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Studien zu den Märtyrern des nördlichen Oberägypten
ISBN: 3447030879 9783447030878 Year: 1992 Volume: 15 Publisher: Wiesbaden Harrassowitz

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Sterben und Unsterblichkeit : zur Kultur des Martyriums in der frühen Neuzeit
ISBN: 3486568159 9783486568158 3486835262 Year: 2004 Volume: 35 Publisher: München Oldenbourg

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Das Martyrium eröffnet Zugänge zu jenen oft genug verdeckten Selbst- und Weltdeutungen, die Gemeinschaften konstituieren. Über das Martyrium als Ort, an dem Gemeinschaften sich offenbaren müssen, als Ort, an dem entschieden wird, was wahr ist und was unwahr, gelingen Peter Burschel Einblicke in den Prozess der Genese und der Profilierung konfessioneller Kulturen. Er versteht das Martyrium als Medium kollektiver Leidenserfahrung, kollektiver Erinnerung und kollektiver Selbstvergewisserung - und lässt keinen Zweifel daran, dass es dazu beitrug, aus Glaubensgemeinschaften Bekenntnisgemeinschaften und aus Bekenntnisgemeinschaften Bekenntniskulturen werden zu lassen.

Märtyrer, Schlachtenhelfer, Friedenstifter : Krieg und Frieden im Spiegel mittelalterlicher und frühneuzeitlicher Heiligenverehrung
ISBN: 3810024465 9783810024466 Year: 2000 Publisher: Opladen : Leske und Budrich,

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Märtyrer und Märtyrerakten
ISBN: 3515082344 9783515082341 Year: 2002 Volume: 6 Publisher: Wiesbaden Steiner

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Studien zu den Märtyrern des Nördlichen Obergypten
ISBN: 344702576X 9783447025768 Year: 1986 Volume: 15 Publisher: Wiesbaden Harrassowitz

Wenn mit Katakomben-Heiligen aus Rom neue Traditionen begründet werden : die Wirkungsgeschichte einer Idee zwischen Karolingischer Reform und untramontaner Publizistik.
ISBN: 3880965641 9783880965645 Year: 1998 Volume: 14 Publisher: Sankt Ottilien EOS

Giustina e le altre : sante e culti femminili in Italia settentrionale dalla prima età cristiana al secolo XII : atti del VI Convegno di studio dell'Associazione italiana per lo studio della santità, dei culti e dell'agiografia, Padova, 4-6 ottobre 2004
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788883342998 8883342992 Year: 2009 Publisher: Roma : Viella,

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Il volume raccoglie gli atti del convegno svoltosi a Padova fra il 4 e il 6 ottobre 2004. Nella ricorrenza pluricentenaria di una delle più famose persecuzioni contro i cristiani (304), l’attenzione si è rivolta alle figure martiriali femminili, muovendo da Giustina di Padova come caso emblematico da confrontare con altri culti e altre agiografie, come, ad esempio, quelli di Tecla e di Eufemia. Vengono affrontate questioni generali, come la riflessione sulle fonti e la loro fruibilità, il rapporto tra santità maschile e femminile, il significato dei culti e delle agiografie rispetto alle istituzioni e ai contesti sociali e culturali. La definizione cronologica di lungo periodo, dalla prima età cristiana al secolo XII, ha permesso di seguire gli sviluppi e gli adattamenti della santità femminile, sia sul piano delle tipologie di santità, sia su quello delle scritture/ riscritture agiografiche. Attraverso le diverse espressioni di originalità, adeguamento, reimpiego, è possibile cogliere motivazioni, significati e finalità di una produzione che conferma il suo valore di testimonianza storica, sempre preziosa e spesso unica.

Mauritius und die Thebäische Legion : Akten des internationalen Kolloquiums Freiburg, Saint-Maurice, Martigny, 17. - 20. September 2003.
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3727815272 9783727815270 Year: 2005 Volume: 49 Publisher: Fribourg Academic press

Martyrdom, murder, and magic : child saints and their cults in Medieval Europe
ISSN: 10746749 ISBN: 0820427640 9780820427645 Year: 2008 Volume: vol. 2. Publisher: New York Washington, DC Baltimore Bern : Peter Lang,

The cult of Thomas Becket : history and historiography through eight centuries
ISBN: 9781138103283 9781315102870 1315102870 9781351593397 1351593390 9781351593380 1351593382 9781351593373 1351593374 1138103284 Year: 2019 Publisher: London Routledge

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"On 29 December, 1170, Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, was brutally murdered in his own cathedral. News of the event was rapidly disseminated throughout Europe, generating a widespread cult which endured until the reign of Henry VIII in the sixteenth century, and engendering a fascination which has lasted until the present day. The Cult of Thomas Becket: History and Historiography through Eight Centuries contributes to the lengthy debate surrounding the saint by providing a historiographical analysis of the major themes in Becket scholarship, tracing the development of Becket studies from the writings of the twelfth-century biographers to those of scholars of the twenty-first century. The book offers a thorough commentary and analysis which demonstrates how the Canterbury martyr was viewed by writers of previous generations as well as our own, showing how they were influenced by the intellectual trends and political concerns of their eras, and indicating how perceptions of Thomas Becket have changed over time. In addition, several chapters are devoted a discussion of artworks in various media devoted to the saint, as well as liturgies and sermons composed in his honor. Combining a wide historical scope with detailed textual analysis, this book will be of great interest to scholars of medieval religious history, art history, liturgy, sanctity and hagiography."--Provided by publisher.

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