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The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa has been severe; however, countries are weathering the storm so far. Real GDP is estimated to contract by 2.0 percent in 2020-close to the lower bound of the forecast range in April 2020, and less than the contraction in advanced economies and other emerging markets and developing economies, excluding China. Available data from the second half of 2020 point to rebound in economic activity that explain why the contraction in the region was in the lower bound of the forecasts. It reflected a slower spread of the virus and lower COVID-19-related mortality in the region, strong agricultural growth, and a faster-than-expected recovery in commodity prices. Economic activity in the region is expected to rise to a range between2.3 and 3.4 percent in 2021, depending on the policy measures adopted by countries and the international community. However, prospects for a slow vaccine rollout, the resurgence of pandemic, and limited scope for additional fiscal support, could hold back the recovery in the region. Policies to support the economy in the near term should be complemented by structural reforms that encourage sustained investment, create jobs and enhance competitiveness. Reducing the countries' debt burden will release resources for public investment, in areas such as education, health, and infrastructure. Investments in human capital will help lower the risk of long-lasting damage from the pandemic which may become apparent over the longer term, and can enhance competitiveness and productivity. The next twelve months will be a critical period for leveraging the African Continental Free Trade Area in order to deepen African countries' integration into regional and global value chains. Finally, reforms that address digital infrastructure gaps and make the digital economy more inclusive "ensuring affordability but also building skills for all segments of society, are critical to improve connectivity, boost digital technology adoption, and generate more and better jobs for men and women.
Commerce --- Coronavirus --- COVID-19 --- Infrastructure --- Metals Exporters --- Monetary Policy --- Oil Sector --- Public Debt
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Africa's Pulse is a biannual publication containing an analysis of the near-term macroeconomic outlook for the region. Each issue also includes a section focusing upon a topic that represents a particular development challenge for the continent. It is produced by the Office of the Chief Economist for the Africa Region of the World Bank. Recent data point to a moderate strengthening of economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa in early 2018, according to the new Africa's Pulse, a bi-annual analysis of the state of African economies conducted by the World Bank. Growth is projected to pick up to 3.1 percent in 2018, and to firm to an average of 3.6 percent in 2019-20. This upswing reflected, on the supply side, rising oil and metals production, encouraged by recovering commodity prices and improving agricultural conditions following droughts. On the demand side, domestic demand was the main driver of last year's growth, reflecting a rebound in consumer spending as inflation moderated, and a recovery in fixed investment as economic activity picked up among oil and metals exporters.
Commodity Prices --- Economic Growth --- Fiscal Policy --- GDP --- Growth --- Infrastructure --- Macroeconomic Analysis --- Metals Exporters --- Oil Sector --- Public Debt --- Sub-Saharan Africa
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Selon les estimations, la croissance economique en Afrique subsaharienne a connu une deceleration, passant de 2,5% en 2017 a 2,3% en 2018. Elle est donc inferieure a la croissance de la population pour la quatrieme annee consecutive. La croissance regionale en 2018 est inferieure de 0,4 point de pourcentage au rythme projete dans l'edition d'Africa Pulse d'octobre 2018. Ce ralentissement a ete plus prononce au cours de la premiere moitie de 2018, refletant une faiblesse des exportations parmi les grands exportateurs de petrole de la region (Nigeria et Angola) a la suite d'une diminution de la production petroliere accompagnant des cours internationaux du petrole brut plus eleves mais volatils. A cela s'ajoute une contraction plus forte de l'activite economique au Soudan et un ralentissement generalise de la croissance parmi les pays exigeant peu de ressources.Les pays d'Afrique subsaharienne fragiles ont fait des efforts considerables pour echapper a la fragilite. Les organisations economiques regionales et sous-regionales encouragent la cooperation economique et s'attaquent aux problemes de la securite et du retour de la paix, qui vont au-dela des frontieres nationales.La these du theme special de cette edition d'Africa Pulse est que l'economie numerique ouvre de nouvelles voies vers une croissance inclusive, l'innovation, la creation d'emplois, la prestation de services et la reduction de la pauvrete en Afrique. Si le continent a fait de serieux progres en matiere de connectivite mobile, il est encore a la traine du reste du monde en matiere d'acces a la large bande. A peine 27% de sa population ont acces a l'Internet, peu de ses citoyens ont un identifiant numerique, ses entreprises adoptent lentement les technologies numeriques et peu de ses gouvernements investissent de facon strategique dans le developpement d'infrastructures, de services, de competences et d'entrepreneuriat du numerique.
Commodity Prices --- Economic Growth --- Fiscal Policy --- French Translation --- GDP --- Gross Domestic Product --- Growth --- Infrastructure --- Macroeconomic Analysis --- Metals Exporters --- Monetary Policy --- Oil Sector --- Public Debt
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Economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa is estimated to have decelerated from 2.5 percent in 2017 to 2.3percent in 2018, below the rate of growth of population for a fourth consecutive year. Regional growth in2018 is below the pace projected in 2018 October issue of Africa's Pulse {0.4 percentage points lower). Thisslowdown was more pronounced in the first half of 2018 and it reflected weaker exports among the region'slarge oil exporters (Nigeria and Angola) due to dwindling oil production amid higher but volatile internationalprices for crude petroleum. A deeper contraction in Sudanese economic activity and a broad-based growthslowdown among non-resource-intensive countries also played a role.Sub-Saharan African countries with fragile context have made considerable efforts to find a way out offragility. Regional and sub-regional economic organizations are promoting economic cooperation andaddressing security and peace challenges that go beyond national borders.The special topic of this issue of Africa's Pulse argues that the digital economy can unlock new pathways forinclusive growth, innovation, job creation, service delivery and poverty reduction in Africa. The continent hasmade. great strides in mobile connectivity; however, it still lags the rest of the world in access to broadband.Only 27 percent of the population in the continent have access to internet, few citizens have digital IDs,businesses are slowly adopting digital technologies and only few governments are investing strategically indeveloping digital infrastructure, services, skills, and entrepreneurship.
Commodity Prices --- Economic Growth --- Fiscal Policy --- GDP --- Gross Domestic Product --- Growth --- Infrastructure --- Macroeconomic Analysis --- Metals Exporters --- Monetary Policy --- Oil Sector --- Public Debt
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Africa's Pulse is a biannual publication containing an analysis of the near-term macroeconomic outlook forthe region. Each issue also includes a section focusing upon a topic that represents a particular developmentchallenge for the continent. It is produced by the Office of the Chief Economist for the Africa Region of theWorld Bank.Recent data point to a weakening of economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2018, according to the newAfrica's Pulse, a bi-annual analysis of the state of African economies conducted by the World Bank. Thegrowth slowdown can be attributed to the lower than expected performance of the large countries in theregion (South Africa and Nigeria). The downswing reflects poorer performance in agriculture followingdroughts and lower performance of commodity sectors.
Commodity Prices --- Economic Growth --- Fiscal Policy --- GDP --- Gross Domestic Product --- Growth --- Infrastructure --- Macroeconomic Analysis --- Metals Exporters --- Monetary Policy --- Oil Sector --- Public Debt
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Growth in sub-Saharan Africa has slightly recovered in 2019 (2.6 percent) from 2.5 percent in2018. Economic recovery continues at a sluggish pace with growth in the region expected to pickup to 3 .1 percent in 2020 and 3 .2 percent in 2021.Accelerating poverty reduction in Africa requires action in four policy areas: fertility reduction,leveraging the food system on and off the farm, addressing risk and conflict, and providing morepublic financing to the poverty reduction agenda.Sustaining growth and eradicating poverty calls for policy solutions to empower African women inthe following dimensions: building the right skills, relieving capital constraints, securing land rights,connecting women to labor, addressing social norms that limit women's economic opportunities,and boosting the capacity of the next generation.
Commodity Prices --- Economic Growth --- Fiscal Policy --- GDP --- Gross Domestic Product --- Growth --- Infrastructure --- Macroeconomic Analysis --- Metals Exporters --- Monetary Policy --- Oil Sector --- Public Debt
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The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa has been severe; however, countries are weathering the storm so far. Real GDP is estimated to contract by 2.0 percent in 2020-close to the lower bound of the forecast range in April 2020, and less than the contraction in advanced economies and other emerging markets and developing economies, excluding China. Available data from the second half of 2020 point to rebound in economic activity that explain why the contraction in the region was in the lower bound of the forecasts. It reflected a slower spread of the virus and lower COVID-19-related mortality in the region, strong agricultural growth, and a faster-than-expected recovery in commodity prices. Economic activity in the region is expected to rise to a range between2.3 and 3.4 percent in 2021, depending on the policy measures adopted by countries and the international community. However, prospects for a slow vaccine rollout, the resurgence of pandemic, and limited scope for additional fiscal support, could hold back the recovery in the region. Policies to support the economy in the near term should be complemented by structural reforms that encourage sustained investment, create jobs and enhance competitiveness. Reducing the countries' debt burden will release resources for public investment, in areas such as education, health, and infrastructure. Investments in human capital will help lower the risk of long-lasting damage from the pandemic which may become apparent over the longer term, and can enhance competitiveness and productivity. The next twelve months will be a critical period for leveraging the African Continental Free Trade Area in order to deepen African countries' integration into regional and global value chains. Finally, reforms that address digital infrastructure gaps and make the digital economy more inclusive "ensuring affordability but also building skills for all segments of society, are critical to improve connectivity, boost digital technology adoption, and generate more and better jobs for men and women.
Afrique Subsaharienne --- Commerce --- Commerce Mondial --- COVID-19 --- Croissance Economique --- Impact Sur Le Bien-Etre --- Infrastructure --- Mesures De Redressement --- Metals Exporters --- Monetary Policy --- Oil Sector --- Politique Budgetaire --- Prix Des Produits De Base --- Public Debt --- Vulnerabilite De La Dette
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