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Der Band versammelt Studien des Autors zu aktuellen Fragen des Deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerks, der Komposition der Klaglieder, zum Monotheismus und zum Bilderverbot. Neben methodischen und hermeneutischen Aspekten werden rezeptionsgeschichtliche und theologische Themen bearbeitet. Der Band enthält Beiträge zu Texten aus allen Kanonteilen Gen 34, Ex 18; Dtn 34; Jos 23; 2 Kön 17; Ps 8; 95; 104: Klgl 1 und Klgl 3. This volume is a collection of the author’s studies on themes in Deuteronomic history, the lamentations, monotheism, and the prohibition of images. Besides methodological and hermeneutic elements, the essays explore issues related to reception history and theology. The book includes Frevel’s papers about all parts of the canon, including Gen. 34, Exod. 18, Deut. 34, Josh. 23, 2 Kings 17, Ps. 8, 95, 104, Lam. 1 and Lam. 3.
Altes Testament. --- Exegese. --- Exegesis. --- Monotheismus. --- Old Testament. --- Rezeptionsgeschichte. --- monotheism. --- reception history. --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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Religious studies --- Gott --- Religion --- der modernen Welt --- Aufklärung --- Religionskritik --- kritische Vernunft --- Atheismus --- Monotheismus --- Intoleranz --- Gewalt --- Christentum --- Habermas
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Religion and Terrorism: The Use of Violence in Abrahamic Monotheism provides theoretical analysis of the nature of religious terrorism and religious martyrdom and also delves deeply into terrorist groups and beliefs in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Terrorism --- Abrahamic religions. --- Religions --- Religious aspects --- Christianity. --- Christentum --- Fundamentalismus --- Gewalttätigkeit. --- Islam --- Monotheismus --- Religion --- Terrorismus --- Jodendom. --- Christendom. --- Islam. --- Geweld. --- Terrorisme. --- Abrahamic religions --- Violence --- Religions abrahamiques --- Terrorisme --- Aspect religieux
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(Produktform)Hardback --- Gottesmedien --- Monotheismus --- Bilderverbot --- Gottesbilder --- Religiöse Kunst --- Medientheorie --- Religiöse Sprache --- Inkarnation --- Negative Theologie --- (VLB-WN)1925: Hardcover, Softcover / Sachbücher/Philosophie, Religion/Religion
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261.7 "04/14" --- De Kerk en de burgerlijke macht: Kerk en Staat; godsdienstvrijheid; verdraagzaamheid; tolerantie:--theologische aspecten--Middeleeuwen --- Fränkisches Reich --- Europa --- Wetsrömisches Reich --- Oströmisches Reich --- Byzantinisches Reich --- Konstantinopel --- Jerusalem --- Arabien --- Monotheismus --- Globalgeschichte --- Zweikaiserproblem --- Staat --- Politik --- Religion --- Christentum --- Islam --- 261.7 "04/14" De Kerk en de burgerlijke macht: Kerk en Staat; godsdienstvrijheid; verdraagzaamheid; tolerantie:--theologische aspecten--Middeleeuwen --- Monotheismus. --- Kaiser. --- Kalifat. --- Reichsidee. --- Herrschaft.
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Reading Augustine is a new line of books offering personal readings of St. Augustine of Hippo from leading philosophers and religious scholars. The aim of the series is to make clear Augustine's importance to contemporary thought and to present Augustine not only or primarily as a pre-eminent Christian thinker but as a philosophical, spiritual, literary and intellectual icon of the West. Why did the ancients come to adopt monotheism and Christianity? On God, The Soul, Evil and the Rise of Christianity introduces possible answers to that question by looking closely at the development of the thought of Augustine of Hippo, whose complex spiritual trajectory included Gnosticism, academic skepticism, pagan Platonism, and orthodox Christianity. What was so compelling about Christianity and how did Augustine become convinced that his soul could enter into communion with a transcendent God? The apparently sudden shift of ancient culture to monotheism and Christianity was momentous, defining the subsequent nature of Western religion and thought. John Peter Kenney shows us that Augustine offers an unusually clear vantage point to understand the essential ideas that drove that transition.
276 =71 AUGUSTINUS:1 --- 276 =71 AUGUSTINUS:1 Latijnse patrologie-:-Filosofie. Psychologie--AUGUSTINUS --- 276 =71 AUGUSTINUS:1 Patrologie latine-:-Filosofie. Psychologie--AUGUSTINUS --- Latijnse patrologie-:-Filosofie. Psychologie--AUGUSTINUS --- Patrologie latine-:-Filosofie. Psychologie--AUGUSTINUS --- Monotheismus --- Transzendenz
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Problem des Zitierens --- Rudolf Steiner --- Antisemitismus --- ethischen Individualismus --- Juden und Nichtjuden --- Judentum --- die Dreyfus-Affäre --- Zionismus --- Hamerlings Homunkulus --- die Sehnsucht der Juden nach Palästina --- Marie Steiner --- Monotheismus und Offenbarungsreligion --- Rassenideale
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Back cover: In the latest discussion on the relations between religions, it has often been argued that monotheism necessarily leads to intolerance and exclusivism. A religion which claims to worship «the one and only true God» is inevitably forced to reject every religious behaviour and practices of «the Other». But is this really the case? This volume contains contributions which discuss the major question: What are the instruments and the strategies used in different religious settings where interreligious encounter is part of daily life? Most of the contributions concentrate on the challenges of theology in the context of India. A special focus will be on approaches for interreligious coexistence derived from Biblical or Systematic Theology.
Religious pluralism. --- Religious tolerance. --- Christianity and other religions --- Identity (Philosophical concept) --- Pluralisme théologique --- Tolérance religieuse --- Christianisme --- Identité --- Religious aspects. --- Relations --- Aspect religieux --- Identification (Religion) --- 291.16 --- 291.16 Verhouding tussen de godsdiensten. Verdraagzaamheid. Interreligieuze dialoog --- Verhouding tussen de godsdiensten. Verdraagzaamheid. Interreligieuze dialoog --- Identity (Religion) --- Religious identity --- Psychology, Religious --- Christianity --- Syncretism (Christianity) --- Religions --- History --- Religiöser Pluralismus --- Interreligiosität --- Monotheismus --- Religiöse Identität --- Interkulturelle Theologie --- Systematische Theologie
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Contemporary sacred text scholarship has been stimulated by a number of intersecting trends: a surging interest in religion, sacred texts, and inspirational issues; burgeoning developments in and applications of literary theories; intensifying academic focus on diverse cultures whether for education or scholarship. Although much has been written individually about Tanakh, New Testament, and Qur’an, no collection combines an examination of all three. Sacred Tropes interweaves Tanakh, New Testament, and Qur’an essays. Contributors collectively and also often individually use mixed literary approaches instead of the older single theory strategy. Appropriate for classroom or research, the essays utilize a variety of literary theoretical lenses including environmental, cultural studies, gender, psychoanalytic, ideological, economic, historicism, law, and rhetorical criticisms through which to examine these sacred works.
Heilige Schrift --- Literarische Form --- Monotheismus --- Poetik --- Judaism --- Sacred books --- Jews --- Religions --- Semites --- Sacred books. --- History and criticism. --- Religion --- Bible --- Koran --- Al-Coran --- Al-Qur'an --- Alcorà --- Alcoran --- Alcorano --- Alcoranus --- Alcorão --- Alkoran --- Coran --- Curān --- Gulan jing --- Karan --- Koranen --- Korani --- Koranio --- Korano --- Ku-lan ching --- Ḳurʼān --- Kurāna --- Kurani --- Kuru'an --- Qorān --- Quräan --- Qurʼān al-karīm --- Qurʺon --- Xuraan --- Κοράνιο --- Каран --- Коран --- קוראן --- قرآن --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Christianity --- Islam
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Die Pseudoklementinen sind ein autobiographischer Bildungsroman der Spätantike. Dieser erste christliche Roman ist in zwei verschiedenen Versionen überliefert, den griechischen Homilien und den lateinischen Rekognitionen. Die Handlung verläuft in beiden Fassungen jedoch weitgehend gleich: Klemens, der Ich-Erzähler und spätere Bischof von Rom, beschreibt die Erlebnisse seiner Reise mit dem Apostel Petrus durch Judäa und Syrien. Die Hauptpersonen diskutieren theologische und philosophische Grundfragen wie Monotheismus versus Polytheismus oder menschliche Willensfreiheit versus astrologischen Determinismus. Die Rekognitionen, die Rufinus von Aquileia im 5. Jahrhundert aus dem Griechischen ins Lateinische übersetzte, sind nach den Wiedererkennungen (recognitiones) benannt, durch welche die über den Mittelmeerraum verstreuten Eltern und Geschwister des Ich-Erzählers wieder vereint werden.Der Roman hatte einen festen Platz in der europäischen Geistes- und Kulturgeschichte. Mit der Übersetzung der beiden ersten Bücher der Pseudoklementinen eröffnet Meinolf Vielberg die erste vollständige lateinisch-deutsche Ausgabe und erschließt den historischen und literarischen Kontext durch erläuternde Kommentare
(Produktform)Hardback --- Pseudoklementinen --- Rekognitionen --- Homilien --- Klemens von Rom --- Clemens Romanus --- Petrus --- Geschichte des frühen Christentums --- Apostelgeschichte --- Bischof von Rom --- Geschichte des Judentums --- Rufinus von Aquileia --- erster christlicher Roman --- antiker Roman --- Romanmotive --- Astrologie --- Magie --- Simon Magus --- christliche Apokryphen --- Übersetzung --- Mehrsprachigkeit --- Anfang der syrischen Literatur --- Bardesanes --- Monotheismus --- Polytheismus --- Jerusalem --- Caesarea --- Antiochien --- Rom --- (VLB-WN)1567: Hardcover, Softcover / Sprachwissenschaft, Literaturwissenschaft/Klassische Sprachwissenschaft, Literaturwissenschaft --- Clemens I p. m. --- Pseudoclementina
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