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Drawing on a rich array of textual and visual primary sources, including medicine, satires, play scripts, dictionaries, natural philosophy, and texts on collecting wonders, this book provides a fresh perspective on monstrosity in early modern European culture. The essays explore how exceptional bodies challenged social, religious, sexual and natural structures and hierarchies in the sixteenth, seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries and contributed to its knowledge, moral and emotional repertoire. Prodigious births, maternal imagination, hermaphrodites, collections of extraordinary things, powerful women, disabilities, controversial exercise, shapeshifting phenomena and hybrids are examined in a period before all varieties and differences became normalized to a homogenous standard. The historicizing of exceptional bodies is central in the volume since it expands our understanding of early modern culture and deepens our knowledge of its specific ways of conceptualizing singularities, rare examples, paradoxes, rules and conventions in nature and society.
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Doelstelling: Deze corpusvertaalkundige studie onderzoekt de verschillen met betrekking tot de plaatsing van voorzetselgroepen in vertaalde en niet-vertaalde journalistieke teksten, voor zowel het Belgisch-Nederlands als het Nederlands-Nederlands. De vraag die centraal staat is: Worden voorzetselgroepen vaker in extrapositie geplaatst, of worden ze vaker voor de verbale eindgroep geplaatst? Daarnaast wil deze masterproef nagaan of de brontaal (in casu Engels en Frans) invloed uitoefent op de keuzes die vertalers maken met betrekking tot de plaatsing van voorzetselgroepen, en of er eventueel bijkomende factoren zijn die deze keuzes kunnen beïnvloeden. Middelen of methode: De data voor dit onderzoek werden aan het Dutch Parallel Corpus onttrokken. Alle voorzetselgroepen in grammaticale voegwoordzinnen die beginnen met het onderschikkend voegwoord 'dat' in zowel vertaalde als niet-vertaalde Nederlandse journalistieke teksten werden geselecteerd. Nadien werden de data manueel gevalideerd op basis van een aantal algemene factoren. Ten slotte werden de relevante gegevens statistisch verwerkt. Resultaten: Het corpusonderzoek heeft aangetoond dat de plaatsing van voorzetselgroepen in zowel vertaalde als niet-vertaalde journalistieke teksten niet als dusdanig verschilt. Er is geen uitgesproken voorkeur in het Nederlands noch voor extrapositie, noch voor niet-extrapositie. Daarnaast werd er vastgesteld dat de woordvolgorde in de brontaal invloed uitoefent op de keuzes die vertalers maken met betrekking tot de plaatsing van voorzetselgroepen. In de meeste Nederlandse vertalingen komt interferentie voor.
Belgisch-Nederlands. --- Corpusonderzoek. --- Corpusvertaalkunde. --- Dutch Parallel Corpus. --- Extraposition. --- Interference. --- Nederlands-Nederlands. --- Non-extraposition. --- Normalization. --- PP placement.
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Cannabis remains the most commonly used illicit substance world-wide, with international estimates indicating that 2.8%-4.5% of the global population use cannabis each year. This prevalence rate has not changed substantially in the past decade and there is no indication that it will do so in the next decade. In line with this, many prominent organisations and individuals have acknowledged that the “war on drugs” has failed and are now calling for a rethink on drug-related policy and legal frameworks. With a growing number of jurisdictions across the world heeding this call and introducing legislation to decriminalize or legalize cannabis use, it is essential that any changes to legal frameworks and public health policies are based on the best available scientific evidence.
Psychiatry. --- Cannabis --- Cannabinoids --- Affective disorders anxiety --- Addiction --- normalization --- marijuana --- legalization --- drug policy --- psychosis
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Cannabis remains the most commonly used illicit substance world-wide, with international estimates indicating that 2.8%-4.5% of the global population use cannabis each year. This prevalence rate has not changed substantially in the past decade and there is no indication that it will do so in the next decade. In line with this, many prominent organisations and individuals have acknowledged that the “war on drugs” has failed and are now calling for a rethink on drug-related policy and legal frameworks. With a growing number of jurisdictions across the world heeding this call and introducing legislation to decriminalize or legalize cannabis use, it is essential that any changes to legal frameworks and public health policies are based on the best available scientific evidence.
Psychiatry. --- Plant Sciences --- Agriculture --- Earth & Environmental Sciences --- Cannabis --- Cannabinoids --- Affective disorders anxiety --- Addiction --- normalization --- marijuana --- legalization --- drug policy --- psychosis --- Cannabis --- Cannabinoids --- Affective disorders anxiety --- Addiction --- normalization --- marijuana --- legalization --- drug policy --- psychosis
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Doelstelling: Deze studie onderzoekt de verschillen tussen het Nederlands in België en het Nederlands in Nederland, zowel in vertaalde als niet-vertaalde taal. Hoewel er al veel onderzoek gebeurd is naar de taalvariatie tussen het zogenaamde Zuid-Nederlands en Noord-Nederlands, wil deze masterproef dat goed bestudeerde onderzoeksdomein koppelen aan de verschillen tussen vertaalde Nederlandse teksten enerzijds en originele Nederlandse teksten anderzijds: komen de verschillen tussen Noord en Zuid, zoals die eerder al zijn vastgesteld voor originele teksten, in dezelfde mate voor in vertaalde teksten? Middelen of methode: Er werden zeven alternerende lexicale eenheden en zeven alternerende grammaticale constructies geselecteerd, zoals plezant versus leuk, en woordvolgordevariatie in drieledige werkwoordelijke eindgroepen. Van elk van die zogenaamde profielen is in het verleden al vastgesteld dat ze indicatoren zijn voor Noord-Zuidverschillen. Die profielen werden aan het Dutch Parallel Corpus onttrokken en vervolgens manueel gevalideerd. De relevante gegevens werden onderworpen aan statistische tests. Resultaten: Het corpusonderzoek heeft aangetoond dat het taalgebruik tussen het Nederlands in België en het Nederlands in Nederland wel degelijk verschilt in vertaalde en niet-vertaalde teksten. De resultaten sluiten aan bij de eerder gepubliceerde literatuur over zogenaamde translation universals: vertalingen gebruiken vaker standaardtaal dan originele teksten (standardization, normalization). De resultaten van deze masterproef komen ook in grote mate overeen met eerder onderzoek over de taalvariatie tussen Vlaanderen en Nederland, hoewel er enkele opmerkelijke verschillen kunnen worden waargenomen: en de ANS vermelden bijvoorbeeld dat men in Vlaanderen meestal de meervoudsvorm leraars kiest in plaats van leraren, maar in het Dutch Parallel Corpus zijn beide vormen even vaak aangetroffen in Zuid-Nederlandse teksten.
Belgisch Nederlands. --- Corpusonderzoek. --- DPC. --- Nederlands Nederlands. --- Normalization. --- Standardization. --- Taalvariatie. --- Vertaalkundige studie – Onderzoek van vertalingen – schriftelijke taal. --- Vertaalwetenschap.
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Cannabis remains the most commonly used illicit substance world-wide, with international estimates indicating that 2.8%-4.5% of the global population use cannabis each year. This prevalence rate has not changed substantially in the past decade and there is no indication that it will do so in the next decade. In line with this, many prominent organisations and individuals have acknowledged that the “war on drugs” has failed and are now calling for a rethink on drug-related policy and legal frameworks. With a growing number of jurisdictions across the world heeding this call and introducing legislation to decriminalize or legalize cannabis use, it is essential that any changes to legal frameworks and public health policies are based on the best available scientific evidence.
Psychiatry. --- Plant Sciences --- Agriculture --- Earth & Environmental Sciences --- Cannabis --- Cannabinoids --- Affective disorders anxiety --- Addiction --- normalization --- marijuana --- legalization --- drug policy --- psychosis
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This Master's thesis examines the role of the European Union (EU) as a mediator through the prism of rational choice theory (RCT) in the context of the normalization of relations between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia from 2011 until 2021. In this respect, it emphasizes first the different types of mediation and the positions adopted by the three actors involved, especially since their respective position strongly affect their understanding of the concept of normalization. On the one hand, both Kosovo and Serbia seek to defend their own interests in the process, a situation that may be illustrated by the largely known “prisoner’s dilemma”. On the other hand, the EU establishes a series of political conditionalities to both parties and has invited Kosovo’s and Serbia’s authorities to conclude a series of, firstly technical, and secondly political agreements, whose most illustrative example appears to be the Brussels agreement (2013). However, the Union’s approach of mediation remains challenged to date by its ambiguity, its lack of transparency and of unity, and the divergences with the recent economic normalization of relations led by the United States of America (USA).
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sign language --- linguistic politic --- linguistic rights --- linguistic normalization --- linguistics --- Sign language --- Deaf --- Gesture language --- Language and languages --- Gesture --- Signs and symbols --- Sign language.
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Database Security: Problems and Solutions describes and demonstrates how to resolve database security issues at the design, implementation, and production phases. Database security considers and implements those measures or controls in more specific ways than are generally realized in the broader realm of information security. Database security also involves other confidentiality approaches, such as techniques for account credential management, techniques to manage access to data, as well as techniques to manage the types of access. Database security also considers other, less realized, approaches such as database normalization, referential integrity, transactions, locks, and check constraints. Designed for professionals, workshop settings, and self-learners, the book demonstrates several databases so the reader can follow along in a hands-on approach. Each chapter also has a set of questions and follow up projects to reinforce comprehension of the material. FEATURES:Includes demonstration and solution implementations on the major Database Management Systems (MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server) and computing platforms (Linux/UNIX, MacOS, Windows) to be applicable for nearly every student and professionalEnd of chapter exercises to enhance comprehension of topics
Computer security. --- Database security. --- Linux/UNIX. --- MacOS. --- Microsoft SQL Server. --- MySQL. --- Oracle. --- Windows. --- computer science. --- cybersecurity. --- data analytics. --- data science. --- database normalization. --- e-commerce. --- referential integrity. --- transactions.
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