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Cet ouvrage s'inscrit dans un débat qui a fait couler beaucoup d'encre au sein des études néoplatoniciennes : Pourquoi la théurgie apparaît-elle chez les néoplatoniciens tardifs et, surtout, pourquoi acquiert-elle un statut apparemment si privilégié? Afin de répondre à cette question, il est primordial de définir clairement ce qu'est la théurgie, tout en établissant son lien avec la mystagogie, l'orphisme et les Oracles chaldafques. Cette étude concerne la philosophie du plus illustre platonicien du Ve siècle : Produs le Diadoque. Il y est aussi question des autres grandes figures du néoplatonisme, principalement Plotin, Porphyre, Jamblique et Damascius. Au-delà de la genèse, de la définition et du statut de la théurgie chez le Lycien, nous démontrons que la théurgie, loin d'apparaître comme un ovni dans la philosophie néoplatonicienne, en représente plutôt le couronnement et permet de mieux comprendre l'entièreté de la pensée des platonisants de l'Antiquité tardive.
Théurgie. --- Mystagogie. --- Proclus, --- Critique et interprétation --- Theurgy. --- Mystagogy.
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Holy Spirit --- Mystagogy --- Saint-Esprit --- Mystagogie --- Procession --- Early works to 1800. --- Orthodox Eastern Church --- Ouvrages avant 1800 --- Eglise orthodoxe --- Doctrines
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Godsdienstige mysteriën--Initiatie --- Mystagogie --- Mystagogy --- Mysteries [Religious ]--Initiation --- Mysteriën [Godsdienstige ]--Initiatie --- Mystères religieux--Initiation --- Religious mysteries--Initiation --- Music therapy --- Musicothérapie --- Musicothérapie --- Tales --- History and criticism
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Canada --- propéthies --- utopies --- catholicisme --- Frère André de Montréal --- l'Oratoire Saint-Joseph --- Louis Antoine --- les mystiques --- la prophétie chrétienne --- prophètes --- l'utopie clérico-nationaliste en Acadie --- Handsome Lake's prophecy and teachings --- Canaan --- African American Methodism --- Canadian ethno-religious utopias --- the dynamics of liberal multiculturalism --- French sects --- l'utopie bouddhiste dans les Maritimes --- la prophétie de Shambala --- la mystagogie --- prophétisme --- la rhétorique de Monseigneur Taché
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Enchantment and Creed in the Hymns of Ambrose of Milan offers the first critical overview of the hymns of Ambrose of Milan in the context of fourth-century doctrinal song and Ambrose's own catechetical preaching. Brian P. Dunkle, SJ, argues that these settings inform the interpretation of Ambrose's hymnodic project. The hymns employ sophisticated poetic techniques to foster a pro-Nicene sensitivity in the bishop's embattled congregation. After a summary presentation of early Christian hymnody, with special attention to Ambrose's Latin predecessors, Dunkle describes the mystagogical function of fourth-century songs. He examines Ambrose's sermons, especially his catechetical and mystagogical works, for preached parallels to this hymnodic effort. Close reading of Ambrose's hymnodic corpus constitutes the bulk of the study. Dunkle corroborates his findings through a treatment of early Ambrosian imitations, especially the poetry of Prudentius. These early readers amplify the hymnodic features that Dunkle identifies as "enchanting," that is, enlightening the "eyes of faith." - back of book
276 =71 AMBROSIUS --- #GBIB: jesuitica --- 276 =71 AMBROSIUS Latijnse patrologie--AMBROSIUS --- 276 =71 AMBROSIUS Patrologie latine--AMBROSIUS --- Latijnse patrologie--AMBROSIUS --- Patrologie latine--AMBROSIUS --- Hymns, Early Christian --- Hymns, Latin --- History and criticism --- Ambrose, --- Criticism and interpretation --- History and criticism. --- Hymns, Early Christian - History and criticism --- Hymns, Latin - History and criticism --- Ambrosius ep. Mediolanensis --- Hymnes --- Ambrose, - Saint, Bishop of Milan, - -397 - Criticism and interpretation --- Hymns, Early Christian / History and criticism. --- Hymns, Latin / History and criticism. --- Katechese. --- Mystagogie. --- Ambrosius, --- Ambrose / Saint, Bishop of Milan / -397 / Criticism and interpretation. --- Ambrose, - Saint, Bishop of Milan, - -397
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