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The economic sociology of capitalism
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ISBN: 0691119570 0691119589 0691217939 Year: 2005 Publisher: Princeton, N.J. Princeton University Press

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This book represents a major step forward in the use of economic sociology to illuminate the nature and workings of capitalism amid the far-reaching changes of the contemporary era of global capitalism. For the past twenty years economic sociologists have focused on mesa-level phenomena of networks, but they have done relatively little to analyze capitalism as an overall system or to show how such phenomena emerge from and shape the dynamics of capitalism. The Economic Sociology of Capitalism seeks to change this, by presenting both big-picture analyses of capitalism and more focused pieces on institutions crucial to capitalism. The book, which includes sixteen chapters by leading scholars in economic sociology, is organized around three broad themes. The first section addresses core issues and problems in the new study of capitalism; the second considers a variety of topics concerning America, the leading capitalist economy of the world; and the third focuses attention on the question of convergence stemming from the global transformation of capitalism and the challenge of explaining institutional change. The contributions, which follow a foreword by economic historian Avner Greif and the editor's introduction, are by Mitchel Abolafia, James Baron and Michael Hannan, Mary C. Brinton, John Campbell, Gerald Davis and Christopher Marquis, Paul DiMaggio and Joseph Cohen, Peter Evans, Neil Fligstein, John Freeman, Francis Fukuyama, Ko Kuwabara, Victor Nee, Douglass C. North, AnnaLee Saxenian, Richard Swedberg, and Viviana Zelizer.

Noblesse is business : une vaste enquête menée au coeur du patrimoine et des réseaux de la noblesse belge
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782390250050 239025005X Year: 2017 Publisher: Bruxelles: Racine,

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Les Spoelberch, les Janssen, les Lhoist... Des nobles belges bien ancrés dans l'économie du Royaume. Administrateurs de sociétés, propriétaires de château, rentiers ou hommes d'affaires, on les retrouve au sein de nos plus grosses entreprises, parmi les plus grosses fortunes. "Avec notre réseau, c'est très facile pour nous", dixit un businessman issu de la haute noblesse. Et pourtant, le monde de la noblesse est complexe, empli de paradoxes. Certains exercent des métiers manuels, d'autres rénovent leur château. Enfin, il y a les nouveaux, les anoblis. Chaque année, le Roi annonce les heureux élus. Nombre d'entre eux émanent du monde économique : ce sont les hommes d'affaires les plus puissants, assurant la relève d'un monde loin d'être en extinction.


fortune --- vermogen --- BPB1706 --- Entrepreneur --- Belgique --- Noblesse --- Entreprise privée --- Économie nationale --- Ondernemer --- België --- Adel --- Particuliere onderneming --- Nationale economie --- Aspect politique --- Aspect économique --- Aristocracy (Social class) --- Nobility --- Wealth --- Capitalists and financiers --- Aristocratie --- Nobles --- Richesse --- Capitalistes et financiers --- Attitudes --- Belgium --- Social life and customs --- Mœurs et coutumes --- History --- Economic aspects --- 20th century --- 21st century --- Economic history --- Aspect politique. --- Aspect économique. --- nationale economie --- nacionalna ekonomija --- economia nacional --- национална економија --- Volkswirtschaft --- εθνική οικονομία --- national economy --- economie națională --- šalies ekonomika --- gospodarka narodowa --- национална икономика --- nationalekonomi --- národné hospodárstvo --- economía nacional --- rahvamajandus --- ekonomi kombëtare --- national økonomi --- nacionalno gospodarstvo --- ekonomija nazzjonali --- tautsaimniecība --- economia nazionale --- kansantalous --- национална привреда --- národní hospodářství --- nemzetgazdaság --- национално стопанство --- домашно стопанство --- домашна економија --- šalies ūkis --- economia doméstica --- narodno gospodarstvo --- národní ekonomika --- zasebno podjetje --- magánvállalkozás --- частно предприятие --- particuliere onderneming --- erasektor --- przedsiębiorstwo prywatne --- privātais sektors --- sektor privat --- ιδιωτική επιχείρηση --- приватно предузеће --- private sector --- privačiojo sektoriaus įmonė --- privat virksomhed --- yksityinen yritys --- impresa privata --- empresa privada --- soukromý sektor --- приватен сектор --- sector privat --- settur privat --- privatföretag --- súkromný sektor --- privatni sektor --- privates Unternehmen --- magánszektor --- privat sektor --- претпријатие од приватниот сектор --- azienda privata --- privatusis sektorius --- secteur privé --- sector privado --- private undertaking --- privater Sektor --- soukromý podnik --- privatno poduzetništvo --- magántulajdonban lévő vállalkozás --- ndërmarrje private --- soukromé podnikání --- particuliere sector --- settore privato --- súkromný podnik --- vaba ettevõtlus --- eraettevõtlus --- приватна компанија --- întreprindere privată --- privačioji įmonė --- privāts uzņēmums --- setor privado --- приватно претпријатие --- ιδιωτικός τομέας --- particulier bedrijf --- privatno poduzeće --- privat företagsamhet --- private enterprise --- sipërmarrje private --- privat verksamhet --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- imprenditur --- imprenditore --- selvstændig erhvervsdrivende --- antreprenor --- empresario --- podnikateľ --- uzņēmējs --- ondernemer --- entrepreneur --- yrittäjä --- podnikatel --- vállalkozó --- empresário --- sipërmarrës --- fiontraí --- предузетник --- ettevõtja --- przedsiębiorca --- Unternehmer --- verslininkas --- poduzetnik --- предприемач --- podjetnik --- επιχειρηματίας --- претприемач --- entreprenör --- virksomhedsejer --- chefe de empresa --- industrial --- Industrieller --- industriaș --- patrão de empresa --- сопственик на трговско друштво --- industridrivende --- promoter of a company --- zakladatel společnosti --- pronar i një biznesi --- vállalattulajdonos --- industrialisti --- индустријалец --- industrijalac --- εργοστασιάρχης --- industriale --- основач на трговско друштво --- chef d'entreprise --- företagare --- průmyslník --- industriidkare --- titolare di impresa --- verslo savininkas --- pramonininkas --- ettevõtte omanik --- fondator al unei companii --- yrityksen omistaja --- uzņēmuma darbības veicinātājs --- priemyselník --- patron d'entreprise --- företagschef --- promovues i një kompanie --- įmonės steigėjas --- gyáriparos --- majitel podniku --- vállalatalapító --- tootja --- industrialist --- uzņēmuma īpašnieks --- zakladateľ spoločnosti --- Unternehmensinhaber --- gyáros --- industrieel --- owner of a business --- διευθύνων σύμβουλος --- vlasnik tvrtke --- hoofd van een onderneming --- industriel --- vlastník podniku --- ettevõtte asutaja --- titolare d'azienda --- сопственик на фирма --- βιομήχανος --- geilleagar náisiúnta --- earnáil phríobháideach --- Aspect économique. --- Aristocracy (Social class) - Belgium --- Nobility - Belgium --- Wealth - Belgium --- Capitalists and financiers - Belgium - Attitudes --- Aristocratie - Belgique --- Nobles - Belgique --- Richesse - Belgique --- Capitalistes et financiers - Belgique - Attitudes --- Belgium - Social life and customs --- Belgique - Mœurs et coutumes --- Économie nationale --- Entreprise privée

Paroles de patrons : que sont devenus nos fleurons nationaux ?
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782390250036 2390250033 Year: 2017 Publisher: Bruxelles: Racine,

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Mais où sont donc passés les fleurons nationaux ? Ils s'appelaient Société Générale, Petrofina, Tractebel, Fortis ou Sabena. Héritiers d'une longue histoire ou d'une succession de fusions, ils faisaient la fierté du pays et assuraient son rayonnement à l'international. Jusqu'au moment où tout a basculé. Au cours des dernières décennies, alors que les marchés s'unifient et que l'économie se mondialise, les joyaux s'envolent, se font racheter ou tombent en faillite. Et la Belgique se retrouve dépouillée de nombreux centres de décision. Aujourd'hui, les questions demeurent nombreuses. Quelles sont les raisons ? Était-ce inévitable ? Et surtout, quelles sont les conséquences ? Cet ouvrage historique a pour but de donner des clés de compréhension nouvelles. Il rappelle le passé, contextualise les événements, retrace les faits. Il offre aussi une large place aux propos de plus de 70 acteurs-clés et témoins privilégiés, qu'ils soient capitaines d'industries ou anciens ministres. Ces hommes ont été aux premières loges des événements ; leurs témoignages dévoilent les coulisses de mutations majeures. Ils livrent aussi un éclairage inédit sur une page décisive de notre histoire économique


histoire économique --- entreprises --- economische geschiedenis --- bedrijven --- BPB1706 --- Entrepreneur --- Belgique --- Entreprise privée --- Économie nationale --- Ondernemer --- België --- Particuliere onderneming --- Nationale economie --- Businesspeople --- Executives --- Business enterprises --- History --- Belgium --- Economic conditions --- 331.19 --- Geschiedkundige en andere inlichtingen over industriële, financiële en handelsondernemingen --- 20th century --- 21st century --- Industry --- Homme d’affaire --- --Patronat --- --Belgique --- --Interview --- --Histoire économique --- --Entreprise --- --XXeXXIe s., --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- Business policy --- Firms and enterprises --- History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- nationale economie --- nacionalna ekonomija --- economia nacional --- национална економија --- Volkswirtschaft --- εθνική οικονομία --- national economy --- economie națională --- šalies ekonomika --- gospodarka narodowa --- национална икономика --- nationalekonomi --- národné hospodárstvo --- economía nacional --- rahvamajandus --- ekonomi kombëtare --- national økonomi --- nacionalno gospodarstvo --- ekonomija nazzjonali --- tautsaimniecība --- economia nazionale --- kansantalous --- национална привреда --- národní hospodářství --- nemzetgazdaság --- национално стопанство --- домашно стопанство --- домашна економија --- šalies ūkis --- economia doméstica --- narodno gospodarstvo --- národní ekonomika --- zasebno podjetje --- magánvállalkozás --- частно предприятие --- particuliere onderneming --- erasektor --- przedsiębiorstwo prywatne --- privātais sektors --- sektor privat --- ιδιωτική επιχείρηση --- приватно предузеће --- private sector --- privačiojo sektoriaus įmonė --- privat virksomhed --- yksityinen yritys --- impresa privata --- empresa privada --- soukromý sektor --- приватен сектор --- sector privat --- settur privat --- privatföretag --- súkromný sektor --- privatni sektor --- privates Unternehmen --- magánszektor --- privat sektor --- претпријатие од приватниот сектор --- azienda privata --- privatusis sektorius --- secteur privé --- sector privado --- private undertaking --- privater Sektor --- soukromý podnik --- privatno poduzetništvo --- magántulajdonban lévő vállalkozás --- ndërmarrje private --- soukromé podnikání --- particuliere sector --- settore privato --- súkromný podnik --- vaba ettevõtlus --- eraettevõtlus --- приватна компанија --- întreprindere privată --- privačioji įmonė --- privāts uzņēmums --- setor privado --- приватно претпријатие --- ιδιωτικός τομέας --- particulier bedrijf --- privatno poduzeće --- privat företagsamhet --- private enterprise --- sipërmarrje private --- privat verksamhet --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- imprenditur --- imprenditore --- selvstændig erhvervsdrivende --- antreprenor --- empresario --- podnikateľ --- uzņēmējs --- ondernemer --- entrepreneur --- yrittäjä --- podnikatel --- vállalkozó --- empresário --- sipërmarrës --- fiontraí --- предузетник --- ettevõtja --- przedsiębiorca --- Unternehmer --- verslininkas --- poduzetnik --- предприемач --- podjetnik --- επιχειρηματίας --- претприемач --- entreprenör --- virksomhedsejer --- chefe de empresa --- industrial --- Industrieller --- industriaș --- patrão de empresa --- сопственик на трговско друштво --- industridrivende --- promoter of a company --- zakladatel společnosti --- pronar i një biznesi --- vállalattulajdonos --- industrialisti --- индустријалец --- industrijalac --- εργοστασιάρχης --- industriale --- основач на трговско друштво --- chef d'entreprise --- företagare --- průmyslník --- industriidkare --- titolare di impresa --- verslo savininkas --- pramonininkas --- ettevõtte omanik --- fondator al unei companii --- yrityksen omistaja --- uzņēmuma darbības veicinātājs --- priemyselník --- patron d'entreprise --- företagschef --- promovues i një kompanie --- įmonės steigėjas --- gyáriparos --- majitel podniku --- vállalatalapító --- tootja --- industrialist --- uzņēmuma īpašnieks --- zakladateľ spoločnosti --- Unternehmensinhaber --- gyáros --- industrieel --- owner of a business --- διευθύνων σύμβουλος --- vlasnik tvrtke --- hoofd van een onderneming --- industriel --- vlastník podniku --- ettevõtte asutaja --- titolare d'azienda --- сопственик на фирма --- βιομήχανος --- --XXe-XXIe s., --- geilleagar náisiúnta --- earnáil phríobháideach --- Businesspeople - Belgium - Interviews --- Executives - Belgium - Interviews --- Business enterprises - Belgium - History - 20th century --- Business enterprises - Belgium - History - 21st century --- Patronat --- Interview --- Histoire économique --- Entreprise --- XXe-XXIe s., 1901-2100 --- Belgium - Economic conditions - 1945 --- -BPB1706 --- Économie nationale --- Entreprise privée

Dettes de l'Etat, dettes des entreprises : quel avenir ?
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782802772644 Year: 2023 Publisher: Bruxelles Bruylant

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La crise sanitaire que le monde a connue s’est traduite par une augmentation considérable de la dette publique tandis qu’en parallèle le niveau des taux d’intérêt a facilité l’endettement des entreprises. Le présent ouvrage est une réflexion pluridisciplinaire sur l’avenir des dettes de l’État et des entreprises. Il s’articule autour de quatre parties : (1) qu’est-ce qu’une dette ? ; (2) l’économie de la dette ; (3) le commerce de la dette ; (4) le défaut de paiement et l’annulation de la dette. À travers ces différents axes, il propose une réflexion inédite sur la situation actuelle en droit, en économie, en histoire et en comptabilité.


BPB9999 --- BPB2304 --- STRADALEX --- dette publique --- Belgique --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- overheidsschuld --- borxhi publik --- javni dug --- fiachas poiblí --- δημόσιο χρέος --- valstybės skola --- offentlig gæld --- dívida pública --- statsskuld --- valsts parāds --- riigivõlg --- veřejný dluh --- javni dolg --- štátny dlh --- dejn pubbliku --- datorie publică --- јавен долг --- öffentliche Schulden --- јавни дуг --- обществен дълг --- deuda pública --- julkinen velka --- államadósság --- public debt --- dług publiczny --- debito pubblico --- státní dluh --- nacionalinė skola --- државен долг --- емисија на јавниот долг --- šalies skola --- задолжување на државата --- valtion velka --- statsgæld --- valitsemissektori võlg --- öffentliche Schuld --- valdības parāds --- government debt --- амортизација на јавниот долг --- debito fluttuante --- vládní dluh --- nacionalni dug --- národný dlh --- nemzeti adósság --- datorie națională --- national debt --- valtionvelka --- vyriausybės skola --- vládny dlh --- debito redimibile --- indebitamento del settore pubblico --- вкупен обем на јавниот долг --- нето јавен долг --- titoli del debito pubblico --- avaliku sektori võlg --- borxh kombëtar --- državni dug --- datorie guvernamentală --- borxh shtetëror --- бруто јавен долг --- národní dluh --- Dettes publiques. --- États --- Finances publiques. --- Sociétés --- Entreprises --- Défaillance (finances) --- Et la dette publique. --- Dettes. --- Finances. --- Debts, Public --- Corporate debt --- Dettes publiques --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Dettes --- économie nationale --- finances publiques --- commerce d'État --- κρατικό εμπόριο --- државна трговија --- riiklik kaubandus --- handel państwowy --- valsts tirdzniecība --- állami kereskedelem --- trádáil Stáit --- valtiojohtoinen kauppa --- tregtim nga Shteti --- comércio de Estado --- obchodovanie štátu --- valstybinė prekyba --- Staatshandel --- comerț de stat --- státní obchod --- държавна търговия --- државна трговина --- comercio de Estado --- State trading --- negozjar mill-Istat --- državna trgovina --- staatshandel --- commercio di Stato --- statshandel --- landen met staatshandel --- țări cu comerț de stat --- állami kereskedelmű országok --- statshandelslande --- трговска размена меѓу земји членки --- State-trading countries --- riikliku kaubandusega maad --- statshandelsland --- país de comercio de Estado --- valtiojohtoista kauppaa harjoittavat maat --- valstis, kuru ārējā tirdzniecība notiek valsts līmenī --- Staatshandelsland --- países de comércio de Estado --- země se státním obchodem --- vendet ku tregtia është në duart e shtetit --- pays à commerce d'État --- valstybinės prekybos šalys --- χώρες κρατικού εμπορίου --- krajiny so štátnym obchodom --- paesi a commercio di Stato --- държавни финанси --- financat publike --- public finance --- finanțe publice --- finanzi pubbliċi --- javne finance --- öffentliche Finanzen --- overheidsfinanciën --- offentlige finanser --- finanze pubbliche --- finanse publiczne --- δημόσια οικονομικά --- riigirahandus --- valsts finanses --- airgeadas poiblí --- verejné financie --- finanças públicas --- julkistalous --- államháztartás --- valstybės finansai --- јавни финансии --- hacienda pública --- javne financije --- veřejné finance --- offentliga finanser --- јавне финансије --- Staatsfinanzen --- közpénzügyek --- finanzas públicas --- economia nazionale --- ekonomija nazzjonali --- economía nacional --- ekonomi kombëtare --- tautsaimniecība --- šalies ekonomika --- nemzetgazdaság --- geilleagar náisiúnta --- национална икономика --- national økonomi --- gospodarka narodowa --- nacionalna ekonomija --- national economy --- národné hospodárstvo --- nationale economie --- economia nacional --- kansantalous --- rahvamajandus --- Volkswirtschaft --- národní hospodářství --- εθνική οικονομία --- economie națională --- национална привреда --- национална економија --- nationalekonomi --- nacionalno gospodarstvo --- šalies ūkis --- národní ekonomika --- домашна економија --- национално стопанство --- narodno gospodarstvo --- economia doméstica --- домашно стопанство --- États --- Sociétés --- Défaillance (finances)

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