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This special issue of Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics explores the various functions of metaphor in life writing. Looking at a range of autobiographical subgenres (pathography, disability narratives, memoirs of migration, autofiction) and different kinds of metaphors, the contributions seek to ‘map’ the possibilities of metaphor for narratively framing an individual life and for constructing notions of selfhood.
Symbolism (Art movement) --- Life writing. --- autobiography. --- metaphor. --- metonymy.
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Metaphern und Metonymien sind Phänomene, die unser Denken, Sprechen und Handeln bestimmen und sich u.a. sprachlich manifestieren.Im Hinblick auf die Analyse von Metaphern und Metonymien sind gegenwärtig Tendenzen zu beobachten, die die Phänomene nicht mehr ausschließlich aus kognitiver Perspektive betrachten, da eine ausschließlich kognitive Beschreibung von Metaphern und Metonymien zu kurz greift. Stattdessen werden integrative und interdisziplinäre Ansätze verfolgt, die empirisch orientiert sind und neben kognitiven vor allem soziopragmatische, historische oder sprachvergleichende Aspekte in die Analyse integrieren. Der Sammelband greift diese aktuellen Tendenzen auf. Auf der Basis empirischer Untersuchungen von Metaphern und Metonymien sowohl aus einzelsprachlicher, sprachvergleichender und interdisziplinärer Perspektive werden in den einzelnen Beiträgen theoretische und methodische Fragestellungen diskutiert sowie neue Perspektiven der Forschung eröffnet. Open Access:Die freie Verfügbarkeit der E-Book-Ausgabe dieser Publikation wurde im Juli 2019 nachträglich ermöglicht durch den Fachinformationsdienst Linguistik.
Cognitive grammar. --- Metaphor. --- Metonyms. --- Metonymy --- Figures of speech --- Parabole --- Reification --- Cognitive linguistics --- Grammar, Comparative and general --- Psycholinguistics --- Discourse Analysis. --- Metonymy. --- Psycholinguistics.
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Figurative language has been regarded traditionally as situated outside the realm of grammar. However, with the advent of Cognitive Linguistics, metonymy and metaphor are now recognized as being not only ornamental rhetorical tropes but fundamental figures of thought that shape, to a considerable extent, the conceptual structure of languages. The present volume goes even beyond this insight to propose that grammar itself is metonymical in nature (Langacker) and that conceptual metonymy and metaphor leave their imprints on lexicogrammatical structure. This thesis is developed and substantiated for a wide array of languages and lexicogrammatical phenomena, such as word class meaning and word formation, case and aspect, proper names and noun phrases, predicate and clause constructions, and other metonymically and metaphorically motivated grammatical meanings and forms. The volume should be of interest to scholars and students in cognitive and functional linguistics, in particular, conceptual metonymy and metaphor theory, cognitive typology, and pragmatics.
Lexicology. Semantics --- Psycholinguistics --- Metonyms --- Métaphore --- --Metaphor. --- Metonyms. --- Metaphor. --- Metaphor --- Metonymy --- Figures of speech --- Parabole --- Reification --- --Metaphor
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Metaphor and metonymy appeal to us because they evoke mental images in unique but still recognisable ways. The potential for figurative thought exists in everyone, and it pervades our everyday social interactions. In particular, advertising offers countless opportunities to explore the way in which people think creatively through metaphor and metonymy. 0This book offers the first large-scale study of a multimodal corpus of 210 advertisements. The reader is presented with a description of the corpus in terms of the distribution of conceptual operations (for the purposes of this work, metaphor and metonymy) and use of modal cues. Subsequently, the weight of mode and marketing strategy to trigger more or less amounts of conceptual complexity is analyzed. This corpus-based survey is complemented with the qualitative analysis of three novel metaphor-metonymy interactions that stem from the data and that have not yet been surveyed in multimodal use. The results show that metaphtonymy (a metaphor-metonymy compound) is the most frequet conceptual operation in the corpus; that there is a significant effect of the use of modes in the activation of different amounts of conceptual complexity; and that the type of advertised product and the marketing strategy has no significant effect on the number and complexity of conceptual mappings in the advertisement.
Metaphor. --- Metonyms. --- Advertising --- Metonymy --- Figures of speech --- Parabole --- Reification --- Language. --- Advertising. Public relations --- Lexicology. Semantics
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L’image de Japonais imitateurs possède une longue histoire : en Europe, elle émerge au xviiie et a connu jusqu’à récemment différentes phases caractéristiques. Bien que liée à la modernisation, cette histoire n’éclaire pas uniquement la rencontre du Japon avec la culture européenne, elle est aussi le miroir des conceptions de l’art en Occident où des contremodèles étaient nécessaires afin de soutenir l’idée que la création est la valeur suprême. La première partie de ce livre a pour objectif de montrer, à travers les discours sur le Japon, comment et pourquoi à l’époque moderne la question esthétique de l’imitation est au cœur des rapports de domination symbolique entre les cultures et, plus largement, entre les hommes. Les Japonais n’ont pas été passifs face à cette situation. Ils ont assimilé et réemployé ce discours, vis-à-vis de la Chine notamment, et essayé d’y réagir, que ce soit par le déni, la réactivation de savoir-faire locaux ou l’invocation d’un esprit national. Toutefois, bien qu’ils aient rejeté la plupart des dispositifs uniquement mimétiques, ils n’ont pas accepté une attitude purement subjective vis-à-vis de la création, ce qui se manifeste par un goût pour tout ce qui, de la matière, ne peut être sublimé, comme la terre ou les os. L’analyse d’œuvres majeures du Japon moderne et contemporain comme Vivre de Kurosawa Akira et Le Voyage de Chihiro de Miyazaki Hayao a pour but de montrer, comment de grands artistes japonais du xxe siècle ont fait travailler ensemble les notions de création et d’imitation, et comment ces approches alternatives, qui s’opposent à une vision héroïque et désocialisante de l’auteur, permettent d’assumer, autant que possible, la mort dans la vie. Japanese as imitators is a long-standing stereotype. In Europe it appears in the 18th century and follows different typical steps up to nowadays. The history of this narrative, which is related to modernization process, does not only shed a new light on Japan’s encounter with…
Asian Studies --- History --- emotions --- hero --- metaphor --- metonymy --- mitate --- rejection --- imitation --- métonymie --- originalité --- rejet de l’autre --- tradition et modernité --- émotion
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The notion of matrix domain in metonymy needs further exploration in connection to its role in the unfolding of contextual elements in discourse. On the basis of different dialogues in Chinese, I examine the way shifts in indirect speech act meaning relate to changes in the metonymic source and target domains underlying such meaning. I claim that matrix domains can have different configurations within the same discourse: in some situations, one source domain can map onto more than one target domain, while in others several source domains can map onto only one target domain. I propose that speech acts sometimes change from one (sub)type to another as the speaker-hearer interaction develops, remodeling the initial configuration of the matrix domain.
Metonyms. --- Cognitive grammar. --- Cognitive linguistics --- Grammar, Comparative and general --- Psycholinguistics --- Metonymy --- Figures of speech --- Cognitive grammar --- Metonyms
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Lexicology. Semantics --- Grammar --- Psycholinguistics --- Cognitive grammar --- Metonyms --- Metonymy --- Figures of speech --- Cognitive linguistics --- Grammar, Comparative and general
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Metonymy in Language and Thought gives a state-of-the-art account of metonymic research. The contributions have different disciplinary and theoretical backgrounds in linguistics, psycholinguistics, psychology and literary studies. However, they share the assumption that metonymy is a cognitive phenomenon, a "figure of thought," underlying much of our ordinary conceptualization that may be even more fundamental than metaphor. The use of metonymy in language is a reflection of this conceptual status. The framework within which metonymy is understood in this volume is that of scenes, frame
Psycholinguistics --- Grammar --- Pragmatics --- Metonyms --- Cognitive grammar --- Cognitive grammar -- Congresses. --- Metonyms -- Congresses. --- Philology & Linguistics --- Languages & Literatures --- Metonymy --- Figures of speech --- Metonyms - Congresses --- Cognitive grammar - Congresses
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Metaphor --- Metonyms --- Arts and Humanities --- Metaphor. --- Metonyms. --- Language & Linguistics. --- Literature. --- Society and Culture. --- Metonymy --- Parabole --- Figures of speech --- Reification --- Literature - General
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Conferences - Meetings --- Language and languages --- Metonyms --- Metonymy --- Figures of speech --- Foreign languages --- Languages --- Anthropology --- Communication --- Ethnology --- Information theory --- Meaning (Psychology) --- Philology --- Linguistics
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