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Journal of injury and violence research.
ISSN: 20084072 Year: 2009 Publisher: Kermanshah : Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences

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Emergency medicine --- Critical care medicine --- Wounds and injuries --- Violence --- Critical care medicine. --- Emergency medicine. --- Violence. --- Wounds and injuries. --- Human beings --- Injuries --- Trauma, Physical --- Wounds --- Medicine, Emergency --- Violent behavior --- Intensive care --- Intensive medicine --- Wounds and Injuries --- Self-Injurious Behavior --- Surgical emergencies --- Traumatology --- Medicine --- Disaster medicine --- Medical emergencies --- Social psychology --- Intensive care units --- Deliberate Self-Harm --- Non-Suicidal Self Injury --- Nonsuicidal Self Injury --- Self-Injury --- Parasuicide --- Self-Destructive Behavior --- Behavior, Self-Destructive --- Behavior, Self-Injurious --- Behaviors, Self-Destructive --- Behaviors, Self-Injurious --- Deliberate Self Harm --- Non Suicidal Self Injury --- Non-Suicidal Self Injuries --- Nonsuicidal Self Injuries --- Parasuicides --- Self Destructive Behavior --- Self Injuries, Non-Suicidal --- Self Injuries, Nonsuicidal --- Self Injurious Behavior --- Self Injury --- Self Injury, Non-Suicidal --- Self Injury, Nonsuicidal --- Self-Destructive Behaviors --- Self-Harm, Deliberate --- Self-Injuries --- Self-Injurious Behaviors --- Body Modification, Non-Therapeutic --- Assaultive Behavior --- Atrocities --- Behavior, Assaultive --- Biological Warfare --- Riots --- Warfare --- Crime Victims --- Injuries and Wounds --- Injuries, Wounds --- Research-Related Injuries --- Wounds and Injury --- Wounds, Injury --- Trauma --- Injuries, Research-Related --- Injury --- Injury and Wounds --- Injury, Research-Related --- Research Related Injuries --- Research-Related Injury --- Traumas --- Wound --- First Aid --- Emergency Medicine --- Intentional Self Harm --- Intentional Self Injury --- Self Harm --- Harm, Self --- Intentional Self Injuries --- Self Harm, Intentional --- Self Injury, Intentional --- Structural Violence --- Violence, Structural --- Wounds and Injuries. --- Self-Injurious Behavior. --- Medicina d'urgència. --- Medicina intensiva. --- Ferides i lesions. --- Violència. --- Agressivitat --- Psicologia social --- Delictes violents --- Maltractament --- Morts violentes --- Violència contra les dones --- Violència contra els homes --- Violència en els esports --- Violència en els mitjans de comunicació de massa --- Violència en l'àmbit laboral --- Violència escolar --- Violència familiar --- Violència policial --- Lesions i ferides --- Traumes físics --- Anatomia patològica --- Asfíxia --- Cossos estranys --- Cremades --- Discapacitat física --- Ferides de bala --- Ferides de guerra --- Lesions esportives --- Luxacions --- Traumatismes dentals --- Úlceres --- Traumatisme --- Traumatologia --- Cirurgia d'urgència --- Medicina --- Infermeria d'urgència --- Medicina d'urgència en entorns naturals --- Reanimació --- Urgències quirúrgiques --- Medicina de catàstrofes --- Medicina intensiva --- Serveis d'urgències mèdiques --- Unitats de cures intensives --- Urgències mèdiques --- Cures intensives --- Medicina crítica --- Cura dels malalts terminals --- Infermeria en cures intensives --- Malalts en estat crític --- Medicina intensiva en cardiologia --- Monitoratge de pacients --- Pediatria intensiva --- Medicina d'urgència --- Interpersonal Violence --- Violent Crime --- Crime, Violent --- Interpersonal Violences --- Violence, Interpersonal --- Violences, Interpersonal --- Violent Crimes --- Médecine d'urgence --- Soins intensifs --- Lésions et blessures

Am Ende des Lebens : Alter, Tod und Suizid in der Antike
ISBN: 9783406601699 3406601693 2821846371 Year: 2010 Volume: 136 Publisher: München: Beck,

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Das vorliegende Buch bietet die erste systematische Untersuchung zum Thema Alterssuizid in der griechisch-römischen Antike. Der Autor zeigt, daß bereits im Altertum das hohe Alter, der nahende Tod, Altersleiden und der erwogene oder vollzogene Freitod ein kohärentes, dem zeitgenössischen Denken und Erleben vertrautes Motivgeflecht bildeten. Trotz einer dürftigen Quellenlage läßt sich plausibel annehmen, daß der wegen Krankheiten, Einsamkeit und Lebensüberdruß ins Auge gefaßte oder begangene Suizid im höheren Lebensalter weit größere Bedeutung besaß, als angesichts der spärlichen Informationen zu vermuten wäre. Nachweislich existierten bereits umfängliche und detaillierte geriatrische Kenntnisse, darunter auch empirisch fundiertes Wissen um den Alterssuizid. Und schließlich haben sich auch bereits die antiken Ärzte mit dem Problem erwünschter – passiver oder aktiver – Sterbehilfe auseinandersetzen müssen.


Death --- Old age --- Suicide --- Mort --- Vieillesse --- History --- Histoire --- Greece --- Rome --- Grèce --- Social conditions --- Conditions sociales --- Self-Injurious Behavior --- Social Problems --- Pathologic Processes --- Adult --- Behavioral Symptoms --- Sociology --- Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms --- Humanities --- Age Groups --- Behavior --- Diseases --- Persons --- Social Sciences --- Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms --- Named Groups --- Psychiatry and Psychology --- History, Ancient --- Aged --- Regions & Countries - Europe --- History & Archaeology --- Mediterranean Region & Greco-Roman World --- Grèce --- Ancient History (Medicine) --- Ancient History of Medicine --- History of Medicine, Ancient --- Medicine, Ancient History --- Ancient History --- Ancient Histories (Medicine) --- Ancient History Medicine --- Ancient History Medicines --- Histories, Ancient (Medicine) --- History Medicine, Ancient --- History Medicines, Ancient --- History, Ancient (Medicine) --- Medicine Ancient History --- Medicines, Ancient History --- Science, Social --- Sciences, Social --- Social Science --- Person --- Acceptance Process --- Acceptance Processes --- Behaviors --- Process, Acceptance --- Processes, Acceptance --- Age Group --- Group, Age --- Groups, Age --- Symptoms and General Pathology --- General Social Development and Population --- Behavioral Symptom --- Symptom, Behavioral --- Symptoms, Behavioral --- Adults --- Pathological Processes --- Processes, Pathologic --- Processes, Pathological --- Problem, Social --- Problems, Social --- Social Problem --- Deliberate Self-Harm --- Parasuicide --- Self-Destructive Behavior --- Behavior, Self-Destructive --- Behavior, Self-Injurious --- Behaviors, Self-Destructive --- Behaviors, Self-Injurious --- Deliberate Self Harm --- Parasuicides --- Self Destructive Behavior --- Self Injurious Behavior --- Self-Destructive Behaviors --- Self-Harm, Deliberate --- Self-Injurious Behaviors --- Aspects, Historical --- Historical Aspects --- Aspect, Historical --- Historical Aspect --- Histories --- Killing oneself --- Self-killing --- Later life (Human life cycle) --- Senescence --- Dying --- End of life --- Cardiac Death --- Determination of Death --- Near-Death Experience --- Death, Cardiac --- Elderly --- Suicides --- Philosophy --- Non-Suicidal Self Injury --- Nonsuicidal Self Injury --- Self-Injury --- Non Suicidal Self Injury --- Non-Suicidal Self Injuries --- Nonsuicidal Self Injuries --- Self Injuries, Non-Suicidal --- Self Injuries, Nonsuicidal --- Self Injury --- Self Injury, Non-Suicidal --- Self Injury, Nonsuicidal --- Self-Injuries --- Body Modification, Non-Therapeutic --- Right to die --- Adulthood --- Age --- Longevity --- Older people --- Life --- Terminal care --- Terminally ill --- Thanatology --- Fatal Outcome --- Geriatrics --- Causes --- Labor Exploitation --- Social Exploitation --- Exploitation, Labor --- Exploitation, Social --- Exploitations, Labor --- Behavior And Behavior Mechanism --- Intentional Self Harm --- Intentional Self Injury --- Self Harm --- Harm, Self --- Intentional Self Injuries --- Self Harm, Intentional --- Self Injury, Intentional --- End Of Life --- End-Of-Life --- Psychiatry --- Psychiatrists --- Psychiatrist --- Death - Greece --- Old age - Greece --- Suicide - Greece --- Old age - Rome --- Suicide - Rome --- Greece - Social conditions - To 146 B.C --- Sterbehilfe --- Alterssuizid --- Quellenlage --- History. --- Self-Injurious Behavior. --- Social Problems. --- Pathologic Processes. --- Adult. --- Behavioral Symptoms. --- Sociology. --- Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms. --- Humanities. --- Age Groups. --- Behavior. --- Disease. --- Persons. --- Social Sciences. --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms. --- Psychiatry. --- History, Ancient. --- Suicide. --- Aged. --- Death.

Advances in Eating Disorders
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Eating disorders (ED) are a group of mental disorders characterized by an altered food intake and the presence of inappropriate behaviors and thoughts about weight and shape. All EDs lead to physical and psychosocial functioning impairments in the patients which, in turn, may contribute to the persistence of the disease. The severity of EDs has been highlighted by their chronicity, medical complications, comorbidity, and high rates of mortality. Therefore, to address this important health issue, the current Special Issue collected 21 articles (i.e., three reviews and 18 research articles) focusing on the most recent and relevant scientific findings regarding advances in ED, such as genetic and epigenetic factors, biomarkers, comorbidity, clinical phenotypes, neurocognition, treatment predictors, and treatment models and therapeutic targets. Altogether, we believe that the articles contained in this Special Issue have largely achieved the initial objective of providing increased knowledge about the pathogenesis, the risk factors, the maintenance factors, and the most appropriate treatments tools for ED.


Humanities --- Social interaction --- anorexia nervosa --- cognitive interpersonal model --- severe enduring --- physical activity --- accelerometry --- weight gain --- eating disorders --- malnutrition --- neuroimaging --- fractal dimension --- cortical complexity --- food craving --- food addiction --- emotion regulation --- event related potentials --- EEG --- neurophysiology --- psychopathology --- ASD --- comorbidity --- emotion recognition --- attention --- sensory sensitivity --- autism --- Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) --- body mass index --- disordered eating behaviors --- disordered eating cognitions --- polygenic scores --- non-suicidal self-injury --- temperament --- eating disorder --- adolescence --- nocturnal eating syndrome --- sleep-related eating disorder --- parasomnia --- delayed sleep-wake phase --- MUPS --- magnetic resonance spectroscopy --- MRS --- insula --- glutamate --- N-acetylaspartate --- NAA --- epigenetics --- bulimia nervosa --- DNA methylation --- gene-environment interactions --- caloric intake --- refeeding syndrome --- refeeding protocol --- children and adolescents --- parents --- carers --- intervention --- workshop --- online intervention --- alcohol and/or drug abuse --- substance use disorder --- executive functions --- impulsivity --- emotional dysregulation --- deep brain stimulation --- psychosurgery --- clinical trial --- subcallosal cingulate --- nucleus accumbens --- high expressed emotion --- caregivers --- dance students --- disordered eating attitudes --- Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26) --- mesomorphy --- ectomorphy --- Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve analysis --- attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder --- ADHD --- longitudinal --- treatment outcome --- dropout --- rTMS --- treatment --- anorexia --- bulimia --- binge eating disorders --- restrictive anorexia nervosa --- weight recovery --- animal models --- acyl-ghrelin --- desacyl-ghrelin --- chronic food restriction --- virtual reality --- fear of gaining weight --- body anxiety --- body image disturbances --- body-related attentional bias --- n/a

Advances in Eating Disorders
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Eating disorders (ED) are a group of mental disorders characterized by an altered food intake and the presence of inappropriate behaviors and thoughts about weight and shape. All EDs lead to physical and psychosocial functioning impairments in the patients which, in turn, may contribute to the persistence of the disease. The severity of EDs has been highlighted by their chronicity, medical complications, comorbidity, and high rates of mortality. Therefore, to address this important health issue, the current Special Issue collected 21 articles (i.e., three reviews and 18 research articles) focusing on the most recent and relevant scientific findings regarding advances in ED, such as genetic and epigenetic factors, biomarkers, comorbidity, clinical phenotypes, neurocognition, treatment predictors, and treatment models and therapeutic targets. Altogether, we believe that the articles contained in this Special Issue have largely achieved the initial objective of providing increased knowledge about the pathogenesis, the risk factors, the maintenance factors, and the most appropriate treatments tools for ED.


anorexia nervosa --- cognitive interpersonal model --- severe enduring --- physical activity --- accelerometry --- weight gain --- eating disorders --- malnutrition --- neuroimaging --- fractal dimension --- cortical complexity --- food craving --- food addiction --- emotion regulation --- event related potentials --- EEG --- neurophysiology --- psychopathology --- ASD --- comorbidity --- emotion recognition --- attention --- sensory sensitivity --- autism --- Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) --- body mass index --- disordered eating behaviors --- disordered eating cognitions --- polygenic scores --- non-suicidal self-injury --- temperament --- eating disorder --- adolescence --- nocturnal eating syndrome --- sleep-related eating disorder --- parasomnia --- delayed sleep-wake phase --- MUPS --- magnetic resonance spectroscopy --- MRS --- insula --- glutamate --- N-acetylaspartate --- NAA --- epigenetics --- bulimia nervosa --- DNA methylation --- gene-environment interactions --- caloric intake --- refeeding syndrome --- refeeding protocol --- children and adolescents --- parents --- carers --- intervention --- workshop --- online intervention --- alcohol and/or drug abuse --- substance use disorder --- executive functions --- impulsivity --- emotional dysregulation --- deep brain stimulation --- psychosurgery --- clinical trial --- subcallosal cingulate --- nucleus accumbens --- high expressed emotion --- caregivers --- dance students --- disordered eating attitudes --- Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26) --- mesomorphy --- ectomorphy --- Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve analysis --- attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder --- ADHD --- longitudinal --- treatment outcome --- dropout --- rTMS --- treatment --- anorexia --- bulimia --- binge eating disorders --- restrictive anorexia nervosa --- weight recovery --- animal models --- acyl-ghrelin --- desacyl-ghrelin --- chronic food restriction --- virtual reality --- fear of gaining weight --- body anxiety --- body image disturbances --- body-related attentional bias --- n/a

Advances in Eating Disorders
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Eating disorders (ED) are a group of mental disorders characterized by an altered food intake and the presence of inappropriate behaviors and thoughts about weight and shape. All EDs lead to physical and psychosocial functioning impairments in the patients which, in turn, may contribute to the persistence of the disease. The severity of EDs has been highlighted by their chronicity, medical complications, comorbidity, and high rates of mortality. Therefore, to address this important health issue, the current Special Issue collected 21 articles (i.e., three reviews and 18 research articles) focusing on the most recent and relevant scientific findings regarding advances in ED, such as genetic and epigenetic factors, biomarkers, comorbidity, clinical phenotypes, neurocognition, treatment predictors, and treatment models and therapeutic targets. Altogether, we believe that the articles contained in this Special Issue have largely achieved the initial objective of providing increased knowledge about the pathogenesis, the risk factors, the maintenance factors, and the most appropriate treatments tools for ED.


Humanities --- Social interaction --- anorexia nervosa --- cognitive interpersonal model --- severe enduring --- physical activity --- accelerometry --- weight gain --- eating disorders --- malnutrition --- neuroimaging --- fractal dimension --- cortical complexity --- food craving --- food addiction --- emotion regulation --- event related potentials --- EEG --- neurophysiology --- psychopathology --- ASD --- comorbidity --- emotion recognition --- attention --- sensory sensitivity --- autism --- Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) --- body mass index --- disordered eating behaviors --- disordered eating cognitions --- polygenic scores --- non-suicidal self-injury --- temperament --- eating disorder --- adolescence --- nocturnal eating syndrome --- sleep-related eating disorder --- parasomnia --- delayed sleep-wake phase --- MUPS --- magnetic resonance spectroscopy --- MRS --- insula --- glutamate --- N-acetylaspartate --- NAA --- epigenetics --- bulimia nervosa --- DNA methylation --- gene-environment interactions --- caloric intake --- refeeding syndrome --- refeeding protocol --- children and adolescents --- parents --- carers --- intervention --- workshop --- online intervention --- alcohol and/or drug abuse --- substance use disorder --- executive functions --- impulsivity --- emotional dysregulation --- deep brain stimulation --- psychosurgery --- clinical trial --- subcallosal cingulate --- nucleus accumbens --- high expressed emotion --- caregivers --- dance students --- disordered eating attitudes --- Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26) --- mesomorphy --- ectomorphy --- Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve analysis --- attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder --- ADHD --- longitudinal --- treatment outcome --- dropout --- rTMS --- treatment --- anorexia --- bulimia --- binge eating disorders --- restrictive anorexia nervosa --- weight recovery --- animal models --- acyl-ghrelin --- desacyl-ghrelin --- chronic food restriction --- virtual reality --- fear of gaining weight --- body anxiety --- body image disturbances --- body-related attentional bias

RAND suicide prevention program evaluation toolkit
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 0833085301 0833080725 9780833085306 9780833080721 Year: 2013 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] Rand Corporation

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Evaluating suicide prevention programs can be challenging because suicide is a rare event, data on suicides often lag by several years, and programs tend to have multiple components, making it difficult to discern which characteristics contributed to a given outcome. The RAND Suicide Prevention Program Evaluation Toolkit was designed to help program staff overcome these common challenges to evaluating and planning improvements to their programs. It begins by walking users through the process of developing a program logic model that ties program activities to intermediate outcomes, helping staff better understand the drivers of any changes in long-term outcomes, such as suicide rates. It then offers information about the latest evaluation research, helps users design an evaluation that is appropriate for their program type and available resources and expertise, supports the selection of measures for new evaluations and to augment or enhance ongoing evaluations, and offers basic guidance on how to analyze and use evaluation data for program improvement. Through checklists, worksheets, and templates, the toolkit takes users step by step through the process of identifying whether their programs produce beneficial effects, ultimately informing the responsible allocation of scarce resources. The toolkitâss design and content are the result of a rigorous, systematic review of the program evaluation literature to identify evaluation approaches, measures, and tools used elsewhere and will be particularly useful to coordinators and directors of suicide prevention programs in the U.S. Department of Defense, Veterans Health Administration, community-based settings, and state and local health departments. A companion report, Development and Pilot Test of the RAND Suicide Prevention Program Evaluation Toolkit, offers additional background on the toolkitâss design and refinement.


Suicidal behavior --- Suicide --- North America --- Evaluation Studies as Topic --- Behavioral Sciences --- Self-Injurious Behavior --- Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms --- Investigative Techniques --- Quality of Health Care --- Social Problems --- Sociology --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Behavioral Disciplines and Activities --- Health Services Administration --- Behavioral Symptoms --- Americas --- Health Care --- Geographic Locations --- Psychiatry and Psychology --- Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation --- Behavior --- Social Sciences --- Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms --- Geographicals --- United States --- Program Evaluation --- Methods --- Psychology --- Psychiatry --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Psychiatric Disorders, Individual --- Treatment --- Prevention --- Evaluation --- Factors, Psychological --- Psychological Factors --- Psychological Side Effects --- Psychologists --- Psychosocial Factors --- Side Effects, Psychological --- Factor, Psychological --- Factor, Psychosocial --- Factors, Psychosocial --- Psychological Factor --- Psychological Side Effect --- Psychologist --- Psychosocial Factor --- Side Effect, Psychological --- Methodological Studies --- Methodological Study --- Procedures --- Studies, Methodological --- Study, Methodological --- Method --- Procedure --- Family Planning Program Evaluation --- Program Appropriateness --- Program Effectiveness --- Program Sustainability --- Evaluation, Program --- Appropriateness, Program --- Effectiveness, Program --- Evaluations, Program --- Program Evaluations --- Program Sustainabilities --- Sustainabilities, Program --- Sustainability, Program --- Social Validity, Research --- Suicides --- Death --- Science, Social --- Sciences, Social --- Social Science --- Acceptance Process --- Acceptance Processes --- Behaviors --- Process, Acceptance --- Processes, Acceptance --- Healthcare Quality, Access, and Evaluation --- Community-Based Distribution --- Contraceptive Distribution --- Delivery of Healthcare --- Dental Care Delivery --- Distribution, Non-Clinical --- Distribution, Nonclinical --- Distributional Activities --- Healthcare --- Healthcare Delivery --- Healthcare Systems --- Non-Clinical Distribution --- Nonclinical Distribution --- Delivery of Dental Care --- Health Care Delivery --- Health Care Systems --- Activities, Distributional --- Activity, Distributional --- Care, Health --- Community Based Distribution --- Community-Based Distributions --- Contraceptive Distributions --- Deliveries, Healthcare --- Delivery, Dental Care --- Delivery, Health Care --- Delivery, Healthcare --- Distribution, Community-Based --- Distribution, Contraceptive --- Distribution, Non Clinical --- Distributional Activity --- Distributions, Community-Based --- Distributions, Contraceptive --- Distributions, Non-Clinical --- Distributions, Nonclinical --- Health Care System --- Healthcare Deliveries --- Healthcare System --- Non Clinical Distribution --- Non-Clinical Distributions --- Nonclinical Distributions --- System, Health Care --- System, Healthcare --- Systems, Health Care --- Systems, Healthcare --- Behavioral Symptom --- Symptom, Behavioral --- Symptoms, Behavioral --- Administration, Health Services --- Health Services --- General Social Development and Population --- Problem, Social --- Problems, Social --- Social Problem --- Pharmacy Audit --- Quality of Care --- Quality of Healthcare --- Audit, Pharmacy --- Care Qualities --- Care Quality --- Health Care Quality --- Healthcare Quality --- Pharmacy Audits --- Investigative Technics --- Investigative Technic --- Investigative Technique --- Technic, Investigative --- Technics, Investigative --- Technique, Investigative --- Techniques, Investigative --- Healthcare Evaluation Mechanisms --- Evaluation Mechanism, Healthcare --- Evaluation Mechanisms, Healthcare --- Healthcare Evaluation Mechanism --- Mechanism, Healthcare Evaluation --- Mechanisms, Healthcare Evaluation --- Deliberate Self-Harm --- Non-Suicidal Self Injury --- Nonsuicidal Self Injury --- Self-Injury --- Parasuicide --- Self-Destructive Behavior --- Behavior, Self-Destructive --- Behavior, Self-Injurious --- Behaviors, Self-Destructive --- Behaviors, Self-Injurious --- Deliberate Self Harm --- Non Suicidal Self Injury --- Non-Suicidal Self Injuries --- Nonsuicidal Self Injuries --- Parasuicides --- Self Destructive Behavior --- Self Injuries, Non-Suicidal --- Self Injuries, Nonsuicidal --- Self Injurious Behavior --- Self Injury --- Self Injury, Non-Suicidal --- Self Injury, Nonsuicidal --- Self-Destructive Behaviors --- Self-Harm, Deliberate --- Self-Injuries --- Self-Injurious Behaviors --- Body Modification, Non-Therapeutic --- Proxemics --- Behavioral Science --- Proxemic --- Science, Behavioral --- Sciences, Behavioral --- Critique --- Evaluation Indexes --- Evaluation Methodology --- Evaluation Report --- Evaluation Research --- Methodology, Evaluation --- Pre-Post Tests --- Qualitative Evaluation --- Quantitative Evaluation --- Theoretical Effectiveness --- Use-Effectiveness --- Critiques --- Effectiveness, Theoretical --- Evaluation Methodologies --- Evaluation Reports --- Evaluation, Qualitative --- Evaluation, Quantitative --- Evaluations, Qualitative --- Evaluations, Quantitative --- Indexes, Evaluation --- Methodologies, Evaluation --- Pre Post Tests --- Pre-Post Test --- Qualitative Evaluations --- Quantitative Evaluations --- Report, Evaluation --- Reports, Evaluation --- Research, Evaluation --- Test, Pre-Post --- Tests, Pre-Post --- Use Effectiveness --- Killing oneself --- Self-killing --- Right to die --- Attempted suicide --- Suicide, Attempted --- Suicide attempts --- Unsuccessful attempted suicide --- Unsuccessful suicide attempts --- Self-destructive behavior --- organization & administration --- Causes --- Labor Exploitation --- Social Exploitation --- Exploitation, Labor --- Exploitation, Social --- Exploitations, Labor --- Behavior And Behavior Mechanism --- Intentional Self Harm --- Intentional Self Injury --- Self Harm --- Harm, Self --- Intentional Self Injuries --- Self Harm, Intentional --- Self Injury, Intentional --- Techniques --- Technique --- Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures. --- Geography. --- Geographic Locations. --- Factor, Geographic --- Factors, Geographic --- Geographic Factor --- Geographic Factors --- Geography, Human --- Human Geography --- Diagnostic Technics and Procedures --- Technics and Procedures, Diagnostic --- Techniques and Procedures, Diagnostic --- Diagnostic Testing --- Testing, Diagnostic --- Diagnosis --- Sensitivity and Specificity --- methods --- Geographic Location --- America --- Northern America --- Evaluation Studies as Topic. --- Behavioral Sciences. --- Self-Injurious Behavior. --- Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms. --- Investigative Techniques. --- Quality of Health Care. --- Social Problems. --- Sociology. --- Behavioral Disciplines and Activities. --- Health Services Administration. --- Behavioral Symptoms. --- Delivery of Health Care. --- Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation. --- Behavior. --- Social Sciences. --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms. --- Suicide. --- Program Evaluation. --- Methods. --- Psychology. --- North America. --- Americas. --- United States.

Assisted dying and legal change
ISBN: 0191707066 Year: 2007 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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Exploring how the way in which assisted dying is legalised affects the regime produced, this text suggests that the experience of one jurisdiction cannot readily be translated to another, and argues for a subtler understanding of euthanasia against the backgrounds of diverse legal and political cultures.


Assisted suicide --- Right to die --- Euthanasia --- Right to Die --- Suicide, Assisted --- Suicide --- Terminal Care --- Patient Rights --- Homicide --- Self-Injurious Behavior --- Patient Care --- Social Problems --- Human Rights --- Social Control, Formal --- Therapeutics --- Sociology --- Behavioral Symptoms --- Health Services --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Behavior --- Health Care Economics and Organizations --- Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services --- Social Sciences --- Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena --- Health Care --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms --- Psychiatry and Psychology --- Law, General & Comparative --- Law, Politics & Government --- Law and legislation --- Community-Based Distribution --- Contraceptive Distribution --- Delivery of Healthcare --- Dental Care Delivery --- Distribution, Non-Clinical --- Distribution, Nonclinical --- Distributional Activities --- Healthcare --- Healthcare Delivery --- Healthcare Systems --- Non-Clinical Distribution --- Nonclinical Distribution --- Delivery of Dental Care --- Health Care Delivery --- Health Care Systems --- Activities, Distributional --- Activity, Distributional --- Care, Health --- Community Based Distribution --- Community-Based Distributions --- Contraceptive Distributions --- Deliveries, Healthcare --- Delivery, Dental Care --- Delivery, Health Care --- Delivery, Healthcare --- Distribution, Community-Based --- Distribution, Contraceptive --- Distribution, Non Clinical --- Distributional Activity --- Distributions, Community-Based --- Distributions, Contraceptive --- Distributions, Non-Clinical --- Distributions, Nonclinical --- Health Care System --- Healthcare Deliveries --- Healthcare System --- Non Clinical Distribution --- Non-Clinical Distributions --- Nonclinical Distributions --- System, Health Care --- System, Healthcare --- Systems, Health Care --- Systems, Healthcare --- Science, Social --- Sciences, Social --- Social Science --- Healthcare Facilities, Manpower, and Services --- Healthcare Economics and Organizations --- Acceptance Process --- Acceptance Processes --- Behaviors --- Process, Acceptance --- Processes, Acceptance --- Services, Health --- Health Service --- Behavioral Symptom --- Symptom, Behavioral --- Symptoms, Behavioral --- General Social Development and Population --- Therapy --- Treatment --- Therapeutic --- Therapies --- Treatments --- Disease --- Regulation --- Social Control --- Control, Social --- Controls, Social --- Formal Social Control --- Formal Social Controls --- Regulations --- Social Controls --- Public Policy --- Collective Human Rights --- Equal Rights --- Linguistic Rights --- Right to Housing and Shelter --- Rights of Indigenous Peoples --- Human Rights, Collective --- Indigenous Peoples Rights --- Rights, Collective Human --- Rights, Equal --- Rights, Linguistic --- Social Justice --- Human Rights Abuses --- Labor Exploitation --- Social Exploitation --- Exploitation, Labor --- Exploitation, Social --- Exploitations, Labor --- Problem, Social --- Problems, Social --- Social Problem --- Informal care --- Care, Patient --- Informal cares --- care, Informal --- cares, Informal --- Deliberate Self-Harm --- Non-Suicidal Self Injury --- Nonsuicidal Self Injury --- Self-Injury --- Self-Destructive Behavior --- Behavior, Self-Destructive --- Behavior, Self-Injurious --- Behaviors, Self-Destructive --- Behaviors, Self-Injurious --- Deliberate Self Harm --- Non Suicidal Self Injury --- Non-Suicidal Self Injuries --- Nonsuicidal Self Injuries --- Self Destructive Behavior --- Self Injuries, Non-Suicidal --- Self Injuries, Nonsuicidal --- Self Injurious Behavior --- Self Injury --- Self Injury, Non-Suicidal --- Self Injury, Nonsuicidal --- Self-Destructive Behaviors --- Self-Harm, Deliberate --- Self-Injuries --- Self-Injurious Behaviors --- Body Modification, Non-Therapeutic --- Killing --- Wrongful Death --- Murder --- Death, Wrongful --- Deaths, Wrongful --- Homicides --- Killings --- Murders --- Wrongful Deaths --- Death --- Patient's Rights --- Patients' Rights --- Right to Treatment --- Patient Right --- Patient's Right --- Patients Rights --- Patients' Right --- Right to Treatments --- Right, Patient --- Right, Patient's --- Right, Patients' --- Rights, Patient --- Rights, Patient's --- Rights, Patients' --- Treatment, Right to --- Treatments, Right to --- Patient Advocacy --- Truth Disclosure --- Bioethical Issues --- End of Life Care --- Care End, Life --- Care Ends, Life --- Care, Terminal --- Life Care End --- Life Care Ends --- Advance Care Planning --- Suicides --- Mercy Killing --- Killing, Mercy --- Killings, Mercy --- Mercy Killings --- Medically Assisted Suicides --- Suicide, Medically Assisted --- Suicides, Medically Assisted --- Assisted Suicide --- Death, Assisted --- Medically Assisted Suicide --- Physician-Assisted Suicide --- Assisted Death --- Assisted Deaths --- Assisted Suicides --- Deaths, Assisted --- Physician Assisted Suicide --- Physician-Assisted Suicides --- Suicide, Physician-Assisted --- Suicides, Assisted --- Suicides, Physician-Assisted --- Euthanasia, Active --- Euthanasia, Active, Voluntary --- Death with Dignity --- Dignity, Death with --- Advance Directives --- Living Wills --- Medical laws and legislation --- Informed consent (Medical law) --- therapy --- Behavior And Behavior Mechanism --- Health Care Economics --- Health Economics --- Healthcare Economics --- Care Economic, Health --- Economic, Health --- Economic, Health Care --- Economic, Healthcare --- Economics, Health Care --- Health Care Economic --- Health Economic --- Healthcare Economic --- Intentional Self Harm --- Intentional Self Injury --- Self Harm --- Harm, Self --- Intentional Self Injuries --- Self Harm, Intentional --- Self Injury, Intentional --- End-Of-Life Care --- Care, End-Of-Life --- End-Of-Life Cares --- Psychology --- Factors, Psychological --- Psychological Factors --- Psychological Side Effects --- Psychologists --- Psychosocial Factors --- Side Effects, Psychological --- Factor, Psychological --- Factor, Psychosocial --- Factors, Psychosocial --- Psychological Factor --- Psychological Side Effect --- Psychologist --- Psychosocial Factor --- Side Effect, Psychological --- Right to Die. --- Suicide, Assisted. --- Euthanasia. --- Suicide. --- Terminal Care. --- Patient Rights. --- Homicide. --- Self-Injurious Behavior. --- Patient Care. --- Social Problems. --- Human Rights. --- Social Control, Formal. --- Therapeutics. --- Sociology. --- Behavioral Symptoms. --- Health Services. --- Behavior. --- Health Care Economics and Organizations. --- Health Care Facilities Workforce and Services. --- Social Sciences. --- Delivery of Health Care. --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms. --- Psychology. --- Law and legislation.

Depression in Japan : psychiatric cures for a society in distress
ISBN: 1283227479 9786613227478 1400840384 9780691142050 069114205X 9780691142043 9781400840380 Year: 2012 Publisher: Princeton Princeton University Press

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Since the 1990s, suicide in recession-plagued Japan has soared, and rates of depression have both increased and received greater public attention. In a nation that has traditionally been uncomfortable addressing mental illness, what factors have allowed for the rising medicalization of depression and suicide? Investigating these profound changes from historical, clinical, and sociolegal perspectives, Depression in Japan explores how depression has become a national disease and entered the Japanese lexicon, how psychiatry has responded to the nation's ailing social order, and how, in a remarkable transformation, psychiatry has overcome the longstanding resistance to its intrusion in Japanese life. Questioning claims made by Japanese psychiatrists that depression hardly existed in premodern Japan, Junko Kitanaka shows that Japanese medicine did indeed have a language for talking about depression which was conceived of as an illness where psychological suffering was intimately connected to physiological and social distress. The author looks at how Japanese psychiatrists now use the discourse of depression to persuade patients that they are victims of biological and social forces beyond their control; analyzes how this language has been adopted in legal discourse surrounding'overwork suicide'; and considers how, in contrast to the West, this language curiously emphasizes the suffering of men rather than women. Examining patients'narratives, Kitanaka demonstrates how psychiatry constructs a gendering of depression, one that is closely tied to local politics and questions of legitimate social suffering. Drawing upon extensive research in psychiatric institutions in Tokyo and the surrounding region, Depression in Japan uncovers the emergence of psychiatry as a force for social transformation in Japan


Depression, Mental -- Treatment -- Japan. --- Depressive Disorder -- psychology. --- Japan. --- Patient Acceptance of Health Care. --- Psychotherapy -- Japan. --- Depression, Mental --- Psychotherapy --- Behavioral Sciences --- Self-Injurious Behavior --- Far East --- Personnel Management --- Medicine --- Social Problems --- Mood Disorders --- Attitude to Health --- Organization and Administration --- Mental Disorders --- Delivery of Health Care --- Health Occupations --- Sociology --- Behavioral Disciplines and Activities --- Asia --- Behavioral Symptoms --- Health Services Administration --- Psychiatry and Psychology --- Disciplines and Occupations --- Behavior --- Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation --- Geographic Locations --- Social Sciences --- Health Care --- Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms --- Geographicals --- Psychiatry --- Suicide --- Japan --- Psychology --- Workload --- Depressive Disorder --- Patient Acceptance of Health Care --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Psychiatric Disorders, Individual --- Treatment --- Depression, Mental -- Treatment -- Japan --- Depressive Disorder -- psychology --- Psychotherapy -- Japan --- J7987 --- J4210 --- J4230 --- Community-Based Distribution --- Contraceptive Distribution --- Delivery of Healthcare --- Dental Care Delivery --- Distribution, Non-Clinical --- Distribution, Nonclinical --- Distributional Activities --- Healthcare --- Healthcare Delivery --- Healthcare Systems --- Non-Clinical Distribution --- Nonclinical Distribution --- Delivery of Dental Care --- Health Care Delivery --- Health Care Systems --- Activities, Distributional --- Activity, Distributional --- Care, Health --- Community Based Distribution --- Community-Based Distributions --- Contraceptive Distributions --- Deliveries, Healthcare --- Delivery, Dental Care --- Delivery, Health Care --- Delivery, Healthcare --- Distribution, Community-Based --- Distribution, Contraceptive --- Distribution, Non Clinical --- Distributional Activity --- Distributions, Community-Based --- Distributions, Contraceptive --- Distributions, Non-Clinical --- Distributions, Nonclinical --- Health Care System --- Healthcare Deliveries --- Healthcare System --- Non Clinical Distribution --- Non-Clinical Distributions --- Nonclinical Distributions --- System, Health Care --- System, Healthcare --- Systems, Health Care --- Systems, Healthcare --- Science, Social --- Sciences, Social --- Social Science --- Healthcare Quality, Access, and Evaluation --- Acceptance Process --- Acceptance Processes --- Behaviors --- Process, Acceptance --- Processes, Acceptance --- Administration, Health Services --- Health Services --- Behavioral Symptom --- Symptom, Behavioral --- Symptoms, Behavioral --- General Social Development and Population --- Health Professions --- Health Occupation --- Health Profession --- Profession, Health --- Professions, Health --- Occupations --- Behavior Disorders --- Diagnosis, Psychiatric --- Mental Disorders, Severe --- Psychiatric Diagnosis --- Psychiatric Diseases --- Psychiatric Disorders --- Psychiatric Illness --- Mental Disorder --- Mental Disorder, Severe --- Psychiatric Disease --- Psychiatric Disorder --- Psychiatric Illnesses --- Severe Mental Disorder --- Severe Mental Disorders --- Mentally Ill Persons --- Client-Staff Ratio --- Client Staff Ratio --- Client-Staff Ratios --- Management, Personnel --- Ratio, Client-Staff --- Ratios, Client-Staff --- Deliberate Self-Harm --- Non-Suicidal Self Injury --- Nonsuicidal Self Injury --- Self-Injury --- Self-Destructive Behavior --- Behavior, Self-Destructive --- Behavior, Self-Injurious --- Behaviors, Self-Destructive --- Behaviors, Self-Injurious --- Deliberate Self Harm --- Non Suicidal Self Injury --- Non-Suicidal Self Injuries --- Nonsuicidal Self Injuries --- Self Destructive Behavior --- Self Injuries, Non-Suicidal --- Self Injuries, Nonsuicidal --- Self Injurious Behavior --- Self Injury --- Self Injury, Non-Suicidal --- Self Injury, Nonsuicidal --- Self-Destructive Behaviors --- Self-Harm, Deliberate --- Self-Injuries --- Self-Injurious Behaviors --- Body Modification, Non-Therapeutic --- Proxemics --- Behavioral Science --- Proxemic --- Science, Behavioral --- Sciences, Behavioral --- Dejection --- Depression, Unipolar --- Depressive disorder --- Depressive psychoses --- Melancholia --- Mental depression --- Unipolar depression --- Affective disorders --- Neurasthenia --- Neuroses --- Manic-depressive illness --- Melancholy --- Sadness --- Suicides --- Death --- Psychiatrists --- Psychiatrist --- Administration and Organization --- Administrative Technics --- Administrative Techniques --- Coordination, Administrative --- Logistics --- Supervision --- Technics, Administrative --- Techniques, Administrative --- Administration --- Administrative Coordination --- Administrative Technic --- Administrative Technique --- Technic, Administrative --- Technique, Administrative --- Health Attitude --- Attitude, Health --- Attitudes, Health --- Health Attitudes --- Health, Attitude to --- Public Opinion --- Affective Disorders --- Affective Disorder --- Disorder, Affective --- Disorder, Mood --- Disorders, Affective --- Disorders, Mood --- Mood Disorder --- Labor Exploitation --- Social Exploitation --- Exploitation, Labor --- Exploitation, Social --- Exploitations, Labor --- Problem, Social --- Problems, Social --- Social Problem --- Medical Specialities --- Medical Specialties --- Medical Specialty --- Specialities, Medical --- Specialties, Medical --- Specialty, Medical --- Medical Speciality --- Speciality, Medical --- Health Workforce --- Acceptability of Healthcare --- Acceptors of Health Care --- Health Care Utilization --- Nonacceptors of Health Care --- Patient Acceptance of Healthcare --- Acceptability of Health Care --- Health Care Seeking Behavior --- Care Acceptor, Health --- Care Acceptors, Health --- Care Nonacceptor, Health --- Care Nonacceptors, Health --- Health Care Acceptability --- Health Care Acceptor --- Health Care Acceptors --- Health Care Nonacceptor --- Health Care Nonacceptors --- Healthcare Acceptabilities --- Healthcare Acceptability --- Healthcare Patient Acceptance --- Healthcare Patient Acceptances --- Utilization, Health Care --- Patient Satisfaction --- Depression, Endogenous --- Depression, Neurotic --- Depressive Syndrome --- Neurosis, Depressive --- Unipolar Depression --- Depressions, Endogenous --- Depressions, Neurotic --- Depressions, Unipolar --- Depressive Disorders --- Depressive Neuroses --- Depressive Neurosis --- Depressive Syndromes --- Disorder, Depressive --- Disorders, Depressive --- Endogenous Depression --- Endogenous Depressions --- Melancholias --- Neuroses, Depressive --- Neurotic Depression --- Neurotic Depressions --- Syndrome, Depressive --- Syndromes, Depressive --- Unipolar Depressions --- Employee Work Load --- Staff Work Load --- Work Load --- Employee Workload --- Staff Workload --- Employee Work Loads --- Employee Workloads --- Staff Work Loads --- Staff Workloads --- Work Load, Employee --- Work Load, Staff --- Work Loads --- Work Loads, Employee --- Work Loads, Staff --- Workload, Employee --- Workload, Staff --- Workloads --- Workloads, Employee --- Workloads, Staff --- Task Performance and Analysis --- Factors, Psychological --- Psychological Factors --- Psychological Side Effects --- Psychologists --- Psychosocial Factors --- Side Effects, Psychological --- Factor, Psychological --- Factor, Psychosocial --- Factors, Psychosocial --- Psychological Factor --- Psychological Side Effect --- Psychologist --- Psychosocial Factor --- Side Effect, Psychological --- Japan: Science and technology -- medical science -- psychotherapy, faith cure --- Japan: Sociology and anthropology -- social policy and pathology --- Japan: Sociology and anthropology -- social pathology and degeneration --- organization & administration --- E-books --- Psychology. --- Therapy. --- trends. --- psychology. --- Behavior And Behavior Mechanism --- Mental Illness --- Illness, Mental --- Mental Illnesses --- Intentional Self Harm --- Intentional Self Injury --- Self Harm --- Harm, Self --- Intentional Self Injuries --- Self Harm, Intentional --- Self Injury, Intentional --- Depression, Mental - Treatment - Japan --- Psychotherapy - Japan --- Bipolar disorder

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