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Mentale und physische Gesundheit im Alter : Der Einfluss von Armut, Einkommensungleichheit und Vermögensungleichheit
ISBN: 3966659875 3966650126 Year: 2020 Publisher: Leverkusen Budrich Academic Press

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Wie wirken sich Veränderungen in der finanziellen Lage auf verschiedene Dimensionen der Gesundheit im Alter aus? In empirischen Analysen mit Längsschnittdaten des Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) untersucht der Autor verschiedene Dimensionen der Gesundheit: Depression, subjektive Gesundheit und körperliche Einschränkungen. Zudem werden die Einflüsse von Einkommens- und Vermögensungleichheit in der Gesellschaft auf die individuelle Gesundheit erforscht. How is the financial situation of a person linked to their health in old age? Empirical analyses using longitudinal data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) examine various dimensions of health: depression, subjective health and physical limitations. In addition, the influences of income and wealth inequality in society on individual health are investigated.

Fit fürs Klassenzimmer : Konzeption und Evaluation eines Resilienzförderungsprogramms für Lehramtsstudierende
ISBN: 378155791X 3781523519 Year: 2019 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn Verlag Julius Klinkhardt

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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das Programm RefueL zur Förderung der Resilienz von Lehramtsstudierenden im Vorfeld des Praxissemesters entwickelt und positiv evaluiert. Mit dem Programm wurde die fachliche und didaktische Berufsvorbereitung angehender Lehrkräfte während ihres Studiums um ein Angebot zur Ausbildung der psychischen und sozialen Widerstandsfähigkeit ergänzt. Das erarbeitete Programm besteht aus fünf Modulen zu den Themen Resilienz im Lehrkontext, soziale Beziehungen gestalten, Wohlbefinden, Ziele setzen und Probleme lösen sowie Emotionen regulieren. Diese Module enthalten vielfältige praktische Übungen zur Resilienzförderung und werden im face-to-face-Setting realisiert. Für die Evaluation wurde ein längsschnittliches Kontrollgruppen-Design gewählt. Es wurden u.a. hierarchische Regressionen gerechnet. Das Programm erwies sich auf vier verschiedenen Evaluationslevels als wirksam. Maßgeblich zeigte sich, dass Teilnehmende nach dem Praxissemester unter Kontrolle der Ausgangswerte eine geringere Burnout-Symptomatik, mehr positiven Affekt und eine höhere lehrbezogene Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung aufwiesen als Studierende der Kontrollgruppe. Die Studienergebnisse sprechen dafür, Resilienzförderungsprogramme an Universitäten mit Praxissemester im Curriculum zu verankern und so zur Professionalisierung angehender Lehrkräfte beizutragen.


Berufsvorbereitung --- resilienz --- soziale und psychische Widerstandsfähigkeit --- Refuel --- Burn-out --- empirische Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung. --- Lehramtsstudierende --- Praxissemester --- Hochschullehre; Lehrer; Lehramtsstudent; Lehrerausbildung; Professionalisierung; Resilienz; Praxissemester; Widerstandsfähigkeit; Stress; Psychische Belastung; Prävention; Burnout-Syndrom; Wohlbefinden; Selbstreflexion; Selbstregulation; Stressbewältigung; Längsschnittuntersuchung; Evaluation; Fragebogenerhebung; Higher education lecturing; University lecturing; University teaching; Teacher; Student teachers; Teacher education; Teacher training; Professionalization; Practical semester; Semester practical training; Robustness (Statistics); Psychophysical stress; Stress (Psychological); Mental stress; Prevention; Teacher burnout; Well being; Well-being; Self-reflexion; Stress management; Longitudinal analysis; Longitudinal study; Questionnaire survey; Practice --- Hochschullehre; Lehrer; Lehramtsstudent; Lehrerausbildung; Professionalisierung; Resilienz; Praxissemester; Widerstandsfähigkeit; Stress; Psychische Belastung; Prävention; Burnout-Syndrome; Wohlbefinden; Selbstreflexion; Selbstregulation; Stressbewältigung; Längsschnittuntersuchung; Evaluation; Fragebogenerhebung; Higher education lecturing; University lecturing; University teaching; Teacher; Student teachers; Teacher education; Teacher training; Professionalization; Practical semester; Semester practical training; Robustness (Statistics); Psychophysical stress; Stress (Psychological); Mental stress; Prevention; Teacher burnout; Well being; Well-being; Self-reflexion; Stress management; Longitudinal analysis; Longitudinal study; Questionnaire survey; Practice

Innovative Geo-Information Tools for Governance
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ISBN: 3039213385 3039213377 Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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In current times, highly complex and urgent policy problems—e.g., climate change, rapid urbanization, equitable access to key services, land rights, and massive human resettlement—challenge citizens, NGOs, private corporations, and governments at all levels. These policy problems, often called ‘wicked’, involve multiple causal factors, anticipated and unanticipated effects, as well as high levels of disagreement among stakeholders about the nature of the problem and the appropriateness of solutions. Given the wickedness of such policy problems, interdisciplinary and longitudinal research is required, integrating and harnessing the diverse skills and knowledge of urban planners, anthropologists, geographers, geo-information scientists, economists, and others. This Special Issue promotes innovative concepts, methods, and tools, as well as the role of geo-information, to help (1) analyze alternative policy solutions, (2) facilitate stakeholder dialogue, and (3) explore possibilities for tackling wicked problems related to climate change, rapid urbanization, equitable access to key services (such as water and health), land rights, and human resettlements in high-, middle-, and low-income countries in the North and South. Such integrative approaches can deepen our understanding of how different levels of government and governance reach consensus, despite diverging beliefs and preferences. Due to the particularly complex spatiotemporal characteristics of wicked policy problems, innovative concepts, alternative methods, and new geo-information tools play a significant role.

Konjunktives Erfahrungswissen Lehramtsstudierender zu Inklusion
ISBN: 3781559688 3781525287 Year: 2022 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn Verlag Julius Klinkhardt

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The realization of inclusion in schools makes a significant contribution to the development towards an inclusive society (cf. Lütje-Klose et al. 2018a, p. 9), as social practices are not only reproduced in schools, but also newly produced. These practices are carried on in extra- and postschool fields of action (cf. Sturm 2018b, p. 251; Powell 2016, p. 681; Budde 2012, p. 530ff.). Although the introduction of inclusion confronts the entire multi-level system of schools with the task of critically questioning existing structures, concepts, and practices and working on them in an inclusion-oriented manner (cf. Lindmeier & Lütje-Klose 2019, p. 590), the requirements in the field of action of teachers are becoming more complex. Teachers are not only responsible on the meso and micro level of the school system, but also interactively involved in the (re)production of social practices in the school practice (cf. Sturm 2018, p. 254ff.). It is up to teacher education to prepare student teachers to accept the challenge of school inclusion and to adapt traditional educational structures and contents in an inclusion-oriented way. The dissertation aims at reconstructing the knowledge that students of different teacher training programs have about inclusion-related subjunctive experiences during their studies. For this purpose, group discussions with students of special education and secondary school teaching are analyzed using the documentary method. The reconstructions provide information about how the participating student teachers anticipate and cope with inclusion as a challenge of school practice.Based on the findings, implications for the (re)orientation of educational structures and contents of teacher education are finally presented for discussion. Die Realisierung schulischer Inklusion leistet einen wesentlichen Beitrag für die Entwicklung zu einer inklusiven Gesellschaft (vgl. Lütje-Klose et al. 2018a, S. 9), da in Schule nicht nur soziale Praktiken reproduziert, sondern auch neu hervorgebracht werden. Diese Praktiken werden in außer- und nachschulischen Handlungsfeldern weitergetragen (vgl. Sturm 2018, S. 251; Powell 2016, S. 681; Budde 2012, S. 530ff.). Zwar wird durch die Einführung von Inklusion das gesamte Mehrebenensystem Schule damit konfrontiert, bestehende Strukturen, Konzepte sowie Praktiken kritisch zu hinterfragen und inklusionsorientiert zu bearbeiten (vgl. Lindmeier & Lütje-Klose 2019, S. 590), doch findet sich eine Komplexitätsverdichtung der Anforderungen in dem Handlungsfeld von Lehrkräften. Sie sind nicht nur zugleich Verantwortungsträger*innen auf der Meso- und auf der Mikroebene des Systems Schule, sondern auch interaktiv an der (Re-)produktion sozialer Praktiken in der schulischen Handlungspraxis beteiligt (vgl. Sturm 2018, S. 254ff.). Der Lehrer*innenbildung obliegt es, Lehramtsstudierende auf die Annahme der Herausforderung schulischer Inklusion vorzubereiten und tradierte Ausbildungsstrukturen sowie -inhalte inklusionsorientiert zu adaptieren. In der Dissertation wird hier angesetzt und rekonstruiert, über welches inklusionsbezogene konjunktive Erfahrungswissen Studierende verschiedener Lehramtsstudiengänge im Verlauf des Studiums verfügen. Dazu werden Gruppendiskussionen mit Studierenden des Lehramts für Sonderpädagogik und des Lehramts an Gymnasien unter Anwendung der dokumentarischen Methode ausgewertet. Die erstellten Rekonstruktionen geben Aufschluss darüber, wie die teilnehmenden Lehramtsstudierenden Inklusion als Herausforderung der schulischen Handlungspraxis antizipieren sowie bewältigen. Auf den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen aufbauend werden abschließend Implikationen für die (Neu-)Ausrichtung von Ausbildungsstrukturen und -inhalten der Lehrer*innenbildung zur Diskussion gestellt.

Dietary Intake and Type 2 Diabetes
ISBN: 3039217054 3039217046 Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The prevalence of diabetes is on the increase in the UK and worldwide, partly due to changes in lifestyle which predispose individuals to overweight and obesity. It is estimated that about 90% of the currently diagnosed adults have type 2 diabetes, and based on the World Health Organisation (WHO) report, about 422 million adults were living with diabetes in 2014 compared with 108 million in 1980; this condition caused about 1.5 million deaths in 2012. In the United States of America, it is estimated that about 30.3 million adults are living with diabetes, with a further 1.5 million new diabetes cases diagnosed every year, representing an increasing prevalence of this condition. Diabetes represents a major public health challenge, despite advances in technology and the pharmaceutical industry. These problems may be in the form of acute or long-term complications. Therefore, in order to attenuate the problems of diabetes, management strategies usually include lifestyle changes such as increased physical activity and dietary interventions. Studies which evaluate the role of nutrition in the management of type 2 diabetes often involve human and animal models as these approaches enable us to have a broader and more in-depth understanding of the condition. In some cases, diabetes may co-exist with other conditions, such as stroke, and these may present unique challenges with regard to nutritional interventions. This Special Issue aims to evaluate the risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes and the role of the diet in the management of people with this condition. This evidence is drawn from both human and animal studies.


low-carbohydrate --- lipids --- carbohydrate restricted diet --- aldosterone --- high fat diet --- interleukin-6 --- rosemary extract --- Hedychium coronarium --- isomaltulose --- low carbohydrate diet --- folk medicine --- free fatty acids (FFA) --- high-density lipoprotein cholesterol --- mushroom --- protein and fat counting --- incretins --- fish oil --- almond --- Japanese --- vitamin D deficiency --- low energy diet --- AMPK --- women --- glycaemic index --- T2DM --- zinc status --- ginseng --- longitudinal analysis --- dietary management approaches --- glucose monitoring --- gut microbiome --- nutritional supplement --- carbohydrate counting --- gestational diabetes --- type 2 diabetes mellitus --- very-low-calorie --- inflammatory parameters --- vitamin D --- subjective appetite --- randomised controlled trial --- total body lean --- insulin secretion --- systematic review --- lactic acid bacteria --- food --- type 2 diabetes --- fish --- zinc intake --- glycaemic control --- diabetes --- dairy products --- glycated haemoglobin --- short chain fatty acids --- glycated hemoglobin A --- glycemic control --- vegetable oil --- standard formula --- cardiovascular risk factors --- DASH --- insulin dosage --- appendicular fat --- body composition --- total body fat --- micronutrients --- 25-OH-D --- obesity --- diabetes reversal --- enteral nutrition --- PUFA --- body mass index --- metabolic syndrome --- lifestyle management --- nutrition --- streptozotocin --- nuts --- enteral tube feeding --- lipid profile --- macronutrients --- triglyceride --- tempeh --- cohort study --- diabetes specific formula --- polyunsaturated fatty acids --- diabetes mellitus --- calcium intake --- hyperglycemia --- epidemiology --- trace elements --- dietary intake --- muscle --- appendicular lean --- peanut --- insulin resistance --- sucromalt --- pancreatectomy --- energy restricted diet --- glycemic index --- type 1 diabetes --- fasting blood glucose --- bariatric surgery --- prediabetes --- aronia --- meta-analysis --- chronic conditions --- diabetes management --- dietary pattern --- diet quality --- lipid parameters --- feces

Long-Term Health Effects of the 9/11 Disaster
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3039218131 3039218123 Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001, also referred as 9/11, was an iconic event in US history that altered the global and political response to terrorism. The attacks, which involved two planes hitting the twin towers in Lower Manhattan, New York City, resulted in the collapse of the buildings and over 2800 deaths of occupants of the buildings, fire, police and other responders and persons on the street in the vicinity of the collapsing buildings. The destroyed towers and the surrounding buildings have since been replaced but the health effects that resulted from the release of tons of dust, gases and debris as well as the life threat trauma are ongoing, and represent a major health burden among persons directly exposed. Hundreds of scientific publications have documented the physical and mental health effects attributed to the disaster. The current state-of-the-art in understanding the ongoing interactions of physical and mental health, especially PTSD, and the unique mechanisms by which pollutants from the building collapse, have resulted in long term pulmonary dysfunction, course of previously reported conditions, potential emerging conditions (e.g., heart disease and autoimmune diseases), as well as quality of life, functioning and unmet health care needs would be in the purview of this Special Issue on the 9/11 Disaster.


n/a --- asthma outcomes --- health insurance --- mental health --- handgrip strength --- WTC --- cognitive reserve --- disaster epidemiology --- surveillance bias --- cardiac sarcoidosis --- lung function --- lung injury --- treatment utilization --- injury --- Cox regression --- lower Manhattan residents --- chronic sinusitis --- social support --- indoor allergens sensitization --- respiratory function --- FDNY --- asthma control --- sarcoidosis --- asthma --- 9/11 impact --- physical health --- rescue/recovery workers --- chronic disease --- evidence-based treatment --- irritant(s) --- fibrosis --- unmet mental health care needs --- airway hyperreactivity --- asthma quality of life --- Short Form-12 (SF-12) --- WTC-related asthma --- longitudinal analysis --- forced oscillation --- thyroid cancer --- psychotherapy --- cognitive decline --- 9/11 disaster --- severe lung disease --- prevalence --- inflammation --- pulmonary function tests --- World Trade Center disaster --- disaster mental health --- epidemiological studies --- obstructive sleep apnea --- counseling --- sleepiness --- PTSD --- hazard function --- cleaning practices --- air pollution --- aging --- stressful life events --- airway physiology --- screening --- PTSD cluster --- latent class analysis --- retirement --- environmental health --- World Trade Center --- quality improvement --- pulmonary fibrosis --- WTC attack --- dust --- PCL score --- WTC responders --- mini asthma quality of life questionnaire --- biomarkers --- HQoL --- health-related quality of life --- Scadding stage --- 9/11 --- firefighters --- allergen exposure --- metabolic syndrome --- neuropathic symptoms --- small airway disease --- Asian Americans --- asthma morbidity --- PTSD symptom change --- WTC survivors --- trigger(s) --- World Trade Center exposure --- occupational exposure --- peripheral neuropathy --- disaster --- respiratory symptoms --- mental health treatment --- genetics --- mental health service utilization --- comorbid insomnia --- sleep-related quality of life --- World Trade Center attack --- immunoglobulin E --- mental health service use --- income loss --- paresthesia --- World Trade Center (WTC) --- fibrotic sarcoid --- depression --- post-disaster --- mental health conditions --- extrathoracic sarcoidosis --- medical imaging

Digital Turn und Historische Bildungsforschung : Bestandsaufnahme und Forschungsperspektiven
ISBN: 3781559521 3781525171 Year: 2022 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn Verlag Julius Klinkhardt

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In recent decades, historical educational research has developed into a field of research and work that is multifaceted in its topics, methods, and theoretical references and is interdisciplinary. The methods, working techniques, and tools of the digital humanities, which influence many areas of the humanities and cultural studies today, are also already being applied there in a variety of ways. This volume demonstrates this with concrete examples from current research projects and working groups related to historical education research. The contributions give examples of the application of selected digital tools and research methods and put research-practical as well as epistemological questions up for discussion. Historische Bildungsforschung hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu einem Forschungs- und Arbeitsgebiet entwickelt, das in seinen Themen, Methoden und theoretischen Bezügen vielseitig aufgestellt und interdisziplinär anschlussfähig ist. Auch Methoden, Arbeitstechniken und Tools der Digital Humanities, die viele Bereiche der Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften heute beeinflussen, finden dort bereits in vielfältiger Weise Anwendung. Dies zeigt der vorliegende Band anhand konkreter Beispiele aus aktuellen Forschungsprojekten und Arbeitsgruppen mit Bezug zur historischen Bildungsforschung. Die Beiträge geben Anwendungsbeispiele für ausgewählte digitale Werkzeuge und Forschungsmethoden und stellen forschungspraktische wie auch epistemologische Fragen zur Diskussion.


History of education --- Historische Bildungsforschung; Digitalisierung; Digitale Medien; Technologische Entwicklung; Bildungsgeschichte; Computerunterstütztes Verfahren; Historische Quelle; Quellensammlung; Digitale Informationsspeicherung; Analyse; Grundwissen; Wissenschaftsforschung; Erziehungswissenschaft; Online; Modellierung; Computerlinguistik; Schulbuch; Schulgeschichte; Pädagogische Zeitschrift; Religionsunterricht; Frau; Studium; Methodologie; Kollaboration; Schule; Archiv; Open Access; Hochschulgeschichte; Forschungsdaten; Prosopografie; Vernetzung; Hochschule; Geisteswissenschaften; Student; Daten; Wirtschaftsgeschichte; Humankapital; Literatur; Erinnerung; Zeitgeschichte; Karte; Kollektives Gedächtnis; Holocaust; Lernen; Sexualaufklärung; Fotografie; Soziales Netzwerk; Website; Informationsangebot; Elektronische Datenverarbeitung; Mediengeschichte; Stapfer, Philipp Albert; Mollenhauer, Klaus; 17. Jahrhundert; 18. Jahrhundert; 19. Jahrhundert; 20. Jahrhundert; 21. Jahrhundert; Nationalsozialismus; Deutschland ; Mittelalter; Frühe Neuzeit; Methode; Projekt; Längsschnittuntersuchung; Quantitative Analyse; Qualitative Analyse; Statistik; Deutschland; Schweiz; Dänemark; Norwegen; Bologna; Padua; Paris; Hannover; Bochum; Heiliges Römisches Reich deutscher Nation; Digitalization; Technological development; History of education; History of educational activities; Science of science; Sciences of education; On line; Modelling (Psychology); Computational linguistics; Text book; Textbook; History of schools; Religious instruction; Teaching of religion; Woman; Women; Academic studies; Methodology; School; History of universities; Higher education institute; Humanities; Intellectual Disciplines; Male student; Data; Economic history; Human capital; Literature; Recollection; Contemporary history; Twentieth century history; Maps; Learning; Sex education; Photography; Social networks; Available information; Electronic data processing; History of media; Nazism; Middle ages; Method; Project; Projects (Learning Activities); Longitudinal analysis; Longitudinal study; Qualitative analysis; Statistics; Germany; Switzerland; Denmark; Norway

Forschungsinstrumente im Kontext institutioneller (schrift-)sprachlicher Bildung
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3781558010 3781523594 Year: 2020 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn Verlag Julius Klinkhardt

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In diesem Buch wird eine Auswahl von Erhebungs- und Auswertungsinstrumenten zur Erfassung relevanter Facetten institutioneller (schrift-)sprachlicher Bildung vorgestellt. Die sieben Verfahren fokussieren unterschiedliche Aspekte der Sprachbildung sowie Sprach- und Leseförderung in Kindertageseinrichtungen und Schulen und adressieren unterschiedliche Zielgruppen (pädagogische Fachkräfte, Lehrkräfte, Kinder). Die Instrumente, die im Rahmen der Initiative "Bildung durch Sprache und Schrift" (BiSS) entwickelt wurden, sind primär für Forschungszwecke, aber auch in der Aus- und Weiterbildung von pädagogischen Fach- und Lehrkräften einsetzbar. Ein Online-Anhang stellt die Instrumente sowie alle notwendigen Materialien zur Verfügung.


BISS --- Heterogenität --- Kindertagesstätte --- Inklusion --- KITA --- "Bildung durch Sprache und Schrift" --- Lehrerprofessionalisierung --- Bildungsforschung --- Lehrerinnenbildung --- Schriftsprachliche Bildung --- Lehrerbildung --- Erziehungswissenschaft --- "Qualitätsentwicklung Bildungswesen" --- Vorschule --- Vorschulpädagogik --- Forschung --- Hochschule --- Schriftsprache --- Sprachbildung --- Sprachförderung --- Leseförderung --- Diagnostik --- Förderungsmaßnahme --- Sprachentwicklung --- Schriftspracherwerb --- Förderdiagnostik --- Förderung --- Sprachstandsforschung --- Lesekompetenz --- Sprachkompetenz --- Sprachdiagnostik --- Fachdidaktik --- Sprachgebrauch --- Kompetenzmessung --- Handlungskompetenz --- Fachwissen --- Wissen --- Professionalisierung --- Profession --- Kompetenz --- Wissenstest --- Mathematikunterricht --- Deutschunterricht --- Fachunterricht --- Fachsprache --- Reflexion --- Feed-back --- Videoaufzeichnung --- Videoanalyse --- Unterricht --- Lehrer-Schüler-Interaktion --- Schülermitarbeit --- Transfer --- Kindertagesstätte --- Schule --- Grundschule --- Primarbereich --- Pädagogische Fachkraft --- Lehrer --- Lehramtsstudent --- Erzieher --- Erzieherin --- Berufliche Kompetenz --- Psychometrie --- Kind --- Schüler --- Bewertung --- Anwendung --- Software --- Bildungspraxis --- Sprachpraktische Übung --- Spracherwerb --- Kindergarten --- Kindergartenalltag --- Kindergartenpädagogik --- Korrektur --- Pädagogisches Handeln --- Sekundarstufe I --- Aktivierung --- Erhebungsinstrument --- Auswertung --- Instrument --- Messinstrument --- Methode --- Forschungsmethode --- Vignette --- Interview --- Leitfadeninterview --- Fragebogen --- Beobachtung --- Beobachtungsmethode --- Test --- Testvalidität --- Testverfahren --- Testkonstruktion --- Quantitative Forschung --- Qualitative Forschung --- Längsschnittuntersuchung --- Dokumentation --- Protokoll --- Empirische Forschung --- Datenerfassung --- Bayern --- Baden-Württemberg --- Nordrhein-Westfalen --- Sachsen-Anhalt --- Deutschland --- Educational research --- Research --- Linguistic input --- Promotion of reading --- Support for reading improvement --- Diagnostic --- Promotional measure --- Language development --- Reading competence --- Language skill --- Linguistic Competence --- Specialized didactics --- Subject didactics --- Language usage --- Competency measurement --- Skills measurement --- Skills measurements --- Competence for action --- Competence to act --- Specialized knowledge --- Knowledge --- Professionalization --- Competency --- Mathematics lessons --- Teaching of mathematics --- German language teaching --- Teaching of German --- Teaching of a special subject --- Language for special purposes --- Technical language --- Teaching --- Pupil Participation --- Day nursery --- School --- Elementary School --- Primary school --- Primary school lower level --- Primary education --- Primary level --- Teacher --- Student teachers --- Caregiver --- Carer --- Educational childcare staff --- Educator --- Kindergarten teacher --- Nursery school teachers --- Nursery teacher --- Pre-primary school teacher --- Female Educator --- Governess --- Psychometry --- Child --- Pupil --- Pupils --- Assessment --- Judgement --- Judgment --- Educational practices --- Language acquisition --- Nursery school --- Revision (Written Composition) --- Lower level secondary education --- Lower secondary --- Lower secondary education --- Secondary education lower level --- Mail surveys --- Data analysis --- Interpretation of literature --- Measurement instrument --- Method --- Research method --- Questionnaire --- Observation --- Test validity --- Test coaching --- Quantitative research --- Qualitative research --- Longitudinal analysis --- Longitudinal study --- Documentation --- Empirical research --- Data acquisition --- Data capture --- Baden-Wurtemberg --- Baden-Wurttemberg --- North Rhine-Westphalia --- North-Rhine Westphalia --- Saxony-Anhalt --- Germany

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