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Engage your employees with a mentoring program that spans across the generations. With a workforce full of varying degrees of experience, the focus is often on the challenges of balancing a multigenerational staff. But what can be overlooked is what these generations can learn from each other. Senior members in organizations have expressed that they continually want to learn—and not only teach. These findings lead Reitman and Benatti to create the Mentoring Partnership Model, which is a way for new and seasoned employees to partner and learn from each other. This book is a twopart presentation of how to implement this model into your organization: a facilitator’s handbook outlining the process and a participant’s workbook complete with worksheets and templates.
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The Mentor's Companion clearly explains what mentoring is, what its benefits and uses are, and provides the skills and techniques needed to set up a mentoring scheme and start to mentor.
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Cet ouvrage fournit un ensemble de repères théoriques empruntés à des courants récents : le Life-designing, la psychologie positive, l'étude des valeurs, la logothérapie et les travaux sur le bien-être et le bonheur. Il présente des modalités variées d'intervention avec des objectifs précis, des contenus-types en termes d'exercices et des présentations et analyses de séances construites et expérimentées dans le cadre d'une consultation-pilote.
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If you want to do more with mentoring, you’ve found the right book. The notion that only the most experienced members of an organization can guide a few promising go-getters no longer applies in today’s business world. In Modern Mentoring, Randy Emelo advocates for a vastly different mentoring practice. Drawing from a rich career, he explains why organizations should consider all employees potential mentors, making everyone both advisors and learners. Modern Mentoring offers a blueprint for success with a model that benefits more than the select few and steers clear of forcing connections between people. Emelo demonstrates that a culture in which people choose what they want to learn and whom they learn from, while increasing overall organizational intelligence, is completely within reach. In this book you will learn: what it takes to grow a modern mentoring culture which tools to use as you facilitate organization-wide mentoring how organizations like Monsanto and Humana benefit from modern mentoring.
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Who's delivering for you? Who has your back? Who's burnishing your brand and expanding what you can get done in this world? Sponsorship is a two-way alliance where a leader partners with junior talent to build their skills and advocate for their promotion--all while receiving stellar performance and loyalty in return. Many know the benefit of finding a sponsor: men and women with sponsors are much more likely to progress to the next rung in their careers than those without. But according to author Sylvia Ann Hewlett, being a sponsor is just as important to career growth as finding one. Senior executives who proactively sponsor others are 53 percent more likely to receive a promotion--and middle-level managers who have proteges are 60 percent more likely to receive a stretch assignment--than those who don't.--
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Performance Coaching is a complete resource for improving organizational and employee performance through coaching. Full of tips, tools and checklists, it covers all the fundamental elements of the coaching process, from developing the skills needed to coach effectively, to coaching in leadership, manager-as-coach training, cross-cultural coaching and measuring return on investment. It explores the key techniques and models in the field to allow readers to identify which approach is most suited to specific situations. Featuring case studies from organizations including Virgin, IKEA, the NHS and England Rugby showing how effective coaching approaches have been applied in practice, this book is for coaches of all levels of experience, as well as HR managers and leaders looking to embed a coaching culture in their organizations. This revised third edition of Performance Coaching has been updated to include the latest insights and developments and contains new chapters on creating a global coaching culture, the coaching-mentoring-managing continuum and how to lead a generative thinking meeting. New material also covers distance coach training, neuroscience in coaching, coaching the bully at work and coaching in education.
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Long description: Die Herausforderungen in mittelständischen und familiengeführten Unternehmen unterscheiden sich erheblich von denen in Konzernen: Vermischung von familiären und geschäftlichen Schwierigkeiten, mangelnde Professionalisierung, unklare Strukturen ... Inhaber sind außerdem viel direkter und persönlicher mit all dem konfrontiert als angestellte Manager in Konzernen. Coaching kann hier wertvolle, konstruktive Hilfe leisten und Unternehmer und Führungskräfte fit machen, sich diese Fallstricke bewusst zu machen.Der Band versammelt die unterschiedlichen Herangehensweisen und Methoden erfahrener Coaches und gibt mittels zahlreicher praktischer Fallbeispiele konkrete Hilfestellungen an die Hand. Biographical note: Wolfgang Filbert Wolfgang Filbert, Berater und Coach. Birgitta Fildhaut Birgitta Fildhaut, Dipl.-Sozialwissenschaftlerin, Professional Coach, Unternehmensberatung fildhaut consult. Gudrun Happich Gudrun Happich ist Dipl.-Biologin, Unternehmerin und Inhaberin von Galileo . Institut für Human Excellence. Sie ist u.a. Senior Coach (DBVC), Master Certified Coach MCC (ICF), Executive-Business-Coach, Buchautorin, Bloggerin und Podcasterin. Friederike Höher Friederike Höher ist Expertin mit jahrelanger praktischer Erfahrung im Coaching und einem hohen Bekanntheitsgrad als Trainerin. Zusammen mit Dr. Peter Höher ist sie Inhaberin des Management Institus Dr. Höher Team Consulting. Wolfgang Krahé Dr. med., Dipl.- Psych. Wolfgang Krahé, Senior Coach, Supervisor, Facharzt für Psychosomatische Medizin, Trainer für Gruppen- und Organisationsdynamik. Jasmin Messerschmidt Dr. Jasmin Messerschmidt, Diplom-Psychologin, ZRM-Coach. Britta Reinhardt Britta Reinhardt, Dipl.-Betriebswirtin (BA), Unternehmensberaterin und Coach. Cornelia Seewald Dr. Cornelia Seewald, Diplom-Psychologin, Executive Coach und Change-Management Beraterin. Heinz-Jürgen Weigt Heinz-Jürgen Weigt, Dipl.-Ing., Senior Coach, Organisationsberater, Leiter des DBVC-Fachausschusses Mittelstand.
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"Reciprocal mentoring represents an approach to mentoring in organisations that is both timely and of critical importance in the context of diversity, inclusion, equity and the power shift in mentoring practice. This book provides insight into how reciprocal mentoring programmes can strengthen mutual learning and encourage true partnership between participants. This approach to mentoring places participants on a level playing field; people with disparate expertise, backgrounds, and experience levels are placed in relationships in which they act as both mentor and mentee, generating a range of benefits for all involved. The book explores the design, development and evaluation of reciprocal mentoring programmes in six different contexts: entrepreneurial, healthcare sector, third sector, education sector, membership organisations and private sector organisations. Three different approaches to reciprocal mentoring programmes are set out: reciprocal by design, reciprocal by default, and reciprocal as an output. Each chapter describes a number of different case studies which adopt a variety of approaches to reciprocal mentoring programmes, their contextual relevance and overall impact and contribution. This book will be useful for any individuals and teams involved in the development of mentoring programmes. The range of approaches and frameworks presented in the book will benefit mentoring and coaching practitioners, managers, consultants, professionals in a variety of organisational contexts, and researchers"--
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