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Quatrième de couverture : "Cellules tumorales circulantes des cancers solides Les (CTC) sont issues des cancers solides. L'augmentation de leur nombre au cours de l'évolution a une valeur pronostique péjorative. Elles permettent de suivre l'évolution de la maladie cancéreuse alors que la tumeur primaire a été traitée et que les métastases sont inaccessibles ou non détectables. Un nouvel intérêt pour les CTC est apparu avec l'avènement des thérapies ciblées. En effet, c'est un moyen de vérifier la persistance ou la disparition de la cible moléculaire afin de personnaliser le traitement et de trouver éventuellement d'autres cibles. Véritable «biopsie liquide» non-invasive, le recueil des CTC se fait par simple prise de sang veineux. Leur analyse morphologique et immunologique peut être réalisée en semi-routine au microscope. Ce premier ouvrage, fruit d'une expérience d'une dizaine d'années, est destiné à initier les pathologistes et les biologistes à l'identification des CTC afin de répondre à une demande croissante des oncologues."
Neoplastic Cells, Circulating --- Cell Biology --- Hematologic Tests
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Plus que jamais, les oncologues ont besoin de l’apport de la biologie, d’abord pour comprendre les cancers, mais surtout pour les traiter. Des milliers d’essais thérapeutiques ont été lancés pour évaluer les thérapies innovantes ciblant les mécanismes de l’oncogenèse. Il est maintenant bien établi que le cancer est, d’une certaine façon, une maladie de la signalisation cellulaire : les cellules cancéreuses détournent à leur profit les messages que s’échangent les cellules, masquent ou surexpriment les récepteurs de ces messages, miment de mille façons les voies intracellulaires qui leur permettent de proliférer et d’envahir les tissus voisins ou distants.Afin de ne pas se perdre dans le dédale des voies de signalisation, dans la profusion des récepteurs et des signaux concourant à l’oncogenèse, cet ouvrage propose une vision d’ensemble, simplifiée, didactique et complète des voies de transmission de l’information entre les cellules et à l’intérieur des cellules. Les voies de signalisation sont analysées une à une, mais sans jamais esquiver la complexité de leurs interconnexions. La présentation de chaque voie est suivie d’une brève description des altérations rencontrées dans les cancers et des approches pharmacologiques ciblées qui peuvent être mises en œuvre pour y remédier. Les mécanismes de base de la biologie moléculaire, qui permettent d’expliquer les perturbations des voies de signalisation, font l’objet d’annexes didactiques.Cette nouvelle édition intègre les découvertes récentes de la recherche et apporte des compléments sur des sujets qui n’avaient pas été abordés dans la première édition, en particulier un chapitre sur adhésion et motilité cellulaire et une annexe sur les déviations métaboliques des cellules cancéreuses. Abondamment illustré par des schémas très précis, cet ouvrage sera le compagnon idéal de l’oncologue dans sa quête de nouvelles thérapeutiques anticancéreuses.
Neoplastic cells, Circulating --- Neoplasms --- Stem cells --- Cellules cancéreuses --- Cellules souches --- Cellular signal transduction --- Carcinogenesis --- Cancer cells --- Signal Transduction --- Proliferation --- Neoplasms. --- Neoplastic Cells, Circulating. --- Signal Transduction. --- Stem Cells. --- Cellules cancéreuses. --- Cellules souches.
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Liquid Biopsy in Urogenital Cancers and Their Clinical Utility presents updated information on liquid biopsy techniques and their utility for diagnosing urological cancers. As a promising and recent diagnostic method, these techniques can be used for identifying tumors at initial stage, thus greatly improving treatment outcomes and survivorship. Chapters provide an overview of liquid biopsy as a new tool for diagnosis, monitoring and personalized medicine in urogenital cancers and explain its applicability in different cancer types, including bladder, prostate, kidney and testis tumors, female genital tract and pediatric urogenital tumors.
Cytodiagnosis. --- Genitourinary organs --- Cytologic diagnosis --- Diagnosis, Cytologic --- Diagnostic cytopathology --- Diagnosis, Laboratory --- Pathology, Cellular --- Cancer --- Diagnosis. --- Liquid Biopsy --- Cytodiagnosis --- Neoplastic Cells, Circulating --- Urogenital Neoplasms --- Biopsy. --- diagnosis --- Liquid Biopsy. --- Neoplastic Cells, Circulating. --- diagnosis.
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Biologie cellulaire --- Cancer --- Celbiologie --- Kanker --- Cell Movement. --- Neoplastic Cells, Circulating. --- Neoplasm Invasiveness. --- Neoplasm Metastasis. --- Cancer cells --- -Cells --- -Organisms --- Cytology --- Cells --- Pathology, Cellular --- Metastases, Neoplasm --- Metastasis, Neoplasm --- Neoplasm Metastases --- Metastasis --- Metastases --- Neoplasms --- Neoplasm Invasion --- Invasiveness, Neoplasm --- Invasion, Neoplasm --- Cells, Neoplasm Circulating --- Circulating Cells, Neoplasm --- Circulating Tumor Cells --- Circulating Neoplastic Cells --- Embolic Tumor Cells --- Embolism, Tumor --- Neoplasm Circulating Cells --- Tumor Cells, Embolic --- Cell, Circulating Neoplastic --- Cell, Circulating Tumor --- Cell, Embolic Tumor --- Cell, Neoplasm Circulating --- Cells, Circulating Neoplastic --- Cells, Circulating Tumor --- Cells, Embolic Tumor --- Circulating Neoplastic Cell --- Circulating Tumor Cell --- Embolic Tumor Cell --- Embolisms, Tumor --- Neoplasm Circulating Cell --- Neoplastic Cell, Circulating --- Tumor Cell, Circulating --- Tumor Cell, Embolic --- Tumor Cells, Circulating --- Tumor Embolism --- Tumor Embolisms --- Cell Migration --- Locomotion, Cell --- Migration, Cell --- Motility, Cell --- Movement, Cell --- Cell Locomotion --- Cell Motility --- Cell Movements --- Movements, Cell --- Cell Tracking --- Congresses --- Motility --- -Congresses --- secondary --- Cell Movement --- Neoplasm Invasiveness --- Neoplasm Metastasis --- Neoplastic Cells, Circulating --- Organisms --- Motility&delete& --- Metastase
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Most deaths from carcinomas are caused by the hematogenous dissemination of cancer cells to distant organs and the eventual development of metastases. When found in the bone marrow or peripheral blood of carcinoma patients, occult cancer cells are referred to as disseminated tumor cells (DTCs) or circulating tumor cells (CTCs). CTCs and DTCs are considered surrogates of minimal residual disease, i.e., the presence of malignant cells in distant organs that are undetectable by conventional imaging and laboratory tests used for tumor staging after curative surgery of the primary tumor. In this book, leading investigators in the field provide up-to-date information on a series of important questions, including: - How can the study of minimal residual disease and CTCs help us to better understand breast cancer metastasis? - What technologies are available for the detection and characterization of CTCs and DTCs, and what are their relative merits? - How are DTCs and CTCs relevant to clinical research and practice? - What is the role of other blood-based biomarkers such as circulating endothelial cells and circulating nucleic acids? - What are the challenges in drug and biomarker co-development and the use of CTCs for companion diagnostic development? This book will be of interest and assistance to all who are engaged in the modern management of breast cancer.
Breast -- Cancer. --- Breast -- Cancer -- Diagnosis. --- Breast Neoplasms. --- Neoplasm, Residual. --- Neoplastic Cells, Circulating. --- Neoplastic Processes --- Cells --- Breast Diseases --- Neoplasms by Site --- Neoplasms --- Pathologic Processes --- Anatomy --- Skin Diseases --- Skin and Connective Tissue Diseases --- Diseases --- Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms --- Neoplasm Metastasis --- Neoplasm, Residual --- Breast Neoplasms --- Neoplastic Cells, Circulating --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Oncology --- Breast --- Cancer --- Research. --- Tumors --- Breasts --- Medicine. --- Cancer research. --- Gynecology. --- Oncology. --- Pathology. --- Surgical oncology. --- Medicine & Public Health. --- Surgical Oncology. --- Cancer Research. --- Oncologic surgery --- Oncological surgery --- Surgical oncology --- Disease (Pathology) --- Medical sciences --- Medicine, Preventive --- Gynaecology --- Generative organs, Female --- Cancer research --- Clinical sciences --- Medical profession --- Human biology --- Life sciences --- Pathology --- Physicians --- Excision --- Treatment --- Chest --- Large-breasted women --- Breast cancer research on postage stamps --- Oncology . --- Gynecology . --- Cancer. --- Cancer Therapy. --- Cancer Biology. --- Treatment. --- Cancers --- Carcinoma --- Malignancy (Cancer) --- Malignant tumors --- Cancer therapy --- Cancer treatment --- Therapy
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Tumor markers --- Diagnostic use. --- Molecular diagnosis --- Neoplastic Cells, Circulating. --- Liquid Biopsy. --- Cytodiagnosis. --- Cytodiagnoses --- Cytological Techniques --- Liquid Biopsies --- Biopsies, Liquid --- Biopsy, Liquid --- Cell-Free Nucleic Acids --- Blood Specimen Collection --- Cells, Neoplasm Circulating --- Circulating Cells, Neoplasm --- Circulating Tumor Cells --- Circulating Neoplastic Cells --- Embolic Tumor Cells --- Embolism, Tumor --- Neoplasm Circulating Cells --- Tumor Cells, Embolic --- Cell, Circulating Neoplastic --- Cell, Circulating Tumor --- Cell, Embolic Tumor --- Cell, Neoplasm Circulating --- Cells, Circulating Neoplastic --- Cells, Circulating Tumor --- Cells, Embolic Tumor --- Circulating Neoplastic Cell --- Circulating Tumor Cell --- Embolic Tumor Cell --- Embolisms, Tumor --- Neoplasm Circulating Cell --- Neoplastic Cell, Circulating --- Tumor Cell, Circulating --- Tumor Cell, Embolic --- Tumor Cells, Circulating --- Tumor Embolism --- Tumor Embolisms --- Biòpsia --- Citodiagnòstic. --- Cèl·lules canceroses --- Citologia clínica --- Diagnòstic cel·lular --- Diagnòstic citològic --- Diagnòstic citopatòlogic --- Diagnòstic citoquímic --- Diagnòstic histocitològic --- Diagnostic històlogic --- Diagnòstic de laboratori --- Biòpsia per aspiració --- Histopatologia --- Patologia cel·lular --- Cirurgia operatòria --- Cèl·lules --- Metàstasi --- Càncer
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Cell based impedance sensing is becoming a new biophysical and cellular technology in cell based analyses. The technology has been used in investigation of cellular growth and death, cell adhesion and migration, cell invasion and cell-cell interactions, cell toxicity, angiogenesis, cell permeability, signal transduction and cellular behaviour under flow conditions. It is a probe free, highly sensitive, and versatile technology platform. Recent development in the technology has also allowed high throughput, automated analyses. It has been widely explored in chemistry, toxicity, cell biology, cancer biology, and other areas of chemistry, medicinal chemistry, life and medical science. Written by experts in the area of cell impedance sensing, including the Nobel Laureate Dr Ivar Giaever, this books covers the background of electric cell-substrate impedance sensing, their applications in cell based investigations, particularly in the area of cancer biology. This book is the first on this technology platform and will be a highly useful reference for molecular and cell biologists, cancer biologists, chemists and biochemists, clinical researchers who work in the areas of cell biology, molecular biology, toxicology, pharmaceutical industry, life science and medical research.
Cell interaction. --- Cell-matrix adhesions. --- Cells --Electric properties. --- Metastasis. --- Cells --- Cell interaction --- Metastasis --- Cell-matrix adhesions --- Electric Conductivity --- Cell Physiological Processes --- Neoplastic Processes --- Molecular Probe Techniques --- Pathologic Processes --- Electricity --- Investigative Techniques --- Anatomy --- Cell Physiological Phenomena --- Neoplasms --- Diseases --- Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms --- Electromagnetic Phenomena --- Phenomena and Processes --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Physical Phenomena --- Biosensing Techniques --- Neoplastic Cells, Circulating --- Neoplasm Metastasis --- Cell Adhesion --- Electric Impedance --- Medicine --- Biology --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Oncology --- Cytology --- Electric properties --- Impedance, Bioelectric. --- Bioelectric impedance --- Bioelectrical impedance --- Cancer --- Cancer metastasis --- Dissemination of cancer --- Metastases --- Metastatic cancer --- Neoplasm metastasis --- Spread of cancer --- Tumor dissemination --- Tumor metastasis --- Tumor spread --- Dissemination --- Medicine. --- Cancer research. --- Molecular biology. --- Oncology. --- Biomedicine. --- Cancer Research. --- Biomedicine general. --- Molecular Medicine. --- Electrophysiology --- Impedance (Electricity) --- Pathology --- Cancer invasiveness --- Cancer of unknown primary origin --- Oncology . --- Tumors --- Clinical sciences --- Medical profession --- Human biology --- Life sciences --- Medical sciences --- Physicians --- Health Workforce --- Biomedicine, general. --- Molecular biochemistry --- Molecular biophysics --- Biochemistry --- Biophysics --- Biomolecules --- Systems biology --- Cancer research --- Cancer. --- Medicine—Research. --- Biology—Research. --- Cancer Biology. --- Biomedical Research. --- Cancers --- Carcinoma --- Malignancy (Cancer) --- Malignant tumors
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This book compiles the latest research and key findings about the role of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in Breast Cancer progression, both from the research and clinical standpoint. Based on latest advancements, the content of the book is set out to provide a clear overview about the biology and use of CTCs as a tool for the monitoring and management of breast cancer patients. This work covers basic concepts about the process of metastasis, the biology of CTCs and their potential applications as a biomarker in breast cancer. It will enable readers to delve into the process of epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity (EMP), mechanisms and clinical implications of tumor cell dormancy and minimal residual disease, and into the phenotypical and molecular heterogeneity of CTCs and CTC clusters, including the epigenetic characterization of CTCs. Readers will find out about the key technologies used for the isolation of CTCs as well as the latest advances towards the characterization of CTCs, involving single cell analyses and patient-derived models. It will discuss the evidences about the use of CTCs as a tool to monitor breast cancer progression and therapy response, as well as to unravel mechanisms of resistance to therapy and to identify new therapeutic targets favoring the development of novel anticancer drugs. Lastly, it will discuss ongoing clinical trials and try to foresee the future of CTCs in terms of clinical application and implementation in the clinical routine. The topic of this book is particularly relevant for cancer researchers and oncologist with an interest in the field, looking to refresh or to broaden their knowledge and understanding about the use of CTCs as a diagnostic biomarker in breast cancer.
Cancer research. --- Molecular biology. --- Biomedical engineering. --- Stem cells. --- Cancer Research. --- Molecular Medicine. --- Biomedical Engineering/Biotechnology. --- Stem Cells. --- Colony-forming units (Cells) --- Mother cells --- Progenitor cells --- Cells --- Clinical engineering --- Medical engineering --- Bioengineering --- Biophysics --- Engineering --- Medicine --- Molecular biochemistry --- Molecular biophysics --- Biochemistry --- Biomolecules --- Systems biology --- Cancer research --- Breast --- Breast Neoplasms. --- Neoplasm Metastasis. --- Neoplastic Cells, Circulating. --- Cancer --- Molecular aspects. --- Cells, Neoplasm Circulating --- Circulating Cells, Neoplasm --- Circulating Tumor Cells --- Circulating Neoplastic Cells --- Embolic Tumor Cells --- Embolism, Tumor --- Neoplasm Circulating Cells --- Tumor Cells, Embolic --- Cell, Circulating Neoplastic --- Cell, Circulating Tumor --- Cell, Embolic Tumor --- Cell, Neoplasm Circulating --- Cells, Circulating Neoplastic --- Cells, Circulating Tumor --- Cells, Embolic Tumor --- Circulating Neoplastic Cell --- Circulating Tumor Cell --- Embolic Tumor Cell --- Embolisms, Tumor --- Neoplasm Circulating Cell --- Neoplastic Cell, Circulating --- Tumor Cell, Circulating --- Tumor Cell, Embolic --- Tumor Cells, Circulating --- Tumor Embolism --- Tumor Embolisms --- Metastases, Neoplasm --- Metastasis, Neoplasm --- Neoplasm Metastases --- Metastasis --- Metastases --- Neoplasms --- Breast Carcinoma --- Cancer of the Breast --- Human Mammary Carcinoma --- Malignant Neoplasm of Breast --- Malignant Tumor of Breast --- Mammary Cancer --- Mammary Carcinoma, Human --- Mammary Neoplasm, Human --- Mammary Neoplasms, Human --- Neoplasms, Breast --- Tumors, Breast --- Breast Cancer --- Breast Tumors --- Cancer of Breast --- Breast Carcinomas --- Breast Malignant Neoplasm --- Breast Malignant Neoplasms --- Breast Malignant Tumor --- Breast Malignant Tumors --- Breast Neoplasm --- Breast Tumor --- Cancer, Breast --- Cancer, Mammary --- Cancers, Mammary --- Carcinoma, Breast --- Carcinoma, Human Mammary --- Carcinomas, Breast --- Carcinomas, Human Mammary --- Human Mammary Carcinomas --- Human Mammary Neoplasm --- Human Mammary Neoplasms --- Mammary Cancers --- Mammary Carcinomas, Human --- Neoplasm, Breast --- Neoplasm, Human Mammary --- Neoplasms, Human Mammary --- Tumor, Breast --- Breast Cancer Lymphedema --- secondary --- Càncer de mama --- Cèl·lules canceroses --- Monitoratge de pacients --- Monitoratge fisiològic --- Supervisió electrònica dels malalts --- Supervisió electrònica dels pacients --- Diagnòstic --- Medicina intensiva --- Monitoratge fetal --- Cèl·lules --- Patologia cel·lular --- Metàstasi --- Càncer --- Càncer de pit --- Malalties de la mama --- Càncer ginecològic --- Research.
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