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The Myanmar Economic Monitor (MEM) periodically takes stock of economic developments anddiscusses economic prospects and policy priorities in Myanmar. The MEM draws on available datareported by the Government of Myanmar and additional information collected as part of the WorldBank Group's regular economic monitoring and policy dialogue. The government has carefully navigated a difficult economic and security environment in its first six months in office. In early April 2016, the economy was still recovering from a flood induced supply shock, which, together with low commodity prices, contributed to widening current account and fiscal deficits. In response the government has taken steps to try and maintain fiscal prudence, which have helped ease pressure on monetary growth and import demand.
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Agriculture occupies a key position in the Kazakhstan economy. Although accounting for only 5 percent of GDP, agriculture continues to employ almost one third of the population. Studies of agriculture in Kazakhstan confirm significant un-tapped productive and export potential for the sector. Accordingly, agriculture and the related industries have become a major priority in the Government's initiatives for promoting economic development and diversification, including the 30 Corporate Leaders program and the Industrial Map of Kazakhstan. Improving the impact of budgetary policies in agriculture represents a key objective for the successful transformation of the sector. This includes both increasing the efficiency of existing expenditures and restructuring those expenditures with the goal of enhancing productivity and competiveness. This is therefore, an opportune time for critical review of budgetary expenditures and policies in agriculture.
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Linkages between the real and financial sectors in an economy can lead to a buildup of balance sheet mismatches of key entities-corporates, financial institutions, households, and the public sector. Once such imbalances have built up, they can make the economy vulnerable to macroeconomic shocks, whether external or domestic in origin. This paper discusses the key mismatches that can make entities vulnerable to shocks and how such vulnerability can build up during the business cycle. Against this backdrop, the paper then discusses a framework and potential indicators that may be useful to monitor such developments. These indicators are being developed as part of the MFM macro-financial monitoring effort. The paper is organized as follows. Section two provides a brief discussion of the risks associated with these different balance sheet mismatches. Section three discusses how positive shocks in the real sector-such as an upturn in domestic business cycles (which in turn are often instigated or accompanied by external developments such as capital inflows)-can interact with the financial sector and lead to a build-up of balance sheet mismatches. Section four then describes how, once such vulnerability has been built up, a negative shock can lead to a downward spiral of credit contraction and economic downturns. Finally, section five discusses a possible set of indicators for measuring the buildup of vulnerability.
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This edition of the Tajikistan Country Economic Update (CEU) is part of a semi-annual series designed to monitor socio-economic developments in Tajikistan. In the first half of 2017, total investment was down by over seventeen percent year on year. However, investment picked up markedly in the third quarter, resulting in a year-on-year increase of twenty two percent compared to the first nine months of 2016. This report presents an analysis of political, economic and social developments, as well as the progress of and challenges with the implementation of structural reforms in 2017. It also includes a special section highlighting the key fiscal management challenges in Tajikistan.
Economic Forecasting --- Economic Growth --- Fiscal and Monetary Policy --- Macroeconomic Management --- Macroeconomics and Economic Growth --- Poverty Reduction
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Mines represent Mongolia's present, while minds - broadly defined to include people and institutions - are its future. Current policies are excessively focused on preserving the mining-driven prosperity at the risk of future stagnation. Such complacency is ill-timed when climate change concerns and the COVID-19 shock require an acceleration of structural transformation. Mongolia faces deep-rooted, interrelated challenges: macroeconomic policy mistakes have amplified external shocks, an oligopolistic ownership structure and limited competition have led firms to become more inward-looking and less inclined to innovate, and gross underutilization of human capital - evident by an unprecedented exodus of young and educated workers to foreign countries - has eroded the foundation of a diversified economy.
Education --- Education For All --- Energy --- Human Capital --- Macroeconomic Management --- Macroeconomics and Economic Growth --- Mining --- Poverty Reduction
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This paper provides an assessment of India's inflation-targeting regime. It shows that the Reserve Bank of India is best characterized as a flexible inflation targeter: contrary to criticism, it does not neglect changes in the output gap when setting policy rates. The paper does not find that the Reserve Bank of India became more hawkish following the transition to inflation-targeting; to the contrary, adjusting for inflation and the output gap, policy rates became lower, not higher. Some evidence suggests that inflation has become better anchored: increases in actual inflation do less to excite inflation expectations, indicative of improved anti-inflation credibility. The question is whether the shift to inflation-targeting has enhanced the credibility of monetary policy such that the Reserve Bank of India is in a position to take extraordinary action in response to the Covid-19 crisis. The paper argues that the rules and understandings governing inflation-targeting regimes come with escape clauses allowing central banks to shelve their inflation targets temporarily, under specific circumstances satisfied by the Covid-19 pandemic. The paper provides evidence that inflation-targeting central banks were able to respond more forcefully to the Covid-19 crisis, consistent with the idea that inflation expectations were better anchored, providing more policy room for maneuver.
Currencies and Exchange Rates --- Exchange Rate --- Fiscal and Monetary Policy --- Inflation --- Macroeconomic Management --- Monetary Policy
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In the years leading to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Liberia's economic performance was already weak. Since 2014 a series of severe shocks stopped in its track the growth momentum that had been spurred by the Accra Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 2003. The economy was buffeted by the devastating Ebola outbreak, a collapse in iron ore and rubber prices, and the drawdown of United Nations peacekeeping forces. Monetary and exchange rate policy remained tight in 2020, with the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) exercising caution in view of uncertainties about the economic impact from Coronavirus (COVID-19). The cash shortages have made headlines and prompted the CBL to provide explanations. Fiscal space can be increased by improving the efficiency of current expenditure. The government needs first and foremost to reduce the very high level of current spending and strengthen domestic revenue mobilization to generate savings for public investments financing. Liberia should remain prudent on external borrowing in its quest to meet the large investment required by the Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD). Finally, Liberia should improve the efficiency of its public investment through better planning, project preparation and management, and better alignment with PAPD priorities.
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The DSA concludes that Tuvalu remains at a high risk of debt distress, in line with the 2016 DSA conclusion. External debt has breached several thresholds as of 2017, including for the present value of debt-to-GDP. Risks to debt sustainability remain high due to elevated current spending, a projected decline in fishing revenue and grants, and risks of natural disasters. A persistent fiscal deficit is projected to deplete fiscal buffers and cause the present value of debt-to-GDP to breach its indicative threshold in the long run. This underscores the importance of containing the fiscal deficit and maintaining buffers.
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Dominica continues to be at high risk of debt distress. However, hurricane Maria in September 2017 caused severe social hardship and deterioration of fiscal and external balances, weakening sustainability. In addition, Dominica's debt carrying capacity as measured by the three-year CPIA average declined. Thus, setting public and publicly guaranteed total and external debt on a declining path would require prudent and efficient fiscal policies that safeguard fiscal space for social relief and reconstruction investment. A fiscal consolidation plan is needed after recovery takes hold to sustain reconstruction investment. Donor grant mobilization is key to minimize the debt burden. Main risks to the debt sustainability outlook include sudden stop in citizenship-by-investment (CBI) program revenues, financial instability from weakened balance sheets, and recurrent natural disasters.
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This paper examines the patterns of growth of Poland, and its transition into high-income status over the past two decades from a macro and micro perspective. It benchmarks Polish performance with that observed in established high-income countries, and with that of others that have been trapped in middle--income levels and examines the role that integration into the EU had on growth. The analysis reveals, first, that Poland's growth process has been accompanied by a process of diversification of assets, including institutions, physical and human capital. Second, that the progressive integration into the EU bloc boosted growth and productivity because of three keyfactors: (i) increased openness to trade, investment and talent, (ii) increased domestic competition, and regulatory harmonization with EU, (iii) increased certainty in reforms, through a commitment to EU-institutions. Third, that for full convergence to high-income levels, Polish firms need to increase their innovative capacities. The paper extracts lessons applicable to other economies trapped in middle-income levels, as well as to Poland itself to consolidate growth looking forward.
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