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Fístules --- Malalties de l'anus --- Proctologia --- Malalties intestinals --- Anus
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Surgery --- chirurgie --- Fístules --- Malalties de l'anus --- Proctologia --- Malalties intestinals --- Anus
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Radiology. --- Internal medicine. --- Intestine, Small --- Diseases. --- Medicine, Internal --- Medicine --- Radiological physics --- Physics --- Radiation --- Malalties intestinals --- Intestí prim
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This definitive guide for healthcare professionals looks at functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and pelvic floor, as well as the treatments used within the current healthcare context. The chapters help the readers to access and understand relevant information within a variety of clinical settings and scenarios. Bowel Dysfunction - A Comprehensive Guide for Healthcare Professionals is useful to a variety of disciplines including Physicians, Nurses and Physiotherapists, who work within the field of gastrointestinal care. Written by a team of expert colorectal specialists, it presents a definitive guide to care of the patient group.
Bowel diseases --- Enteropathy --- Intestinal diseases --- Intestines --- Diseases. --- Nursing. --- Gastroenterology. --- Colon (Anatomy) --- Colorectal Surgery. --- Surgery. --- Internal medicine --- Digestive organs --- Clinical nursing --- Nurses and nursing --- Nursing process --- Care of the sick --- Medicine --- Diseases --- Gastroenterology . --- Rectum—Surgery . --- Malalties intestinals --- Tracte gastrointestinal --- Sòl pelvià --- Malalties intestinals.
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The intestine is home to diverse bacterial communities forming the microbiome that influences host nutrition, immune functions and health. DNA-based methods have been instrumental to gain insight into the microbial eukaryotic diversity of the human gut. For instance, the microbiome share the intestinal ecosystem with a population of uni- and multi-cellular eukaryotic organisms. These eukaryotic organisms are very common and often very abundant in individuals with intestinal healthy conditions as well as those with intestinal diseases. The impact of the relationship between bacterial and eukaryotic organisms within the intestinal ecosystem on homeostasis and intestinal diseases is limited and can be considered an important emerging field of research. In addition, the factors that differentiate pathogenic eukaryotes from commensals are still unknown. Our interest focuses on the families of eukaryotic microbes inhabiting the intestine, called “intestinal eukaryome”, that include fungi, protists and helminths. All these organisms and their interplay with bacteria and the human immune system are a challenge to assess the impact (present and future) of intestinal infectious diseases on public health. This book presents an overview of the science presented and discussed in the First Eukaryome Congress, held from October 16th to 18th, 2019 at Pasteur Institute in Paris, France. This contributed volume is of special interest for PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, researchers and clinicians interested in the effect of the eukaryotic microbiome on human health.
Eukaryotic cells --- Medical microbiology. --- Parasitology. --- Microbiology. --- Molecular biology. --- Medical Microbiology. --- Eukaryotic Microbiology. --- Molecular Medicine. --- Molecular biochemistry --- Molecular biophysics --- Biochemistry --- Biophysics --- Biomolecules --- Systems biology --- Microbial biology --- Biology --- Microorganisms --- Protists --- Cèl·lules eucariotes --- Malalties intestinals --- Enteropatia --- Enteropaties --- Malalties dels intestins --- Malalties de l'aparell digestiu --- Diarrea --- Disenteria --- Malalties de l'anus --- Malalties del còlon --- Malalties del recte --- Obstrucció intestinal --- Restrenyiment --- Cèl·lules --- Cèl·lules animals --- Eucariotes --- Protists eucariotes --- Protozous --- Malalties intestinals.
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Intestines --- Gastrointestinal Microbiome --- Gastrointestinal Diseases --- Gastrointestinal Tract --- Intestins --- Microbiology --- Diseases --- microbiology --- Microbiologie --- Maladies --- Microbiologie. --- Bowel diseases --- Enteropathy --- Intestinal diseases --- Gastric Microbiome --- Gastrointestinal Flora --- Gastrointestinal Microbial Community --- Gastrointestinal Microbiota --- Gastrointestinal Microflora --- Gut Flora --- Gut Microbiome --- Gut Microbiota --- Gut Microflora --- Intestinal Flora --- Intestinal Microbiome --- Intestinal Microbiota --- Intestinal Microflora --- Enteric Bacteria --- Bacteria, Enteric --- Flora, Gastrointestinal --- Flora, Gut --- Flora, Intestinal --- Gastric Microbiomes --- Gastrointestinal Microbial Communities --- Gastrointestinal Microbiomes --- Gastrointestinal Microbiotas --- Gut Microbiomes --- Gut Microbiotas --- Intestinal Microbiomes --- Intestinal Microbiotas --- Microbial Community, Gastrointestinal --- Microbiome, Gastric --- Microbiome, Gastrointestinal --- Microbiome, Gut --- Microbiome, Intestinal --- Microbiota, Gastrointestinal --- Microbiota, Gut --- Microbiota, Intestinal --- Microflora, Gastrointestinal --- Microflora, Gut --- Microflora, Intestinal --- Abdomen --- Gastrointestinal system --- Bacteriology --- Microbiologia --- Malalties intestinals --- Intestins. --- Microbiologia. --- Malalties intestinals. --- Gastrointestinal Microbiome. --- microbiology. --- Diseases. --- Microbiology.
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This book aims to introduce the latest research in gut microbiota by systematically summarizing how it modulates the pathogenesis of organ injury including alimentary tract injury, liver injury, lung injury, brain injury, renal injury, heart and vascular injury, endocrine disorders, immune responses and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) during sepsis. Gut microbiota which is recognized as a new “organ” in the body has been demonstrated to be able to regulate the homeostasis of many organs. The key role played by gut microbiota is the hotspot in biomedical research nowadays. This book provides a state-of-the-art report on recent discoveries regarding the novel insight into the mechanisms of human diseases progression. It will also offer the overall picture of the pathophysiologic roles of gut microbiota. This book is helpful for graduate students and professional researchers to get the knowledge of frontiers in both gut microbiota and organ injury.
Gastrointestinal system --- Prebiotics --- Probiotics --- Microbiology. --- Medical microbiology. --- Human physiology. --- Molecular biology. --- Medical Microbiology. --- Human Physiology. --- Molecular Medicine. --- Molecular biochemistry --- Molecular biophysics --- Biochemistry --- Biophysics --- Biomolecules --- Systems biology --- Human biology --- Medical sciences --- Physiology --- Human body --- Microbiota intestinal --- Malalties intestinals --- Enteropatia --- Enteropaties --- Malalties dels intestins --- Malalties de l'aparell digestiu --- Diarrea --- Disenteria --- Malalties de l'anus --- Malalties del còlon --- Malalties del recte --- Obstrucció intestinal --- Restrenyiment --- Flora gastrointestinal --- Flora intestinal --- Flora microbiana intestinal --- Microbioma gastrointestinal --- Microbioma intestinal --- Microbiota gastrointestinal --- Microflora gastrointestinal --- Microflora intestinal --- Microbiota
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This is the first comprehensive book exclusively dedicated to anorectal physiology and the importance of diagnostic tools in guiding the evaluation and treatment of anorectal dysfunction. Functional disorders, and specifically fecal incontinence and evacuatory disorders, are prevalent in the general population, affecting up to 20% of individuals. As many of these conditions have extremely complex mechanisms, a thorough understanding of anorectal physiology is a crucial element in the surgeon’s “arsenal" to ensure accurate evaluation and to inform treatment. At this time, there is no other title that specifically addresses all aspects of anorectal physiology, as well as anorectal and pelvic floor disorders, including fecal incontinence and defecation disorders. Specifically, the book provides detailed descriptions of diagnostic methods and treatment algorithms for a range of anorectal conditions, including modern treatment modalities such as sacral neuromodulation. A unique and comprehensive reference covering all aspects of the evaluation and treatment of anorectal disorders, Anorectal Physiology – A Clinical and Surgical Perspective will be of significant interest to proctologists and coloproctologists, gastroenterologists, colorectal surgeons, gynecologists and all other professionals interested in anorectal physiology. .
Proctology. --- Rectum—Surgery . --- Gynecology . --- Human physiology. --- Gastroenterology . --- Colorectal Surgery. --- Gynecology. --- Human Physiology. --- Gastroenterology. --- Internal medicine --- Digestive organs --- Human biology --- Medical sciences --- Physiology --- Human body --- Gynaecology --- Medicine --- Generative organs, Female --- Gastroenterology --- Diseases --- Rectum --- Anus --- Diseases. --- Surgery. --- Proctology --- Recte --- Fisiologia humana --- Malalties del còlon --- Cirurgia colorectal --- Proctologia --- Cirurgia de colon, recte i anus --- Cirurgia del tub digestiu baix --- Cirurgia enterorectoanal --- Cirurgia --- Colostomia --- Còlon --- Colopaties --- Malalties intestinals --- Colitis --- Síndrome de l'intestí irritable --- Biologia humana --- Ciències de la salut --- Fisiologia --- Mecànica humana --- Reproducció humana --- Cos humà --- Coloproctologia --- Gastroenterologia --- Malalties de l'anus --- Malalties del recte --- Colorecte --- Intestí gros --- Colon (Anatomy) --- Malalties del còlon.
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This book uses new thinking on precision medicine and the interplay of genetic factors, the microbiome, and external triggers to build on the core concepts of inflammatory bowel disease. It outlines the latest findings in targeting therapies to the individual patient with Crohn’s and colitis, management of chronic infections in the setting of immunomodulators and biologics, non-surgical therapy of dysplasia in colitis patients, and redefining and structuring the problematic pouch. In addition, this book features useful chapters dedicated to the economic aspects of IBD in an increasingly constrained healthcare system, as well as the patient experience and the role of subspecialist telemedicine care. Written by specialists and thought leaders in the field, Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Management provides a concise but highly relevant account of the latest thinking and concepts in IBD.
Inflammatory bowel diseases --- Pathogenesis. --- Diagnosis. --- IBD (Disease) --- Inflammatory bowel disease --- Intestines --- Gastroenteritis --- Inflammation --- Malalties intestinals --- Etiologia --- Diagnòstic --- Terapèutica --- Teràpia --- Tractament (Medicina) --- Tractament de les malalties --- Medicina clínica --- Al·lopatia (Terapèutica) --- Antipirètics --- Cateterisme --- Dietoteràpia --- Fisioteràpia --- Fórmules magistrals --- Hormonoteràpia --- Immunoteràpia --- Injeccions intraarticulars --- Intubació --- Ioga --- Logopèdia --- Medicina alternativa --- Nutrició --- Quimioteràpia --- Radiologia intervencionista --- Terapèutica dental --- Terapèutica fisiològica --- Teràpia genètica --- Teràpia intravenosa --- Teràpia respiratòria --- Terapèutica veterinària --- Tractament pal·liatiu --- Ús terapèutic --- Diagnosi --- Diagnòstic físic --- Examen mèdic (Diagnòstic) --- Exploració médica (Diagnòstic) --- Exploració clínica (Diagnòstic) --- Cribratge --- Diagnòstic d'infermeria --- Diagnòstic diferencial --- Diagnòstic dual --- Diagnòstic molecular --- Diagnòstic prenatal --- Diagnòstic quirúrgic --- Diagnòstic per la imatge --- Electrodiagnòstic --- Entrevista clínica --- Examen físic --- Isòtops radioactius en diagnòstic mèdic --- Monitoratge de pacients --- Proves funcionals (Medicina) --- Patologia --- Pronòstic mèdic --- Símptomes --- Causes de les malalties --- Diagnòstics etiològics --- Etiologia mèdica --- Patogènesi --- Accidents --- Infeccions --- Traumatisme --- Factors de risc en les malalties --- Enteropatia --- Enteropaties --- Malalties dels intestins --- Malalties de l'aparell digestiu --- Diarrea --- Disenteria --- Malalties de l'anus --- Malalties del còlon --- Malalties del recte --- Obstrucció intestinal --- Restrenyiment --- Internal medicine. --- Internal Medicine. --- Medicine, Internal --- Medicine --- Malalties intestinals.
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