Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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The right and iurisdiction of the prelate, and the prince. Or, A treatise of ecclesiasticall, and regall authoritie. Compyled by I.E. student in diuinitie for the ful instruction and appeaseme[n]t of the consciences of English catholikes co[n]cerning the late oath of pretended allegeance. together with a cleere & ample declaratio[n] of euery clause thereof

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The oath of allegeance : defended by a sermon preached at a synode in the Metropoliticall Church of Yorke; by Thomas Ireland, Bachelour in Diuinitie.
Ireland, Thomas
Year: 1610
Publisher: London : Printed by Nicholas Okes for Edward Aggas, and are to be sold at his shop vpon Snore hill neere Holborne Conduit,

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A theologicall disputation concerning the oath of allegiance : dedicated to the most holy father Pope Paul the fifth. Wherein all the principall arguments which haue hitherto beene brought by Cardinall Bellarmine, Iacobus Gretzer, Leonard Lessius, Martin Becanus, and diuers others, against the new oath of allegiance, lately established in England by act of Parliament, are sincerely, perspicuously, and exactly examined. By Roger Widdrington, an English Catholike. Translated out of Latin into English by the author himselfe,whereunto hee hath also added an appendix, wherein all the arguments, whach that most learned diuine Franciscus Suarez, hath lately brought for the Popes power to depose princes, and against the aforesaid oath of allegiance, are sincerely rehearsed, and answered.
Preston, Thomas
Year: 1613
Publisher: [London : Printed by Felix Kingston]Permissu superiorium,

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A patterne of Christian loyaltie : vvhereby any prudent man may clearely perceive, in what manner the new Oath of Allegiance, and every clause thereof, may in a true, and catholike sense, without danger of perjury, be taken by Roman Catholikes. And all the chiefe objections, which are usually made against the said Oath, either in particular, or in generall, may according to the grounds of Catholike religion bee easily answered. Collected out of authours, who have handled the whole matter more largely. By William Hovvard an English Catholike.
Preston, Thomas
Year: 1634
Publisher: London : Printed by R. Badger,

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Disputatio theologica de Iuramento fidelitatis : Sanctissimo Patri Paulo Papæ Quinto dedicata. In qua potissima omnia argumenta, quæ a Card. Bellarmino, Iacobo Gretzero, Leonardo Lessio, Martino Becano, alijsq́[ue] nonnullis contra recens Fidelitatis iuramentum ex decreto Regii, & Parliamenti, in Anglia stabilitum hactenus facta sunt, syncerè, dilucidè, & accuratè examinantur. a Rogero Widdringtono Catholico Anglo.
Preston, Thomas
Year: 1613
Publisher: Albionopoli [i.e. London] : Ex officina Theophili Fabri [i.e. Edward Allde] permissu superiorum,

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Strena Catholica, seu, Explicatio breuis, & dilucida noui fidelitatis iuramenti
E. I.
Preston, Thomas
Year: 1620
Publisher: Augustæ : Apud Baptistam Fabrum, permissu superiorum,

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God and the King: or, A dialogue shewing that our Soueraigne Lord King Iames, being immediate vnder God within his dominions, doth rightfully claime whatsoeuer is required by the Oath of allegeance
Mocket, Richard
Year: 1616
Publisher: London : Imprinted by his Maiesties speciall priuilege and command [E. Allde], to the onely vse of Mr. Iames Primrose, for the kingdome of Scotland,

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The oaths of allegiance & supremacy.
Year: 1684
Publisher: London : printed by the assignes of John Bill deceas'd: and by Henry Hills [,and Thomas] Newcomb, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty,

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Mr. George Blackvvel, (made by Pope Clement 8. Arch-priest of England) his answeres vpon sundry his examinations : together, with his approbation and taking of the Oath of allegeance: and his letter written to his assistants, and brethren, moouing them not onely to take the said Oath, but to aduise all Romish Catholikes so to doe.
Blackwell, George
Year: 1607
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie,

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An adioynder to the late Catholike new yeares gift, or explication of the oath of allegeance : Wherein certaine principall difficulties, obiected by a very learned Roman-Catholike, against the sayd New-yeares gift, and explication of the oath, are very clearely explained. Published by E.I. the author of the New-yeares gift.
Preston, Thomas
Year: 1620
Publisher: [London : Eliot's Court Press] Permissu superiorum,

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