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Disturbing Times : Medieval Pasts, Reimagined Futures
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1950192768 195019275X Year: 2020 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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"From Kehinde Wiley to W.E.B. DuBois, from Nubia to Cuba, from Willie Doherty's terror in ancient landscapes to the violence of institutional Neo-Gothic, from Reagan's AIDS policies to Beowulf fanfiction, this richly illustrated volume brings together art historians and literature scholars to articulate a more inclusive, intersectional medieval studies. It will be of interest to students working on diaspora and migration, white settler colonialism and pogroms, Indigenous studies and decolonial methodology, slavery, genocide, and culturecide. The authors confront a legacy of medieval studies and its current failures, and analyze fascist, nationalist, colonialist, anti-Semitic, and other ideologies to which medieval was and is yoked. They set out concrete ethical choices and aims in research and teaching. In the face of rising global fascism and ideological mobilizations, contemporary and past, of cultural heritage and history as weapons of symbolic and physical oppression, the chapters on Byzantium, Medieval Nubia, Old English, Hebrew, Old French, Occitan, and American and European medievalisms brought together in this volume examine how educational institutions, museums, universities, and individuals are guided by ethics in research, collecting, and teaching. The volume includes pieces by current important voices in the field, including Andrea Myers Achi, Seeta Saganti, Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei, Eva Frojmovic, Anna Kłosowska, Roland Betancourt, Joshua Davies, Alison Elizabeth Killilea, Catherine A.M. Clarke, Adam Miyashiro, Megan Cavell, Daniel Thomas, Stewart Brookes, Diane Watt, Jennifer Neville, Carla María Thomas, and Catherine Karkov"--

Bruder Wernher: Sangsprüche : Transliteriert, normalisiert, übersetzt und kommentiert
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783110313895 9783110313901 3110313901 1306430097 9781306430098 311036784X 3110313898 Year: 2014 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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der Dichter Bruder Wernher wird mit Blick auf die Sangspruchdichtung von der Forschung als einer der Nachfolger Walthers von der Vogelweide angesehen. Lange Zeit waren Wernhers Sangsprüche allein in Anton E. Schönbachs Ausgabe aus den Jahren 1904/05 vollständig enthalten. Die vorliegende Edition arbeitet Wernhers Werk nun nach heutigen Editionsstandards neu auf. Dabei soll die Arbeit von einem möglichst heterogenen Benutzerkreis verwendet werden können und richtet sich an AltgermanistInnen und Studierende, MittelalterhistorikerInnen und SprachwissenschaftlerInnen. Das dreigliedrige Editionskonzept - bestehend aus Transliteration, Normalisierung und Übersetzung/Kommentar - soll dies gewährleisten. Dabei erhalten die BenutzerInnen dank der hohen Transparenz detaillierte Einblicke in die einzelnen Untersuchungsschritte.

Unsagbarkeit - Sprachen der Liebe in der Literatur der Vormoderne
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110628929 3110627019 9783110628920 9783110627015 9783110623949 3110623943 Year: 2019 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Countless texts from world literature teach us that at the heart of every intimate encounter there is an inexpressible moment that transcends language. The nature of this inexpressibility and how, despite all obstacles, it can be put in words, varies historically and culturally. Using transformation theory and Luhmann's concept of intimacy, this volume examines specific kinds of inexpressibility. Im Kern jeder intimen Begegnung, das können wir unzähligen Texten der Weltliteratur entnehmen, findet sich ein Moment des Nichtsagbaren, der die Sprache transzendierenden Liebe. Was dieses Unsagbare aber ist, und wie es eben doch gesagt werden kann, sei es als Topos, als Umschreibung, Metapher oder Auslassung, ist historisch variabel und kulturell spezifisch. Der Band versammelt Aufsätze, die diese spezifischen Unsagbarkeiten in beispielhaften Studien vom 12.-17. Jahrhundert herausarbeiten. Als theoretische Basis dient einerseits das Transformationskonzept des SFB644, andererseits die Arbeiten zur Intimität und Liebe Niklas Luhmanns, deren mögliche Historisierung und Applikabilität für mittelalterliche Literatur Gegenstand des Teilprojekts B16 war.

Le lettere di Dante
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Berlin/Boston De Gruyter

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Notwithstanding an impressive amount of secondary literature, an exhaustive study has been never devoted to the twelve letters written by Dante Alighieri after his banishment from Florence (1302–1315). This book answers to this important need of Dante Studies, offering an important tool for the increasing community of specialists interested in Dante’s works and posterity linked to the seventh centenary of his death (2021). A section is devoted to study in depth the theory and practice of the dictamen of the age in relationship with the concrete style of Dante’s texts. A preliminary overview is provided by Latin Philologists and Paleographers on the subject of the manuscript trasmission envisaging the problems dealing with the critical editions of the texts. Example of political communication realized by a layman, the papers gathered in this volume intend to offer a new reading and interpretation of these important letters, studying them in their socio-cultural context.

Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, Series 3, Volume 18 : Essays in Memory of Paul E. Szarmach, Part 2.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1802701400 1802701397 Year: 2024 Publisher: Amsterdam : Arc Humanities Press,

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Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History is an annual publication of historiographical essays on the pre-modern world. As a venue for sustained investigations, it plays a significant role in the dissemination of interpretative scholarship that falls in the niche between the journal article and the monograph.This is the final volume in series 3 and primarily comprises essays in memory of Paul E. Szarmach, the eminent Old English scholar and former executive director of the Medieval Academy of America and director of the Medieval Institute at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo.

De Medio Aevo
ISSN: 22555889

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Le lettere di Dante : Ambienti culturali, contesti storici e circolazione dei saperi
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3110590662 3110590654 3110776855 Year: 2020 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Le 12 epistole di Dante Alighieri costituiscono un eccezionale documento sulla sua vita dopo il bando dalla città di Firenze (1302). Oltre al valore biografico, esse sono opere letterarie a tutto tondo, che spaziano dalla scrittura «di servizio» (nelle lettere redatte su commissione della moglie di Simone di Guido Guidi) all'autocommento (nelle epistole al marchese Malaspina e a Cino di Pistoia, che accompagnavano dei testi poetici) e al manifesto politico (soprattutto nelle cosiddette «arrighiane»). Questo volume è il primo dedicato alle lettere dantesche, e offre finalmente al lettore i risultati di due momenti di incontro e discussione sviluppati a Venezia, Università Ca' Foscari, nel 2016 e 2017, nell'ambito di un progetto ERC BIFLOW. Più di 20 specialisti di diverse discipline (filologia, storia, letteratura) si sono misurati con questi testi, fornendone una interpretazione puntuale, sviluppando nuove letture, inserendoli nel contesto sociale e intellettuale del tempo, collocandoli nella tormentata biografia di Dante. Oggetto dell'interesse dei contributi è anche la sparuta, ma assai qualificata, tradizione manoscritta dei testi, che viene studiata tenendo presente sia gli illustri copisti (Giovanni Boccaccio; il notaio, poi vescovo, Francesco Piendibeni da Montepulciano) sia i contesti di trasmissione. Notevole spazio è anche dato alle competenze epistolografiche di Dante e al rapporto tra la sua scrittura e la tradizione del dictamen. Notwithstanding an impressive amount of secondary literature, an exhaustive study has been never devoted to the twelve letters written by Dante Alighieri after his banishment from Florence (1302-1315). This book answers to this important need of Dante Studies, offering an important tool for the increasing community of specialists interested in Dante's works and posterity linked to the seventh centenary of his death (2021). A section is devoted to study in depth the theory and practice of the dictamen of the age in relationship with the concrete style of Dante's texts. A preliminary overview is provided by Latin Philologists and Paleographers on the subject of the manuscript trasmission envisaging the problems dealing with the critical editions of the texts. Example of political communication realized by a layman, the papers gathered in this volume intend to offer a new reading and interpretation of these important letters, studying them in their socio-cultural context.

Francesco da Barberino al crocevia : Culture, società, bilinguismo
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3110590646 3110590603 Year: 2021 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Francesco da Barberino, a contemporary of Dante (1264-1348), was a Florentine notary. Remembered for the first testimony of the circulation of the Commedia, he is also known for an ample and composite literary production, both in Latin and the vernacular. Francesco spent part of his life as notary at the service of the bishops of Florence, so that his works reveal a remarkable culture, influenced by his juridical training and notarial career. In particular, his allegorical and didactical poem, called Documenta Amoris, represents an interesting case of a complex interplay of texts and pictorial illustrations. In fact, the work includes a vernacular poem alongside a translation and a commentary both in Latin, and it is also accompanied by a series of illuminations: all the texts and the whole paratextual structure derive directly from the author himself, as witnessed by two Vatican MSS (Barb. 4076 and 4077). Composed at the same time, the Documenta Amoris are a sort of orthodox contrappunto of the Commedia, in which Dante's linguistic experimentation is substituted by Francesco's rigid bilingualism. This book provides one of the first interpretations of this fundamental figure of 14th-century Florentine culture. Il notaio Francesco da Barberino (1264-1348) è solitamente ricordato perché testimone della prima circolazione della Commedia. Nella sua vasta opera emerge l'importanza dei Documenti d'Amore, un ambizioso progetto letterario bilingue e multimediale che ci è trasmesso da due manoscritti redatti sotto il controllo dell'autore. Questo volume propone uno studio dell'opera da molteplici punti di vista, storico, paleografico, letterario.

Juvenes - The Middle Ages seen by Young Researchers : Vol. II - Space(s)

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This volume publishes some of the texts presented at the 2nd edition of the International Congress for Young Researchers in Middle Ages, under the theme “Space(s)”, held at the University of Évora between the 13th and 15th November 2019. As in the previous volume, the texts are authored by young researchers in medieval history, coming from various academic and geographical origins and combining various scientific disciplines.

Einführung in das Mittelhochdeutsche
ISBN: 3110464187 3110464160 Year: 2020 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Diese 4. Auflage ist eine völlig neu konzipierte Bearbeitung. Vermittelt werden umfassende Kenntnisse über die Grammatik des Mittelhochdeutschen. Auf einen Überblick über das sprach- und literaturgeschichtliche Grundlagenwissen folgt ein umfangreiches Kapitel über die historische Phonologie, in dem systematisch die wichtigsten Lautwandelerscheinungen (Vokalismus und Konsonantismus) vom Indogermanischen zum Germanischen, vom Germanischen zum Althochdeutschen und vom Alt- zum Mittelhochdeutschen behandelt werden. Darauf aufbauend werden Lautwechselerscheinungen innerhalb des Mittelhochdeutschen sprachhistorisch erklärt. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der historischen Morphologie. Darüber hinaus vermittelt die vorliegende Einführung grundlegende Kenntnisse der Syntax, Semantik und Metrik des Mittelhochdeutschen. Mit Hilfe zahlreicher Übungsaufgaben am Ende eines jeden Kapitels kann der Wissensstand überprüft und das Erlernte angewendet und eingeübt werden. This 4th edition is a completely refigured presentation. It provides a comprehensive overview of Middle High German grammar as well as a fundamental understanding of the syntax, semantics, and metrics of Middle High German. Practice exercises review the knowledge gained at the end of each chapter, making the publication suitable as a workbook for German studies and for self-study.

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