predchádzania ozbrojeným konfliktom --- Konfliktvorbeugung --- Derecho para impedir la guerra --- preventie van gewelddadige conflicten --- предотвратяване на война --- Kriegsverhütungsrecht --- prevence konfliktů --- prevenzjoni tal-gwerra --- karo prevencija --- sodan torjuminen --- karinių konfliktų prevencija --- prevence ozbrojených konfliktů --- coinbhleachtaí a chosc --- a háború megelőzése --- förebyggande av konflikter --- pravo sprječavanja rata --- редотвратяване на сблъсъци --- prawo dotyczące zapobiegania wojnie --- preprečevanje vojne --- direito contra a guerra --- oorlogspreventie --- prevenzione della guerra --- sõja ärahoidmine --- zapobieganie wojnom --- спречување меѓународни конфликти --- konfliktide ärahoidmine --- predchádzanie vojnám --- konfliktförebyggande insatser --- pravo preprečevanja oboroženih spopadov --- konfliktien ehkäisy --- спречавање рата --- prevenção da guerra --- liġi dwar il-prevenzjoni ta’ gwerra --- prevence mezinárodních konfliktů --- Kriegsverhütung --- konfliktförebyggande åtgärder --- konfliktinesto --- pravo sprječavanja oružanih sukoba --- prevention of conflict --- ius contra bellum --- forebyggelse af krig --- kara novēršana --- konfliktien ennaltaehkäisy --- droit sur la prévention des conflits --- Derecho sobre la prevención de la guerra --- preprečevanje sporov --- law on the prevention of war --- tiesību akti kara novēršanas jomā --- forebyggelse af konflikter --- gnóthaí idirnáisiúnta --- síocháin --- Prévention des conflits --- Dispute resolution (International law) --- Pacific resolution of international disputes --- Peaceful dispute resolution (International relations) --- Peaceful resolution of international disputes --- Resolution of international disputes, Pacific --- Règlement pacifique des conflits internationaux.

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