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McNair --- William Watts --- 1849-1889
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McNair --- William Watts --- 1849-1889
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"C'est l'histoire de Melvin et Jean McNair, deux e´tudiants afro-ame´ricains qui se rencontrent en 1966 en Caroline du Nord. Marie´s, deux enfants, ils auraient pu mener une vie paisible. Mais il y a la guerre du Vietnam, l'assassinat de Martin Luther King, l'e´lan re´volutionnaire des Black Panthers. Melvin est de´serteur. Pour fuir et de´noncer le racisme, Jean et lui de´tournent un avion avec trois complices, le 30 juillet 1972. Destination Alger, capitale d'un pays inde´pendant et d'un tiers monde incandescent. Arre^te´s apre`s avoir e´te´ exfiltre´s vers Paris, qui refuse de les extrader, ils sont emprisonne´s et juge´s lors d'un proce`s me´diatise´ ou` l'on croise James Baldwin et Simone Signoret. Leur peine purge´e, ils refont leur vie a` Caen et deviennent des figures locales engage´es. Le parcours de Jean et Melvin montre de fac¸on exemplaire comment s'entreme^lent concre`tement les questions de race et de classe. De´finis comme Noirs aux E´tats-Unis, le restent-ils a` leur arrive´e en France et a` quelles formes de racialisation sont-ils confronte´s ? A` partir d'archives et d'entretiens ine´dits, cette grande fresque sociohistorique nous plonge, de part et d'autre de l'Atlantique, dans les luttes antiracistes et anti-impe´rialistes des anne´es 1970. En de´centrant le regard, elle offre de nouvelles perspectives sur les sujets bru^lants que sont le racisme anti-Noirs et la radicalite´ politique."--Page 4 of cover.
Civil rights movements --- History --- McNair, Melvin, --- McNair, Jean, --- Black Panther Party
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Noirs americains --- Noires americaines --- African Americans --- African American women --- Conditions sociales --- Social conditions --- McNair, Lisa, --- Alabama. --- Alabama --- Relations raciales --- Histoire --- Race relations --- History
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Dave Robinson --- Texas --- Herbert Armstrong --- the Radio Church of God --- the Worldwide Church of God --- Solomon --- Stanley Rader --- Gerald Waterhouse --- Raymond McNair --- Roderick Meredith --- Garner Ted Armstrong
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African Americans --- African Americans. --- Race discrimination. --- Race relations. --- Discrimination raciale --- Noirs américains --- Social conditions --- Social conditions. --- Récits personnels. --- Conditions sociales --- Brown, George. --- MCNAIR, JEAN, C. --- McNair, Melvin. --- Tillerson, Joyce. --- 1964-1975 --- United States --- United States. --- Etats-Unis --- Lutte --- Noir --- Racial --- Racisme
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Florence Ayscough -- poet, translator, Sinologist, Shanghailander, "sensual realist", avid collector, pioneering photographer and early feminist champion of women's rights in China. Ayscough's modernist translations of the classical poets still command respect, her ethnographic studies of the lives of Chinese women still engender feminist critiques over three quarters of a century later and her collections of Chinese ceramics and objets now form an important part of several American museums' Asian art collections. Raised in Shanghai in an archetypal family in the late nineteenth century, Ayscough was to become anything but a typical foreigner in China. Encouraged by the New England poet Amy Lowell, she became a much sought-after translator in the early years of the new century, not least for her radical interpretations of the Tang dynasty poet Tu Fu published by the renowned literary critic Harriet Monroe. She later moved on to record China and particularly Chinese women using the new technology of photography, turn the Royal Asiatic Society's Shanghai library into the best on the China Coast and build several impressive collections featuring jars from the Dowager Empress Ci Xi, Ming and Qing ceramics. By the time of her death, Florence Ayscough left a legacy of collecting and scholarship unrivalled by any other foreign woman in China before or since. In this biography, Lindsay Shen recovers Ayscough for posterity and returns her to us as a woman of amazing intellectual vibrancy and strength.
Women collectors --- Women photographers --- Women translators --- Scholars --- Women scholars --- Sinologists --- Chinese studies specialists --- Sinologues --- East Asia specialists --- Women in education --- Women specialists --- Translators --- Women linguists --- Women as photographers --- Photographers --- Collectors and collecting --- Ayscough, Florence Wheelock, --- MacNair, Florence Wheelock Ayscough, --- McNair, Florence Wheelock,
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