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Charles de Foucauld's Reconnaissance au Maroc, 1883-1884 : a critical edition in English
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1785274104 1785274112 1785274090 Year: 2020 Publisher: London : Anthem Press,

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Womanizer - Delinquent - Glutton - Deserter; Visionary - Linguist - Explorer - Hermit. The lexical fields do not match, yet both sets of descriptors apply to one man: Blessed Charles de Foucauld (1858-1916), one of nineteenth-century France's most complex and challenging figures. The two halves of his life part almost mathematically: a dissolute, disconsolate orphan whose wealthy family, peers, and superiors did not know what to do with him; and then an intuitive, dedicated scholar and priest who revolutionized European knowledge of Morocco's geography and culture, and refusing to evangelize the Berber population among whom he lived. Foucauld's biography typically divides into these two sections, with his youth glossed almost as a fleeting adventure and clear priority assigned to his later years as a hermit and spiritual director.

This book seeks to turn that model on its head. Peters-Hill has written a study of Charles de Foucauld's youthful undertaking in unknown territory that seeks to represent as honestly as possible both the evolution of Foucauld's mindset regarding French engagement in Morocco and the consequences of his work in that country. While delving into how the author is changed by Morocco, she nonetheless holds Foucauld accountable for his nationalist and religious biases, the details he discounts or ignores, the unavoidable oversights in such a brief cultural encounter, the things he got wrong. She situates Foucauld's year in Morocco as the exegesis of his ultimate desert calling, the transformation of a black sheep into a sacrificial lamb, a man the Catholic Church venerates as a martyr.

Drawing from several discrete fields - travel writing, botany, hydrology, and topography; cartography, ethnography and sociology; linguistics and amazighité, alongside formal literary criticism and French (post-) colonial studies - the book presents a fuller view of a writer whose legacy remains an inspiration, a frustration, and an enigma.

La prière d'abandon : un chemin de confiance avec Charles de Foucauld
ISBN: 9782220061870 2220061876 Year: 2010 Publisher: Paris: Desclée De Brouwer,

Témoins de l'à-venir : Charles de Foucauld, Louis Massignon, Christian de Chergé
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9791093441306 Year: 2021 Publisher: Marseille: Chemins de dialogue,

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Un lien de filiation unit Charles de Foucauld, Louis Massignon et Christian de ChergeÌ. Tous les trois ont un immense rayonnement. Tous trois furent des mystiques. Tous les trois, chacun aÌ sa manieÌre, ont eÌteÌ convertis dans la rencontre de l'islam. Leur vie en a eÌteÌ eÌbranleÌe, leur foi revisiteÌe, leur sens de la mission reÌorienteÌ⦠Ils sont teÌmoins d'aÌ-venir d'une EÌglise qui consent aÌ sa preÌcariteÌ pour eÌtre dans la vie des peuples signe et servante de fraterniteÌ universelle.Ils sont teÌmoins qu'un partenariat avec les autres religions est un des parameÌtres deÌcisifs de l'aveÌnement d'une nouvelle civilisation, que Paul VI qualifiait de "civilisation de l'amour" . AÌ nous d'inventer un nouvel art de vivre en chreÌtien pour le temps qui vient.

Le père Crozier, l'ami stigmatisé du père de Foucauld : vie et doctrine
ISBN: 2702304036 9782702304037 Year: 1988 Publisher: Paris: Châlet,

L'aventure de l'amour de Dieu : 80 lettres inédites de Charles de Foucauld à Louis Massignon
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2020192586 9782020192583 Year: 1993 Publisher: Paris: Seuil,

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Charles le libéré : Foucauld rendu à lui-même
ISBN: 9782706714184 2706714182 Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris: Salvator,

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Une réflexion sur la figure mythique de C. de Foucauld, décrit alternativement comme un martyr, un héros, un moine ou un ermite, et sur l'enracinement de ce mythe dans la réalité. Le récit chronologique de sa vie montre un homme qui cherche sa voie pas à pas et se libère progressivement de ses chaînes.

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