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Das Handbuch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick zu den Grundlagen, Schwerpunkten und Perspektiven der Beschäftigung mit kommunikativem Erinnern und medialem Gedächtnis. Damit erschließen seine Beiträge das Feld kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Erinnerungsforschung und verknüpfen es mit komplementären sozial-, geistes- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Ansätzen. Im Kompendium stehen originäre Beiträge aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum zu den Themenbereichen Journalismus und kollektive Erinnerung, Medienbilder in öffentlicher und privater Erinnerung sowie der Erinnerungskultur kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Fachgeschichte in Verbindung zu internationalen Sichtweisen. Neben der Darstellung erinnerungskultureller Konzepte und Kernfragen sowie ihrer interdisziplinären Anschlüsse werden die zentralen Arbeitsbereiche der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit medienkommunikativer Vergegenwärtigung kritisch aufgearbeitet. Auf diese Weise trägt das Handbuch zur Aufstellung und Ausrichtung einer kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Erinnerungsforschung bei. This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the principles, perspectives, and main emphases of studying processes of communicative remembering and media memory. Its chapters analyze the field of communication memory studies and link it to complementary approaches from the social sciences, the humanities, and cultural studies.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / General. --- Collective Memory. --- Media Memory. --- Memory Cultures.
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Musealisierung und Geschichte sind zwei unterschiedliche Modi der Aneignung der Vergangenheit. Sie beschreiben gemeinsam das komplexe Verhältnis unserer Gegenwart zur Vergangenheit. Die Beiträge des Bandes beleuchten unterschiedliche Aspekte dieses Verhältnisses aus interdisziplinärer kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive und fokussieren sie auf die Institution Museum. Damit liefert das Buch einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur aktuellen kulturellen Diskussion um die Rolle des Museums in der gegenwärtigen Gesellschaft. Mit Beiträgen von Boris Groys, Gottfried Korff, Hermann Lübbe, Lutz Niethammer und Ulrich Raulff. »[Die] Lektüre des Sammelbandes [kann] allen empfohlen werden, die sich für Formen der Aneignung von Vergangenheit interessieren. Die inhaltliche Heterogenität der Beiträge, ein häufig monierter Nachteil von Sammelbänden, hat hier das Potenzial, kreative Energie für weiterführende Überlegungen freizusetzen.« Monika Sommer, H-Soz-u-Kult, 2005 Besprochen in: Nike-Bulletin (2005) Praxisjournal Buch, 17/3 (2006)
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Die Entschlüsselung der deutschen Chiffriermaschine »Enigma« durch die Briten gehört zu den bestgehüteten Geheimnissen des Zweiten Weltkrieges - erst 1974 wurde die Öffentlichkeit über die erfolgreichen Bemühungen informiert. Seither ist das Interesse an der »Enigma« bei Laien und Fachwelt ungebrochen. »Mythos Enigma« geht dieser Faszination in einer Feldstudie nach und nimmt die Spuren der Maschine nicht nur in Deutschland, England und in den USA, sondern auch in der Schweiz auf: Dass die geheimnisvolle Maschine aus Deutschland auch in diesem neutralen Land benutzt wurde, war bisher kaum bekannt. Die Motive von Wissenschaftlern, Sammlern und Zeitzeugen mögen unterschiedlich sein, ihre Bemühungen kommen aber auf eine geheimnisvolle Art am Schluss wieder zusammen. Ähnliches lässt sich von fiktionaler Literatur und Filmen sagen, die das Thema aufgreifen. Die Faszination von »Enigma« (lat. »Geheimnis«) ist eine Chiffre für unseren Umgang mit dem Geheimen. »Das Buch ist auch für mathematische Laien verständlich und beweist gleich noch, dass Dissertationen lesbar sein können.« Kathrin Wehrli, P.S., 28.05.2009 Besprochen in: Basler Zeitung, 17.07.2008, Nathalie Baumann Tages-Anzeiger, 07.11.2008, Walter Jäggi
Media studies --- German History. --- Media History. --- Media Studies. --- Media. --- Memory Culture. --- Museum. --- Kryptographie; Informatik; Computergeschichte; Museum; Sammler; Medien; Erinnerungskultur; Mediengeschichte; Deutsche Geschichte; Medienwissenschaft; Computer Sciences; Media; Memory Culture; Media History; German History; Media Studies
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Societies across the world are becoming more polarized, as contending forces seek to advance incompatible agendas, with conflict being reflected in diverse areas of life. This is as true of Poland as it is of many other societies. The polarization over values in Polish politics was clear already before communism collapsed but became more obvious in the following years, reaching a crescendo after the October 2015 elections which brought a rightwing party into power in the parliament. This volume focuses on the years since 1989, looking at the clash between civic and uncivic values, with particular attention to voting behavior, political parties, antiSemitism, homophobia, the role of the Catholic Church, and reflections in history textbooks, film, and even Polish rock music. The rightwing regime’s efforts to undermine the independence of the media and the independence of the judiciary figure as parts of this struggle over values. What this volume makes clear is that, for the foreseeable future, the conflict between traditional/conservative values and liberal/civic values is likely to continue, provoking tensions and protests.
Political culture --- Civics, Polish --- Social values --- Religion and politics --- Popular culture --- Culture, Popular --- Mass culture --- Pop culture --- Popular arts --- Communication --- Intellectual life --- Mass society --- Recreation --- Culture --- Political science --- Politics, Practical --- Politics and religion --- Religion --- Religions --- Polish civics --- Political aspects --- Religious aspects --- Poland --- Politics and government --- Civics, Polish. --- E-books --- Identity, Antisemitism, Catholic Church, Media, Memory politics, Music, Political parties, Values.
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»Geschichte« ist zu einem wichtigen Stoff für Videospiele geworden - und trotz ihrer Bedeutung für die populäre Darstellung historischer Inhalte ist sie bislang kaum aufgearbeitet. Obwohl viele Spiele, auch Bestseller, die Frühe Neuzeit behandeln, fehlt - anders als zum Mittelalter oder der Moderne - hier noch die geschichtswissenschaftliche Perspektive. Warum werden frühneuzeitliche Elemente in Videospielen aufgegriffen? Um welche handelt es sich? Wie werden sie verarbeitet? In diese Lücke stößt der Band. Die Beiträge verstehen sich dabei nicht als abschließende Behandlung des Themas, sondern als Wegweiser zu neuen Fragen und Analysemethoden. »Der Sammelband ist für eine wissenschaftliche Publikation sehr frei und humorvoll geschrieben, und es gelingt dem Buch, neue Perspektiven im Umgang mit historisierenden Videospielen aufzuzeigen.« Sophie Jung, MEDIENwissenschaft, 8 (2015)
Video games --- History. --- Social aspects. --- Videospiele; Medien; Digital Humanities; Games Studies; Geschichtsbilder; Pirates; Sid Meier's Civilization; Age of Empires; Assassin's Creed; Erinnerungskultur; Kulturgeschichte; Computerspiele; Geschichtswissenschaft; Kulturwissenschaft; Media; Memory Culture; Cultural History; Computer Games; History; Cultural Studies --- Computer Games. --- Cultural History. --- Cultural Studies. --- Memory Culture.
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How do museums and cinema shape the image of the Communist past in today’s Central and Eastern Europe? This volume is the first systematic analysis of how visual techniques are used to understand and put into context the former regimes. After history “ended” in the Eastern Bloc in 1989, museums and other memorials mushroomed all over the region. These efforts tried both to explain the meaning of this lost history, as well as to shape public opinion on their society’s shared post-war heritage. Museums and films made political use of recollections of the recent past, and employed selected museum, memorial, and media tools and tactics to make its political intent historically credible. Thirteen essays from scholars around the region take a fresh look at the subject as they address the strategies of fashioning popular perceptions of the recent past.
Communism and motion pictures. --- Communisme et cinéma --- Communisme et cinéma --- Communism and moving-pictures --- Motion pictures and communism --- Communism --- Motion pictures --- Museums. --- Bolshevism --- Communist movements --- Leninism --- Maoism --- Marxism --- Trotskyism --- Collectivism --- Totalitarianism --- Post-communism --- Socialism --- Village communities --- Cinema --- Feature films --- Films --- Movies --- Moving-pictures --- Audio-visual materials --- Mass media --- Performing arts --- History and criticism --- Cinéma --- Communisme --- Musées --- Communism and motion pictures --- Museums --- E-books --- Cultural studies, Fascism, Film, Media, Memory in art, Memory politics, Museums, Postcommunism.
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Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović (1881–1956) is arguably one the most controversial figures in contemporary Serbian national culture. Having been vilified by the former Yugoslav Communist authorities as a fascist and an antisemite, this Orthodox Christian thinker has over the past two decades come to be regarded in Serbian society as the most important religious person since medieval times and an embodiment of the authentic Serbian national spirit. Velimirović was formally canonised by the Serbian Orthodox Church in 2003. In this book, Jovan Byford charts the posthumous transformation of Velimirović from 'traitor' to 'saint' and examines the dynamics of repression and denial that were used to divert public attention from the controversies surrounding the bishop's life, the most important of which is his antisemitism. Byford offers the first detailed examination of the way in which an Eastern Orthodox Church manages controversy surrounding the presence of antisemitism within its ranks and he considers the implications of the continuing reverence of Nikolaj Velimirović for the persistence of antisemitism in Serbian Orthodox culture and in Serbian society as a whole. This book is based on a detailed examination of the changing representation of Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović in the Serbian media and in commemorative discourse devoted to him. The book also makes extensive use of exclusive interviews with a number of Serbian public figures who have been actively involved in the bishop’s rehabilitation over the past two decades.
Velimirović, Nikolaj, --- Srpska pravoslavna crkva --- Nikolaj, --- Velimirović, Nik., --- Nikolaĭ, --- Velimirović, Nicholas, --- Vel-Mirovich, Nicholas, --- Velimirovic, Nicholai, --- Velimirovic, Nicolai, --- Velimirovich, Nicholai --- Велимировић, Николај, --- Sveti Nikolaj Srpski, --- Eglise orthodoxe serbe --- Orthodox Church of Serbia --- Serbian Orthodox Church --- Serbische Orthodoxe Kirche --- Srp. prav. crkva --- Srpska crkva --- Српска православна црква --- Christian saints --- Orthodox Eastern Church --- Bishops --- Orthodox Eastern Church. --- Biserica Ortodoxă Sârbă --- 20th century, Biography, Media, Memory politics, Orthodox Church, Saints, Serbia. --- Velimirovic, Nikolaj,
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How do museums and cinema shape the image of the Communist past in today’s Central and Eastern Europe? This volume is the first systematic analysis of how visual techniques are used to understand and put into context the former regimes. After history “ended” in the Eastern Bloc in 1989, museums and other memorials mushroomed all over the region. These efforts tried both to explain the meaning of this lost history, as well as to shape public opinion on their society’s shared post-war heritage. Museums and films made political use of recollections of the recent past, and employed selected museum, memorial, and media tools and tactics to make its political intent historically credible. Thirteen essays from scholars around the region take a fresh look at the subject as they address the strategies of fashioning popular perceptions of the recent past.
Motion pictures --- Communism and motion pictures. --- Communism --- Museums. --- Cultural studies, Fascism, Film, Media, Memory in art, Memory politics, Museums, Postcommunism. --- Bolshevism --- Communist movements --- Leninism --- Maoism --- Marxism --- Trotskyism --- Collectivism --- Totalitarianism --- Post-communism --- Socialism --- Village communities --- Communism and moving-pictures --- Motion pictures and communism --- Cinema --- Feature films --- Films --- Movies --- Moving-pictures --- Audio-visual materials --- Mass media --- Performing arts --- History and criticism --- Communism and motion pictures --- Museums --- Cinéma --- Communisme et cinéma --- Communisme --- Musées
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Skandale bieten mit ihren schlüpfrigen Details, heftigen Emotionsausbrüchen und überkommenen Moralvorstellungen ein spannendes und innovatives Forschungsfeld für die Stadtgeschichte. Die Beiträger*innen des Bandes widmen sich am Beispiel Marburgs diesem politischen, sozialen und medialen Phänomen aus einer interdisziplinären Perspektive. Sie verstehen Skandale dabei als öffentliche Normkonflikte sowie gesellschaftliche und politische Selbstreinigungsmechanismen, die zum Alltag moderner Gesellschaften gehören. Ihre Analysen zu den Funktionsweisen, Verlaufsmustern und Auswirkungen machen deutlich: Die moderne Stadt- und Skandalgeschichte gehören zusammen. Besprochen in:, 01.10.2021, Manfred Hitzeroth
Historische Skandalforschung; Marburg; Stadtgeschichte; 20. Jahrhundert; Hessen; Gesellschaft; Politik; Medien; Erinnerungskultur; Kulturgeschichte; Deutsche Geschichte; Sozialgeschichte; Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts; Geschichtswissenschaft; Historical Scandal Research; Urban History; 20th Century; Society; Politics; Media; Memory Culture; Cultural History; German History; Social History; History of the 20th Century; History --- 20th Century. --- Cultural History. --- German History. --- Hessen. --- History of the 20th Century. --- History. --- Marburg. --- Media. --- Memory Culture. --- Politics. --- Social History. --- Society. --- Urban History. --- 1900-1999 --- Marburg (Germany) --- Germany --- History
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This volume of essays and interviews by Polish, British, and American academics and journalists provides an overview of current Polish politics for both informed and non-specialist readers. The essays consider why and how PiS, Law and Justice, the party of Jarosław Kaczynski, returned to power, and the why and how of its policies while in power. They help to make sense of how “history” plays a key role in Polish public life and politics.The descriptions of PiS in Western media tend to rework old stereotypes about Eastern Europe that had lain dormant for some time. The book addresses the underlying question whether PiS was simply successful in understanding its electorate, and just helped Poland to revert to its normal state. This new Normal seems quite similar to the old one: insular, conservative, xenophobic, and statist.The book looks at the current struggle between one ‘Poland’ and another; between a Western-looking Poland and an inward-looking Poland, the former more interested in opening to the world, competing in open markets, and working within the EU, and the latter more concerned with holding onto tradition.The question of illiberalism has gone from an ‘Eastern’ problem (Russia, Turkey, Hungary, etc.) to a global one (Brexit and the U.S. elections). This makes the very specific analysis of Poland’s illiberalism applicable on a broader scale. (provided by publisher)
Political culture --- Collective memory --- #SBIB:328H274 --- Collective remembrance --- Common memory --- Cultural memory --- Emblematic memory --- Historical memory --- National memory --- Public memory --- Social memory --- Memory --- Social psychology --- Group identity --- National characteristics --- Political aspects --- Instellingen en beleid: Polen --- Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (Political party) --- Platforma Obywatelska (Political party) --- Grazhdanskai︠a︡ platforma (Political party) --- Civic Platform (Political party) --- PiS (Political party) --- PiS --- Pravo i spravedlivostʹ (Political party) --- Law and Justice (Political party) --- Law & Justice (Political party) --- Poland --- Politics and government --- Illiberalism, Media, Memory politics, Poland, Political parties, Political studies, Postcommunism.
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