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Le droit nucléaire
ISBN: 2130465951 9782130465959 Year: 1994 Volume: 2902 Publisher: Paris : Presses universitaires de France,

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Responsabilité civile nucléaire
ISBN: 9264216197 9789264216198 Year: 1977 Publisher: Paris: OCDE. Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire,

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Ius commune en milieurecht : actualia in het milieurecht in België en Nederland
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9050950248 9789050950244 Year: 1997 Volume: 21 Publisher: Antwerpen Intersentia

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milieurecht --- Environmental law --- Netherlands --- Belgium --- Belgique --- België --- Droit --- Environnement --- Milieu --- Nederland --- Pays-Bas --- Recht --- Environmental law, International --- Milieurecht --- 351.77 --- -Environmental law --- -Environmental law, International --- #RBIB:gift.1997.3 --- 351.77 <493> --- #A9711A --- recht --- milieu --- 12.01 --- International environmental law --- International law --- Common heritage of mankind (International law) --- Environment law --- Environmental control --- Environmental protection --- Environmental quality --- Environmental policy --- Law --- Sustainable development --- Droit de l'environnement --- Openbare gezondheidszorg.--zie ook {?614.1/7} en {628}. --- Preventie ; Algemeen --- Law and legislation --- Environmental law, International. --- 351.77 Openbare gezondheidszorg.--zie ook {?614.1/7} en {628}. --- Openbare gezondheidszorg.--zie ook {?614.1/7} en {628} --- Nuclear law --- THE NETHERLANDS --- EUROPEAN LAW --- Sustainable development. --- Environmental law. --- Nuclear energy. --- INTERNATIONAL LAWS --- Environmental organizations --- BELGIUM --- AGENDA 21 --- Legislation. --- Legislative process --- Atomic energy --- Atomic power --- Energy, Atomic --- Energy, Nuclear --- Nuclear power --- Power, Atomic --- Power, Nuclear --- Force and energy --- Nuclear physics --- Power resources --- Nuclear engineering --- Nuclear facilities --- Nuclear power plants --- Development, Sustainable --- Ecologically sustainable development --- Economic development, Sustainable --- Economic sustainability --- ESD (Ecologically sustainable development) --- Smart growth --- Sustainable economic development --- Economic development --- Environmental aspects --- Monograph --- Environmental law - Belgium --- Environmental law - Netherlands

Nuclear Law : The Global Debate.
ISBN: 9462654948 9789462654945 9789462654976 9462654972 9462654956 Year: 2022 Publisher: The Hague : T.M.C. Asser Press : Imprint: T.M.C. Asser Press,

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This open access book traces the journey of nuclear law: its origins, how it has developed, where it is now, and where it is headed. As a discipline, this highly specialized body of law makes it possible for us to benefit from the life-saving applications of nuclear science and technology, including diagnosing cancer as well as avoiding and mitigating the effects of climate change. This book seeks to give readers a glimpse into the future of nuclear law, science and technology. It intends to provoke thought and discussion about how we can maximize the benefits and minimize the risks inherent in nuclear science and technology. This compilation of essays presents a global view in discipline as well as in geography. The book is aimed at representatives of governments—including regulators, policymakers and lawmakers—as well representatives of international organizations and the legal and insurance sectors. It will be of interest to all those keen to better understand the role of law in enabling the safe, secure, and peaceful use of nuclear technology around the world. The contributions in this book are written by leading experts, including the IAEA’s Director General, and discuss the four branches of nuclear law—safety, security, safeguards and nuclear liability—and the interaction of nuclear law with other fields of national and international law.


Administrative law. --- Environmental law, International. --- Environmental policy. --- Environnement --- Génie nucléaire. --- International law. --- Nuclear energy --- Nuclear engineering. --- environmental policy. --- Énergie nucléaire --- Politique gouvernementale. --- Environmental aspects. --- Law and legislation. --- Aspect de l'environnement. --- Nuclear Law --- Nuclear safety --- Radioactive waste --- Sources and Subjects of International Law, International Organizations. --- Nuclear Energy. --- Public International Law. --- International Environmental Law. --- Environmental Policy. --- Administrative Law. --- Administration --- Law, Administrative --- Public administration --- Public law --- Constitutional law --- Environment and state --- Environmental control --- Environmental management --- Environmental protection --- Environmental quality --- State and environment --- Environmental auditing --- International environmental law --- International law --- Common heritage of mankind (International law) --- Atomic power engineering --- Engineering --- Nuclear physics --- Law of nations --- Nations, Law of --- Public international law --- Law --- Law and legislation --- Government policy --- Liability for nuclear damages --- Environmental law, International --- Environmental policy --- Nuclear engineering --- Génie nucléaire. --- Énergie nucléaire --- Administrative law --- Environmental aspects --- Safety regulations. --- Open Access --- Radiation exposure --- Nuclear security --- Safeguards --- Nuclear liability --- Nuclear technology --- Sustainable Development Goals/Climate Change --- Nuclear New Build --- Droit nucléaire --- Responsabilité nucléaire --- Environnement (Droit international) --- Sécurité --- Règlements --- Comparative law --- Droit comparé

Sûreté nucléaire
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782802737216 280273721X Year: 2012 Publisher: Bruylant

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International law --- radioactief afval --- E-books --- Monograph --- International atomic energy agency --- Nuclear energy --- Law and legislation --- International unification --- Nuclear engineering --- Safety measures --- International cooperation --- Nuclear accidents --- Prevention --- International organization --- Droit nucléaire --- Génie nucléaire --- Energie nucléaire --- Accidents nucléaires --- Organisation internationale --- Safety mesures --- Prevention. --- Unification internationale --- Sécurité --- Mesures --- Coopération internationale --- Prévention --- International Atomic Energy Agency --- industrie nucleaire --- economisch beleid --- BPB1507 --- STRADALEX --- Sécurité nucléaire --- AIEA --- Droit nucléaire --- Droit de l'environnement --- e drejta e energjisë bërthamore --- kernenergierecht --- jedrsko pravo --- jaderné právo --- tuumaenergiaõigus --- branduolinės energetikos teisė --- legislazione in materia nucleare --- нуклеарно право --- drept nuclear --- kärnenergilagstiftning --- jadrové právo --- nukleáris jog --- direito nuclear --- ядрено право --- Atomrecht --- nuklearno pravo --- Derecho nuclear --- nuclear law --- prawo atomowe --- leġiżlazzjoni dwar in-nukleari --- ydinenergialainsäädäntö --- kodoltiesības --- atomenergiret --- δίκαιο της πυρηνικής ενέργειας --- atomenergilagstiftning --- e drejtë bërthamore --- Derecho atómico --- δίκαιο της ατομικής ενέργειας --- norme in materia nucleare --- lagstiftning om kärnteknisk verksamhet --- меѓународната легислатива за нуклеарна енергија --- atomtiesības --- direito atómico --- aatomienergiaõigus --- atomový zákon --- droit atomique --- drept atomic --- jaderný zákon --- atomjog --- atómové právo --- атомско право --- легислатива од нуклеарната област --- atomivoimalainsäädäntö --- législation nucléaire --- jaderná legislativa --- Nuklearrecht --- atomic law --- atomové právo --- atominės energetikos teisė --- atoomenergierecht --- Rahvusvaheline Aatomienergiaagentuur --- Agência Internacional da Energia Atómica --- Kansainvälinen atomienergiajärjestö --- Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica --- Den Internationale Atomenergiorganisation --- an Ghníomhaireacht Idirnáisiúnta d'Fhuinneamh Adamhach --- Međunarodna agencija za atomsku energiju --- Tarptautinė atominės energetikos agentūra --- Mednarodna agencija za atomsko energijo --- Nemzetközi Atomenergia-ügynökség --- Agenția Internațională pentru Energie Atomică --- Agenzia internazionale per l'energia atomica --- Internationale Atomenergie-Organisation --- Међународна агенција за атомску енергију --- Διεθνής Οργανισμός Ατομικής Ενεργείας --- Международна агенция по атомна енергия --- Starptautiskā Atomenerģijas aģentūra --- Internationella atomenergiorganet --- Aġenzija Internazzjonali tal-Enerġija Atomika --- Mezinárodní agentura pro atomovou energii --- Medzinárodná agentúra pre atómovú energiu --- Mеѓународна агенција за атомска енергија --- Internationale Organisatie voor Atoomenergie --- Międzynarodowa Agencja Energii Atomowej --- Agjencia Ndërkombëtare e Energjisë Bërthamore --- TATENA --- Mezinárodní úmluva o fyzické ochraně jaderného materiálu --- Mezinárodní agentura atomové energie --- ΔΟΑΕ --- ANEB --- OIEA --- SAEA --- NAÜ --- IAEO --- МААЕ --- MAAE --- IAEA --- proteção nuclear --- tuumajulgeolek --- nukleare Sicherung --- siguranță nucleară --- πυρηνική προστασία --- sigurtà nukleari --- jedrska zaščita --- nucleaire beveiliging --- jądrowe bezpieczeństwo fizyczne --- ydinturva --- slándáil núicléach --- nuklearna zaštita --- ядрена сигурност --- нуклеарна безбедност --- nuclear security --- branduolinis saugumas --- seguridad física nuclear --- kodoldrošība --- protezione nucleare --- fyzická ochrana jadrových materiálov a jadrových zariadení --- nukleáris védettség --- jaderné zabezpečení --- nuklear sikring --- nukleärt fysiskt skydd --- segurança nuclear extrínseca --- pravo okoliša --- environmentálne právo --- prawo ochrony środowiska --- право за животна средина --- Derecho del medio ambiente --- miljøret --- ympäristöoikeus --- Umweltrecht --- environmental law --- környezetvédelmi jog --- e drejta e mjedisit --- diritto dell'ambiente --- dreptul mediului --- vides tiesības --- δίκαιο του περιβάλλοντος --- miljörätt --- ekologické právo --- екологично право --- pravo okolja --- dritt ambjentali --- aplinkos teisė --- keskkonnaõigus --- право заштите животне средине --- milieurecht --- direito do ambiente --- miljöbestämmelser --- δίκτυο IMPEL --- vides likumdošana --- право за заштита на животната средина --- vides aizsardzības noteikumi --- ympäristölainsäädäntö --- milieuwetgeving --- normativa ambientale --- reglamentación del medio ambiente --- normativa de medio ambiente --- ympäristömääräykset --- rrjeti i ZEDM-së --- miljølovgivning --- környezetvédelmi jogszabályok --- normatīvie akti vides jomā --- Derecho medioambiental --- ekologické zákony --- a környezeti jog alkalmazására és végrehajtására létrehozott EU-hálózat --- législation environnementale --- aplinkos nuostatai --- IMPEL tinklas --- siete IMPEL --- keskkonnaõiguse rakendamise ja jõustamise Euroopa võrgustik --- legislazione ambientale --- legislación medioambiental --- síť IMPEL --- nätverket IMPEL --- IMPEL tīkls --- okolišno zakonodavstvo --- miljölagstiftning --- ИМПЕЛ --- IMPEL network --- reglementări privind mediul --- legislación sobre el medio ambiente --- regulamentação do ambiente --- keskkonnaalased õigusaktid --- rețeaua IMPEL --- omrežjem IMPEL --- sieć IMPEL --- IMPEL-verkosto --- keskkonnaeeskirjad --- Umweltschutzvorschrift --- environmental regulations --- réseau IMPEL --- environmental legislation --- περιβαλλοντική νομοθεσία --- ekologická legislativa --- IMPEL-Netz --- Bendrijos aplinkos teisės įgyvendinimo tinklas --- ZEDM --- red IMPEL --- мрежа на ЕУ за спроведување на прописите за животна средина --- IMPELi võrgustik --- IMPEL --- aplinkos įstatymai --- environmentální právo --- rede IMPEL --- ekologické predpisy --- Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law --- gennemførelse og håndhævelse af miljølovgivning --- СППЖС --- περιβαλλοντικές ρυθμίσεις --- réglementation de l'environnement --- legislație privind mediul --- IMPEL-netwerk --- voorschriften voor milieubeheer --- IMPEL-nettet --- Zbatimi dhe Ekzekutimi i së Drejtës Mjedisore --- zákony na ochranu životního prostředí --- ekologické předpisy --- legjislacion mjedisi --- miljøbestemmelser --- környezeti jog --- еколошко право --- rregullore mjedisi --- keskkonnakaitse õigusaktid --- rete IMPEL --- мрежата IMPEL --- legislatíva životného prostredia --- ekologinė teisė --- IMPEL-hálózat --- propisi o okolišu --- nucleaire industrie --- politique economique --- dlí an chomhshaoil --- dlí núicléach --- An Ghníomhaireacht Idirnáisiúnta do Fhuinneamh Adamhach --- Sécurité nucléaire --- Génie nucléaire --- Énergie nucléaire --- Installations nucléaires --- Accidents nucléaires --- Mesures de sécurité --- Aspect juridique --- Prévention

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