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Praktiken frühneuzeitlicher Historiographie
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110594021 3110598396 9783110598391 9783110594027 3110572303 Year: 2019 Publisher: München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg,

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How did historians research the past in the early modern era? How did historians, genealogists, and scholars of antiquity "create" relevant knowledge and position themselves in courts, toward benefactors, and to an academic audience? This volume examines academic practices in the fields of heraldry, diplomacy, genealogy, and historiography along with economic aspects of research, travel, and publishing. Wie wurde in der Frühen Neuzeit die Vergangenheit erforscht? Wie "machten" Historiker, Genealogen oder Antiquare historisches Wissen und positionierten sich damit an Höfen, gegenüber Auftraggebern oder in der Gelehrtenrepublik? In diesem Band geht es um gelehrte Praktiken im weiten Feld frühneuzeitlicher Geschichtsschreibung sowie um die ökonomische und logistische Seite des Forschens, Reisens und Publizierens.

Raum und Recht : Visualisierung von Rechtsansprüchen in der Vormoderne
ISBN: 9783110683424 9783110683295 9783110683509 3110683423 3110683296 Year: 2020 Publisher: München De Gruyter Oldenbourg

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Der Tagungsband geht von der Beobachtung aus, dass der Raum in der Vormoderne nicht nur textuell beschrieben, sondern auch mit performativen Praktiken in Augenschein genommen und abgebildet wurde. Bei den Abbildungen handelt es sich um Visualisierungen des beanspruchten Raums, anschaulich gemachte Inaugenscheinnahmen und bildlich dargestellte Augenzeugenschaft. Wie wurden rechtliche Verhältnisse kartographiert? Diese zentrale Frage hat eine europäische Perspektive, die uns nach Entwicklungen und Einflüssen fragen lässt. Die Untersuchung gilt einerseits den Objekten der Raumdarstellung – wie Karten, Gemälden und Skizzen – andererseits den mit ihnen sich verbindenden performativen Praktiken. Der Band enthält eine englische Übersetzung der Einleitung und einen Ausblick in die zukünftige Dokumentation von historischen Karten. In the pre-modern era, spatial relationships were not only described textually, but also depicted with performative practices. The conference volume (which contains an English introduction) deals with how legal rights were asserted through visual presentations or pictorially depicted in eyewitness accounts. How were legal relationships viewed, and what role did law play in cartography?


Archivwesen --- Kartographie --- Raum --- Recht --- Space --- Vormoderne --- archives --- cartography --- law --- pre-modern era

"Vom Frieden" im Dreißigjährigen Krieg : Nicolaus Schaffshausens "De Pace" und der positive Frieden in der Politiktheorie
ISBN: 3110580748 3110583380 3110580624 Year: 2018 Publisher: München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg,

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During the Thirty Years War, political theory was dominated by a negative attitude toward peace. War shaped the major works, such as Hugo Grotius’ De iure belli ac pacis. Researchers have largely ignored that there were also writings actively focused on peace, such as Nicolaus Schaffshausen’s De pace. This study examines these writings and explores the positive notions and concepts of peace that existed at that time. In der Politiktheorie zur Zeit des Dreißigjährigen Krieges dominierte ein negatives Friedensverständnis. Krieg prägte die prominenten Werke wie etwa Hugo Grotius‘ De iure belli ac pacis. Dass es aber auch Schriften gab, die den Frieden aktiv fokussierten, wie z.B. Nicolaus Schaffshausens De pace, ist der Forschung bislang entgangen. Hier setzt die Studie an und fragt danach, welche positiven Friedensvorstellungen und -konzepte damals existierten.

Mondes réels, mondes virtuels
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 273550929X 9782735509294 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris : Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques,

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La réalité de la planète Terre a fait l’objet d’innombrables spéculations, nourrissant dès l’Antiquité gréco-latine une foule de discours, de descriptions, de récits. Dans le présent recueil, les modes d’appréhension des mondes réels et des mondes virtuels sont à géométrie variable et fournissent un éventail ouvert de ces modes. Le Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques rassemble chaque année universitaires, membres de sociétés savantes et jeunes chercheurs. Ce recueil est issu de travaux présentés lors du 144e Congrès sur le thème « Le réel et le virtuel ».

Doctores hispanos en leyes y cánones por la Universidad de La Sapienza de Roma (1549-1774)
Year: 2017 Publisher: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History

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The book presents the catalogue of Hispanic doctors in Civil and Canon Law graduated at the University of La Sapienza in Rome from 1549 to 1774. It also includes a list of Portuguese graduates. In La Sapienza, contrary to what has been maintained by many scholars, hundreds of foreign students received their doctorate degrees in Civil and Canon Law. The book, after a presentation of the College of Consistorial Lawyers and the Professors of the Faculty of Civil and Canon Law, emphasizes the international character of the doctoral students and focuses on Spaniards. Decisive contributions can be made going through the list of graduates, supervisors, examiners and witnesses, not only to the identification of Hispanic civilists and canonists, but also to the study of the academic, cultural and political networks, woven in Rome during the Modern Era.--------El libro presenta la nómina de doctores hispanos en leyes y cánones en la Universidad de La Sapienza de Roma desde 1549 hasta 1774. Se incluye asimismo una nómina de graduados portugueses. En La Sapienza, contrariamente a lo que se ha sostenido mayoritariamente, se doctoraron en ambos derechos centenares de estudiantes extranjeros. El libro, tras una presentación del Colegio de Abogados Consistoriales y de los profesores de la Facultad de Leyes y Cánones, enfatiza el carácter internacional de los doctorandos y se centra en los hispanos. A través del elenco de graduados, promotores, examinadores y testigos se puede contribuir decisivamente no sólo a la identificación de legistas y canonistas hispanos, sino también al estudio de las redes académicas, culturales y políticas que se tejieron en Roma durante la época moderna.

Doctores hispanos en leyes y cánones por la Universidad de La Sapienza de Roma (1549-1774)
Year: 2017 Publisher: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History

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The book presents the catalogue of Hispanic doctors in Civil and Canon Law graduated at the University of La Sapienza in Rome from 1549 to 1774. It also includes a list of Portuguese graduates. In La Sapienza, contrary to what has been maintained by many scholars, hundreds of foreign students received their doctorate degrees in Civil and Canon Law. The book, after a presentation of the College of Consistorial Lawyers and the Professors of the Faculty of Civil and Canon Law, emphasizes the international character of the doctoral students and focuses on Spaniards. Decisive contributions can be made going through the list of graduates, supervisors, examiners and witnesses, not only to the identification of Hispanic civilists and canonists, but also to the study of the academic, cultural and political networks, woven in Rome during the Modern Era.--------El libro presenta la nómina de doctores hispanos en leyes y cánones en la Universidad de La Sapienza de Roma desde 1549 hasta 1774. Se incluye asimismo una nómina de graduados portugueses. En La Sapienza, contrariamente a lo que se ha sostenido mayoritariamente, se doctoraron en ambos derechos centenares de estudiantes extranjeros. El libro, tras una presentación del Colegio de Abogados Consistoriales y de los profesores de la Facultad de Leyes y Cánones, enfatiza el carácter internacional de los doctorandos y se centra en los hispanos. A través del elenco de graduados, promotores, examinadores y testigos se puede contribuir decisivamente no sólo a la identificación de legistas y canonistas hispanos, sino también al estudio de las redes académicas, culturales y políticas que se tejieron en Roma durante la época moderna.

Doctores hispanos en leyes y cánones por la Universidad de La Sapienza de Roma (1549-1774)
Year: 2017 Publisher: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History

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The book presents the catalogue of Hispanic doctors in Civil and Canon Law graduated at the University of La Sapienza in Rome from 1549 to 1774. It also includes a list of Portuguese graduates. In La Sapienza, contrary to what has been maintained by many scholars, hundreds of foreign students received their doctorate degrees in Civil and Canon Law. The book, after a presentation of the College of Consistorial Lawyers and the Professors of the Faculty of Civil and Canon Law, emphasizes the international character of the doctoral students and focuses on Spaniards. Decisive contributions can be made going through the list of graduates, supervisors, examiners and witnesses, not only to the identification of Hispanic civilists and canonists, but also to the study of the academic, cultural and political networks, woven in Rome during the Modern Era.--------El libro presenta la nómina de doctores hispanos en leyes y cánones en la Universidad de La Sapienza de Roma desde 1549 hasta 1774. Se incluye asimismo una nómina de graduados portugueses. En La Sapienza, contrariamente a lo que se ha sostenido mayoritariamente, se doctoraron en ambos derechos centenares de estudiantes extranjeros. El libro, tras una presentación del Colegio de Abogados Consistoriales y de los profesores de la Facultad de Leyes y Cánones, enfatiza el carácter internacional de los doctorandos y se centra en los hispanos. A través del elenco de graduados, promotores, examinadores y testigos se puede contribuir decisivamente no sólo a la identificación de legistas y canonistas hispanos, sino también al estudio de las redes académicas, culturales y políticas que se tejieron en Roma durante la época moderna.

Robert Musil and the question of science
ISBN: 9781640140660 1640140662 1787446751 9781787446755 Year: 2020 Publisher: Rochester, New York Camden House

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A major new study of Robert Musil by one of the world's leading Musil scholars. Musil's extraordinary works, the study reveals, emerged from the problem of the two cultures.

A companion to Mexican studies
ISBN: 1282080377 9786612080371 1846154596 1855661349 Year: 2023 Publisher: Woodbridge, Suffolk : Tamesis,

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This work traces the evolution of the major creative aspects of Mexican culture from pre-Columbian times. Dealing with the cultures of Mesoamerica, the colonial period, the onset of independence and the modern era, it explores Aztec arts and the role of the performing arts in the process of evangelisation.

Prophets and Patriots : Faith in Democracy across the Political Divide
ISBN: 9780520966888 0520966880 9780520293649 Year: 2017 Publisher: Berkeley, CA : University of California Press,

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Prophets and Patriots takes readers inside two of the most active populist movements of the Obama era and highlights cultural convergences and contradictions at the heart of American political life. In the wake of the Great Recession and amid rising discontent with government responsiveness to ordinary citizens, the book follows participants in two very different groups-a progressive faith-based community organization and a conservative Tea Party group-as they set out to become active and informed citizens, put their faith into action, and hold government accountable. Both groups viewed themselves as the latest in a long line of prophetic voices and patriotic heroes who were carrying forward the promise of the American democratic project. Yet the ways in which each group put this common vision into practice reflected very different understandings of American democracy and citizenship.

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