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Literature and theology : an international journal of religion, theory and culture
Authors: ---
ISSN: 14774623 02691205 Year: 1987 Publisher: Oxford: Oxford university press,

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Literature and Theology, a quarterly peer-review journal, provides a critical non-confessional forum for both textual analysis and theoretical speculation, encouraging explorations of how religion is embedded in culture. Contributions should address questions pertinent to both literary study and theology broadly understood, and be consistent with the Journal's overall aim: to engage with and reshape traditional discourses within the studies of literature and religion, and their cognate fields - biblical criticism, literary criticism, philosophy, politics, culture studies, gender studies, artistic theory/practice, and contemporary critical theory/practice.


Religion and literature --- Religion and literature. --- Literature --- Literature and religion --- Moral and religious aspects --- Literatura. --- Teologia. --- Cristianisme --- Ascetisme --- Ateisme --- Calvinisme --- Deisme --- Home (Teologia) --- Misticisme --- Monoteisme --- Seminaris teològics --- Teisme --- Teologia dogmàtica --- Teologia jueva --- Teologia moral --- Déu --- Belles lletres --- Literatura occidental --- Literatura universal --- Arguments (Literatura) --- Art i literatura --- Citacions --- Crítica literària --- Diaris íntims --- Dones i literatura --- Espai i temps en la literatura --- Estil literari --- Gèneres literaris --- Humorisme --- Literatura africana --- Literatura americana --- Literatura antiga --- Literatura apocalíptica --- Literatura clàssica --- Literatura de l'exili --- Literatura didàctica --- Literatura èpica --- Literatura eròtica --- Literatura europea --- Literatura fantàstica --- Literatura feminista --- Literatura germànica --- Literatura infantil --- Literatura juvenil --- Literatura oriental --- Literatura pastoral --- Literatura popular --- Literatura religiosa --- Literatura visual --- Llibres de viatges --- Moviments literaris --- Música i literatura --- Narració en primera persona --- Obres perdudes (Literatura) --- Periodisme --- Preceptiva literària --- Prosa --- Psicoanàlisi i literatura --- Romanticisme --- Superxeries literàries --- Surrealisme (Literatura) --- Suspens en la literatura --- Teatre (Gènere literari) --- Temes en la literatura --- Teoria de la literatura --- Art d'escriure --- Autoria --- Didàctica de la literatura --- Ensenyament de la literatura --- Escriptors --- Filologia --- Història de la literatura --- Influència literària --- Temps en la literatura --- Traducció literària --- Literature. --- Religious studies --- Religion et littérature --- Christianisme et littérature

Religious orthodoxy and popular faith in European society
ISBN: 0691094500 069122501X Year: 1990 Publisher: Princeton University Press

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By examining the ongoing tension between popular and official religion in Europe, this collection of essays contributes significantly to the continuing effort to understand the religious experience of ordinary people. Ranging from the Mediterranean to northern Europe and including both Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions, the ethnographic contexts evoked in these essays enable us to see people actively and creatively shaping their religious domain, sometimes in collaboration with official ritual specialists, often in open rebellion against them. The use of folklore texts and extensive narrative "ations, combined with an approach highlighting key symbols such as pilgrimages and festas, provides a common theoretical orientation throughout the bookone that considers how religious discourses are formed by social disciplines and relationships of power and subordination. This volume includes "Spirits and the Spirit of Capitalism" by Jane Schneider, "The Priest and His People: The Contractual Basis for Religious Practice in Rural Portugal" by Caroline B. Brettell, "The Struggle for the Church: Popular Anticlericalism and Religiosity in Post-Franco Spain" by Ruth Behar, "Pilgrimage and Popular Religion at a Greek Holy Shrine" by Jill Dubisch, "Breton Folklore of Anticlericalism" by Ellen Badone, "Stories of Power, Powerful Stories: The Drunken Priest in Donegal" by Lawrence J. Taylor, and "Reflections on the Study of Religious Orthodoxy and Popular Faith in Europe" by Stanley Brandes.


Europe --- Religious life and customs --- Christianity --- Religion --- 20th century --- Religió --- Cristianisme --- Europa. --- Europa --- Vida social i costums --- Vida religiosa. --- Vida social i costums. --- African religion. --- Ancestor worship. --- Asturias, religious beliefs in. --- Belief systems. --- Benedictine Order. --- Bruxo priests. --- Cathars. --- Commensal customs, reciprocity and. --- Delumeau, Jean. --- Deng, Francis Mading. --- Dias, Jorge. --- Disenchantment. --- Dominican Order. --- Doxa. --- Eastern Orthodox Church. --- Edict of Nantes (1685). --- Evil. --- Fires of Saint John. --- Folk religion, defined. --- Foster, George. --- Gender and religion. --- Ginzburg, Carlo. --- Gypsies. --- Hauschild, Thomas. --- Henningsen, Gustav. --- Inquisition. --- Integrist movement. --- Islam. --- Jansenism. --- Jesuits. --- Judaism. --- Klaniczay, Gabor. --- Le Goff, Jacques. --- Levi, Giovanni. --- Liberation theology. --- Luther, Martin. --- Memorates. --- Mendicant orders. --- National Catholicism. --- Normandy, magic in. --- Pentecostalists. --- Pilgrimage. --- Redfield, Robert. --- Saint Anthony, cult of. --- Saint processions. --- Secularization. --- Tylor, Edward B. (Sir). --- Unamuno, Miguel de. --- Vows. --- Waldensians. --- Weber, Max. --- Witch-hunt, as religious reform. --- Agnosticisme --- Animisme --- Apoteosi --- Ascetisme --- Aspectes religiosos --- Associacions religioses --- Ateisme --- Catequesi --- Creença i dubte --- Escepticisme --- Fetitxisme --- Fonamentalisme religiós --- Litúrgia --- Misteris religiosos --- Mite --- Monoteisme --- Moviments nativistes --- Objectes religiosos --- Psicologia de la religió --- Psicologia i religió --- Sagrat --- Sobrenatural --- Vida religiosa --- Déu --- Filosofia de la religió --- Irreligiositat --- Pensament religiós --- Religions --- Estats i territoris --- Euràsia --- Alps --- Camí de Sant Jaume --- Corredor Mediterrani --- Danubi (Europa : Curs d'aigua) --- Europa central --- Europa de l'Est --- Europa del Nord --- Europa del Sud --- Europa occidental --- Països de la Unió Europea --- Rin (Europa : Curs d'aigua) --- Roine (Europa : Curs d'aigua) --- Tràcia (Regió històrica)

ISSN: 26117649 Year: 1982 Publisher: Roma : Teresianum,

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Theology --- Religion --- Mysticism --- Théologie --- Mysticisme --- Mysticism. --- Religion. --- Theology. --- Christian theology --- Theology, Christian --- Christianity --- Religion, Primitive --- Atheism --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Dark night of the soul --- Mystical theology --- Theology, Mystical --- Spiritual life --- Negative theology --- Catholic Church --- Discalced Carmelites --- Église catholique --- Catholic Church. --- Discalced Carmelites. --- Barefooted Carmelites --- Carmelitani scalzi --- Carmelitas Descalzos --- Carmélites déchaussees --- Carmen Descalzo --- Descalzos de Nuestra Madre Santísima la Virgen María del Monte Carmelo --- Fratrum Discalceatorum Ordo B.V.M. de Monte Carmelo --- OCD --- Orden del Carmen Descalzo --- Order of Discalced Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel --- Ordo Fratrum Discalceatorum B. Mariae V. de Monte Carmelo --- Unbeschuhte Karmeliten --- Carmelites --- Carmelite Nuns --- Discalced Carmelite Nuns --- Discalced Carmelites (Italian Congregation) --- Discalced Carmelites (Spanish Congregation) --- Chiesa cattolica --- Church of Rome --- Ecclesia Catholica --- Eglise catholique --- Eglise catholique-romaine --- Gereja Katolik --- Iglesia Católica --- Kanisa Katoliki --- Katholikē Ekklēsia --- Katholische Kirche --- Katolicheskai͡a t͡serkovʹ --- Katolicki Kościół --- Katolyt͡sʹka t͡serkva --- Kenesiyah ha-Ḳatolit --- Kościół Katolicki --- Kościół Rzymskokatolicki --- Nihon Katorikku Kyōkai --- Roman Catholic Church --- Römisch-Katholische Kirche --- Römische Kirche --- Katolyt︠s︡ʹka t︠s︡erkva --- Katolicheskai︠a︡ t︠s︡erkovʹ --- כנסיה הקתולית --- כנסייה הקתולית --- 가톨릭교 --- 천주교 --- Teologia. --- Carmelitans Descalços. --- Església Catòlica. --- Cristianisme --- Ascetisme --- Ateisme --- Calvinisme --- Deisme --- Home (Teologia) --- Misticisme --- Monoteisme --- Seminaris teològics --- Teisme --- Teologia dogmàtica --- Teologia jueva --- Teologia moral --- Déu --- Santa Seu --- Seu Apostòlica --- Sede Apostólica Romana --- Iglesia Católica --- Santa Sede --- Orde dels Frares Descalços de la Santíssima Mare de Déu del Mont Carmel --- Orde dels Germans Descalços de la Benaurada Verge Maria del Mont Carmel --- Hermanos Descalzos de la Orden de la Bienaventurada Virgen María del Monte Carmelo --- Ordo Fratrum Discalceatorum Beatissimae Virginis Mariae de Monte Carmelo --- Ordo Fratrum Discalceatorum Beatae Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelo --- Ordo Carmelitarum Excalceatorum --- Descalzos de Nuestra Madre Santísima la Virgen María del Monte Carmelo --- Carmelitans Reformats --- Carmelites Descalços --- Carmelites Reformats --- Orde Carmelitana Descalça --- Orde del Carme Descalç --- Orden de los Carmelitas Descalzos --- Carmelo Teresiano --- Josepets --- Carmélites déchaussees --- O.C.D. --- C.D. (Orde religiós) --- Carm. D. --- O. Carm. Disc. --- Carmelitans --- Carmelitanes --- Carmelitanes Descalces --- Carmelitans Descalços (Congregació espanyola) --- Carmelitans Descalços (Congregació italiana)

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