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Культура населения ольвии и ее округи в архаическое время
Year: 1987 Publisher: Kiev : Naukova dumka,

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Olbia Pontique et son territoire : l'aménagement de l'espace
Year: 1975 Volume: 168 13 Publisher: Paris : Belles-Lettres,

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Nadpisi Olʹvii, 1917-1965 = : Inscriptiones Olbiae, 1917-1965
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1968 Publisher: Leningrad : Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie,

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Olbia : fouilles, histoire, culture : un État antique sur le littoral septentrional de la mer Noire : second quart du VIe siècle avant notre ère-troisième quart du IVe siècle de notre ère
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782913667297 2913667295 Year: 2011 Volume: 15 Publisher: Nancy : Paris : ADRA ; diff. de Boccard,

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Sur le littoral septentrional de la Mer Noire, des Milésiens fondèrent, au cours de la deuxième moitié du VIIe siècle av. n. è., l'établissement de Berezan', puis durant le second quart du VIe siècle av. n. è. la ville d'Olbia au bord de la rive droite du liman du Boug. L'Etat antique d'Olbia, comprenant la ville et ses établissements ruraux, a duré presque 1000 ans. Olbia entretint d'étroites relations commerciales et culturelles avec les autres villes grecques, mais aussi avec les tribus barbares avoisinantes des Scythes, puis, plus tard, des Sarmates, etc. Hérodote y séjourna au Ve siècle avant n. è., Dion Chrysostome, rhéteur de Bithynie, à la fin du Ier siècle de n. è. Olbia, mentionnée chez de nombreux auteurs anciens, connut des périodes d'épanouissement et de déclin : Zôpyrion, stratège d'Alexandre le Grand, l'assiègea en 331, les Gètes l'attaquèrent au milieu du Ier siècle av. n. è. Au milieu du IIe siècle de n. è, l'Etat olbiopolitain fut intégré à la province romaine de la Mésie Inférieure. Après deux attaques des Goths au milieu du IIIe siècle et le départ de la garnison romaine peu après, la vie s'y éteignit progressivement. Olbia ne survécut pas aux raids des Huns et, dans les années soixante-dix du IVe siècle, cessa d'être habitée. Les fouilles méthodiques, menées depuis bientôt cent ans, ont livré d'abondants vestiges : des ouvrages défensifs, une agora avec ses édifices publics, des temples, des locaux à usage économique et de nombreuses maisons d'habitation.

The lower city of Olbia (sector NGS) in the 6th century, BC to the 4th century AD
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9788779345232 8779345239 Year: 2010 Publisher: Oakville : Aarhus University Press,

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Classical Olbia and the Scythian World from the sixth century BC to the second century Ad
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780197264041 0197264042 Year: 2007 Volume: 142 Publisher: Oxford [etc.] Oxford University Press

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Inscriptions grecques dialectales d'Olbia du Pont
ISBN: 2600001654 9782600001656 Year: 1996 Volume: 22 Publisher: Genève : Droz,

Olbia : eine altgriechische Stadt im nordwestlichen Schwarzmeerraum
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9004096779 9004329544 9789004096776 9789004329546 Year: 1995 Volume: 149. Publisher: Leiden : E.J. Brill,

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This book presents a completely new and up-to-date archaeological and historical study of the Black Sea city-state of Olbia. More comprehensive than any other yet produced, it ranges through the millennium of its existence from the Archaic to the Roman period and includes the full range of material remains found in the city and its region. Themes treated include building and architecture, agriculture, the economy of the city (the food economy, crafts, trade and coins), art and religion. The illustrations are copious, well-chosen, and present much material which will be new to Western readers. Also there are many useful maps and reconstructions of buildings. This presentation of the results of the research of scholars from the former Soviet Union into a Greek Pontic city has long been awaited and will form a reliable basis for the next generation of research into the theme.

D'Olbia à Tanaïs : territoire et réseaux d'échanges dans la mer Noire septentrionale aux époques classique et hellénistique
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782356130358 2356130357 Year: 2011 Publisher: Pessac Ausonius

Pontica varia : Poleis e città, culti e rappresentazioni religiose, Thiasoi orfici, organizzazione del commercio, "Giustizia privata" nella periferia nord-orientale del mondo greco (secoli VII-IV a.C.)
ISBN: 2869584628 2869585659 9782869584624 Year: 2021 Publisher: Athènes École française d’Athènes

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I risultati degli scavi condotti durante 120 anni da archeologi russi e ucraini nei siti delle antiche colonie greche del Mar Nero settentrionale, come anche sporadiche scoperte fortuite fatte negli stessi luoghi, costituiscono un immenso materiale per ricerche su vari aspetti sia delle poleis di una periferia coloniale non-mediterranea, che era in contatto con nomadi scitici, sia del mondo greco in generale. In tali ricerche si inserisce il presente libro. Esso si occupa principalmente dell’interpretazione filologico-storica di testi epigrafici e letterari, tenendo conto – nella misura in cui l’autore, che non è un archeologo, poteva farlo – delle ricerche degli archeologi. Esso offre contributi allo studio del rapporto tra polis e città, a quello delle innova-zioni nella religione dei Greci del lontano Nord-Est, a quello della religiosità orfica e dei suoi rapporti con le origini della filosofia, a quello della ‘giustizia privata’ (diritto di sylân), a quello dell’organizzazione e dello status sociale del commercio marittimo. The results of excavations carried out over the last 120 years by Russian and Ukrainian archaeologists at the sites of ancient Greek colonies in the northern Black Sea, as well as sporadic chance discoveries made in these places, form a large body of material for research into various aspects of both the poleis of a non-Mediterranean colonial periphery, which was in contact with Scythian nomads, and the Greek world in general. This book is part of such research, dealing mainly with the philological-historical interpretation of epigraphic and literary texts, taking into account the research of archaeologists – as far as possible, since the author is not an archaeologist. The work contributes to studies on the relationship between polis and city; innovations in the religion of the Greeks of the far north-east; Orphic religiosity and its relationship to the origins of philosophy; ‘private justice’ (right of sylân); and the organization and…

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