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Military transformation : actions needed to better manage DOD's joint experimentation program
Year: 2002 Publisher: Washington, D.C.

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The "Democratic Soldier": Comparing Concepts and Practices in Europe
ISBN: 1911529366 Year: 2013 Publisher: London Ubiquity Press

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Since the end of the Cold War almost all European countries have reformed their armed forces, focusing on downsizing, internationalization and professionalization. This paper examines how these changes in security sector governance have affected the normative model underlying the military’s relationship to democracy, using the image of the “democratic soldier”. Drawing on a comparative analysis of 12 post-socialist, traditional and consolidated democracies in Europe, the different dimensions of the national conception of soldiering are analysed based on the official norms that define a country’s military and the ways in which individual members of the armed forces see their role. Cases converge around the new idea of professional soldiering as a merging of civilian skills with military virtues in the context of the military’s new post-Cold War missions. Yet despite this convergence, research also shows that specific aspects of national traditions and context continue to influence the actual practice of soldiering in each case. The contradictions that result between these old and new visions of the role of the military and the soldier illustrate the tensions that exist between political goals and defence reform dynamics.

Rumours of Peace, Whispers of War : Assessment of the Reintegration of Ex-combatants into Civilian Life in North Kivu, South Kivu, and Ituri, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is poised on the edge of a machete blade. Despite the achievement of considerable peace-building successes throughout much of this central African state in recent years, the current activities of armed groups and the Congolese armed forces in North Kivu, South Kivu, and Ituri, have the potential to further destabilize the eastern provinces, and possibly even neighboring countries. Former combatants are prominent in the security and stability equation in the eastern DRC. The reason is that if this section of society has not been effectively disarmed, demobilized and reintegrated into civilian life, then they have the potential to return to arms. In this region, over 100,000 ex-combatants have been demobilized over the past decade in successive waves of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) interventions. Assessments and speculation about the reintegration of ex-combatants in North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri have suggested that these individuals have become marginalized, and their reintegration into civilian society is precarious, thus making them vulnerable to further recruitment by armed groups. Some reports have even suggested that numerous former fighters have remilitarized in the mining areas in order to access mineral wealth. Consequently, research on the socio-economic reintegration of ex-combatants in the eastern DRC was undertaken by the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), and funded by the Transitional Demobilization and Reintegration Program (TDRP) of the World Bank. North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri were the three geographical areas of focus, given the volatility and potential pivotal role of these areas in promoting and consolidating peace in the eastern DRC. The specific objectives of the research were to: 1) assess the processes of the socio-economic reintegration of former combatants into civilian life; 2) analyze the causes and dynamics of the current security situation (or lack thereof) in the three areas, and the implications for current and future DDR processes; and 3) evaluate the extent to which demobilized former combatants have been re-recruited into armed groups, including motivating and resilience factors. The research took place between February and September 2011, with the findings and analysis being presented in this report.

Improving Security in Violent Conflict Settings : Security and Justice Thematic Paper.
Authors: ---
Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Violent conflict is the multifaceted and cyclical problem that the international community is trying to grapple with. To date, there has been a clear hierarchy concerning what forms of violence are seen to matter most, with political violence that threatens the state taking pole position. In examining this argument, this paper sets out a number of issues relating to security and justice definitions. It will then examine some of the problems associated with placing conflict into a box-set typology: mass violence associated with war and genocide carries unique features but also spawns new challenges which are often being ignored. The paper will then examine in brief some of the measures used by communities, governmental actors and international partners in contending with violence before outlining some key conclusions and recommendations. In reading this paper two further points need be borne in mind: 1) this does not provide a comprehensive overview of violence and security - that is the role of the World Development Report (WDR) itself, and 2) this paper does not present fresh research, but more an overview, along with the other papers in the security-justice series, of some of the key issues confronting policy makers in the domain of security and development.

Improving Security in Violent Conflict Settings : Security and Justice Thematic Paper.
Authors: ---
Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Violent conflict is the multifaceted and cyclical problem that the international community is trying to grapple with. To date, there has been a clear hierarchy concerning what forms of violence are seen to matter most, with political violence that threatens the state taking pole position. In examining this argument, this paper sets out a number of issues relating to security and justice definitions. It will then examine some of the problems associated with placing conflict into a box-set typology: mass violence associated with war and genocide carries unique features but also spawns new challenges which are often being ignored. The paper will then examine in brief some of the measures used by communities, governmental actors and international partners in contending with violence before outlining some key conclusions and recommendations. In reading this paper two further points need be borne in mind: 1) this does not provide a comprehensive overview of violence and security - that is the role of the World Development Report (WDR) itself, and 2) this paper does not present fresh research, but more an overview, along with the other papers in the security-justice series, of some of the key issues confronting policy makers in the domain of security and development.

Military missions and their implications reconsidered : the aftermath of September 11th
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781849500128 1849500126 0444519602 9786610631100 1280631104 0080459919 9780080459912 9780444519603 Year: 2006 Publisher: Boston : Elsevier,

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Since the suicide terrorist attacks of September Eleven, security issues have become more prominent again. There is also an increased interest in the military, since the military was and still is seen as a major instrument in the so-called, 'war on terror'. The anthology focuses on the most recent developments in the military sphere and tries to assess the impact of September Eleven and the 'new military missions' on the armed forces in terms of, inter alia, conflict management capabilities, social and psychological developments inside military units, recruitment and civil-military relations of the armed forces in the wake of September 11th. The contributions to this anthology represent the most important and pertinent papers presented at an international meeting organized by the RC 01: Armed Forces & Conflict Resolution within the International Sociological Association (ISA) which took place in Ankara, Turkey, in July 2004.They focus on the most recent developments in the military sphere and try to assess the impact of September Eleven and the 'new military missions' on the armed forces in terms of, inter alia, conflict management capabilities, social and psychological developments inside military units, recruitment and civil-military relations. The book is composed by seven chapters. First comes a chapter devoted to conflict resolution. The second chapter deals with the international military activities and their impact on and consequences inside the military institution. The third chapter is devoted to presenting the first results of an empirical, cross-national research project on the divide between the armed forces and their parent societies and on the cultural dimensions of this gap. Families and women in war and in armed forces are the subject of the following chapter. The representation of the interest of military personnel on the agenda is dealt with in the fifth chapter.Several national case studies constitute the contents of the sixth chapter which is particularly focusing on third world countries. The last chapter entails papers which deal with Turkey and its armed forces in various ways. This series publishes both theoretical and empirical papers on conflict and peace related to economic, social and political development, primarily of the developing countries. The role of uneven distribution of resources, inequity in income distribution, social and political discrimination, poverty, and arms spending on conflict within and between countries is covered. The focus is on conflict and its management and possible resolution.


Military missions. --- Peacekeeping forces. --- Civil-military relations. --- Military reform. --- Women and the military. --- Military unions. --- World politics --- Army unions --- Soldiers' unions --- Unions, Military --- Labor unions --- Armed Forces and women --- Military, The, and women --- Women and the Armed Forces --- Armed Forces --- Women and war --- Military and civilian power --- Military-civil relations --- Executive power --- Sociology, Military --- Military government --- Peacekeeping (Military science) --- Peacekeeping operations --- International police --- Peace-building --- Missions, Military --- Missions, Naval --- Naval missions --- Government missions --- International relations --- Military education --- Turkey --- Reorganization. --- Anatolia --- Anatolie --- Ānātūlī --- Asia Minor --- Asia Minore --- Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh Turk Uls --- Buturuki --- Cộng hoà Thỏ̂ Nhĩ Kỳ --- Dēmokratia tēs Tourkias --- Devlet-i Aliye Osmaniye --- Durka --- Durkka dásseváldi --- Gweriniaeth Twrci --- Jamhuri ya Uturuki --- Jamhuuriyada Turki --- Jumhūrīyah al-Turkīyah --- Komara Tirkiyeyê --- Lýðveldið Turkaland --- Lýðveldið Tyrkland --- Orílẹ̀-èdè Olómìnira ilẹ̀ Túrkì --- Osmanlı İmparatorluğu --- Osmanskai︠a︡ Imperii︠a︡ --- Ottoman Empire --- Pobblaght ny Turkee --- Poblacht na Tuirce --- Repóbblica d'l Turchî --- Repubbleche de Turchie --- Repubblica di Turchia --- Republic of Turkey --- Republic of Türkiye --- República da Turquia --- Republica de Turchia --- Republica de Turquía --- Republica Turcia --- Republiek Turkeye --- Republiek Turkije --- Republiek van Turkye --- Republik bu Tirki --- Republik Tierkei --- Republik Turkäi --- Republik Türkei --- Républik Turki --- Republik Turkia --- Republika e Turqisë --- Republika ng Turkiya --- Repùblika Tërecczi --- Republika Turcija --- Republika Turcji --- Republika Turcyje --- Republika Turecko --- Republika Turkiya --- Republika Turkojska --- Republika Turska --- Republika Turt︠s︡ii︠a︡ --- Republiḳah ha-Ṭurḳiyah --- Republiken Turkiet --- Republikken Tyrkia --- Republikken Tyrkiet --- République de Turquie --- République turque --- Repuvlika de Turkiya --- Ripablik kya Buturuki --- Ripoliku Turkiyakondre --- T.C. (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) --- Tagduda n Tturk --- TC --- Teki --- Tëreckô --- Ṭerḳay --- Ṭerḳishe Republiḳ --- Thekhi --- Thỏ̂ Nhĩ Kỳ --- Thú-ngí-khì --- Tiakei --- Tierkei --- Tiki --- Tirki --- Tırkiya --- Tirkiye --- Ti︠u︡rk --- Ti︠u︡rk Respublika --- Ti︠u︡rkii︠a︡ --- Ti︠u︡rkii︠a︡ Respublika --- Tlacatlahtocayotl Turquia --- Tʻŏkʻi --- T'ŏk'i Konghwaguk --- Tʼóok Bikéyah --- Torkėjė --- Tȯrkiă --- Törkie --- Törkieë --- Tȯrkii︠a︡ --- Tȯrkii︠a︡ Jȯmḣu̇rii︠a︡te --- Török Köztársaság --- Törökország --- Toruko --- Toruko Kyōwakoku --- Tourkia --- Tourkikē Dēmokratia --- Tturk --- Tu er qi gong he guo --- Tū-ī-gì --- Tū-ī-gì Gê̤ṳng-huò-guók --- Tu'erqi --- Tu'erqi gong he guo --- Tu'erqi Gongheguo --- Tuirc --- Tunkī --- Turchî --- Turchia --- Turchie --- Turchy Respublikæ --- Turcia --- Turcija --- Turcijas Republika --- Turcja --- Turcland --- Turcyjo --- Turechchyna --- Turecká republika --- Turecko --- Tureke --- Turet︠s︡ka Respublika --- Turėtskai︠a︡ Rėspublika --- Tureuki --- Türgi --- Türgi Vabariik --- Türgü --- Türgü Vabariik --- Turk --- Turkäi --- Turkaland --- Turkamastor --- Türkän --- Turkanʹ respubliksʹ --- Turkee --- Türkei --- Turkeya --- Turkeye --- Turki --- Turkia --- Turkia Respubliko --- Turkieë --- Turkiet --- Turkii --- Tu̇rkii︠a︡ --- Tu̇rkii︠a︡ Respublikasy --- Tu̇rkiĭė --- Tu̇rkiĭė Respublikata --- Turkija --- Turkije --- Turkin tasavalta --- Turkio --- Turkiyā --- Turkiya Republika --- Türkiyä Respublikası --- Turkiyah --- Turkiyakondre --- Türkiye --- Türkiye Cumhuriyeti --- Türkiýe Respublikasy --- Turkki --- Turkojska --- Turkowska --- Turkujo --- Turkya --- Turkyah --- Turkye --- Turqia --- Turquía --- Turquie (Repupblic) --- Turska --- Turtchie --- Turt︠s︡i --- Turt︠s︡i Respubliki --- Turt︠s︡iĭ --- Turt︠s︡ii︠a︡ --- Turtsyi︠a︡ --- Turukiya --- Tuykia --- Twrci --- Tyrkia --- Tyrkiet --- Tyrkland --- Tẏrt︠s︡i --- Uturuki --- Vysokai︠a︡ Porta --- Whenua Korukoru --- Τουρκική Δημοκρατία --- Τουρκία --- Δημοκρατία της Τουρκίας --- Република Турска --- Република Турция --- Република Турција --- Турска --- Турцыя --- Турци --- Турци Республики --- Турция --- Турција --- Турций --- Турція --- Турчы Республикæ --- Турэцкая Рэспубліка --- Турк --- Туркань республиксь --- Туркамастор --- Турецька Республіка --- Турецка Республіка --- Турецкая Республика --- Туреччина --- Тюрк --- Тюрк Республика --- Тюркия --- Тюркия Республика --- רפובליקה הטורקית --- תורכיה --- טערקישע רעפובליק --- טערקיי --- טורקיה --- تركيا --- جمهورية التركية --- トルコ --- トルコ共和国 --- 土耳其 --- 土耳其共和國 --- 터키 --- 터키 공화국 --- Business & Economics --- Technology & Engineering --- Warfare & defence. --- USA. --- Economics --- General. --- Military Science.

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