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Cómo hacer cosas con recuerdos : sobre la utilidad de la memoria y la conveniencia de rendir cuentas
ISBN: 8496859118 9788496859111 9789871283583 987128358X Year: 2007 Publisher: Buenos Aires : Katz,

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La memoria en las calles : violencia popular en la conmemoración del golpe de Estado en Chile (1990-2019)
Year: 2021 Publisher: Santiago de Chile : RIL editores,

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Le Nicaragua des sandinistes : un miroir de la transition démocratique espagnole (1978-1985) : Mémoire inachevé…
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 2371541699 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris : Éditions de l’IHEAL,

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Dix ans après le viol et l’assassinat de Cassandre Bouvier et Houria Moumni en Argentine, le travail de recherche auquel Cassandre s’était longuement consacrée et qui était sur le point d’être achevé au moment de sa disparition est enfin publié aux Éditions de l’IHEAL. Ce livre est d’abord un hommage rendu par l’ensemble de notre communauté universitaire à l’une des siennes, un ouvrage dont la production fut ponctuée d’interrogations, de doutes et de tentatives avortées tant chaque relecture rendait plus cruelle encore l’absence de son auteure. Mais il s’agit aussi d’une recherche au sens propre du terme. Cassandre travaillait sur la réception de la révolution sandiniste de 1979 dans la presse espagnole, sur les échos que les événements nicaraguayens ont renvoyés dans une Espagne en pleine transition démocratique, encore meurtrie par le souvenir de la guerre civile de 1936-1939 et des années du franquisme. Histoire politique, histoire des représentations, histoire des relations internationales et des circulations transatlantiques : autant de perspectives chères au corps enseignant de l’IHEAL dans lesquelles Cassandre s’était plongée à bras-le-corps et qui alimentent le fil de ces pages. S’il est resté inachevé, ce mémoire n’en est pas moins le témoin de la vivacité d’esprit et de la maturité intellectuelle d’une des étudiantes les plus prometteuses de sa promotion, ainsi que des doutes inhérents à la recherche en train de se faire.

Íconos y mitos culturales en la invención de la nación en Colombia
ISBN: 9587167902 9789587167900 9789587166897 9587166892 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bogotá, D.C.

La memoria, entre la política y la ética
ISBN: 9877224984 Year: 2019 Publisher: Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina : CLACSO,

Imaginarios sociales y memorias : itinerarios de América Latina
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 987722464X 9877232057 Year: 2019 Publisher: [Buenos Aires, Argentina?] : Teseo : Alas, Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología : CLACSO,

Remembering the forgotten war : the enduring legacies of the U.S./Mexican War
ISBN: 1613762135 9781613762134 9781558499300 9781558499294 155849930X 1558499296 Year: 2012 Publisher: Amherst, [Massachusetts] ; Boston, Massachusetts : University of Massachusetts Press,

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"This book answers the deeper question of how remembrance of the U.S.-Mexican War has shaped the complex relationship between these former enemies now turned friends. The distant violence becomes a new lens through which to view today's rivalries and resentments"--Page 7. On February 2, 1848, representatives of the United States and Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo officially ending hostilities between the two countries and ceding over one-half million square miles of land to the northern victors. In Mexico, this defeat has gradually moved from the periphery of dishonor to the forefront of national consciousness. In the United States, the war has taken an opposite trajectory, falling from its once-celebrated prominence into the shadowy margins of forgetfulness and denial. Why is the U.S.-Mexican War so clearly etched in the minds of Mexicans and so easily overlooked by Americans? This book investigates that issue through a transnational, comparative analysis of how the tools of collective memory--books, popular culture, historic sites, heritage groups, commemorations, and museums--have shaped the war's multifaceted meaning in the 160 years since it ended. Michael Van Wagenen explores how regional, ethnic, and religious differences influence Americans and Mexicans in their choices of what to remember and what to forget. He further documents what happens when competing memories clash in a quest for dominance and control. In the end, Remembering the Forgotten War addresses the deeper question of how remembrance of the U.S.-Mexican War has influenced the complex relationship between these former enemies now turned friends. It thus provides a new lens through which to view today's cross-border rivalries, resentments, and diplomatic pitfalls.

El dolor habla : memoria histórica de las mujeres víctimas del conflicto armado del municipio de San FranciscoAntioquia
ISBN: 9588943299 Year: 2017 Publisher: Medellín : Universidad Católica Luis Amigó,

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En este texto las víctimas, mujeres campesinas desplazadas a la ciudad, despojadas y desterradas del Municipio de San Francisco, se convierten en protagonistas de una historia presente, desconocida, que se construye a partir de los relatos sobre las experiencias vividas, sobre las realidades sentidas y los dolores padecidos, pero también sobre el trabajo colectivo desde la Asociación Caminos de Esperanza Madres de la Candelaria y el fortalecimiento conjunto para generar otras perspectivas de vida. Es la voz de las mismas mujeres la que evidencia nuevas maneras de agenciarse como madres, esposas y mujeres campesinas en la ciudad, que van a hacer de las víctimas seres potentes y capaces, desvirtuando la desvalorización y la invalidez atribuida por los discursos mediáticos.

Slavery, Memory and Religion in Southeastern Ghana, c.1850-present
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1316371948 1316375943 1316377946 131637694X 1316374947 1316378942 1316257851 1107519160 1107108276 9781107108271 9781316377949 1316365948 9781316374948 9781316257852 9781316371947 9781316375945 9781316378946 Year: 2015 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Based on a decade of fieldwork in southeastern Ghana and analysis of secondary sources, this book aims to reconstruct the religious history of the Anlo-Ewe peoples from the 1850s. In particular, it focuses on a corpus of rituals collectively known as 'Fofie', which derived their legitimacy from engaging with the memory of the slave-holding past. The Anlo developed a sense of discomfort about their agency in slavery in the early twentieth century which they articulated through practices such as ancestor veneration, spirit possession, and by forging links with descendants of peoples they formerly enslaved. Conversion to Christianity, engagement with 'modernity', trans-Atlantic conversations with diasporan Africans, and citizenship of the postcolonial state coupled with structural changes within the religious system - which resulted in the decline in Fofie's popularity - gradually altered the moral emphases of legacies of slavery in the Anlo historical imagination as the twentieth century progressed.


Anlo (African people) --- Cults --- Collective memory --- Slavery --- Abolition of slavery --- Antislavery --- Enslavement --- Mui tsai --- Ownership of slaves --- Servitude --- Slave keeping --- Slave system --- Slaveholding --- Thralldom --- Crimes against humanity --- Serfdom --- Slaveholders --- Slaves --- Collective remembrance --- Common memory --- Cultural memory --- Emblematic memory --- Historical memory --- National memory --- Public memory --- Social memory --- Memory --- Social psychology --- Group identity --- National characteristics --- Alternative religious movements --- Cult --- Cultus --- Marginal religious movements --- New religions --- New religious movements --- NRMs (Religion) --- Religious movements, Alternative --- Religious movements, Marginal --- Religious movements, New --- Religions --- Sects --- Ahonlan (African people) --- Anglo (African people) --- Ethnology --- Ewe (African people) --- Religion. --- Religious aspects. --- history. --- ethnic group. --- collective memory. --- religion. --- slavery. --- Ghana. --- Γκάνα --- il-Gana --- Ghána --- Gána --- Гана --- Gana --- Ghana --- Δημοκρατία της Γκάνας --- Ganas Republika --- ir-Repubblika tal-Gana --- Ghanská republika --- die Republik Ghana --- Republic of Ghana --- Republiken Ghana --- Ghánai Köztársaság --- Republika Gana --- República de Ghana --- Republikken Ghana --- République du Ghana --- Република Гана --- Republica Ghana --- Ganos Respublika --- Ghanan tasavalta --- República do Gana --- Zlatonosné pobřeží --- Republika Ghany --- Ghana Vabariik --- Republiek Ghana --- Repubblica del Ghana --- Republika e Ganës --- fe --- reiligiún --- uskonto --- náboženstvo --- vallás --- religión --- religioon --- Religion --- godsdienst --- religie --- vjera --- religija --- religione --- reliģija --- religião --- náboženství --- religia --- религија --- reliġjon --- θρησκεία --- religion --- религия --- usutunnistus --- víra --- deismus --- светец --- теизам --- irreligiosità --- religiosità --- zbožnost --- věřící --- религиозност --- religiozita --- teismus --- деизам --- побожност --- světec --- kreacionismus --- panteismus --- Religionsgemeinschaft --- fideismus --- svatý --- vallási közösség --- Glaubensgemeinschaft --- pobožnost --- верници --- вера --- пантеизам --- kollektiivinen muisti --- memorie colectivă --- kollektiv hukommelse --- kolektívna pamäť --- pamięć zbiorowa --- collectief geheugen --- memorja kollettiva --- memória coletiva --- mémoire collective --- kollektív emlékezet --- kolektivni spomin --- kollektiivne mälu --- συλλογική μνήμη --- kollektivt minne --- kolektivno pamćenje --- колективна памет --- kolektīvā atmiņa --- memoria colectiva --- memoria collettiva --- kolektyvinė atmintis --- comhchuimhne --- kolektivní paměť --- kollektives Gedächtnis --- kultūratmiņa --- memoria storica --- ricordo collettivo --- historiskt minne --- sociaal geheugen --- memoria cultural --- memória histórica --- sosiaalinen muisti --- društveno pamćenje --- pamięć społeczna --- nemzeti emlékezet --- skupni spomin --- national hukommelse --- memoria pubblica --- social hukommelse --- memorja nazzjonali --- javni spomin --- memoria nazionale --- kopīgā atmiņa --- verejná pamäť --- historiallinen muisti --- memoria comune --- offentligt minne --- memoria común --- memorja soċjali --- veřejná paměť --- kansallinen muisti --- historical memory --- sociálna pamäť --- common memory --- pamięć historyczna --- mémoire sociale --- memorie națională --- δημόσια μνήμη --- mémoire publique --- public memory --- offentlig hukommelse --- kulturelles Gedächtnis --- pamięć kulturowa --- kolektywne pamiętanie --- istorinė atmintis --- historisk hukommelse --- memoria social --- pamięć narodowa --- julkinen muisti --- memória social --- gemeenschappelijk geheugen --- yhteinen muisti --- ajalooline mälu --- kulttuurinen muisti --- културна памет --- mémoire historique --- εθνική μνήμη --- kulturni spomin --- κοινή μνήμη --- kulturális emlékezet --- társadalmi emlékezet --- memoria histórica --- nacionalno pamćenje --- memória pública --- historická paměť --- memória nacional --- historisch geheugen --- memorja komuni --- socialt minne --- nationaal geheugen --- memória cultural --- ιστορική μνήμη --- kultuurimälu --- gemeinsames Gedächtnis --- gemensamt minne --- fælles hukommelse --- společná paměť --- publiek geheugen --- memorie publică --- lieu de mémoire --- memória comum --- společenská paměť --- memorie istorică --- национална памет --- memorie socială --- cultural memory --- nationales Gedächtnis --- historická pamäť --- memorja pubblika --- kultúrna pamäť --- memorja storika --- souvenir collectif --- rahvuslik mälu --- nacionalni spomin --- nationellt minne --- zajedničko pamćenje --- javno pamćenje --- socialni spomin --- cultureel geheugen --- cuimhne chultúrtha --- historisches Gedächtnis --- обща памет --- memorie comună --- közös emlékezet --- national memory --- sotsiaalne mälu --- πολιτιστική μνήμη --- memoria nacional --- kulturno pamćenje --- kulturellt minne --- zgodovinski spomin --- обществена памет --- öffentliches Gedächtnis --- κοινωνική μνήμη --- sabiedriskā atmiņa --- историческа памет --- kulturel hukommelse --- публична памет --- vēsturiskā atmiņa --- pamäť národa --- soziales Gedächtnis --- sociālā atmiņa --- mémoire populaire --- történelmi emlékezet --- wspólna pamięć --- social memory --- nacionālā atmiņa --- povijesno pamćenje --- lembrança coletiva --- memoria sociale --- spoločná pamäť --- kulturní paměť --- tautos atmintis --- pamięć publiczna --- memorja kulturali --- ühine mälu --- mémoire culturelle --- memoria culturale --- národní paměť --- memorie culturală --- grup etnic --- етническа група --- ethnische Gruppe --- grúpa eitneach --- etnikai csoport --- gruppo etnico --- grup etnik --- grupa etniczna --- etnisk grupp --- етничка група --- etnisk gruppe --- grupo étnico --- grupp etniku --- etnična skupina --- εθνότητα --- etnische groep --- etnička skupina --- etniline rühm --- etninė grupė --- etnická skupina --- etniskā grupa --- groupe ethnique --- etninen ryhmä --- etnisk mindretal --- národní příslušnost --- etniline vähemus --- ethnische Minderheit --- etnische groepering --- agrupamento étnico --- minorité ethnique --- minoría étnica --- μειονότητα --- etniskā minoritāte --- etninė mažuma --- raggruppamento etnico --- etnia --- tautinė grupė --- národ --- pakicë etnike --- rahvusrühm --- népcsoport --- Volksgruppe --- народ --- etninen vähemmistö --- etnische minderheid --- etnická menšina --- etnisk minoritet --- minoranza etnica --- minoritate etnică --- εθνική ομάδα --- groupement ethnique --- ethnic minority --- etnické seskupení --- etnikai kisebbség --- etnikum --- nemzetiség --- етникум --- etnička zajednica --- етничка заедница --- etnisk gruppering --- narod --- História --- ιστορία --- storja --- histori --- historie --- historia --- história --- история --- stair --- geschiedenis --- történettudomány --- povijest --- zgodovina --- histoire --- историја --- Geschichtswissenschaft --- storia --- istorija --- ajalugu --- vēsture --- istorie --- Geschichte --- historiografie --- storiografia --- dějiny národů --- historiador --- dějepis --- historická věda --- történelem --- verdzība --- suženjstvo --- ропство --- escravatura --- orjus --- skllavëri --- otroctvo --- skjavitù --- niewolnictwo --- slaveri --- δουλεία --- otroctví --- rabszolgaság --- schiavitù --- esclavage --- sclábhaíocht --- Sklaverei --- slavernij --- робство --- esclavitud --- orjuus --- vergija --- sclavie --- ropstvo --- muncă forțată --- schiavismo --- roboty przymusowe --- priverstinis darbas --- prisilno delo --- praca przymusowa --- piespiedu darbs --- tvangsarbejde --- travail forcé --- punë e detyruar --- trabalho forçado --- trabajo forzoso --- Zwangsarbeit --- lotta contro lo schiavismo --- stato di schiavitù --- sunnitöö --- pakkotyö --- присилна работа --- werkkamp --- forced labour --- καταναγκαστική εργασία --- prisilni rad --- kényszermunka --- tvångsarbete --- принудна работа --- lavoro forzato --- reato di riduzione in schiavitù

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