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Four Critiques of the Redistribution Hypothesis : An Assessment
Year: 2009 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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This paper discusses and assesses critiques of the aurhor's reformulation of the median voter hypothesis and its testing. The author rephrases and redefines more correctly the redistribution hypothesis and clarifies its relationship with the median voter hypothesis. He also reviews four types of critiques leveled at his approach.

Four Critiques of the Redistribution Hypothesis : An Assessment
Year: 2009 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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This paper discusses and assesses critiques of the aurhor's reformulation of the median voter hypothesis and its testing. The author rephrases and redefines more correctly the redistribution hypothesis and clarifies its relationship with the median voter hypothesis. He also reviews four types of critiques leveled at his approach.

U.S. politics and the American macroeconomy
ISBN: 160649533X Year: 2015 Publisher: New York, New York (222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017) : Business Expert Press,

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This book considers the interrelation among macroeconomic politics, macroeconomic policymakers, macroeconomic policies, and macroeconomic performance. This interaction is examined using the expectational Phillips curve model, which measures macroeconomic outcomes in terms of inflation and unemployment. In this book, the subject of macroeconomic politics mainly focuses on voter behavior, presidential re-election ambition, and political party priorities. These factors influence the macroeconomic policy actions of the president, Congress, and the central bank. This analysis takes into account both fiscal and monetary policies. Our examination of citizen sentiment is based on rational voter theory and the median voter model. We compare the effects of macroeconomic farsightedness versus shortsightedness among voters. We also contrast the conservative versus liberal perspectives on macroeconomic policy and performance. The empirical component of our analysis examines the electoral and partisan political business cycle effects upon the U.S. economy, and we find evidence of idiosyncratic effects during the time frame of 1961 through 2014. Finally, we discuss macroeconomic influence on various measures of voter sentiment, such as presidential job approval as well as presidential and congressional election outcomes.

Do More Unequal Countries Redistribute More? : Does the Median Voter Hypothesis Hold?
Year: 1999 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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December 1999 - The data strongly support the hypothesis that countries with more unequal distribution of factor income redistribute more in favor of the poor - even when the analysis controls for older people's share in total population (that is, for pension transfers). But the evidence on the median voter hypothesis is inconclusive even if middle-income groups gain more (or lose less) through redistribution in countries where initial (factor) income distribution is more unequal. The median voter hypothesis is important to endogenous growth theories because it provides the political mechanism through which voters in more unequal countries redistribute a greater proportion of income and thus (it is argued), by blunting incentives, reduce the country's growth rate. But the hypothesis was never properly tested because of lack of data on the distribution of (pre-tax and transfer) factor income across households, and hence on the exact amount of gain by the poorest quintile or poorest half. Milanovic tests the hypothesis using 79 observations drawn from household budget surveys from 24 democracies. The data strongly support the hypothesis that countries with more unequal distribution of factor income redistribute more in favor of the poor - even when the analysis controls for the older people's share in total population (that is, for pension transfers). The evidence on the median voter hypothesis is much weaker. Milanovic does find that middle-income groups gain more (or lose less) through redistribution in countries where initial (factor) income distribution is more unequal. This regularity evaporates, however, when pensions are dropped from social transfers and the focus is strictly on the more redistributive social transfers. This paper - a product of Poverty and Human Resources, Development Research Group - is part of a larger effort in the group to study the relationship between democracy and inequality. The study was funded in part by the Bank's Research Support Budget under the research project Democracy, Redistribution, and Inequality (RPO 683-01). Also published as "The median voter hypothesis, income inequality and income redistribution: An empirical test with the required data", European Journal of Political Economy , volume 16, No. 3, September 2000, pp. 367-410. The author may be contacted at

True World Income Distribution, 1988 and 1993 : First Calculations, Based on Household Surveys Alone
Year: 1999 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Inequality in world income is very high, according to household surveys, more because of differences between mean country incomes than because of inequality within countries. World inequality increased between 1988 and 1993, driven by slower growth in rural per capita incomes in populous Asian countries (Bangladesh, China, and India) than in large, rich OECD countries, and by increasing income differences between urban China on the one hand and rural China and rural India on the other; Milanovic derives the distribution of individuals' income or expenditures for two years, 1988 and 1993. His is the first paper to calculate world distribution for individuals based entirely on data from household surveys. The data, from 91 countries, are adjusted for differences in purchasing power parity between the countries. Measured by the Gini index, inequality increased from an already high 63 in 1988 to 66 in 1993. This increase was driven more by rising differences in mean incomes between countries than by rising inequalities within countries. Contributing most to the inequality were rising urban-rural differences in China and the slower growth of rural purchasing-power-adjusted incomes in South Asia than in several large developed market economies. This paper - a product of Poverty and Human Resources, Development Research Group - is part of a larger effort in the group to study inequality and poverty in the world. Also published in The Economic Journal, January 2002 pp. 51-92. The author may be contacted at

Analytic Narratives
ISBN: 0691216231 Year: 1998 Publisher: Princeton, N.J. : Baltimore, Md. : Princeton University Press, Project MUSE,

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Students of comparative politics have long faced a vexing dilemma: how can social scientists draw broad, applicable principles of political order from specific historical examples? In Analytic Narratives, five senior scholars offer a new and ambitious methodological response to this important question. By employing rational-choice and game theory, the authors propose a way of extracting empirically testable, general hypotheses from particular cases. The result is both a methodological manifesto and an applied handbook that political scientists, economic historians, sociologists, and students of political economy will find essential. In their jointly written introduction, the authors frame their approach to the origins and evolution of political institutions. The individual essays that follow demonstrate the concept of the analytic narrative--a rational-choice approach to explain political outcomes--in case studies. Avner Greif traces the institutional foundations of commercial expansion in twelfth-century Genoa. Jean-Laurent Rosenthal analyzes how divergent fiscal policies affected absolutist European governments, while Margaret Levi examines the transformation of nineteenth-century conscription laws in France, the United States, and Prussia. Robert Bates explores the emergence of a regulatory organization in the international coffee market. Finally, Barry Weingast studies the institutional foundations of democracy in the antebellum United States and its breakdown in the Civil War. In the process, these studies highlight the economic role of political organizations, the rise and deterioration of political communities, and the role of coercion, especially warfare, in political life. The results are both empirically relevant and theoretically sophisticated. Analytic Narratives is an innovative and provocative work that bridges the gap between the game-theoretic and empirically driven approaches in political economy. Political historians will find the use of rational-choice models novel; theorists will discover arguments more robust and nuanced than those derived from abstract models. The book improves on earlier studies by advocating--and applying--a cross-disciplinary approach to explain strategic decision making in history.

Optimal Imperfection? : Domestic Uncertainty and Institutions in International Relations
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0691225206 0691044600 Year: 1996 Publisher: Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press,

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"Domestic politics matters" has become a rallying cry for international relations scholars over the past decade, yet the question still remains: Just how does it matter? In this book, George Downs and David Rocke argue that an important part of the international impact of domestic politics springs from the institutional responses to its many uncertainties. This impact is due not so much to the errors in judgment these uncertainties can cause as to the strategic and institutional consequences of knowing that such errors are possible. The heart of the book is its formal analysis of how three kinds of domestic uncertainty have shaped international relations through their influence on three very different institutions. One chapter deals with the decision rules that citizens create to cope with uncertainty about the quality of their representation, and how these can lead to the paradoxical "gambling for resurrection" effect. Another chapter describes the extent to which the weak enforcement provisions of GATT can be understood as a mechanism to cope with uncertain but intermittent interest group demands for protection. The third chapter looks at the impact of uncertainty on the creation, survival, and membership of multilateral regulatory institutions, such as the Montreal Protocol and EU, when some states question the capacity of other states to meet their treaty obligations.

The unheavenly chorus
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1280494336 9786613589569 1400841917 9781400841912 9781400898701 1400898706 9780691154848 0691154848 9780691159867 9781280494338 661358956X Year: 2012 Publisher: Princeton, N.J. Princeton University Press

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Politically active individuals and organizations make huge investments of time, energy, and money to influence everything from election outcomes to congressional subcommittee hearings to local school politics, while other groups and individual citizens seem woefully underrepresented in our political system. The Unheavenly Chorus is the most comprehensive and systematic examination of political voice in America ever undertaken--and its findings are sobering. The Unheavenly Chorus is the first book to look at the political participation of individual citizens alongside the political advocacy of thousands of organized interests--membership associations such as unions, professional associations, trade associations, and citizens groups, as well as organizations like corporations, hospitals, and universities. Drawing on numerous in-depth surveys of members of the public as well as the largest database of interest organizations ever created--representing more than thirty-five thousand organizations over a twenty-five-year period--this book conclusively demonstrates that American democracy is marred by deeply ingrained and persistent class-based political inequality. The well educated and affluent are active in many ways to make their voices heard, while the less advantaged are not. This book reveals how the political voices of organized interests are even less representative than those of individuals, how political advantage is handed down across generations, how recruitment to political activity perpetuates and exaggerates existing biases, how political voice on the Internet replicates these inequalities--and more. In a true democracy, the preferences and needs of all citizens deserve equal consideration. Yet equal consideration is only possible with equal citizen voice. The Unheavenly Chorus reveals how far we really are from the democratic ideal and how hard it would be to attain it.


Democracy --- Pressure groups --- Equality --- Political participation --- ANES panel studies. --- America. --- American civic culture. --- American democracy. --- Internet. --- Supreme Court decisions. --- Washington pressure community. --- Washington representation. --- advantaged. --- age groups. --- age. --- business interests. --- class bias. --- class differences. --- class inequalities. --- class inequality. --- cohort effects. --- creative participation. --- democracy. --- democratic dilemma. --- democratic governance. --- differential voice. --- disadvantaged. --- economic inequality. --- economic interests. --- educated parents. --- educational attainment. --- egalitarians. --- elections. --- electoral democracy. --- empirical analysis. --- equal consideration. --- equal political voice. --- equal voice. --- equality. --- family background. --- federal constitution. --- free rider problem. --- home politics. --- inequalities. --- life-cycle effects. --- material well-being. --- median voter model. --- national politics. --- nonvoters. --- organizational activity. --- organized interest activity. --- organized interest influence. --- organized interest politics. --- organized interest representation. --- organized interest system. --- organized interests. --- organized representation. --- parental education. --- participatory advantage. --- participatory inequalities. --- participatory patterns. --- policy benefits. --- political activism. --- political activity. --- political advantage. --- political conflict. --- political division. --- political inactivity. --- political inequality. --- political involvement. --- political organizations. --- political outcomes. --- political participation. --- political polarization. --- political processes. --- political recruitment. --- political voice. --- pressure community. --- pressure politics. --- pressure system. --- public officials. --- public opinion. --- public policy. --- rational prospecting. --- resource constraint. --- resource constraints. --- resource deprived. --- resource disadvantaged. --- social class. --- social processes. --- socio-economic status. --- socio-economic stratification. --- state constitutions. --- strategic considerations. --- survey data. --- surveys. --- systematic empirical data. --- trade-offs. --- unequal political voice. --- union membership. --- voluntary associations. --- voters. --- voting power. --- voting strength. --- voting. --- websites.

Polarized : Making Sense of a Divided America
ISBN: 1400889278 Year: 2018 Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press,

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Many continue to believe that the United States is a nation of political moderates. In fact, it is a nation divided. It has been so for some time and has grown more so. This book provides a new and historically grounded perspective on the polarization of America, systematically documenting how and why it happened.Polarized presents commonsense benchmarks to measure polarization, draws data from a wide range of historical sources, and carefully assesses the quality of the evidence. Through an innovative and insightful use of circumstantial evidence, it provides a much-needed reality check to claims about polarization. This rigorous yet engaging and accessible book examines how polarization displaced pluralism and how this affected American democracy and civil society.Polarized challenges the widely held belief that polarization is the product of party and media elites, revealing instead how the American public in the 1960s set in motion the increase of polarization. American politics became highly polarized from the bottom up, not the top down, and this began much earlier than often thought. The Democrats and the Republicans are now ideologically distant from each other and about equally distant from the political center. Polarized also explains why the parties are polarized at all, despite their battle for the decisive median voter. No subject is more central to understanding American politics than political polarization, and no other book offers a more in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the subject than this one.


Divided government --- Party affiliation --- Polarization (Social sciences) --- Political culture --- Political participation --- Political parties --- Right and left (Political science) --- Activism. --- Advocacy. --- Americans. --- Barack Obama. --- Bipartisanship. --- Bowdoin College. --- CQ Press. --- Calculation. --- Centre-left politics. --- Centre-right politics. --- Centrism. --- Circumstantial evidence. --- Communism. --- Conservative Democrat. --- Conservative Party (UK). --- Counterculture. --- Culture war. --- Dealignment. --- Determination. --- Donald Trump. --- Dummy variable (statistics). --- Election. --- Electoral College (United States). --- Exit poll. --- Extremism. --- Far-right politics. --- General election. --- George W. Bush. --- Government. --- Graduate school. --- Hillary Clinton. --- Hippie. --- Ideology. --- Incumbent. --- John McCain. --- Larry Sabato. --- Left-wing politics. --- Legislation. --- Liberal conservatism. --- Liberalism. --- Louisiana State University. --- Macropartisanship. --- Major party. --- Majority. --- Measurement. --- Median voter theorem. --- Midterm election. --- Minor party. --- Moderate. --- Multi-party system. --- National Science Foundation. --- National security. --- New Deal coalition. --- Newt Gingrich. --- Nomination contest. --- Nomination. --- Norman Ornstein. --- Observational error. --- Obstacle. --- On the Issues. --- Opposition Party. --- Party discipline. --- Party identification. --- Party leader. --- Party system. --- Percentage point. --- Percentage. --- Political campaign. --- Political party. --- Political philosophy. --- Political spectrum. --- Politician. --- Politics of the United States. --- Politics. --- Public opinion. --- Public policy. --- Realigning election. --- Rebuttal. --- Republican Party (United States). --- Respondent. --- Right-wing politics. --- Rockefeller Republican. --- Ronald Reagan. --- Social issue. --- Split-ticket voting. --- Standard deviation. --- Syracuse University. --- Tax. --- The American Voter. --- The Federalist Papers. --- The Public Interest. --- Tom Mann. --- Two-party system. --- Unemployment. --- Voter turnout. --- Voting. --- Walter Lippmann. --- What Happened. --- World War II. --- Writing.

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