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The Dutch suruay : VVherein are related and truly discoursed, the chiefest losses and acquirements, which haue past betweene the Dutch and the Spaniards, in these last foure yeares warres of the Netherlands, with a comparatiue ballancing and estimation of that which the Spaniards haue got in the Dutchies of Cleeue and Iuliers, with that which they haue lost vnto the Dutch and Persians, in Brasilia, Lima, and Ormus. VVhereunto are annext the Mansfeldian motiues, directed vnto all colonels, lieuzanant-colonels, sergeant majors, priuate captaines, inferiour officers, and souldiers, whose seruice is engag'd in this present expedition, vnder the conduct and commaund of the most illustrious Prince Ernestus, Earle of Mansfield.
Authors: ---
Year: 1625 Publisher: At London : Printed by Edward All-de, for Nathaniel Butter,

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More nevves from the Palatinate; : and more comfort to euery true Christian, that either fauoureth the cause of religion, or wisheth well to the King of Bohemia's proceedings.
Year: 1622 Publisher: [London : s.n.],

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Good nevves for the King of Bohemia? or, A certaine relation of the last and great ouerthrow, giuen by the Duke of Brunswicke to the Bishop of Cullen, and Duke of Bauariaes forces : wherein was rumored, that Brunswicke was slaine. With the proceedings of Count Mansfield, since his last comming into the Palatinate, and since the Emperours ambassadour came into England, with other accidents, both in the Palatinate, and else-where. Sent of purpose by a person of account the eight day of April, and now published the seuenteenth 1622.
Year: 1622 Publisher: [London] : Printed [by Bernard Alsop],

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More nevves from the Palatinate : the second time imprinted Iune the 5. Containing the true copies of certaine letters of great import written from Manheim, relating most fully the last pursuit of the emperours forces vnder Leopold: with their vtter defeat. As also what befell the duke of Brunswicke in his passage to ioyne with the king of Bohemia. Together with the true and present estate of count Mansfield, the marquis of Baden, the generall vere, Don Cordova, de Tilly, and their seuerall armies. With the preparations of Bethlem Gabor for the duke of Bavaria, and count Mansfields marching with his armie toward Dermstadt. And many other considerable things concerning the affaires of Germanie and the low countries.
Year: 1622 Publisher: London : Printed by W. Iones for N. Butter and W. Sheffard, and are to be sold at S. Austins gate, and at the entring in of Popes-head Ally out of Lombard street,

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The appollogie of the illustrious Prince Ernestus, Earle of Mansfield, &c. : Wherein from his first entertainment, are layd open the occasions of his warres in Bohemia, Austria, and the Palatinate, with his faithfull seruice to the King of Bohemia. Translated out of the originall French coppie.
Year: 1622 Publisher: Printed at Heidelbergh [i.e. London : By Edward Allde],

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The King of Bohemia's vvelcome to Count Mansfield, and into the Palatinate : vvith the defeat of Bauaria's and Monsieur Tilley's army, since his arriuall: (the King being there in person) their resolution to march into Bauaria. The papists feare of his good successe, and further progression: and many other remarkeable thinges concerning Brunswick and his actions. Faithfully taken out of the letters of best credit.
Year: 1622 Publisher: [London : E. Allde],

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The ninth of September. 1622. Count Mansfields proceedings since the last battaile with the great misfortune which hath lately hapned to the Duke of Brunswicke : VVith the great victory obtained by the Protestants in France, by those of the Towne of Mompeliers against the Kings forces, who fought to take the towne by treachery, but were most of them put to the sword. Also relating another skirmish, which happened betweene Count Mansfield and Don Cordua in the prouince of Henego, with the great sea fight betweene some of the Hollanders bound for the West Indies meeting with the Spaniards. Likewise a new and great slaughter made vpon Spinola his forces hefore [sic] Bergen vp Zome, by those of the towne: with the comming downe of Bethlem Gabors brother, and the Marquis of Iagersdorp into Silesia, to inuade the country. Lastly, the taking in of the citty of Spiers by the Bauarians, with their blocking vp of Heidelburgh, Frankendale, and Mainhem, in the Palatinate. ...
Year: 1622 Publisher: [London] : Printed by E. A[llde] for Nicholas Bourne and Thomas Archer, and are to bee solde at their shops, at the Royall Exchange and Popes head Pallace,

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Le bibliophile Pierre Ernest de Mansfeld et l'histoire de ses reliures
Year: 1978 Publisher: Luxembourg : Editions de l'Impr. Saint-Paul,

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Newes from the Palatinate : A true and comfortable relation of the wonderfull proceedings of Count Mansfield, from his forst comming into the Palatinate, vntill this present moneth. Wherein to his eternall memory he hath set out Gods glory, and enlarged his owne renowne, by being honest to the King of Bohemia, and a constant maintainer of the Gospell of Christ. Likewise relating the true and admirable manner of raising of the siege of Franckendale by Sir Horatio Vere, with the rest of his proceedings, vntill this present. Faithfully translated and extracted out of a Dutch letter sent from Franckendale, by a great commander, who hath beene an eyewitnesse of the same.
Year: 1622 Publisher: Printed at the Hage [i.e. London : By Edward Allde],

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The fourth of September. Newes from sundry places, both forraine and domestique : From Venice, Rome, Spaine, France, Naples, the Palatinate, and the Low-Countries. A relation of Count Mansfeilds progresse, (his battaile with Gonsalo in his passage) till his arriuall at Breda, with the Duke of Brunswicke his valiant pursuit of Gonsalo, (being wounded) and the slaughter of 500. of his men, and the taking of certaine waggons, and Gonsales owne coath. Whereunto is added, a true and certaine report, of the lamentable shipwracke which happened at Plimoth in Deuonshire, on Munday the 19th. of August last past, with other great harme done elsewhere, by lightning and thunder on the same day.
Year: 1622 Publisher: London : Printed for Nathaniel Butter and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Pyde Bull, at Saint Austins Gate,

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