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French literature --- Athos (Greece) --- Blot, Jean, --- Blo, D̲aniel, --- Blo, Zhan, --- Afon (Greece) --- Aton (Greece) --- Atʻoni (Greece) --- Atos (Greece) --- Hagion Oros (Greece) --- Mount Athos (Greece) --- Sveta gora (Greece) --- Svi︠a︡tai︠a︡ Gora Afon (Greece) --- Blokh, Alexandre,
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Athos (Greece) --- Politics and government. --- Politics and government --- Afon (Greece) --- Aton (Greece) --- Atʻoni (Greece) --- Atos (Greece) --- Hagion Oros (Greece) --- Mount Athos (Greece) --- Sveta gora (Greece) --- Svi︠a︡tai︠a︡ Gora Afon (Greece) --- Athos --- Athos (Greece) - Politics and government. --- Athos (Greece) - Politics and government - Sources.
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Le troisième et dernier volume des Actes de Vatopédi, qui contient les actes datant de 1377 à 1500, est l’un des plus remarquables de la collection des «Archives de l’Athos». Le matériel documentaire du monastère de Vatopédi pour cette période est exceptionnellement riche et il éclaire des sujets souvent mal connus, tels que la confiscation des domaines monastiques par les Byzantins après 1371, la situation en Macédoine après sa reconquête par Constantinople en 1403, et le statut des monastères athonites et de leurs biens après la première et la deuxième conquête ottomane de la Macédoine, dans les années 1380 et 1420. Le volume commence par une introduction sur l’histoire du monastère et sur son domaine foncier durant la période considérée. Viennent ensuite la description, l’analyse, le commentaire et l’édition de 99 actes grecs, pour la plupart inédits, ainsi que de deux actes latins. On trouvera également des analyses commentées de 8 actes slaves et de 38 actes ottomans, ainsi qu’une note sur les biens du monastère d’après les registres fiscaux ottomans de la fin du XVe et du début du XVIe siècle. Un index général détaillé vient clore le volume. Enfin, un album séparé de 100 planches fournit les reproductions des documents édités et de deux sceaux.
Hiera Megistē Monē Vatopaidiou (Athos, Greece) --- Monastery of Vatopedi (Athos, Greece) --- Monē Vatopaidiou (Athos, Greece) --- Monē Vatopediou (Athos, Greece) --- Ιερά Μεγίστη Μονή Βατοπαιδίου (Athos, Greece) --- History --- Sources. --- Athos (Greece) --- Afon (Greece) --- Aton (Greece) --- Atʻoni (Greece) --- Atos (Greece) --- Hagion Oros (Greece) --- Mount Athos (Greece) --- Sveta gora (Greece) --- Svi︠a︡tai︠a︡ Gora Afon (Greece)
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Monasticism and religious orders, Orthodox Eastern --- Orthodox Eastern monasticism and religious orders --- Athos (Greece). --- 271 <495 ATHOS> --- Monasticism and religious orders --- Orthodox Eastern monasteries --- Kloosterwezen. Religieuze orden en congregaties. Monachisme--Griekenland--ATHOS --- Athos (Greece) --- Afon (Greece) --- Aton (Greece) --- Atʻoni (Greece) --- Atos (Greece) --- Hagion Oros (Greece) --- Mount Athos (Greece) --- Sveta gora (Greece) --- Svi︠a︡tai︠a︡ Gora Afon (Greece)
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This book examines the part played by monks of Mount Athos in the diffusion of Orthodox monasticism throughout Eastern Europe and beyond. It focuses on the lives of outstanding holy men in the history of Orthodoxy who have been drawn to the Mountain, have absorbed the spirit of its wisdom and its prayer, and have returned to the outside world, inspired to spread the results of their labours and learning. In a remarkable demonstration of what may be termed 'soft power' in action, these men have carried the image of Athos to all corners of the Balkan peninsula, to Ukraine, to the very far north of Russia, across Siberia and the Bering Strait into North America, and most recently (when traditional routes were closed to them by the curtain of communism) to the West. Their dynamic witness is the greatest gift of Athos to a world thirsting for spiritual guidance.
Orthodox Eastern monasteries --- Orthodox Eastern monasticism and religious orders. --- Monasteries, Orthodox Eastern --- Monasteries --- Orthodox Eastern monasticism and religious orders --- Monasticism and religious orders, Orthodox Eastern --- Monasticism and religious orders --- History. --- Athos (Greece) --- Afon (Greece) --- Aton (Greece) --- Atʻoni (Greece) --- Atos (Greece) --- Hagion Oros (Greece) --- Mount Athos (Greece) --- Sveta gora (Greece) --- Svi︠a︡tai︠a︡ Gora Afon (Greece)
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Terre mythique, difficile d'accès, interdite aux femmes, le Mont Athos, en Grèce, est un haut lieu de la chrétienté. Perchés à flanc de falaise ou dressés sur le rivage, ses vingt monastères et leurs ermitages renferment l'une des plus grandes collections d'art du monde, offerte à la vénération des moines et des pèlerins : iconostases flamboyantes, bibliothèques pleines d'incunables précieux, églises couvertes de fresques dont les plus anciennes remontent au VIIe siècle... Partant de son expérience de la vie à la Sainte Montagne, Jean-Yves Leloup raconte pourquoi il est un " suiveur du Christ " et comment il est venu à l'hésychasme, spiritualité fondée sur la prière du cœur, chère aux orthodoxes. Un passionnant index historique, théologique et anecdotique du Mont Athos retrace l'histoire du lieu. Ferrante Ferranti, grâce à de longs séjours sur place, s'est attaché à connaître les moines du Mont Athos dont il a partagé le quotidien. Ses photographies nous livrent un portrait vivant du site et de ces hommes qui ont fait don de leur vie à Dieu. Leur confiance lui a donné accès aux liturgies et aux trésors. Ce livre est un vibrant hommage à la beauté du Mont Athos, à l'art qu'il recèle et à la grandeur de la spiritualité qui l'anime.
Orthodox Eastern monasteries --- Athos (Greece) --- Afon (Greece) --- Aton (Greece) --- Atʻoni (Greece) --- Atos (Greece) --- Hagion Oros (Greece) --- Mount Athos (Greece) --- Sveta gora (Greece) --- Svi︠a︡tai︠a︡ Gora Afon (Greece) --- Description and travel. --- Orthodox Religion --- Greece --- Photography --- Monasteries, Orthodox Eastern --- Monasteries --- Orthodox Eastern monasticism and religious orders
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Mount Athos has been exercising its magnetic attraction on monks and pilgrims for over a thousand years. Many of the papers collected here are concerned with aspects of pilgrimage to Athos and the effect that a visit to the Mountain has on pilgrims' lives.
Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages --- Monasteries, Orthodox Eastern --- Pèlerins et pèlerinages chrétiens --- Monastères orthodoxes --- Athos (Greece) --- Athos (Grèce) --- Church history --- Histoire religieuse --- Orthodox Eastern monasteries --- Pèlerins et pèlerinages chrétiens --- Monastères orthodoxes --- Athos (Grèce) --- Monasteries --- Orthodox Eastern monasticism and religious orders --- Pilgrims and pilgrimages, Christian --- Christian shrines --- Pilgrims and pilgrimages --- Afon (Greece) --- Aton (Greece) --- Atʻoni (Greece) --- Atos (Greece) --- Hagion Oros (Greece) --- Mount Athos (Greece) --- Sveta gora (Greece) --- Svi︠a︡tai︠a︡ Gora Afon (Greece) --- Conferences - Meetings --- Church history.
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The conceptual territory of religious tourism is fluid. While recreation and leisure-based motivation and behaviors are evident in religious tourism, this volume reiterates its rootedness in tenets from religious traditions and pilgrimages. Using fresh perspectives on place-stories, rituals, performances, that are central to pilgrimage and sacred sites, essays in this volume explain contemporary expressions of religious tourism and illustrate the dynamic nature of religious tourism as an ecosystem embedded in religious practices, rituals and performances. The explanations will benefit researchers and practioners alike and they can find numerous examples that show the significance of religious tourism for sustainable development of destinations.
Technology: general issues --- festival --- customer classification --- factor analysis --- motivation --- folklore belief --- World Youth Day --- eventization of faith --- religious tourism --- Archdiocese of Lodz --- Poland --- shinto shrine --- popular culture --- tourist performances --- material religion --- pilgrimage --- sacred sites --- motorbiking --- biker --- Church of England --- retreat --- pilgrimage center --- sanctuary --- sanctuary service zones --- city space --- spatial development --- tourist function --- geography of religion --- ancestral temple of Mazu --- commodification --- diaspora --- folklorization --- invention of tradition --- transnationalism --- authenticity --- spirituality --- Mount Athos --- hospitality --- pilgrimage tourism --- Buddhist pilgrimage --- ritual ecology --- Buddhism --- Bodhgaya --- Buddhist heritage --- n/a
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We tend to think that the Buddha has always been seen as the compassionate sage admired around the world today, but until the nineteenth century, Europeans often regarded him as a nefarious figure, an idol worshipped by the pagans of the Orient. Donald S. Lopez Jr. offers here a rich sourcebook of European fantasies about the Buddha drawn from the works of dozens of authors over fifteen hundred years, including Clement of Alexandria, Marco Polo, St. Francis Xavier, Voltaire, and Sir William Jones. Featuring writings by soldiers, adventurers, merchants, missionaries, theologians, and colonial officers, this volume contains a wide range of portraits of the Buddha. The descriptions are rarely flattering, as all manner of reports-some accurate, some inaccurate, and some garbled-came to circulate among European savants and eccentrics, many of whom were famous in their day but are long forgotten in ours. Taken together, these accounts present a fascinating picture, not only of the Buddha as he was understood and misunderstood for centuries, but also of his portrayers.
Buddhism --- Study and teaching --- History. --- Gautama Buddha --- Christian interpretations. --- Cult --- buddha, idol, orientalism, exoticism, wisdom, pagan, sir william jones, voltaire, saint francis xavier, marco polo, clement of alexandria, cult, missionaries, colonialism, explorers, theology, louis le comte, euthymius mount athos, king hetum i, odoric pordenone, nonfiction, travel, religion, spirituality, buddhism, alexander hamilton, erskine, karl friedrich neumann, charles coleman, george stanley faber, abbe de choisy, denis diderot.
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The conceptual territory of religious tourism is fluid. While recreation and leisure-based motivation and behaviors are evident in religious tourism, this volume reiterates its rootedness in tenets from religious traditions and pilgrimages. Using fresh perspectives on place-stories, rituals, performances, that are central to pilgrimage and sacred sites, essays in this volume explain contemporary expressions of religious tourism and illustrate the dynamic nature of religious tourism as an ecosystem embedded in religious practices, rituals and performances. The explanations will benefit researchers and practioners alike and they can find numerous examples that show the significance of religious tourism for sustainable development of destinations.
festival --- customer classification --- factor analysis --- motivation --- folklore belief --- World Youth Day --- eventization of faith --- religious tourism --- Archdiocese of Lodz --- Poland --- shinto shrine --- popular culture --- tourist performances --- material religion --- pilgrimage --- sacred sites --- motorbiking --- biker --- Church of England --- retreat --- pilgrimage center --- sanctuary --- sanctuary service zones --- city space --- spatial development --- tourist function --- geography of religion --- ancestral temple of Mazu --- commodification --- diaspora --- folklorization --- invention of tradition --- transnationalism --- authenticity --- spirituality --- Mount Athos --- hospitality --- pilgrimage tourism --- Buddhist pilgrimage --- ritual ecology --- Buddhism --- Bodhgaya --- Buddhist heritage --- n/a
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