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339.92 NAFTA --- Economische samenwerking en integratie. Tolunie--NAFTA --- -Economische samenwerking en integratie. Tolunie--NAFTA --- -Canada. --- 339.92 NAFTA Economische samenwerking en integratie. Tolunie--NAFTA --- Foreign trade regulation --- Free trade --- Tariff --- Law and legislation --- Canada. --- Mexico. --- United States. --- Commerce extérieur --- Libre-échange --- Tarif douanier --- Réglementation --- Droit --- North America
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Mexico's pursue and implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was a pro-growth policy strategy that deepened Mexico's economic liberalization process at a time of crisis and macroeconomic stabilization. In that context, NAFTA constituted a commitment device to investment that ensured continuity to both the stabilization and the liberalization processes. NAFTA was possible for Mexico thanks to a new coalition between public and private elites that had recently gone through a deep transformation process themselves. After more than twenty years, NAFTA has significant results in terms of investment and levels and diversification of trade; however, the evidence on its impact in growth and development is mixed. The asymmetry of negotiation power between the United States and Mexico affected the agreement, but its final shape and implementation were impacted in important ways by Mexico's political realities. Two examples of this: The highly hierarchical, camarilla-style line of command of the Mexican team derived in in controversial concessions and strategic mistakes in the areas of agriculture and financial services. Later, a corporatist, authoritarian regime induced a weak supplementary labor accord that can have had the potential of effectively promoting higher equity through strengthened workers' rights and more democratic industrial relations.
Economic Liberalization --- Governance --- Multinational & Corporate Governance --- Nafta --- Political Elites --- Politics --- Trade Agreements --- Trade Diversification --- Trade Liberalization --- Trade Policy
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There are investment aspects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which considerably enhance the opportunities for foreign investment among the signatories, while at the same time improving the security of such investment. NAFTA reflects the Parties' recognition that liberalization of host country investment restrictions is as important as the elimination of trade barriers. With the assistance of such high caliber contributors as Roberto Mayorga, Kent S. Foster, Preston Brown, and Dr. Jorge Witker, the book analyses both the advantages and disadvantages of this policy upon the investment climate within the countries of the various signatories.
arbitrage --- arbitration --- ALENA = Association de libre-échange Nord-américaine --- NAFTA --- North America --- Droit commercial international --- international trade law --- Investments, Foreign --- Free trade --- Investments, Foreign --- Capital exports --- Capital imports --- FDI (Foreign direct investment) --- Foreign direct investment --- Foreign investment --- Foreign investments --- International investment --- Offshore investments --- Outward investments --- Capital movements --- Investments --- mezinárodní obchodní zákony --- dlí trádála idirnáisiúnta --- dritt kummerċjali internazzjonali --- internationales Handelsrecht --- drept comercial internațional --- Derecho comercial internacional --- kansainvälinen kauppaoikeus --- tarptautinė prekybos teisė --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare tregtare --- nemzetközi kereskedelmi jog --- international handelsret --- mednarodno trgovinsko pravo --- международно търговско право --- droit commercial international --- międzynarodowe prawo handlowe --- међународно трговинско право --- internationaal handelsrecht --- diritto commerciale internazionale --- διεθνές εμπορικό δίκαιο --- medzinárodné obchodné právo --- internationell handelsrätt --- direito comercial internacional --- međunarodno trgovačko pravo --- меѓународно трговско право --- rahvusvaheline kaubandusõigus --- mezinárodní obchodní právo --- starptautiskās tirdzniecības tiesības --- angolszász Amerika --- America anglosassone --- anglosaxiska Amerika --- anglosaská Amerika --- América anglosajona --- angolajkú Amerika --- Angloamerika --- Angloamerika --- Amérique anglo-saxonne --- América Anglo-Saxónica --- engelsktalende Amerika --- Angelsaksisch Amerika --- Noord-Amerika --- Põhja-Ameerika --- Ameryka Północna --- Amérique du Nord --- Sjeverna Amerika --- América del Norte --- América do Norte --- Šiaurės Amerika --- Észak-Amerika --- Severna Amerika --- Βόρεια Αμερική --- Meiriceá Thuaidh --- Nordamerika --- Nordamerika --- Nordamerika --- America del Nord --- Severní Amerika --- Amerika e Veriut --- Pohjois-Amerikka --- Severná Amerika --- Amerika ta’ Fuq --- Северна Америка --- Северна Америка --- Северна Америка --- Ziemeļamerika --- America de Nord --- Mercado Común del Norte --- Ziemeļamerikas Brīvās tirdzniecības līgums --- Североамерикански договор за свободна търговия --- Severnoameriško združenje za prosto trgovino --- Šiaurės Amerikos laisvosios prekybos sutartis --- North American Free Trade Agreement --- Северноамерички споразум о слободној трговини --- Nordamerikanisches Freihandelsabkommen --- accord de libre-échange nord-américain --- Pohjois-Amerikan vapaakauppasopimus --- Det Nordamerikanske Frihandelsområde --- Acuerdo de Libre Comercio de América del Norte --- Ftehim Nord-Amerikan għall-Kummerċ Ħieles --- NAFTA --- NAFTA --- ALCAN --- Severnoameriški sporazum o svobodni trgovini --- Północnoamerykański Układ Wolnego Handlu --- Põhja-Ameerika Vabakaubanduse Assotsiatsioon --- Noord-Amerikaanse Vrijhandelsovereenkomst --- Nordamerikanska frihandelsavtalet --- Yhdysvaltain, Kanadan ja Meksikon vapaakauppasopimus --- САССТ --- Severoamerická zóna volného obchodu --- Dohoda o severoamerické zóně volného obchodu --- Acordul Nord American de Comerț Liber --- Marrëveshja për Tregti të Lirë në Amerikën Veriore --- Sjevernoamerički sporazum o slobodnoj trgovini --- Severoamerická dohoda o voľnom obchode --- Šiaurės Amerikos laisvosios prekybos susitarimas --- Accordo nordamericano di libero scambio --- Noordamerikaanse Vrijhandelsovereenkomst --- Βορειοαμερικανική Ζώνη Ελευθέρου Εμπορίου --- Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte --- Den Nordamerikanske Frihandelsaftale --- Põhja-Ameerika vabakaubandusleping --- ALENA --- Severoamerická dohoda o volném obchodu --- Észak-amerikai Szabadkereskedelmi Övezet --- Acordo de Comércio Livre da América do Norte --- Βορειοαμερικανική Ζώνη Ελεύθερων Συναλλαγών --- Βορειοαμερικανική Συμφωνία Ελεύθερων Συναλλαγών --- Nafta --- Nafta --- ALENA --- NAFTA (organizācija) --- TLCAN --- NAFTA (organizacija) --- NAFTA (organizacija) --- NAFTA (međunarodna organizacija) --- Северноамериканска спогодба за слободна трговија (меѓународна организација) --- NAFTA --- NAFTA --- NAFTA --- NAFTA --- NAFTA --- NAFTA --- NAFTA --- NAFTA --- NAFTA --- NAFTA --- NAFTA --- NAFTA --- NAFTA --- NAFTA --- ΒΑΣΕΣ --- НАФТА (организация) --- NAFTA-associazione --- решавање спорови со арбитража --- scheidsrechterlijke procedure --- arbitráž --- επιδιαιτησία --- решавање спорови по пат на арбитража --- geschillencommissie --- smírčí řízení --- arbitražni postupak --- dohoda v rozhodčím řízení --- választottbírósági eljárás --- помирение --- arbitraggio --- eadráin --- arbitrage --- arbitrage --- arbitraje --- rozhodčí řízení --- választottbíráskodás --- arbitraj --- arbitrazh (proces gjyqësor) --- Streitschlichtung --- arbitragem --- skiljeförfarande --- zmierčie konanie --- vahekohtumenetlus --- arbitraža --- arbitraža --- izskatīšana šķīrējtiesā --- arbitraġġ --- διαιτησία --- arbitraż --- voldgift --- välimiesmenettely --- arbitražo procedūra --- арбитража --- арбитража --- Law and legislation --- Canada. --- Canada. --- Canada. --- Mexico. --- Mexico. --- United States. --- Canada. --- Canada. --- Amérique du Nord
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Free trade --- -Free trade --- -Canada --- 339.92 NAFTA --- -CA / Canada --- MX / Mexico - Mexique --- US / United States of America - USA - Verenigde Staten - Etats Unis --- 334.10 --- 337.550 --- 334.12 --- Free trade and protection --- Trade, Free --- Trade liberalization --- International trade --- Economische samenwerking en integratie. Tolunie--NAFTA --- Algemene economie : algemeenheden. --- Douane-unies (algemeenheden). --- Economische unies. --- Canada. --- 339.92 NAFTA Economische samenwerking en integratie. Tolunie--NAFTA --- CA / Canada --- Algemene economie : algemeenheden --- Economische unies --- Douane-unies (algemeenheden) --- Mexico. --- United States. --- Free trade - - Canada --- Free trade - - Mexico --- Free trade - - United States
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The present study combines data from Mexico's employment surveys (Encuesta Nacional de Empleo and Encuesta Nacional de Ocupacion y Empleo) with the country's official statistics on murder rates to create a state-level panel data set covering the period 1995 to 2013. Including most of the common controls identified by the literature, the results show that the rate of male youth ages 19 to 24 not studying and out of work (the so-called ninis), is not correlated with homicide rates during the period 1995 to 2006. However, there is evidence that a positive correlation between male ninis and murder rates arises between 2007 and 2013, a period during which murder rates in Mexico increased threefold. The association between ninis and homicide rates is stronger in states located along the border with the United States, a region particularly affected by organized crime and the international financial crisis of 2008-09.
Adolescent Health --- Children and Youth --- Crime and Society --- Health, Nutrition and Population --- Nafta --- Ninis --- Public Sector Corruption and Anticorruption Measure --- Public Sector Development --- Social Development --- Violence
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The present study combines data from Mexico's employment surveys (Encuesta Nacional de Empleo and Encuesta Nacional de Ocupacion y Empleo) with the country's official statistics on murder rates to create a state-level panel data set covering the period 1995 to 2013. Including most of the common controls identified by the literature, the results show that the rate of male youth ages 19 to 24 not studying and out of work (the so-called ninis), is not correlated with homicide rates during the period 1995 to 2006. However, there is evidence that a positive correlation between male ninis and murder rates arises between 2007 and 2013, a period during which murder rates in Mexico increased threefold. The association between ninis and homicide rates is stronger in states located along the border with the United States, a region particularly affected by organized crime and the international financial crisis of 2008-09.
Adolescent Health --- Children and Youth --- Crime and Society --- Health, Nutrition and Population --- Nafta --- Ninis --- Public Sector Corruption and Anticorruption Measure --- Public Sector Development --- Social Development --- Violence
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Foreign trade. International trade --- World Trade Organization --- North American Free Trade Agreement --- European Union --- International law --- International trade --- Droit international --- Commerce international --- NAFTA. --- European Union. --- World Trade Organization. --- Foreign trade regulation. --- Free trade. --- Free trade --- Free trade - North America. --- DROIT INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC --- ORGANISATION MONDIALE DU COMMERCE ( OMC ) --- NAFTA --- DROIT ECONOMIQUE EUROPEEN --- COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL
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"Le "pic pétrolier" est de retour. Dans les années 2000, l'idée que la production de pétrole plafonnerait bientôt avant de décroître agitait le monde de l'énergie. Le boum du pétrole de schiste aux États-Unis a semblé invalider cette prévision, offrant un sursis à un monde toujours accro à l'or noir. Mais ce boum révèle ses fragilités, et le compte à rebours continue. Faute de réserves suffisantes, la production mondiale risque d'entrer en déclin au cours des années qui viennent. En se basant sur des données géologiques et industrielles jusqu'ici confidentielles, les auteurs lancent l'alerte sur une menace largement ignorée... sauf des pétroliers eux-mêmes ! L'ère de l'abondance touche à sa fin. Si l'économie n'anticipe pas ce sevrage, les conséquences promettent d'être sévères. De surcroît, prévient cet ouvrage solidement documenté, le déclin de la manne pétrolière risque de provoquer des bouleversements géopolitiques majeurs. Une solution existe : prendre au sérieux nos engagements climatiques, et sortir enfin de la dépendance au pétrole. Ce livre sonne comme un réveil urgent."
BPB9999 --- BPB2112 --- pétrole --- matériau bitumineux --- consommation d'énergie --- nafta (ogļūdeņradis) --- nyersolaj --- nafta (energent) --- πετρέλαιο --- нафта (енергенс) --- petróleo --- петрол --- nafta (angliavandenilis) --- aardolie --- ropa naftowa --- öljy --- ropa --- нафта --- naftë --- Erdöl --- nafta (ogljikovodik) --- petroleum --- olja --- țiței --- petrolio --- olie --- nafta --- рафинирана нафта --- rafinirana nafta --- Naphtha --- Schwerbenzin --- petrol --- petrolio raffinato --- jordolie --- Rohbenzin --- petrolio distillato --- surový benzín/nafta --- surový benzin --- żejt mhux maħdum --- råpetroleum --- nafta (olieprodukt) --- naphte --- naphtha --- петролеј --- νάφθα --- těžký benzin --- φωτιστικό πετρέλαιο --- petrolio fossile --- ligroīns --- tomhailt fuinnimh --- Energieverbrauch --- потрошња енергије --- zużycie energii --- consumo de energía --- energiankulutus --- energetická spotreba --- konsum tal-enerġija --- energiforbrug --- потрошувачка на енергија --- konsum i energjisë --- κατανάλωση ενέργειας --- potrošnja energije --- energijos (su)vartojimas --- потребление на енергия --- spotřeba energie --- energiatarbimine --- energieverbruik --- energy consumption --- consumo de energia --- energiförbrukning --- consum energetic --- energiafogyasztás --- consumo d'energia --- enerģijas patēriņš --- poraba energije --- energiahasználat --- spotreba energie --- consum de energie --- ídiú fuinnimh --- energia kasutamine --- use of energy --- energetická spotřeba --- consumo energetico --- sostanza bituminosa --- bituminės medžiagos --- material betuminoso --- materiale bituminoase --- materiały bitumiczne --- materjali bituminużi --- bitumenes anyagok --- bitumena materiāli --- ασφαλτούχα υλικά --- bituminózní materiály --- bituminösa material --- materia bituminosa --- bituminøst materiale --- materiale bituminoze --- bitúmenové materiály --- bitumenski materiali --- битуменски материјали --- bituminöses Material --- bituumenmaterjalid --- асфалтови материали --- bitumenski materijal --- bitumiset aineet --- bitumineus materiaal --- bituminous materials --- битуменозни материјали --- bituumenpõlevkivi --- bitumena slāneklis --- битуменозни шкрилци --- битуменозен јаглен --- șist bituminos --- shist argjilor bituminoz --- aszfalt --- bitumenski škriljevac --- bituminous shale --- Ölschiefer --- ασφαλτούχος σχιστόλιθος --- scisto bituminoso --- schiste bitumineux --- bituminózní břidlice --- olajpala --- égőpala --- bituminøs skifer --- pizarra bituminosa --- bitumineuze leisteen --- bitúmenové bridlice --- bitumiliuske --- bituminöst skiffer --- bituminis skalūnas --- bitumeny --- xisto betuminoso --- esquisto bituminoso --- ábhair bhiotúmanacha --- peitriliam --- consommation d'énergie --- pétrole --- matériau bitumineux
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Free trade --- Reciprocity (Commerce) --- Libre-échange --- Réciprocité (Commerce) --- Canada. --- 339.92 NAFTA --- 339 --- 341.241.8 --- CA / Canada --- MX / Mexico - Mexique --- US / United States of America - USA - Verenigde Staten - Etats Unis --- 382.52 --- 337.554 --- Economische samenwerking en integratie. Tolunie--NAFTA --- Handel. Internationale economische betrekkingen. Wereldeconomie --binnenlandse als buitenlandse handel; zie ook {339.3} en {339.5} --- Handelsverdrag. Economisch verdrag.--z.o.{339.542} --- Handelsakkoorden. Driehoekshandel. Bilateralisme. --- Vrijhandelsgebieden en -associaties. Europese Vrijhandelsassociatie. Europese Economische Ruimte. --- 341.241.8 Handelsverdrag. Economisch verdrag.--z.o.{339.542} --- 339 Handel. Internationale economische betrekkingen. Wereldeconomie --binnenlandse als buitenlandse handel; zie ook {339.3} en {339.5} --- 339.92 NAFTA Economische samenwerking en integratie. Tolunie--NAFTA --- Libre-échange --- Réciprocité (Commerce) --- North American Free Trade Agreement --- Handelsakkoorden. Driehoekshandel. Bilateralisme --- Vrijhandelsgebieden en -associaties. Europese Vrijhandelsassociatie. Europese Economische Ruimte --- NAFTA --- ALENA --- ACCORDS DE LIBRE ECHANGE CANADA / ETATS-UNIS (CFTA) --- DROIT INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC --- DROIT INTERNATIONAL PRIVE --- ENVIRONNEMENT --- ACCORD DE COOPERATION --- DROIT DU TRAVAIL --- ACCORD DE COOPERATION (ANACT)
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