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The (ab)use of rhetoric in manifestos of British nationalist parties (BNP, UKIP)
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Doelstelling: Deze masterproef focust op de retoriek van twee nationalistische Britse partijen, the UK Independence Party (UKIP) en the British National Party (BNP). Het woord- en zinsgebruik in de manifesten uit 2010 van beide partijen wordt onderzocht en gecatalogiseerd. Retorische strategieën en lexicale keuzes worden bestudeerd en voorbeelden van de meest opvallende bevindingen worden vermeld. Middelen of methode: Manifesten van beide partijen uit 2010 zijn het uitgangspunt van deze masterproef. Het onderzoek is gebaseerd op de studie van de imagologie en de "appraisal" theorie. Verder worden diverse voorbeelden uit de twee manifesten gecatalogiseerd en gestaafd aan de theorie. Resultaten: Er werden verschillende categorieën en wederkerende stijlfiguren ontdekt in de manifesten van beide partijen om hun ideeën kracht bij te zetten. De meest opmerkelijke zijn: the us versus them theory, metaforen, confounding of variables, pars pro toto, obligations, refereren naar Britse geschiedenis en nationalistische figuren, racistische opmerkingen, goochelen met cijfers, retorische vragen, generalisaties, contradicties, enz...

A Manifesto for the Just City
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Delft TU Delft Open

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This book addresses the need to re-imagine and re-conceptualise the Just City in light of recent systemic shocks: climate change, the pandemic, a generalised erosion of democratic standards and more. It contains texts by a number of guests and 43 manifestos written by students from 25 universities from all over the world.A “Manifesto for the Just City” comes in the wake of the realisation that socio-spatial justice is a crucial dimension for sustainability transitions. Growing inequality and the erosion of the public sphere undermine the social and political structures required to fight climate change, pandemics and other systemic shocks. With this book, we have sought to encourage students to formulate their own visions for the Just City and for a just transition.This book is result of an Urban Thinkers Campus organised between 9 and 30 November 2020. The Urban Thinkers Campus (UTC) model is an initiative of UN-Habitat’s World Urban Campaign, conceived in 2014 as an open space for critical exchange between stakeholders and partners. It aims to promote debate and action on sustainable and inclusive urbanization upholding the principles and guidelines contained in the New Urban Agenda, launched at Habitat-III in 2016 in Quito, Ecuador.

Parteiprogramme : Sprachliche Gestalt und Textgebrauch.
Year: 2008 Publisher: Darmstadt : Büchner-Verlag,

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Why a study of political language use? The most important tool in politics is language, as an instrument with which opinions are articulated and disseminated, with which political decisions and decisions representing the will of the people are made. However, the language of politics is also a language of influence. Thus, political parties try to promote their own programs with the help of their party programs (basic programs, election programs) and in this respect represent an important as well as interesting type of text in the field of political communication. Party programs serve, for example, to promote internal party understanding, external self-presentation and as a basis for public understanding. Andreas Ickes presents the text type party program in its various variations and forms of realization. He documents those aspects of the linguistic form that are characteristic of this text type and locates the use of de type party program in the structure of political communication. The detailed presentation is underpinned with cross-party sample material, annotated text passages, or even forms of contrastive analysis. Thus, the analysis and reflection of political language use helps not only to recognize the linguistic possibilities of conveying content, but also to improve one's own critical faculties. Warum eine Untersuchung der politischen Sprachverwendung? Das wichtigste Werkzeug in der Politik ist die Sprache, als Instrument, mit dem Meinungen artikuliert und verbreitet werden, mit dem politische und den Willen des Volkes repräsentierende Entscheidungen getroffen werden. Die Sprache der Politik ist jedoch auch eine Sprache der Beeinflussung. So versuchen politische Parteien, mit Hilfe ihrer Parteiprogramme (Grundsatzprogramme, Wahlprogramme) für die eigene Programmatik zu werben und stellen insofern einen wichtigen wie interessanten Texttyp im Bereich der politischen Kommunikation dar. Die Parteiprogramme dienen etwa der innerparteilichen Verständigung, der Selbstdarstellung nach außen und als Grundlage für die Verständigung in der Öffentlichkeit. Andreas Ickes stellt den Texttyp Parteiprogramm in seinen diversen Spielarten und Realisierungsformen vor. Er dokumentiert diejenigen Aspekte der sprachlichen Gestalt, die für diesen Texttyp charakteristisch sind und verortet den Gebrauch von de Typs Parteiprogramm im Gefüge der politischen Kommunikation. Die detaillierte Darstellung ist mit parteiübergreifendem Beispielmaterial, kommentierten Textstellen oder auch Formen der kontrastiven Analyse unterfüttert. So hilft die Analyse und Reflexion der politischen Sprachverwendung, die sprachlichen Möglichkeiten der Inhaltsvermittlung nicht nur zu erkennen, sondern auch die eigene Kritikfähigkeit zu verbessern.

Parteiprogramme : Sprachliche Gestalt und Textgebrauch.
Year: 2008 Publisher: Darmstadt : Büchner-Verlag,

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Why a study of political language use? The most important tool in politics is language, as an instrument with which opinions are articulated and disseminated, with which political decisions and decisions representing the will of the people are made. However, the language of politics is also a language of influence. Thus, political parties try to promote their own programs with the help of their party programs (basic programs, election programs) and in this respect represent an important as well as interesting type of text in the field of political communication. Party programs serve, for example, to promote internal party understanding, external self-presentation and as a basis for public understanding. Andreas Ickes presents the text type party program in its various variations and forms of realization. He documents those aspects of the linguistic form that are characteristic of this text type and locates the use of de type party program in the structure of political communication. The detailed presentation is underpinned with cross-party sample material, annotated text passages, or even forms of contrastive analysis. Thus, the analysis and reflection of political language use helps not only to recognize the linguistic possibilities of conveying content, but also to improve one's own critical faculties. Warum eine Untersuchung der politischen Sprachverwendung? Das wichtigste Werkzeug in der Politik ist die Sprache, als Instrument, mit dem Meinungen artikuliert und verbreitet werden, mit dem politische und den Willen des Volkes repräsentierende Entscheidungen getroffen werden. Die Sprache der Politik ist jedoch auch eine Sprache der Beeinflussung. So versuchen politische Parteien, mit Hilfe ihrer Parteiprogramme (Grundsatzprogramme, Wahlprogramme) für die eigene Programmatik zu werben und stellen insofern einen wichtigen wie interessanten Texttyp im Bereich der politischen Kommunikation dar. Die Parteiprogramme dienen etwa der innerparteilichen Verständigung, der Selbstdarstellung nach außen und als Grundlage für die Verständigung in der Öffentlichkeit. Andreas Ickes stellt den Texttyp Parteiprogramm in seinen diversen Spielarten und Realisierungsformen vor. Er dokumentiert diejenigen Aspekte der sprachlichen Gestalt, die für diesen Texttyp charakteristisch sind und verortet den Gebrauch von de Typs Parteiprogramm im Gefüge der politischen Kommunikation. Die detaillierte Darstellung ist mit parteiübergreifendem Beispielmaterial, kommentierten Textstellen oder auch Formen der kontrastiven Analyse unterfüttert. So hilft die Analyse und Reflexion der politischen Sprachverwendung, die sprachlichen Möglichkeiten der Inhaltsvermittlung nicht nur zu erkennen, sondern auch die eigene Kritikfähigkeit zu verbessern.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2005: a documentary translation with a glossary of cultural references
Authors: ---
Year: 2007 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Doelstelling: Een documentaire vertaling maken van vijf hoofdstukken uit het Labour Party manifesto 2005, met speciale aandacht voor de vertaling van de culturele referenties. De vijf hoofdstukken die vertaald werden handelen over onderwijs, gezondheidszorg, oudere mensen, gezinnen en het internationaal beleid van Groot-Brittannië. Via de vertaling van het manifesto kan het doelpubliek een beter inzicht krijgen in het beleid van de Labour-regering. Middelen of methode: Zowel bron- als doeltekst werden geanalyseerd aan de hand van de Skopostheorie van H.J. Vermeer. De brontekst werd vertaald volgens de documentaire vorm van vertalen zoals uitgelegd door C. Nord in het boek Translating as a Purposeful Activity. Enkele culturele referenties die moeilijkheden veroorzaakten bij het vertalen worden besproken. Er wordt zowel uitleg gegeven over de culturele referentie zelf als over de problemen en oplossingen bij het vertalen. De vertaling van de culturele referenties is vooral gebaseerd op hun gebruik in de kranten DeMorgen en De Standaard. Resultaten: Door de documentaire vorm van vertalen is de doeltekst een document geworden van de brontekst dat de Nederlandstalige lezer in staat stelt kennis te maken met het beleid van de Labour Partij. Er werd ook een glossarium aangemaakt van de culturele referenties en hun vertaling.

Ravish the Republic: The Archives of The Iron Garters Crime/Art Collective
Year: 2015 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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In the 2011 book Dark Matter: Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture, the artist Gregory Sholette posits that we are living in an era of surplus creative energies concentrated in a teeming archive of artists, the poor, the "unskilled" and the "economically invisible." It is a potentially disruptive archive that capitalism can't always manage but can still hope to eventually exploit and assimilate. Within this archive seethes creative energy that can extend itself in unique and unsettling ways, across multiple categories and disciplines. Often, however such energy is captured by the winners and arbiters in our "risk society" and thereby sanitized and neutralized. So it becomes necessary for artists, theorists, writers and activists to be versatile in their tactics, cryptic and evasive in their manifestations and criminally implacable in their visions.The Iron Garters are an "art gang" that masquerades, disseminates and performs as your archetypal "criminals," "outcasts" "mystics," "losers" and "lunatics": in short, a vital and necessary social surplus. Their antics have been traced back to Jean Genet's novel The Thief's Journal, the films of Kenneth Anger, as well as the Dada poems of Baroness Elsa and Hugo Ball. Yet still other Garters have been nourished on the Vienna Actionists, Genesis P-Orridge, Diamanda Galas, Gilles Deleuze, Samuel Delany, and the dulcet sounds of The Cramps. With a critical and aesthetic arsenal salvaged from underground "kulchurs" and academia's collective libido, the Iron Garters are not afraid to demand excitement along with analysis, frenzy coupled to resistance, and fashion inseparable from infiltration. Founded in San Francisco on a full moon night after a "deathpunk" show, the original members grew adversely impacted by the economic invasions reducing a once great city to a tepid monoculture. Fueled by queer, antinomian, heretical and radical traditions, the Garters pilgrimaged into various trans-continental sanctuaries and beachheads, leaving behind them radiant paper trails of provocation and sedition. This volume is one such radiant paper trail.Despite its many hiatuses, the Garters archive has grown more fertile, thanks in part to its endurance in imaginary/speculative realms. Currently, the Garters are remobilizing as a "crime art collective," with cells operating in cities most in need of "crime-art," while also re-asserting itself as an ongoing "transmedia" project. This present archive is a small fraction of the decade's worth of Garter experiments, epistles, stories and communiques. In a political epoch when risk and anxiety seem to predicate our every move, and when being poor, different, "unskilled" or "a failure" (as judged by the demigods of Profit, Fear, Reason & Security) means that you are essentially criminalized, then it becomes imperative for art (wedded to theory and style) to celebrate its own "criminal," "dangerous" and "unassimiliable" nature. So let the Garters initiate you into the mysteries that are already yours, once you rid yourself of fear, anxiety and the need to be respectable.Conceived in 2004 as a gritty mail art project called TresPassions Unlimited, the Iron Garters were established as a full-fledged "art gang" in the Bernal Heights area of San Francisco in 2010. Then almost instantly they vanished yet not before secreting reams of strange, tantalizing and vitriolic propaganda. Today, the Garters have reformed into several cells: a mail network, an inflammatory writing collective, a gaggle of art-activist instigators and a semi-fictional band of heathen outlaws. All of these groups unite and mobilize under the mantle, The Iron Garters Crime Art Collective. Prospective members should inquire for initiatory matters at:

Ravish the Republic: The Archives of The Iron Garters Crime/Art Collective
Year: 2015 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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In the 2011 book Dark Matter: Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture, the artist Gregory Sholette posits that we are living in an era of surplus creative energies concentrated in a teeming archive of artists, the poor, the "unskilled" and the "economically invisible." It is a potentially disruptive archive that capitalism can't always manage but can still hope to eventually exploit and assimilate. Within this archive seethes creative energy that can extend itself in unique and unsettling ways, across multiple categories and disciplines. Often, however such energy is captured by the winners and arbiters in our "risk society" and thereby sanitized and neutralized. So it becomes necessary for artists, theorists, writers and activists to be versatile in their tactics, cryptic and evasive in their manifestations and criminally implacable in their visions.The Iron Garters are an "art gang" that masquerades, disseminates and performs as your archetypal "criminals," "outcasts" "mystics," "losers" and "lunatics": in short, a vital and necessary social surplus. Their antics have been traced back to Jean Genet's novel The Thief's Journal, the films of Kenneth Anger, as well as the Dada poems of Baroness Elsa and Hugo Ball. Yet still other Garters have been nourished on the Vienna Actionists, Genesis P-Orridge, Diamanda Galas, Gilles Deleuze, Samuel Delany, and the dulcet sounds of The Cramps. With a critical and aesthetic arsenal salvaged from underground "kulchurs" and academia's collective libido, the Iron Garters are not afraid to demand excitement along with analysis, frenzy coupled to resistance, and fashion inseparable from infiltration. Founded in San Francisco on a full moon night after a "deathpunk" show, the original members grew adversely impacted by the economic invasions reducing a once great city to a tepid monoculture. Fueled by queer, antinomian, heretical and radical traditions, the Garters pilgrimaged into various trans-continental sanctuaries and beachheads, leaving behind them radiant paper trails of provocation and sedition. This volume is one such radiant paper trail.Despite its many hiatuses, the Garters archive has grown more fertile, thanks in part to its endurance in imaginary/speculative realms. Currently, the Garters are remobilizing as a "crime art collective," with cells operating in cities most in need of "crime-art," while also re-asserting itself as an ongoing "transmedia" project. This present archive is a small fraction of the decade's worth of Garter experiments, epistles, stories and communiques. In a political epoch when risk and anxiety seem to predicate our every move, and when being poor, different, "unskilled" or "a failure" (as judged by the demigods of Profit, Fear, Reason & Security) means that you are essentially criminalized, then it becomes imperative for art (wedded to theory and style) to celebrate its own "criminal," "dangerous" and "unassimiliable" nature. So let the Garters initiate you into the mysteries that are already yours, once you rid yourself of fear, anxiety and the need to be respectable.Conceived in 2004 as a gritty mail art project called TresPassions Unlimited, the Iron Garters were established as a full-fledged "art gang" in the Bernal Heights area of San Francisco in 2010. Then almost instantly they vanished yet not before secreting reams of strange, tantalizing and vitriolic propaganda. Today, the Garters have reformed into several cells: a mail network, an inflammatory writing collective, a gaggle of art-activist instigators and a semi-fictional band of heathen outlaws. All of these groups unite and mobilize under the mantle, The Iron Garters Crime Art Collective. Prospective members should inquire for initiatory matters at:

A letter sent to the Right Honourable, the Lord Mayor of the City of London, by Lieutenant Colonel Kiffin, Captain Gosfright, Captain Hewling, and Lieutenant Lomes, touching the seizing of their persons, and searching their houses for arms; and also shewing the forgery and falsehood of a scandalous pamphlet, intituled A manifesto and declaration of the Anabaptists, and other congregational churches, &c. published Febr. 28. 1659.
Year: 1659 Publisher: London, : Printed by Henry Hills dwelling in Aldersgate-street, next door to the signe of the Peacock,,

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A letter sent to the Right Honourable, the Lord Mayor of the City of London, by Lieutenant Colonel Kiffin, Captain Gosfright, Captain Hewling, and Lieutenant Lomes, : touching the seizing of their persons, and searching their houses for arms; and also shewing the forgery and falsehood of a scandalous pamphlet, intituled A manifesto and declaration of the Anabaptists, and other congregational churches, &c. published Febr. 28. 1659.
Authors: ---
Year: 1659 Publisher: London : Printed by Henry Hills dwelling in Aldersgate-street, next door to the signe of the Peacock,

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Ravish the Republic: The Archives of The Iron Garters Crime/Art Collective
Year: 2015 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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In the 2011 book Dark Matter: Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture, the artist Gregory Sholette posits that we are living in an era of surplus creative energies concentrated in a teeming archive of artists, the poor, the "unskilled" and the "economically invisible." It is a potentially disruptive archive that capitalism can't always manage but can still hope to eventually exploit and assimilate. Within this archive seethes creative energy that can extend itself in unique and unsettling ways, across multiple categories and disciplines. Often, however such energy is captured by the winners and arbiters in our "risk society" and thereby sanitized and neutralized. So it becomes necessary for artists, theorists, writers and activists to be versatile in their tactics, cryptic and evasive in their manifestations and criminally implacable in their visions.The Iron Garters are an "art gang" that masquerades, disseminates and performs as your archetypal "criminals," "outcasts" "mystics," "losers" and "lunatics": in short, a vital and necessary social surplus. Their antics have been traced back to Jean Genet's novel The Thief's Journal, the films of Kenneth Anger, as well as the Dada poems of Baroness Elsa and Hugo Ball. Yet still other Garters have been nourished on the Vienna Actionists, Genesis P-Orridge, Diamanda Galas, Gilles Deleuze, Samuel Delany, and the dulcet sounds of The Cramps. With a critical and aesthetic arsenal salvaged from underground "kulchurs" and academia's collective libido, the Iron Garters are not afraid to demand excitement along with analysis, frenzy coupled to resistance, and fashion inseparable from infiltration. Founded in San Francisco on a full moon night after a "deathpunk" show, the original members grew adversely impacted by the economic invasions reducing a once great city to a tepid monoculture. Fueled by queer, antinomian, heretical and radical traditions, the Garters pilgrimaged into various trans-continental sanctuaries and beachheads, leaving behind them radiant paper trails of provocation and sedition. This volume is one such radiant paper trail.Despite its many hiatuses, the Garters archive has grown more fertile, thanks in part to its endurance in imaginary/speculative realms. Currently, the Garters are remobilizing as a "crime art collective," with cells operating in cities most in need of "crime-art," while also re-asserting itself as an ongoing "transmedia" project. This present archive is a small fraction of the decade's worth of Garter experiments, epistles, stories and communiques. In a political epoch when risk and anxiety seem to predicate our every move, and when being poor, different, "unskilled" or "a failure" (as judged by the demigods of Profit, Fear, Reason & Security) means that you are essentially criminalized, then it becomes imperative for art (wedded to theory and style) to celebrate its own "criminal," "dangerous" and "unassimiliable" nature. So let the Garters initiate you into the mysteries that are already yours, once you rid yourself of fear, anxiety and the need to be respectable.Conceived in 2004 as a gritty mail art project called TresPassions Unlimited, the Iron Garters were established as a full-fledged "art gang" in the Bernal Heights area of San Francisco in 2010. Then almost instantly they vanished yet not before secreting reams of strange, tantalizing and vitriolic propaganda. Today, the Garters have reformed into several cells: a mail network, an inflammatory writing collective, a gaggle of art-activist instigators and a semi-fictional band of heathen outlaws. All of these groups unite and mobilize under the mantle, The Iron Garters Crime Art Collective. Prospective members should inquire for initiatory matters at:

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