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This title taps into the widespread interest in, and concern about, photographs of atrocity. The book contains a broad range of atrocity photographs from throughout history and around the world, as well as essays by well-known artists and photographers.
Documentary photography. --- Photographs --- Atrocities --- Psychological aspects. --- fotografie --- twintigste eeuw --- eenentwintigste eeuw --- documentaire fotografie --- reportagefotografie --- Haïti --- Wounded Knee --- Congo --- Abu Ghraib --- China --- Meiselas Susan --- Nicaragua --- Alam Shahidul --- Bangladesh --- atoombom --- Viëtnam --- Cambodja --- Rode Khmers --- Roemenië --- Cernauti --- Duitsland --- nazisme --- Zuid-Afrika --- Sharpeville --- Delahaye Luc --- Taliban --- Jaar Alfredo --- Novak Lorie --- 77.01 --- 77.044 --- 77.03 --- 77.04 --- Documentaire fotografie --- Artistieke fotografie. Foto's naar het onderwerp --- 77.04 Artistieke fotografie. Foto's naar het onderwerp --- 77.03 Documentaire fotografie
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De essays in dit boek onderzoeken hoe twintigste-eeuwse vrouwelijke artiesten zichzelf representeren op het raakvlak van het visuele beeld, geschreven tekst en performance. Veertien auteurs kijken hoe deze artiesten gebruik maken van verschillende media - schilderkunst, fotografie, performance, beeldhouwen, verhaal, lied, gedicht, manifest - om hybride zelfportretten te creëren die tussenkomen in kritische debatten over subjectiviteit, feminisme en de geschiedenis van beeldvorming in het westen.
Developmental psychology --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Human physiology --- Art --- Identity --- Artists --- Body --- Images of women --- Book --- Kahlo, Frida --- Antoni, Janine --- Wilke, Hannah --- Aguilar, Laura --- Baker, Bobby --- Bourgeois, Louise --- Novak, Lorie --- Ringgold, Faith --- Spence, Jo --- Freytag-Loringhoven, von, Elsa --- Cummings, Blondell --- King, Susan --- Lopez, Erika --- Lyons, Joan --- Cahun, Claude --- Sherman, Cindy --- Salomon, Charlotte --- Bach, Elvira --- Orlan --- Saville, Jenny --- Montgomery, L.M. --- Simpson, Lorna --- Piper, Adrian --- Anderson, Laurie --- anno 1900-1999
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Art --- Brandt, Bill --- Brancusi, Constantin --- Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig --- Magritte, René --- Burnham, Daniel H. --- Wood, Grant --- Maillol, Aristide --- Beckmann, Max --- Chirico, de, Giorgio --- Orozco, José Clemente --- Zeisler, Claire --- Remington, Frédéric --- Stieglitz, Alfred --- Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig --- Redon, Odilon --- Hockney, David --- Adler, Dankmar --- Dubuffet, Jean --- Warhol, Andy --- Stella, Frank --- Caillebotte, Gustave --- Sullivan, Louis --- Puryear, Martin --- Albright, Ivan Le Lorraine --- Picasso, Pablo --- Johns, Jasper --- Hopper, Edward --- Bennett, Edward H. --- Berman, Zeke --- Sargent, John Singer --- Modotti, Tina --- Hartley, Marsden --- Griffin, Marion Mahony --- Griffin, Walter Burley --- Bresdin, Rodolphe --- Jenney, William Le Baron --- Gray, Le, Gustave --- Gogh, van, Vincent --- Memkus, Frank --- Metzker, Ray --- Pollock, Jackson --- Mine, Richard Yoshijiro --- Steichen, Edward --- Mundie, William B. --- Novak, Lorie --- Klee, Paul --- Richter, Gerhard --- Rodtschenko, Alexander Michajlowitsch --- Watkins, Carleton Eugene --- Miró, Joan --- Guston, Philippe --- Cartier-Bresson, Henri --- Weston, Edward --- Atget, Eugène --- Evans, Walker --- Cézanne, Paul --- Morisot, Berthe Marie Pauline --- Manet, Edouard --- Wright, Frank Lloyd --- Kandinsky, Wassily --- Delacroix, Eugène --- Gauguin, Paul --- Toulouse-Lautrec, de, Henri --- Degas, Edgar --- Daumier, Honoré --- Matisse, Henri --- Seurat, Georges --- Mondriaan, Piet --- Dalí, Salvador --- Corot, Camille --- Rodin, Auguste --- Corinth, Lovis --- Gris, Juan --- Brassaï --- Kiefer, Anselm --- Freud, Lucian --- Rauschenberg, Robert --- Chagall, Marc --- Delvaux, Paul --- Munch, Edvard --- Constable, John --- Monet, Claude --- Smith, David --- Arbus, Diane --- Turner, Joseph Mallord William --- Frank, Robert --- Gorky, Arshile --- O'Keeffe, Georgia --- Talbot, William Henri Fox --- Levitt, Helen --- Kooning, de, Willem --- Cornell, Joseph --- Giacometti, Alberto --- Kertész, André --- Renoir, Auguste --- Art Institute Chicago --- Murphy/Jahn, Architects --- anno 1800-1899 --- anno 1900-1999
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