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Lost in the backwoods : Scots and the North American wilderness
ISBN: 0748689273 0748647406 Year: 2013 Publisher: Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press,

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How is the Scottish imagination shaped by its émigré experience with wilderness and the extreme? Drawing on journals, emigrant guides, memoirs, letters, poetry and fiction, this book examines patterns of survival, defeat, adaptation and response in North America's harshest landscapes.

Transatlantic Scots
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0817384200 9780817384203 0817314733 9780817314736 0817352406 9780817352400 Year: 2005 Publisher: Tuscaloosa University of Alabama Press

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Examines the impact of the Scottish legacy on North American cultures and heritage. During the past four decades, growing interest in North Americans' cultural and ancestral ties to Scotland has produced hundreds of new Scottish clan and heritage societies. Well over 300 Scottish Highland games and gatherings annually take place across the U.S. and Canada. Transatlantic Scots is a multidisciplinary collection that studies the regional organization and varied expressions of the Scottish Heritage movement in the Canadian Maritimes, the Great Lakes, New

Governing migration beyond the state : Europe, North America, South America, and Southeast Asia in a global context
ISBN: 9780198842750 0198842759 0192580477 Year: 2021 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press

The Jews and the expansion of Europe to the west, 1450 to 1800
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1571811532 1782389768 9781782389767 9781571811530 1571814302 9781571814302 Year: 2001 Volume: v. 2. Publisher: New York Oxford

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Jews and Judaism played a significant role in the history of the expansion of Europe to the west as well as in the history of the economic, social, and religious development of the New World. They played an important role in the discovery, colonization, and eventually exploitation of the resources of the New World. Alone among the European peoples who came to the Americas in the colonial period, Jews were dispersed throughout the hemisphere; indeed, they were the only cohesive European ethnic or religious group that lived under both Catholic and Protestant regimes, which makes their study particularly fruitful from a comparative perspective. As distinguished from other religious or ethnic minorities, the Jewish struggle was not only against an overpowering and fierce nature but also against the political regimes that ruled over the various colonies of the Americas and often looked unfavorably upon the establishment and tleration of Jewish communities in their own territory. Jews managed to survive and occasionally to flourish against all odds, and their history in the Americas is one of the more fascinating chapters in the early modern history of European expansion.

Governing Diversity
Authors: --- --- ---
ISSN: 13780352 ISBN: 9782800416359 2800416351 2800416890 Year: 2018 Publisher: Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles

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During the 2000S, the European Union has witnessed a significant change in terms of integration policies for immigrants. Countries like Sweden and the Netherlands, who were both pioneers of multicultural policies in Europe both significantly limited such policies in the late 1990s. Restrictive measures, requiring higher levels of integration in order to access and maintain legal statuses, have been enacted by most Western European countries since then, especially after 9/11. In October 2010, in a very polemic context on immigration and immigrant integration, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, announced that Germany was to be considered a multicultural failure, words that were soon echoed by the Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme, the British Prime Minister David Cameron and the French President Nicolas Sarkozy. These sensational statements, which by and large avoid defining the concept of multiculturalism, are based on a reaffirmation of "Western values" and strengthening of national identity. These statements express the need to review the policies on integration of immigrants, in the sense that they should be more active and voluntarist, more organized by the state and more supported by the EU. In the background, one can see fear for Islamic extremism, but also the idea that the nation states can put some obligations on immigrants, and that for a too long time we have been focusing on "those who arrive", rather than on "the society that welcomes them". This book intends to address the relationship between, on the one hand, cultural diversity resulting from migration, and on the other hand social cohesion and social justice within Western societies. In order to do this, the authors examine what can be described as two contradictory trends in recent public policies towards foreign people or people with a foreign origin : first, the policies against ethnic, racial and religious discrimination ; and second, new harsh integration policies for newcomers in Europe. This book aims to provide a trans-disciplinary analysis of the construction of "otherness" in North America and Europe.


Immigrants --- Emigration and immigration law --- Multiculturalism --- Emigration et immigration --- Multiculturalisme --- Cultural assimilation --- Law and legislation --- Intégration --- Droit --- Comparative law --- Droit comparé --- 668.1 Migrantenbeleid --- Immigrés --- BPB9999 --- BPB1811 --- Union européenne --- Intégration des migrants --- Europe --- Amérique du Nord --- Pluralisme culturel --- Immigration --- Diversité --- Europese unie --- Integratie van migranten --- Europa --- Noord-Amerika --- Culturele verscheidenheid --- Immigratie --- Diversiteit --- Social integration --- Discrimination --- Government policy --- North America --- Emigration and immigration --- Social aspects --- imigrace --- доселување --- είσοδος μεταναστών --- immigrazione --- imigracja --- imigrācija --- inmigración --- bevándorlás --- imigracion --- inimirce --- imigracija --- Einwanderung --- immigration --- imigrácia --- immigratie --- imigração --- immigrazzjoni --- useljavanje --- имиграция --- priseljevanje --- maahanmuutto --- imigrație --- усељавање --- immigratsioon --- имиграција --- invandring --- přistěhovalectví --- įeivystė --- indvandring --- sisseränne --- immigráció --- kulturell mångfald --- kulturní pluralismus --- kultūru daudzveidīgums --- culturele verscheidenheid --- културен плурализъм --- kultuuride paljusus --- kulttuurin monimuotoisuus --- pluralism cultural --- pluralizëm kulturor --- културни плурализам --- wielokulturowość --- cultural pluralism --- kulturni pluralizem --- kultūrinis pliuralizmas --- pluralismo cultural --- kultúrny pluralizmus --- pluralismo culturale --- multikulturalnost --- πολιτιστικός πλουραλισμός --- kulturelle Vielfalt --- културен плурализам --- kulturális pluralizmus --- pluraliżmu kulturali --- kulturel pluralisme --- multikulturāla sabiedrība --- mångkulturalism --- dvojkultúra --- monikulttuurisuus --- kultūrų pliuralizmas --- diversité culturelle --- културна разноличност --- kaksikulttuurisuus --- shoqëri multikulturore --- културна разноврсност --- multikulturalizmus --- pluralita kultur --- bikulturalizëm --- pluralitatea culturilor --- dubbele cultuur --- cultureel pluralisme --- biculturalismo --- societate multiculturală --- πολιτιστική πολυφωνία --- multicultural society --- plurality of cultures --- mitmekultuuriline ühiskond --- bikulturālisms --- kulturní rozmanitost --- priklausymas dviem kultūroms --- multiculturalismo --- rozmanitosť kultúr --- multikulturalisme --- multikulturális társadalom --- sameksistens mellem to kulturer --- daugiakultūrė visuomenė --- мултикултурно друштво --- mnohokultúrna spoločnosť --- mångkulturalitet --- mitmekultuurilisus --- společnost mnoha kultur --- мултикултурализам --- dvojí kultura --- multiculturalisme --- biculturalism --- kulturni pluralizam --- Kulturpluralismus --- bikulturalizmus --- multiculturaliteit --- културна разноликост --- biculturalisme --- мултикултурно општество --- πολιτιστική συνύπαρξη --- shumësi e kulturave --- rozmanitost kultur --- културна различност --- Põhja-Ameerika --- Ameryka Północna --- Sjeverna Amerika --- América del Norte --- América do Norte --- Šiaurės Amerika --- Észak-Amerika --- Severna Amerika --- Βόρεια Αμερική --- Nordamerika --- America del Nord --- Severní Amerika --- Amerika e Veriut --- Pohjois-Amerikka --- Severná Amerika --- Amerika ta’ Fuq --- Северна Америка --- Ziemeļamerika --- America de Nord --- angolszász Amerika --- America anglosassone --- anglosaxiska Amerika --- anglosaská Amerika --- América anglosajona --- angolajkú Amerika --- Angloamerika --- Amérique anglo-saxonne --- América Anglo-Saxónica --- engelsktalende Amerika --- Angelsaksisch Amerika --- Eiropa --- Ευρώπη --- Ewropa --- Euroopa --- Eurooppa --- Европа --- Európa --- hEorpa --- Evropa --- țări europene --- Europese landen --- země Evropy --- Euroopa riigid --- evropské státy --- países europeus --- evropské země --- европски земји --- European countries --- europæiske lande --- ευρωπαϊκές χώρες --- país europeo --- Euroopan maat --- paesi europei --- nazioni europee --- európske krajiny --- país de Europa --- európai országok --- Europos šalys --- pays européens --- státy Evropy --- Europese staten --- vende europiane --- europäische Länder --- europeiska länder --- integrácia prisťahovalcov --- integrimi i migrantëve --- интеграција на мигранти --- integrace přistěhovalců --- integratie van migranten --- Integration der Zuwanderer --- integrazione dei migranti --- integración de los migrantes --- vključevanje priseljencev --- migrantu integrācija --- интеграция на мигранти --- integration af migranter --- integrazzjoni tal-migranti --- integrarea emigranților --- migrantide integreerimine --- migránsok beilleszkedése --- integration of migrants --- κοινωνική ένταξη των μεταναστών --- integracija migranata --- siirtolaisten sulautuminen --- integracja migrantów --- migrantų integracija --- integração de migrantes --- интеграција усељеника --- integrering av migrerande --- integrering av invandrare --- asimilarea emigranților --- integrace imigrantů --- asszimilálódás --- асимилација --- asimilacija migranata --- integrace migrujících --- migrantide assimileerimine --- persikėlėlių integracija --- assimilation des migrants --- začlenění přistěhovalců --- integratie van immigranten --- assimilação dos migrantes --- assimilazione dei migranti --- αφομοίωση των μεταναστών --- migrantu asimilācija --- asimilace přistěhovalců --- asimilování migrujících --- opneming van migranten --- integrazione sociale dei migranti --- assimilering av migrerande --- asimilación de los migrantes --- intégration des immigrés --- inserimento dei migranti --- Eingliederung der Zuwanderer --- asimilácia prisťahovalcov --- интегрирање мигранти --- včlenění přistěhovalců --- siirtolaisten integraatio --- assimilation of migrants --- migrantų asimiliacija --- asimilim i migruesve --- Europese Unie --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- European Union --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- an tAontas Eorpach --- Bashkimi Europian --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- Sociology of culture --- Sociology of minorities --- Migration. Refugees --- diversitate culturală --- diversidade cultural --- kulturális sokszínűség --- kultúrna rozmanitosť --- kulturel mangfoldighed --- diversità kulturali --- kultuuriline mitmekesisus --- kulturna raznolikost --- culturele diversiteit --- kulttuurinen moninaisuus --- kultūrinė įvairovė --- kultūru daudzveidība --- diversità culturale --- diversidad cultural --- cultural diversity --- културно многообразие --- πολιτισμική πολυμορφία --- różnorodność kulturowa --- iolrachas cultúrtha --- Meiriceá Thuaidh --- An Eoraip --- lánpháirtiú imirceach --- Immigrants - North America --- Immigrants - Europe --- Multiculturalism - North America --- Multiculturalism - Europe --- Social integration - Government policy - North America --- Social integration - Government policy - Europe --- Discrimination - Government policy - North America --- Discrimination - Government policy - Europe --- North America - Emigration and immigration - Social aspects --- Europe - Emigration and immigration - Social aspects --- Union européenne --- Intégration des migrants --- Amérique du Nord

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