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Cecilia Valdés o la loma del ángel
ISBN: 8490740860 Year: 2014 Publisher: Madrid : Editorial Verbum,

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Cecilia Valdés (1882) narra la historia trágica de una mulata cubana, Cecilia Valdés, mujer mestiza que dados su color y belleza será llamada por los galantes habaneros la Virgencita de bronce. En la novela aparece como hija ilegítima de un "caballero" y de una "parda". Con el paso del tiempo, en el imaginario nacional, representará a la mujer criolla y será un paradigma de lo cubano. Esta mulata sensual, pícara y cautivadora, cortejada por todos los hombres -sin importar su raza o clase- y con aspiraciones de ascender socialmente, frustrada por su condición y su nacimiento se convierte en Pandora o Helena. Alegato antiesclavista, la obra logra describir el ambiente colonial cubano de principios del siglo XiX, las injusticias sociales y especialmente la ignominia de la esclavitud. El autor de la novela, Cirilo Villaverde (1812-1894), ha sido uno de los narradores más prolíficosde la literatura cubana y el precursor de la producción novelesca en la Isla. Su obra, de calidad irregular, se enmarca dentro del romanticismo y está contaminada por sus excesos, sin embargo reflejaun contexto social y humano que trasciende su época y convierte a Villaverde en un autor fundamental del siglo XiX. La literatura realista y de costumbres tiene en sus relatos y novelas un antecedente meritorio. Abolicionista y luego también independentista, Cirilo Villaverde construye en su Cecilia Valdés una trama romántica en cuyo trasfondo está la denuncia social y la condena de la vida del esclavo en el ingenio, de las diferencias de oportunidades para la clase dominante blanca y la de los pobres, mestizos, libertos y esclavos.Demasiados lectores "recordamos" pasajes de Cecilia Valdés diferentes a los narrados por Villaverde. Una amplia bibliografía en torno de la obra y su apropiación desde otras artes deben ser culpables de las transgresiones en-riquecedoras del texto original, cuyas más conocidas inspiraciones serían la zarzuela homónima, escrita por Gonzalo Roig en 1932; y un serial televisivo y una película del director cubano Humberto Solás, en que el entonces joven actor Imanol Arias representa a Leonardo Gamboa, pasional amante que resultará el hermano blanco de Cecilia. ¿En La Habana, quién no ha escuchado decir de una mulata soberbia y hermosa que se parece a Cecilia Valdés? Algunos afirman que, contrario a lo que declaró siempre el autor, Cecilia existió en realidad y por eso logra Villaverde una caracterización tan humana y rica en matices. Lo cierto es que en el cementerio de Colón, en la ciudad de La Habana, existe una tumba que lleva su nombre y que por las fechas inscritas puede coincidir con una mujer contemporánea del novelista. Algún anónimo admirador del mito de la Cecilia, que los periodistas no han podido descubrir, en el aniversario de sus muertes coloca floresen las tumbas de Cirilo Villaverde y Cecilia Valdés.

Imagining the Mulatta: Blackness in U.S. and Brazilian Media
ISBN: 0252052161 0252043286 0252085205 Year: 2020 Publisher: University of Illinois Press

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'Imagining the Mulatta' demonstrates how mixed-race women of African and European descent are harnessed in popular media as a tool to uphold white supremacy and discipline people of African descent to uphold state policies of antiblackness. Uncovering the racialized and gendered paradigms of U.S. and Brazilian media, the text uses case studies of texts from a broad range of popular culture media-film, telenovelas, television shows, music videos, magazines, newspapers, and Olympic ceremonies-to elucidate how the U.S. mulatta and Brazilian mulata figures operates within and across the United States and Brazil as a response to racial anxieties and notions of white superiority.

Tragic no more : mixed-race women and the nexus of sex and celebrity
ISBN: 1613762259 9781613762257 1558499857 9781558499850 9781558499843 1558499849 Year: 2012 Publisher: Amherst, [Massachusetts] ; Boston, [Massachusetts] : University of Massachusetts Press,

Love, liberation, and escaping slavery : William and Ellen Craft in cultural memory
ISBN: 0820347248 9780820348322 0820348325 9780820338026 0820338028 9780820347240 Year: 2015 Publisher: Athens, Georgia ; London, [England] : The University of Georgia Press,

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The spectacular 1848 escape of William and Ellen Craft (1824-1900; 1826-1891) from slavery in Macon, Georgia, is a dramatic story in the annals of American history. Ellen, who could pass for white, disguised herself as a gentleman slaveholder; William accompanied her as his "master's" devoted slave valet; both traveled openly by train, steamship, and carriage to arrive in free Philadelphia on Christmas Day. In Love, Liberation, and Escaping Slavery, Barbara McCaskill revisits this dual escape and examines the collaborations and partnerships that characterized the Crafts' activism for the next

Enterprising women : gender, race, and power in the revolutionary Atlantic
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0820347795 9780820347790 9780820344553 0820344559 0820353876 1322194734 9780820353876 Year: 2015 Publisher: Athens, Georgia ; London, England : University of Georgia Press,

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In the Caribbean colony of Grenada in 1797, Dorothy Thomas signed the manumission documents for her elderly slave Betty. Thomas owned dozens of slaves and was well on her way to amassing the fortune that would make her the richest black resident in the nearby colony of Demerara. What made the transaction notable was that Betty was Dorothy Thomas's mother and that fifteen years earlier Dorothy had purchased her own freedom and that of her children. Although she was just one remove from bondage, Dorothy Thomas managed to become so rich and powerful that she was known as the Queen of Demerara. Do

Scandal and survival in nineteenth-century Scotland : the life of Jane Cumming
ISBN: 1787444856 1787449556 1580469558 Year: 2020 Publisher: Rochester, NY : University of Rochester Press,

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PROVISIONAL-- FOR FORECASTING PURPOSES ONLY Her Scottish father put her in an institution in Calcutta when she was small. Guilt made her Highland gentry grandfather send for her, but he considered her an encumbrance and boarded her in Elgin. When she was an adolescent, her grandmother enrolled her in an Edinburgh boarding school where she developed a crush on one teacher and received harsh rebukes from the other. Brushed off by the former and chastised by the latter, she retaliated by alleging that they were sexually intimate. The teachers sued for libel; in the case that ensued, she was seen through sexist and racist lenses, constructed as an Other. While the case was still going on, she was married to a Presbyterian minister. If the idea was that he would tame her and make her conformable as other household Janes, the plan failed. He turned out to be a womanizer and Jane took revenge on him by reporting his unchaste behavior to his fellow ministers. Later she made a laughingstock of him by joining another church. Posthumously, she became a mean show-stopping character in a play by Lillian Hellman. Such was the life of Jane Cumming, the biracial woman whose recovered story is the subject of this biography. Spanning three continents and more than two centuries and based on archival research, The Encumbrance offers a sympathetic portrait of the protagonist, seeing her as a resilient figure who, when threatened by figures of authority, took arms against her sea of troubles so as to oppose and end them.

Mulattas and mestizas : representing mixed identities in the Americas, 1850-2000
ISBN: 1282553151 9786612553158 0820327212 9780820327211 9780820323251 082032325X 9781282553156 6612553154 0820327816 Year: 2003 Publisher: Athens : University of Georgia Press,

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In this broadly conceived exploration of how people represent identity in the Americas, Suzanne Bost argues that mixture has been central to the definition of race in the United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean since the nineteenth century. Her study is particularly relevant in an era that promotes mixed-race musicians, actors, sports heroes, and supermodels as icons of a "new" America. Bost challenges the popular media's notion that a new millennium has ushered in a radical transformation of American ethnicity; in fact, this paradigm of the "changing" face of America extends throughout American history. Working from literary and historical accounts of mulattas, mestizas, and creoles, Bost analyzes a tradition, dating from the nineteenth century, of theorizing identity in terms of racial and sexual mixture. By examining racial politics in Mexico and the United States; racially mixed female characters in Anglo-American, African American, and Latina narratives; and ideas of mixture in the Caribbean, she ultimately reveals how the fascination with mixture often corresponds to racial segregation, sciences of purity, and white supremacy. The racism at the foundation of many nineteenth-century writings encourages Bost to examine more closely the subtexts of contemporary writings on the "browning" of America. Original and ambitious in scope, Mulattas and Mestizas measures contemporary representations of mixed-race identity in the United States against the history of mixed-race identity in the Americas. It warns us to be cautious of the current, millennial celebration of mixture in popular culture and identity studies, which may, contrary to all appearances, mask persistent racism and nostalgia for purity.

The strange history of the American quadroon : free women of color in the revolutionary Atlantic world
ISBN: 1469608057 1469607530 9781469607535 9781469608051 9781469607528 1469607522 1469622068 Year: 2013 Publisher: Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press,

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Exotic, seductive, and doomed: the antebellum mixed-race free woman of color has long operated as a metaphor for New Orleans. Commonly known as a ""quadroon,"" she and the city she represents rest irretrievably condemned in the popular historical imagination by the linked sins of slavery and interracial sex. However, as Emily Clark shows, the rich archives of New Orleans tell a different story. Free women of color with ancestral roots in New Orleans were as likely to marry in the 1820s as white women. And marriage, not concubinage, was the basis of their family structure. In The Strange Hi

Masked : The Life of Anna Leonowens, Schoolmistress at the Court of Siam
ISBN: 0299298337 9780299298333 9780299298302 0299298302 Year: 2014 Publisher: Madison, Wisconsin ; London : The University of Wisconsin Press,

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Mexico's Nobodies : The Cultural Legacy of the Soldadera and Afro-Mexican Women
ISBN: 1438463596 9781438463599 9781438463575 143846357X Year: 2017 Publisher: Albany, New York : SUNY Press,

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"Analyzes cultural materials that grapple with gender and blackness to revise traditional interpretations of Mexicanness. Mexico's Nobodies examines two key figures in Mexican history that have remained anonymous despite their proliferation in the arts: the soldadera and the figure of the mulata. B. Christine Arce unravels the stunning paradox evident in the simultaneous erasure (in official circles) and ongoing fascination (in the popular imagination) with the nameless people who both define and fall outside of traditional norms of national identity. The book traces the legacy of these extraordinary figures in popular histories and legends, the Inquisition, ballads such as 'La Adelita' and 'La Cucaracha,' iconic performers like Toña la Negra, and musical genres such as the son jarocho and danzón. This study is the first of its kind to draw attention to art's crucial role in bearing witness to the rich heritage of blacks and women in contemporary Mexico. 'No one has written as lovingly and profusely on Mexican minorities as the wonderful B. Christine Arce. Here she writes about soldaderas, women of color, and camp followers--the courageous women who followed the troops during the Mexican Revolution. Without these women, soldiers would have deserted and the men would have run back home. Arce has not only captured the essence of Mexican women but also of Afro-Mexicans, who are typically forgotten and purposefully neglected'--Elena Poniatowska, author of Massacre in Mexico"--Publisher description.

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