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Understanding Extreme Sports: A Psychological Perspective
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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Extreme sports, those activities that lie on the outermost edges of independent adventurous leisure activities, where a mismanaged mistake or accident would most likely result in death, have developed into a significant worldwide phenomenon (Brymer& Schweitzer, 2017a). Extreme sport activities are continually evolving, typical examples include BASE (an acronym for Buildings, Antennae, Span, Earth) jumping and related activities such as proximity flying, extreme skiing, big wave surfing, waterfall kayaking, rope free solo climbing and high-level mountaineering. While participant numbers in many traditional team and individual sports such as golf, basketball and racket sports have declined over the last decade or so, participant numbers in so called extreme sports have surged. Although extreme sports are still assumed to be a Western pastime, there has been considerable Global uptake. Equally, the idea that adventure sports are only for the young is also changing as participation rates across the generations are growing. For example, baby boomers are enthusiastic participants of adventure sports more generally (Brymer & Schweitzer, 2017b; Patterson, 2002) and Generation Z turn to extreme sports because hey are popular and linked to escapism (Giannoulakis & Pursglove, 2017) . Arguably, extreme sports now support a multi-billion dollar industry and the momentum seems to be intensifying. Traditional explanations for why extreme sports have become so popular are varied. For some, the popularity is explained as the desire to rebel against a society that is becoming too risk averse, for others it is about the spectacle and the merchandise that is associated with organised activities and athletes. For others it is just that there are a lot of people attracted by risk and danger or just want to show off. For others still it is about the desire to belong to sub-cultures and the glamour that goes with extreme sports. Some seek mastery in their chosen activity and in situations of significant challenges. This confusion is unfortunate as despite their popularity there is still a negative perception about extreme sports participation. There is a pressing need for clarity. The dominant research perspective has focused on positivist theory-driven perspectives that attempt to match extreme sports against predetermined characteristics. For the most part empirical research has conformed to predetermined societal perspectives. Other ways of knowing might reveal more nuanced perspectives of the human dimension of extreme sport participation. This special edition brings together cutting-edge research and thought examining psychology and extreme sports, with particular attention payed to the examination of motivations for initial participation, continue participation, effective performance, and outcomes from participation.

Analyse de la presse écrite en matière de démotivation et d'insatisfaction au travail
Authors: ---
Year: 2003 Publisher: Liège : Université de Liège [ULg], Faculté d'économie, de gestion et de sciences sociales [E.G.S.S.],

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The importance of a multichannel marketing strategy for an online information business
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Thanks to the advance of technology and the Internet, a new type of business emerged, online information businesses. Due to the relative recency and rapid propagation of this new business, next to no literature is available on the subject. This study aims to test several theories from the literature on multichannel marketing and find out if they apply to online information businesses. Through surveying 188 online information consumers and 226 online information businesses, we identify the gap between the literature and current practice. Moreover, some unforeseen but interesting elements arose from the result analysis.

De salarié à entrepreneur social : quelles sont les motivations à se lancer dans une telle démarche ?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The purpose of this thesis consists in highlighting the motivations that encourage individuals to start on the path of social entrepreneurship. We noticed that, nowadays, people want to experiment a lot of different jobs. Indeed, on average, the actual generation moves and changes of occupation every three or five years.&#13;To get a better understanding of our reflexion, this thesis is built in three parts. First, in the entire population, we look at individuals who want to change their work-life and leave their job to find another one which better matches their values. Then, we focus our analysis on people who move towards entrepreneurship. Finally, we only take into account individuals who have become social entrepreneurs.&#13;This study is carried through a qualitative method based on “life story theory” and on the professional careers of eight social entrepreneurs.&#13;Four conclusions are exposed in this work: motivations are considered as causes or consequences, motivations are based on personal or social interest, motivations are influenced by external factors which ease the creation and motivations need maturity to be effective.&#13;This master thesis does not bring up new theories but make a summary of existing theories on the subject of social entrepreneurs’ motivations and makes a comparison between these theories and the results analysed in the practical part.&#13;Social entrepreneurship is the new trend of the last years and our work wants to bring to the fore this concept and maybe give the motivation to other people to join the procedure.

Motivations du bénévolat au sein des coopératives de consommateurs - Analyse à l'intérieur du secteur alimentaire en Communauté française
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This master's thesis, entitled "Motivations for volunteering in consumer cooperatives. Analysis within the food sector in the French Community", analyses the motivations of volunteers involved in food consumer cooperatives in the French Community.&#13;The purpose of the paper is to compare what the literature knows about volunteer motivations to a field study of 14 volunteers from 8 different cooperatives. These interviews were conducted during May and June 2019 at the office of each cooperative. &#13;First, this study examines the literature on cooperatives in order to understand the initial context for gradually explaining social economy cooperatives. It further focuses on consumer cooperatives. Then, research on volunteering, its origin and evolution, was carried out to link volunteering to cooperatives. In a second step, an interview guide was created to lead a qualitative study with volunteers involved in consumer cooperatives to understand their motivations to volunteer. The 14 interviews were all transcribed. Then a thematic analysis of the interview transcripts was carried out and allowed us to find several points of similar motivations between the interviewees. A presentation of the results could be made in the form of different motivational themes. Subsequently, we achieved a comparative analysis between the motivations of volunteers to get involved according to theory and practice. We found motivations similar to the theory but also we identified “new” motivations that have added value to this work. The motivations that we found in the theory are: assistance in socio-professional reintegration, employment opportunity, the gift of time, access to a low food margin, relational skills and being a consumer actor. The "new" motivations we came upon are sociocracy and horizontal management as well as the gift of time that can be interpreted differently from that explained in the validated motivations of the theory. We end this work by suggesting a recommendation to this volunteer cooperative system so that they can continue to progress and we encourage many cooperatives to operate in such a way.We hope that the results of our work will open doors to new views on volunteering and to new approaches that need to be analyzed and confirmed on larger samples. We wanted to take a photo just now in 2019 but we are aware that we are at the dawn of a great societal upheaval that will certainly develop in the coming years, where new motivations will appear and where existing ones will take different developments.

Travail de fin d'études[BR]- Travail de fin d'études: "Quels sont les mobiles spécifiques qui animent les enquêteurs mœurs au début et durant leur carrière et quelles sont les problématiques liées à leurs missions ayant un impact sur leur motivation ? Étude qualitative exploratoire menée sur les enquêteurs mœurs au sein de la police judiciaire locale et fédérale."[BR]- Séminaire d'accompagnement à l'écriture
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Par le prisme de la socialisation professionnelle des policiers, la présente étude a pour but de répondre à la question suivante : « Quels sont les mobiles spécifiques qui animent les enquêteurs mœurs au début et durant leur carrière et quelles sont les problématiques liées à leurs missions ayant un impact sur leur motivation ? » Cette étude tentera d’y répondre au travers d’une recherche qualitative exploratoire sous la forme d’entretiens semi-directifs et en ayant recours à l’analyse thématique. Notre échantillon de type boule de neige est composé de neuf enquêteurs travaillant dans la matière des mœurs depuis plus de deux ans dans un service de police judiciaire fédéral ou local. L’analyse des résultats met en évidence la place centrale de l’aspect humain dans la pratique du métier aussi bien dans les réponses sur les motivations que dans les réponses sur les problématiques. En effet, l’étude montre que ces policiers sont mus par un sentiment d’utilité, une volonté de comprendre et une volonté de s’investir correspondant aux motivations de dévouement décrites par la littérature scientifique. Ces motivations sont cependant mises à mal par une importante charge émotionnelle liée au contenu des dossiers et par une charge supplémentaire liée à la manière de travailler. Ces charges les obligent à établir des mécanismes de défense tels qu’un renforcement de l’esprit d’équipe, l’expression de ses limites, la pratique d’un humour noir et d’autres stratégies individuelles. Cette étude contribue à une meilleure compréhension de la socialisation professionnelle des enquêteurs mœurs.

Travail de fin d'études[BR]- Travail de fin d'études: "Les différentes motivations à consommer du cannabis dans un échantillon de jeunes âgés de 15 à 25 ans selon le risque associé aux habitudes de consommation."[BR]- Séminaire d'accompagnement à l'écriture
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Contexte : compte tenu des tendances à la hausse de la consommation du cannabis, il est important de comprendre les motivations qui poussent les jeunes à en consommer afin de pouvoir réaliser de nouvelles stratégies de prévention et d'intervention.&#13;Méthode : la présente étude va chercher à explorer les différentes motivations de consommation de cannabis chez les jeunes selon le risque associé aux habitudes de consommation de cannabis. Pour se faire, un échantillon de 104 consommateurs âgés de 15 à 25 ans a été soumis à un questionnaire sociodémographique et à deux questionnaires préalablement validés, l’un permettant de dépister l'abus de cannabis (CAST) tandis que l’autre permettait de découvrir les principales raisons de consommer (CMMQ).&#13;Résultat : cette recherche a permis d’identifier les principales motivations des jeunes qui poussent à consommer du cannabis en fonction de leur profil de risque.&#13;Conclusion : cette étude ouvre des perspectives concernant l’objet de sa recherche et à son questionnement. Cependant, elle peut fournir des indications pour améliorer la prévention et donne ainsi des pistes pour des études futurs.

Understanding Extreme Sports: A Psychological Perspective
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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Extreme sports, those activities that lie on the outermost edges of independent adventurous leisure activities, where a mismanaged mistake or accident would most likely result in death, have developed into a significant worldwide phenomenon (Brymer& Schweitzer, 2017a). Extreme sport activities are continually evolving, typical examples include BASE (an acronym for Buildings, Antennae, Span, Earth) jumping and related activities such as proximity flying, extreme skiing, big wave surfing, waterfall kayaking, rope free solo climbing and high-level mountaineering. While participant numbers in many traditional team and individual sports such as golf, basketball and racket sports have declined over the last decade or so, participant numbers in so called extreme sports have surged. Although extreme sports are still assumed to be a Western pastime, there has been considerable Global uptake. Equally, the idea that adventure sports are only for the young is also changing as participation rates across the generations are growing. For example, baby boomers are enthusiastic participants of adventure sports more generally (Brymer & Schweitzer, 2017b; Patterson, 2002) and Generation Z turn to extreme sports because hey are popular and linked to escapism (Giannoulakis & Pursglove, 2017) . Arguably, extreme sports now support a multi-billion dollar industry and the momentum seems to be intensifying. Traditional explanations for why extreme sports have become so popular are varied. For some, the popularity is explained as the desire to rebel against a society that is becoming too risk averse, for others it is about the spectacle and the merchandise that is associated with organised activities and athletes. For others it is just that there are a lot of people attracted by risk and danger or just want to show off. For others still it is about the desire to belong to sub-cultures and the glamour that goes with extreme sports. Some seek mastery in their chosen activity and in situations of significant challenges. This confusion is unfortunate as despite their popularity there is still a negative perception about extreme sports participation. There is a pressing need for clarity. The dominant research perspective has focused on positivist theory-driven perspectives that attempt to match extreme sports against predetermined characteristics. For the most part empirical research has conformed to predetermined societal perspectives. Other ways of knowing might reveal more nuanced perspectives of the human dimension of extreme sport participation. This special edition brings together cutting-edge research and thought examining psychology and extreme sports, with particular attention payed to the examination of motivations for initial participation, continue participation, effective performance, and outcomes from participation.

Crimes of Dissent
ISBN: 0814753477 9780814753477 9780814752265 0814752268 9780814752272 0814752276 9780814752494 0814752497 Year: 2009 Publisher: New York, NY

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From animal rights to anti-abortion, from tax resistance to anti-poverty, activists from across the political spectrum often deliberately break the law to further their causes. While not behaviors common to hardened or self-seeking criminals, the staging of civil disobedience, non-violent resistance, and direct action can nevertheless trigger a harsh response from law enforcement, with those arrested risking jail time and criminal records. Crimes of Dissent features the voices of these activists, presenting a fascinating insider’s look at the motivations, costs and consequences of deliberately violating the law as a strategy of social change.Crimes of Dissent provides readers with an in-depth understanding of why activists break the law, and what happens to them when they do. Using dynamic examples, both historic and recent, Jarret Lovell explores how seasoned protesters are handled and treated by the criminal justice system, shedding light on the intersection between the political and the criminal. By adopting the unique vantage of the street-level activist, Crimes of Dissent provides a fascinating view of protest from the ground, giving voice to those who refuse to remain silent by risking punishment for their political actions.

Understanding Extreme Sports: A Psychological Perspective
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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Extreme sports, those activities that lie on the outermost edges of independent adventurous leisure activities, where a mismanaged mistake or accident would most likely result in death, have developed into a significant worldwide phenomenon (Brymer& Schweitzer, 2017a). Extreme sport activities are continually evolving, typical examples include BASE (an acronym for Buildings, Antennae, Span, Earth) jumping and related activities such as proximity flying, extreme skiing, big wave surfing, waterfall kayaking, rope free solo climbing and high-level mountaineering. While participant numbers in many traditional team and individual sports such as golf, basketball and racket sports have declined over the last decade or so, participant numbers in so called extreme sports have surged. Although extreme sports are still assumed to be a Western pastime, there has been considerable Global uptake. Equally, the idea that adventure sports are only for the young is also changing as participation rates across the generations are growing. For example, baby boomers are enthusiastic participants of adventure sports more generally (Brymer & Schweitzer, 2017b; Patterson, 2002) and Generation Z turn to extreme sports because hey are popular and linked to escapism (Giannoulakis & Pursglove, 2017) . Arguably, extreme sports now support a multi-billion dollar industry and the momentum seems to be intensifying. Traditional explanations for why extreme sports have become so popular are varied. For some, the popularity is explained as the desire to rebel against a society that is becoming too risk averse, for others it is about the spectacle and the merchandise that is associated with organised activities and athletes. For others it is just that there are a lot of people attracted by risk and danger or just want to show off. For others still it is about the desire to belong to sub-cultures and the glamour that goes with extreme sports. Some seek mastery in their chosen activity and in situations of significant challenges. This confusion is unfortunate as despite their popularity there is still a negative perception about extreme sports participation. There is a pressing need for clarity. The dominant research perspective has focused on positivist theory-driven perspectives that attempt to match extreme sports against predetermined characteristics. For the most part empirical research has conformed to predetermined societal perspectives. Other ways of knowing might reveal more nuanced perspectives of the human dimension of extreme sport participation. This special edition brings together cutting-edge research and thought examining psychology and extreme sports, with particular attention payed to the examination of motivations for initial participation, continue participation, effective performance, and outcomes from participation.

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