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Religious voices in self-narratives : making sense of life in times of transition
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1614511705 Year: 2013 Publisher: Boston : De Gruyter,

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In present-day pluralistic and individualized societies, the question of how individuals appropriate religious traditions has become particularly relevant. In this volume, psychologists, anthropologists, and historians examine the presence of religious voices in narrative constructions of the self. The focus is on the multiple ways religious stories and practices feature in self-narratives about major life transitions. The contributions explore the ways in which such voices inform the accommodation and interpretation of these transitions. In addition to being inspired by Dan McAdams' approach to life stories as 'personal myths' that inform us about the quests of individuals for a satisfactory balance between agency and communion, most of the contributors have found the theory of 'the dialogical self' developed by Hubert Hermans particularly useful. Thus the contributions explore the ways in which identity formation is shaped by internal dialogues between personal and collective voices in the context of the specific constellations of power in which these voices are embedded. The volume is divided into three parts addressing theoretical and methodological considerations, religious resources in narratives on life transitions, and religious positioning in diaspora.

Leitmotifs in Life Stories : Developments and Stabilities of Religiosity and Narrative Identity
ISBN: 9783839471227 3839471222 3837671224 Year: 2024 Publisher: Bielefeld : Bielefeld University Press,

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Faith Development Interviews offer great insight into people's ways of (non-)religious meaning-making, and of looking at their life and relationships. Ramona Bullik portrays nine longitudinal case studies in a mixed-methods design with narrative analysis granting insight into the developments and stabilities in the interviews. The focus on religious married couples allows to carve out the role of faith and the changing view on the spouse and the joint life. The portraits of three non-religious women show how meaning is made outside the frame of organized religion. Individual survey data are put into relation with a larger sample, answering the claim for idiothetic research.

Traces of aging
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839434394 9783839434390 3837634396 9783837634396 Year: 2016 Publisher: Bielefeld

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This collection consists of eight essays that examine the way narratives determine our understanding of old age and condition how the experience is lived. Contributors to this volume have based their analysis on the concept of »narrative identity« developed by Paul Ricoeur, built upon the idea that fiction makes life, and on his definition of »trace« as the mark of time. By investigating the traces of aging imprinted in a series of literary and filmic works they dismantle the narrative of old age as decline and foreclosure to assemble one of transformation and growth.

Human Persons
ISBN: 3957437199 3957431611 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paderborn Brill | mentis

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Personhood and personality are essential features of human persons. Following the debate concerning 'personal identity' the metaphysical and the practical dimension of our personal lifeform are made explicit.The search for criteria for personal identity on the one hand and for person-making characteristics on the other hand are at the center of the philosophy of person. In this book the various dimensions of the personal lifeform of human beings which have been debated in analytical philosophy are examined. Thereby a new systematic conception is unfolded in which the metaphysical and the practical aspects of our personal lifeform are made explicit as a complex unity.

Sleep demons : an insomniac's memoir : with a new preface
ISBN: 022656097X Year: 2018 Publisher: Chicago, IL : The University of Chicago Press,

Religious voices in self-narratives
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781614512196 9781614511700 1614512191 1614511705 Year: 2013 Volume: 54 Publisher: Boston De Gruyter

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In present-day pluralistic and individualized societies, the question of how individuals appropriate religious traditions has become particularly relevant. In this volume, psychologists, anthropologists, and historians examine the presence of religious voices in narrative constructions of the self. The focus is on the multiple ways religious stories and practices feature in self-narratives about major life transitions. The contributions explore the ways in which such voices inform the accommodation and interpretation of these transitions. In addition to being inspired by Dan McAdams' approach to life stories as 'personal myths' that inform us about the quests of individuals for a satisfactory balance between agency and communion, most of the contributors have found the theory of 'the dialogical self' developed by Hubert Hermans particularly useful. Thus the contributions explore the ways in which identity formation is shaped by internal dialogues between personal and collective voices in the context of the specific constellations of power in which these voices are embedded. The volume is divided into three parts addressing theoretical and methodological considerations, religious resources in narratives on life transitions, and religious positioning in diaspora.

Beyond recidivism : new approaches to research on prisoner reentry and reintegration
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781479862726 9781479853885 1479853887 147986272X 1479877778 Year: 2020 Publisher: New York: New York University Press,

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Understanding reentry experiences after incarceration.Prison in the United States often has a revolving door, with droves of formerly incarcerated people ultimately finding themselves behind bars again. In Beyond Recidivism, Andrea Leverentz, Elsa Y. Chen, and Johnna Christian bring together a leading group of interdisciplinary scholars to examine this phenomenon using several approaches to research on recently released prisoners returning to their lives.They focus on the social context of reentry and look at the stories returning prisoners tell, including such key issues as when they choose to reveal (or not) their criminal histories. Drawing on contemporary studies, contributors examine the best ideas that have emerged over the last decade to understanding the challenges prisoners face upon reentering society. Together, they present a complete picture of prisoner reentry, including real-world recommendations for policies to ensure the well-being of returning prisoners, regardless of their past mistakes.


Recidivism --- Prisoners --- Resocialization --- Research. --- Deinstitutionalization --- Récidive --- Prisonniers --- Resocialisation --- Recherche --- Désinstitutionnalisation --- États-Unis --- "Tough on crime" politics;Case study;Cognitive transformation;Community capacity;Criminal justice policy;Data sharing;Desistance;Education;Emotional support;Employment;Ethics;Ethnicity;Experience Sampling Method (ESM);Family strain;Family support;Housing;Identity;Incarceration;Instrumental support;Jail;Labeling;Measurement;Mercy;Mitigation. --- Typicality. --- Technical violations. --- Stigma. --- Social support. --- Social networks. --- Social context. --- Sex offense. --- Sentences (Criminal procedure) --- Risk Need Responsivity. --- Retention. --- Reintegration. --- Rehabilitative ideal. --- Reentry resources. --- Reentry research. --- Reentry needs. --- Re-entry. --- Rabble class. --- Qualitative Data. --- Probation. --- Prisoners. --- Prisons. --- Parole. --- Optimism. --- Deinstitutionalization. --- Case study. --- Cognitive transformation. --- Community capacity. --- Criminal justice policy. --- Data sharing. --- Desistance. --- Education. --- Emotional support. --- Employment. --- Ethics. --- Ethnicity. --- Experience Sampling Method (ESM). --- Family strain. --- Family support. --- Housing. --- Identity. --- Incarceration. --- Instrumental support. --- Jail. --- Labeling. --- Measurement. --- Mercy. --- Mitigation. --- Narrative identity. --- Pains of incarceration. --- Politics. --- Prison. --- Prisoner re-entry. --- Prisoner reintegration. --- Public policies. --- Sentencing. --- “Tough on crime” politics.

International journal of cultic studies
ISSN: 21547270 Publisher: Bonita Springs, Fla. International Cultic Studies Association

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new religious movements (NRM) --- influence --- cults --- sects --- social constructionism --- social psychology --- discursive psychology --- terrorism --- harmful cults --- dangerous cults --- thought reform --- mind control --- milieu control --- group speak --- language --- manipulation --- mystical manipulation --- sacred science --- purity --- confession --- psychological processes --- Social Identity Theory --- Self-Categorization Theory --- social categorisation --- social influence --- Totalistic Identity Theory --- Group Psychological Abuse (GPA) --- Extent of Group Identity Scale (EGIS) --- abuse --- sexual abuse --- Kabalarian Philosophy --- Kabalarians --- Ivon Shearing --- charismatic leadership --- charisma --- Canada --- dissension --- trials --- deconversion --- narcissism --- authoritarianism --- child abuse --- Peoples Temple --- People's Temple --- Jonestown --- Jim Jones --- suicide cults --- mass suicide --- mass murder --- Black Hebrew Israelite movement --- Black Hebrew Israelite Jews --- House of Judah (Michigan) --- Black Hebrews --- Northeast Kingdom Community Action (NEKCA) --- Northeast Kingdom Community (Vermont) --- terrorist groups --- psychological abuse --- violence --- collective suicides --- terrorist cults --- isolation --- emotional abuse --- persuasión coercitiva --- sectas destructivas --- Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal --- cult members --- cult identity --- pseudo-identity --- narrative identity --- traumatic experiences --- Scientology --- Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) --- Warren Jeffs --- book reviews --- charismatic cults --- Spartiates --- Spartan society --- Sparta (Ancient Greece) --- Lacedaemon --- Lacedaemonians --- Spartiate Cult --- Lycurgus --- Helots --- Seventh-day Adventist organization (SDA) --- Seventh-day Adventist Church --- William Miller --- cognitive dissonance theory --- failed predictions --- Millerite movement --- adventists --- Ellen White --- dissidence --- identity --- play therapy --- therapy --- talk therapy --- sleep deprivation --- terrorismo psicológico --- Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) --- violencia --- violencia psicológica --- consecuencias psicosociales --- psychologically manipulative groups (PMGs) --- terminology --- Group Psychological Abuse Scale (GPA) --- Individual Cult Experience Index (ICE) --- Across Groups Psychological Abuse and Control Scale (AGPAC) --- Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory (PMWI) --- Ken Wilber --- spiritual abuse --- China --- Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) --- Assumption University of Thailand (ABAC) --- Chinese Communist Party (CCP) --- policy --- People's Republic of China (PRC) --- governments --- legislation --- Church of Scientology --- Australia --- France --- United States (US) --- religion and politics --- fundamental laws --- psychotherapy --- criminal behavior --- antisocial behavior --- suicide bombers --- jihad --- Pakistan --- psychodynamic processes --- extremist Muslims --- suicide bombings --- islam --- personality profiles --- identity foreclosure --- idealizing transference --- mirroring transference --- Muslim extremists --- psychodynamics --- Abuso --- Escala de Abuso Psicológico en Grupo (GPA-S) --- grupos de manipulación psicológica (GMP) --- child sexual abuse --- justifications --- incest --- patriarchalism --- polygamy --- child brides --- millenarianism --- antinomianism --- alternative religions --- clergy abuse --- Wilbert Thomas Sr. --- Christian Alliance Holiness Church --- Children of God (COG) --- Children of God (The Family) --- David Berg --- John Humphrey Noyes --- Oneida Community --- David Koresh --- Branch Davidians --- Waco --- Doukhobor Sons of Freedom --- Benjamin Purnell --- House of David (Michigan) --- Swami Muktananda --- sex magick --- erotic rituals --- Charles Leadbeater --- Ralph Nicholas Chubb --- Aleister Crowley --- Theosophical Society --- pederasty --- pedophilia --- Work of Great Mercy (Mariavites) --- (Mother Kozlowska --- schismatic Catholicism --- excommunication --- George Feigley --- Neo-American Church --- Kenneth James McMurray --- Deviant Wicca --- Barry A. Briskman --- Religion From Outer Space --- Community Chapel and Bible Training Center (Washington) --- Kirtanananda Swami Bhaktipada --- International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) --- Hare Krishna movement --- ritual abuse --- Christian Science --- evangelism --- prévention --- taxonomy --- manipulative groups --- categorization --- partner abuse --- workplace bullying --- mobbing --- coercive cults --- psychological aggression --- maltreatment --- psychological-abuse strategies --- reeducation --- Stockholm Syndrome --- verbal aggression --- undervaluing --- isolation-exclusion --- coercion --- assessment --- measurement --- Luong Minh Dang --- Human Universal Energy (HUE) --- Spiritual Human Yoga (SHY) --- Mankind Enlightenment Love Inc. (MEL) --- biofield energy medicine --- International Human Universal Research Institute (IHUERI) --- New Age --- alternative medicines --- New Age philosophy --- life energy --- New Age groups --- New Age cults --- content analysis --- methodology --- écoles privées --- Commission d’accès aux documents administratifs (CADA) --- écoles Steiner --- rapports d’inspection --- Marxism --- religion --- revisionists --- communalism --- communal groups --- Essenes (Qumran) --- Anabaptists (Munster) --- anabaptism --- Concerned Relatives --- socialism and religion --- reification --- communal religious movements --- psychoanalysis --- narcissistic cult leaders --- traumatic narcissism --- trauma --- postcult trauma --- National Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP) --- International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) --- pathological narcissists --- traumatizing narcissists --- post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) --- complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) --- cult involvement --- National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCSR) --- Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) --- Cognitive Distortions Scale (CDS) --- Tension Reduction Activities (TRA) --- Tension Reduction Behavior (TRB) --- Traumatic Attachment Belief Scale (TABS) --- scales --- Somatic Experiencing (SE) --- Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SPI) --- eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR) --- exposure therapy --- cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) --- emotionally focused therapy (EFT) --- bilateral stimulation (BLS) --- testimonials --- testimony --- EnlightenNext --- Andrew Cohen --- Aesthetic Realism --- Eli Siegel --- Sullivan Institute-Fourth Wall community --- Harry Stack Sullivan --- Gurumayi --- Siddha Yoga --- Siddha Yoga Dham (SYDA) --- faith healing --- Brief Intermittent Developmental Therapy (BIDT) --- high-demandgroup (HDG) --- high-demand-relationships (HDR) --- motivational enhancement therapy (MET) --- stages-of-change model --- therapies --- cult-hopping --- second-generation adults (SGA) --- First Amendment --- human rights --- Freedom of Religion --- Cult-watch groups --- Bill of Rights (US) --- experiential services --- club goods --- neotribal enclaves --- membership reach --- problem cults --- membership-based --- targeting --- induction --- socialization --- rational-choice model --- signaling --- face-to-face --- model stabilization --- abuso psicológico --- control interpersonal --- grupos --- severidad --- taxonomía --- Abuso Psicológico en Grupos (APG) --- Análisis de datos --- investigaciones --- Jim Roberts Group (JRG)

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