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Esterilidade (tratamento). --- Infertility, Female. --- Infertilité féminine. --- Mulheres.
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Um texto onde se conta a epopeia (portuguesa) de dar à luz um filho. Onde se desvenda o mundo em que os humanos se fazem e a que os homens são estrangeiros - o mundo da mulher, onde ela é a diferente, entre biologia e imaginario vivo. Textos de mulheres como L. Irigaray, M. Segalen e Y. Verdier ajudam a 1er a textualidade portuguesa que, desde o século xvii aos nossos dias, evoca esse mundo escondido a quem nâo pare. Um ensaio etnológico que transgride a distância metodológica, para pôr a nu o que há de comum às mulheres de outrora e às de hoje. O romance do mundo que primeiro soubemos e depois esquecemos. O romance do nascimento sempre novo do imaginário humano.
Sociology & Anthropology --- Portugal --- mulheres --- etnografia --- maternidade --- femme --- ethnographie --- maternité
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Neste trabalho etnográfico, rico em pormenores e sensibilidade, Sally Cole toma como ponto de partida os relatos de cinco mulheres portuguesas, que descrevem as suas vidas numa comunidade pesqueira rural. Combinando habilmente histórias pessoais com análises económicas e culturais, Sally Cole afasta-se radicalmente da imagem das mulheres como seres sexuais que prevalece na literatura antropológica da Europa e do Mediterrâneo. A sua estratégia notoriamente diferente - a focalização das mulheres enquanto trabalhadoras - reflecte a forma como as próprias mulheres se definem a si mesmas e dálhes a voz forte e ressonante que tanto a nova etnografia como a escola feminista defendem. De acordo com esta nova perspectiva, Sally Cole propõe uma importante crítica do paradigma dominante que faz enraizar as relações entre os sexos no Sul da Europa no código de honra e vergonha.
Anthropology --- Portugal --- mulheres --- comunidade --- trabalho --- pesca --- femme --- communauté --- travail --- pêche
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Christian women --- Women --- Spirituality --- Virginity --- Kloosterleven. --- Celibaat. --- Vrouwen. --- Filosofia medieval. --- Filosofia cristã. --- Cristianismo (fontes) --- Mulheres (história) --- Virgindade (aspectos religiosos) --- Religious life --- History --- Catholic Church. --- Christianity --- Religious aspects --- Christianity. --- Religious life. --- Middle Ages. --- Speculum virginum. --- 500-1500. --- Cristianismo (fontes). --- Virgindade (aspectos religiosos).
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In a remarkable pairing, two renowned social critics offer a groundbreaking anthology that examines the unexplored consequences of globalization on the lives of women worldwide. Women are moving around the globe as never before. But for every female executive racking up frequent flier miles, there are multitudes of women whose journeys go unnoticed. Each year, millions leave Mexico, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and other third world countries to work in the homes, nurseries, and brothels of the first world. This broad-scale transfer of labor associated with women's traditional roles results in an odd displacement. In the new global calculus, the female energy that flows to wealthy countries is subtracted from poor ones, often to the detriment of the families left behind. The migrant nanny--or cleaning woman, nursing care attendant, maid--eases a "care deficit" in rich countries, while her absence creates a "care deficit" back home. Confronting a range of topics, from the fate of Vietnamese mail-order brides to the importation of Mexican nannies in Los Angeles and the selling of Thai girls to Japanese brothels, "Global woman offers an unprecedented look at a world shaped by mass migration and economic exchange on an ever-increasing scale. In fifteen vivid essays--of which only four have been previously published--by a diverse and distinguished group of writers, collected and introduced by best selling authors Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Russell Hochschild, this anthology reveals a new era in which the main resource extracted from the third world is no longer gold or silver, but love.
Women household employees --- Women foreign workers --- Women --- Minority women --- Nannies --- Prostitution --- Employées de maison --- Travailleuses étrangères --- Femmes --- Femmes issues des minorités --- Bonnes d'enfants --- Employment --- Travail --- Women domestics. --- Women alien labor. --- Nannies. --- Prostitution. --- Employment. --- Employées de maison --- Travailleuses étrangères --- Femmes issues des minorités --- Kvinnor på arbetsmarknaden. --- Hushållsarbete. --- Transnationalisering. --- Migration --- Women household employees. --- Women foreign workers. --- Trabalho feminino. --- Emprego. --- Mulheres (aspectos socioeconômicos). --- Globalisierung. --- Hausgehilfin. --- Frauenarbeit. --- Niedriglohn. --- Transnationalism. --- Genusaspekter. --- Women - Employment. --- Minority women - Employment.
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VROUWEN -- 658.312 --- CARRIERE -- 658.312 --- GLAZEN PLAFOND -- 658.312 --- KINDEROPVANG -- 362.17 --- #SBIB:316.346H22 --- #SBIB:316.334.2A341 --- 396.5 --- Travail féminin --- BPB0911 --- Positie van de vrouw in de samenleving: arbeid en beroep --- Arbeidssociologie: ongelijkheden op de arbeidsmarkt: de vrouw en de arbeidsmarkt --- Vrouwenarbeid. Vrouwentewerkstelling. Werkende vrouwen --- Vrouwenarbeid --- 396.5 Vrouwenarbeid. Vrouwentewerkstelling. Werkende vrouwen --- sieviešu darbs --- trabalho feminino --- εργασία των γυναικών --- vrouwenarbeid --- kvinnoarbete --- moterų darbas --- female work --- práca žien --- Frauenarbeit --- lavoro femminile --- munca femeilor --- kvindearbejde --- trabajo femenino --- delo žensk --- rad žena --- práce žen --- női munka --- praca kobiet --- naiste töö --- женска работна сила --- puna e femrave --- xogħol tan-nisa --- женски труд --- naisten työ --- женски рад --- nők foglalkoztatása --- naisten työllisyys --- employment of women --- Frauen im Erwerbsleben --- Frauenbeschäftigung --- vrouwelijk beroep --- emploi des femmes --- empleo femenino --- attività femminile --- anställning av kvinnor --- angajare în muncă a femeilor --- Frauenarbeitsplatz --- voor een vrouw bestemde arbeidsplaats --- trabajo de la mujer --- actividad femenina --- impiego femminile --- atividade feminina --- activité féminine --- naiste tööhõive --- kvinnors arbete --- вработени жени --- επαγγελματική δραστηριότητα γυναικών --- zapošljavanje žena --- trabalho das mulheres --- zamestnanie žien --- kvinnlig verksamhet --- zaměstnávání žen --- emprego feminino --- απασχόληση των γυναικών --- sieviešu nodarbinātība --- tewerkstelling van vrouwen --- zaměstnanost žen --- ženská práce --- punësim i grave --- kvindeligt arbejde --- empleo de la mujer --- mulheres trabalhadoras --- travail des femmes --- kvindelig aktivitet --- occupazione femminile --- kvinnlig anställd --- moterų užimtumas --- emploi féminin --- fostaíocht ban --- Travail féminin
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Les femmes sont en lutte - sous des formes individuelles ou collectives - sur tous les continents, l'oppression qu'elles subissent étant généralisée, sans être toutefois uniforme. Ce faisant, elles irriguent une pensée féministe complexe, en redéfinition, où les repères sont mouvants. Les féminismes s'inventent, se pratiquent, mais ne se ressemblent pas. Les références culturelles et les trajectoires historiques, ainsi que l'environnement socio-économique et politique conditionnent la configuration et l'expression de luttes qui peuvent être militantes ou institutionnelles, autonomes ou instrumentalisées, subversives ou plus consensuelles... Croire qu'" un " féminisme puisse dicter ce qui est bon et vrai - n'en déplaise à l'activisme déshabillé des Femen - est un leurre. Ces " points de vue de femmes du sud " apportent un éclairage nécessaire sur la pluralité irréductible des émancipations des femmes. Les combats menés visent à contester des postulats sexistes et patriarcaux et, plus largement, à lutter contre des systèmes sociaux - pluriels et croisés - de domination (classe, âge, race, genre, sexualité...). Au coeur de cette édition d'" Etat des résistances ", les mouvements de femmes dans le Sud, attirent l'attention sur le caractère ancré et local des luttes pour l'émancipation et sur l'exigence d'un agenda féministe qui soit adapté à leurs situations spécifiques. Originales et distinctes, ces voix convergent pour refuser l'instrumentalisation de leurs causes comme justification d'entreprises néolibérales et néocoloniales et pour revendiquer une transformation sociale durable en faveur des femmes. Ces " points de vue de femmes du sud " apportent un éclairage nécessaire sur la pluralité irréductible des émancipations des femmes.
BPB15 --- Mouvement de femmes --- Frauenbewegung --- покрет жена --- movimento de mulheres --- kvinnorörelse --- women's movement --- naisliike --- kvindebevægelse --- женско движение --- lëvizje e grave --- moterų judėjimas --- ženské hnutie --- mișcare feministă --- ženski pokret --- sieviešu kustība --- женско движење --- movimiento feminista --- vrouwenbeweging --- ruch kobiet --- movimento femminista --- ženské hnutí --- γυναικείο κίνημα --- naisliikumine --- žensko gibanje --- gluaiseacht na mban --- nőmozgalom --- moviment tan-nisa --- women's organisation --- naisorganisatsioon --- феминизам --- organizzazione femminista --- svaz žen --- feminizmas --- feminismi --- feminismus --- φεμινισμός --- organização feminina --- naisjärjestö --- ženská organizácia --- γυναικεία οργάνωση --- движење за рамноправност на жените --- movimento feminista --- feministisk organisation --- feminizëm --- feminizmus --- kvinnoorganisation --- organizzazione femminile --- ženská organizace --- feminisme --- движење за женски права --- Feminismus --- organización femenina --- feminisms --- organizație de femei --- feminismo --- organizim i grave --- Frauenverband --- hnutí za ženská práva --- vrouwenorganisatie --- hnutí žen --- feminizam --- ženska organizacija --- feminism --- sieviešu organizācija --- moterų organizacija --- движење за правата на жените --- Frauenorganisation --- kvindeorganisation --- organisation féminine --- féminisme --- pokret žena --- organizace žen --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Community organization
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Pas in 1948 mochten Belgische vrouwen gaan stemmen. Een jaar later publiceerde de Franse filosofe Simone de Beauvoir haar meesterwerk De Tweede Sekse. Ze kwam op voor de totale gelijkwaardigheid van man en vrouw. Het boek was de aanzet voor de tweede Feministische Golf, die uitgroeide tot internationale vrouwenbewegingen die streden tegen vrouwenonderdrukking, rolpatronen, stereotiepe vrouwenbeelden, opgelegde schoonheidsidealen, voor gelijk loon voor gelijk werk, seksuele bevrijding en ‘baas in eigen buik’ (recht op abortus). Na een korte stilte (+/- 1990-2010) waarbij men er gemakshalve van uitging dat vrouwen niet langer werden onderdrukt en feminisme overbodig was, bleek – helaas – maar al te duidelijk dat dit niet zo was. In deze lijn situeert zich dit boek. Eén vrouw, vele gezichten is geen eenzijdig feministisch pamflet maar een multipele insteek van vrouwenbeelden. Reeds in Genesis (Oud Testament) werd vrouwen een identiteit aangemeten en een keurslijf opgedrongen dat hun niet toebehoort. Een rijke greep uit de literatuur toont hoe vrouwen zelf daartegen in opstand kwamen en hun eigen plaats opeisten. Een fotokatern laat ons zien dat dé vrouw niet bestaat, wel vele vrouwen. Tegen deze achtergrond vertellen heel diverse vrouwen hoe zij naar vrouwen kijken of zich vrouw voelen.
BPB2303 --- vrouwenbeweging --- Frauenbewegung --- покрет жена --- movimento de mulheres --- kvinnorörelse --- women's movement --- naisliike --- kvindebevægelse --- женско движение --- lëvizje e grave --- moterų judėjimas --- ženské hnutie --- mișcare feministă --- ženski pokret --- sieviešu kustība --- женско движење --- movimiento feminista --- ruch kobiet --- mouvement de femmes --- movimento femminista --- ženské hnutí --- γυναικείο κίνημα --- naisliikumine --- žensko gibanje --- gluaiseacht na mban --- nőmozgalom --- moviment tan-nisa --- women's organisation --- naisorganisatsioon --- феминизам --- organizzazione femminista --- svaz žen --- feminizmas --- feminismi --- feminismus --- φεμινισμός --- organização feminina --- naisjärjestö --- ženská organizácia --- γυναικεία οργάνωση --- движење за рамноправност на жените --- movimento feminista --- feministisk organisation --- feminizëm --- feminizmus --- kvinnoorganisation --- organizzazione femminile --- ženská organizace --- feminisme --- движење за женски права --- Feminismus --- organización femenina --- feminisms --- organizație de femei --- feminismo --- organizim i grave --- Frauenverband --- hnutí za ženská práva --- vrouwenorganisatie --- hnutí žen --- feminizam --- ženska organizacija --- feminism --- sieviešu organizācija --- moterų organizacija --- движење за правата на жените --- Frauenorganisation --- kvindeorganisation --- organisation féminine --- féminisme --- pokret žena --- organizace žen --- Social change --- sociologie --- vrouwen --- stemrecht --- vrouwenemancipatie --- Kinship --- Women
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History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- Personnel management --- History of France --- anno 1700-1799 --- anno 1800-1999 --- Urban women --- Femmes en milieu urbain --- History --- Congresses. --- Employment --- Social conditions --- Histoire --- Congrès --- Travail --- Conditions sociales --- Histoire des femmes --- --Histoire économique et sociale --- --France --- --Belgique --- --XVIIIe-XXe s., --- Colloque --- --2005 --- --Lille --- --actes --- --Urban women --- Women --- French and Belgian Social History --- Working Women --- Women Studies --- 18th-20th Century --- AA / International- internationaal --- FR / France - Frankrijk --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 332.80 --- 332.71 --- BPB1002 --- Travail féminin --- Diverse arbeidsaangelegenheden: algemeen. --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid. --- Vrouwenarbeid --- Congrès --- Human females --- Wimmin --- Woman --- Womon --- Womyn --- Females --- Human beings --- Femininity --- City dwellers --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid --- Diverse arbeidsaangelegenheden: algemeen --- sieviešu darbs --- trabalho feminino --- εργασία των γυναικών --- vrouwenarbeid --- kvinnoarbete --- moterų darbas --- female work --- práca žien --- Frauenarbeit --- lavoro femminile --- munca femeilor --- kvindearbejde --- trabajo femenino --- delo žensk --- rad žena --- práce žen --- női munka --- praca kobiet --- naiste töö --- женска работна сила --- puna e femrave --- xogħol tan-nisa --- женски труд --- naisten työ --- женски рад --- nők foglalkoztatása --- naisten työllisyys --- employment of women --- Frauen im Erwerbsleben --- Frauenbeschäftigung --- vrouwelijk beroep --- emploi des femmes --- empleo femenino --- attività femminile --- anställning av kvinnor --- angajare în muncă a femeilor --- Frauenarbeitsplatz --- voor een vrouw bestemde arbeidsplaats --- trabajo de la mujer --- actividad femenina --- impiego femminile --- atividade feminina --- activité féminine --- naiste tööhõive --- kvinnors arbete --- вработени жени --- επαγγελματική δραστηριότητα γυναικών --- zapošljavanje žena --- trabalho das mulheres --- zamestnanie žien --- kvinnlig verksamhet --- zaměstnávání žen --- emprego feminino --- απασχόληση των γυναικών --- sieviešu nodarbinātība --- tewerkstelling van vrouwen --- zaměstnanost žen --- ženská práce --- punësim i grave --- kvindeligt arbejde --- empleo de la mujer --- mulheres trabalhadoras --- travail des femmes --- kvindelig aktivitet --- occupazione femminile --- kvinnlig anställd --- moterų užimtumas --- emploi féminin --- fostaíocht ban --- Histoire économique et sociale --- XVIIIe-XXe s., 1701-2000 --- Urban women - Employment - France - History - Congresses --- Urban women - Employment - Belgium - History - Congresses --- Women - Employment - France - History - Congresses --- Women - Employment - Belgium - History - Congresses --- France --- Belgique --- Lille --- Travail féminin
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Women government executives --- Gender mainstreaming --- Sex discrimination in employment --- Femmes hauts fonctionnaires --- Analyse différenciée selon les sexes --- Discrimination sexuelle dans l'emploi --- Travail féminin --- Vrouwenarbeid --- Glass ceiling (Employment discrimination) --- Women in the civil service --- BPB1309 --- Fonction publique --- Femme --- Civil service --- Government executives --- Women executives --- Ceiling, Glass (Employment discrimination) --- Career plateaus --- Discrimination in employment --- γυναίκα --- nő --- moteris --- kvinde --- ženska --- donna --- vrouw --- kvinna --- nainen --- woman --- жена --- mujer --- kobieta --- sieviete --- grua --- femeie --- mulher --- mara --- žena --- Frau --- naine --- sievietes --- moterys --- femei --- women --- gra --- sieviešu darbs --- trabalho feminino --- εργασία των γυναικών --- vrouwenarbeid --- kvinnoarbete --- moterų darbas --- female work --- práca žien --- Frauenarbeit --- lavoro femminile --- munca femeilor --- kvindearbejde --- trabajo femenino --- delo žensk --- rad žena --- práce žen --- női munka --- praca kobiet --- naiste töö --- женска работна сила --- puna e femrave --- xogħol tan-nisa --- женски труд --- naisten työ --- женски рад --- nők foglalkoztatása --- naisten työllisyys --- employment of women --- Frauen im Erwerbsleben --- Frauenbeschäftigung --- vrouwelijk beroep --- emploi des femmes --- empleo femenino --- attività femminile --- anställning av kvinnor --- angajare în muncă a femeilor --- Frauenarbeitsplatz --- voor een vrouw bestemde arbeidsplaats --- trabajo de la mujer --- actividad femenina --- impiego femminile --- atividade feminina --- activité féminine --- naiste tööhõive --- kvinnors arbete --- вработени жени --- επαγγελματική δραστηριότητα γυναικών --- zapošljavanje žena --- trabalho das mulheres --- zamestnanie žien --- kvinnlig verksamhet --- zaměstnávání žen --- emprego feminino --- απασχόληση των γυναικών --- sieviešu nodarbinātība --- tewerkstelling van vrouwen --- zaměstnanost žen --- ženská práce --- punësim i grave --- kvindeligt arbejde --- empleo de la mujer --- mulheres trabalhadoras --- travail des femmes --- kvindelig aktivitet --- occupazione femminile --- kvinnlig anställd --- moterų užimtumas --- emploi féminin --- javna služba --- função pública --- civil service --- iċ-ċivil/servizz pubbliku --- verejné služby --- służba państwowa --- funcție publică --- overheidsapparaat --- riigiteenistus --- funzione pubblica --- δημοσιοϋπαλληλικός κλάδος --- tjenestemandsordning --- държавна служба --- offentligt anställda tjänstemän --- јавна служба --- közszolgálat --- državna služba --- државна служба --- función pública --- veřejná funkce --- öffentlicher Dienst --- valstybės tarnyba --- virkamieskunta --- shërbim civil --- civildienests --- offentligt ansatte --- pubblico impiego --- staatsdienst --- státseirbhís --- bean --- fostaíocht ban --- Travail féminin
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