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Transfer : revista electrónica sobre traducción e interculturalidad
ISSN: 18865542 Year: 2006 Publisher: Barcelona Univ.

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Guimarães Rosa und Meyer-Clason : Literatur, Demokratie, ZusammenLebenswissen
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3110677717 3110677709 Year: 2020 Publisher: Berlin/Boston De Gruyter

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João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967) ist der wichtigste Romancier Brasiliens aus der Zeit seiner literarischen Schaffensperiode in der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Von 1938-1942 wirkte er als Vizekonsul Brasiliens in Hamburg und war somit der einzige lateinamerikanische Intellektuelle seines Rangs, der während der Nazi-Diktatur derart lange in Deutschland lebte. Diese Erfahrung, die einem seit der Kindheit idealisierten Bezug zur deutschen Sprache viel differenziertere Färbungen verlieh, verstärkte trotz der ernüchternden Konfrontation mit dem Land unter dem Naziregime die geistigen Bande, die ihn und das kulturelle Erbe vom deutschsprachigen Europa zusammenhielten. Zu der Zeit verbrachte der künftige deutsche Übersetzer von Rosa, Curt Meyer-Clason (1910-2012) seine Jugendjahre in Brasilien als Kaufmann im Baumwollimport und geriet somit in Kontakt mit Agenten des NS-Regimes. Auf Befehl brasilianischer Behörden wurde er deshalb von 1942-1946 interniert. In der Haftzeit begann seine Beziehung zur Literatur, der er sich nach der Rückkehr nach Europa bis zu seinem Lebensende hauptberuflich widmete. In relativ kurzer Zeit machte sich Meyer-Clason einen Namen als Übersetzer iberoamerikanischer Literatur, insbesondere des mittlerweile international anerkannten Guimarães Rosa. Der vorliegende Band mit Beiträgen von prominenten deutschen, brasilianischen und portugiesischen Literaturwissenschaftler*innen setzt sich mit der intellektuellen Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Schriftsteller und dem Übersetzer, einem besonderen Fall im transarealen Raum der deutsch-brasilianischen Kulturbeziehungen. This edited volume, which features essays from prominent German, Brazilian, and Portuguese scholars, deals with the personal relations and intensive intellectual collaboration between Joao Guimaraes Rosa (1908-1967) and his German translator Curt Meyer-Clason (1910-2012), a special case of German-Brazilian cultural exchange.

Александр Блок и русская литература Серебряного века
Year: 2015 Publisher: Tartu University of Tartu Press

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Acta Slavica Estonica is an international series of publications on current issues of Russian and other Slavic languages, literatures and cultures. This issue of the subseries “Blokovskii sbornik” continues the series of studies started by Zara Mints in 1964. The majority of works from Section I of the book, “The Art of А. Blok in the Context of 19th–20th Century Literature,” is devoted to the study of the poet’s works, his perceptions of preceding writers’ works, and his biographical and artistic contacts with contemporaries. The articles in Section II, “Silver Age Literature: Creative and Social Strategies,” are mainly focused on artistic works and essays of modernist literati contemporary to Blok or to some extent resonating with his poetry and artistic worldview.

Ästhetische Faszination
ISBN: 3110525348 3110527308 3110521431 Year: 2017 Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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Faszination ist eine zentrale Form ästhetischen Erlebens in der Gegenwart, deren Merkmale und historisches Profil bislang nur ansatzweise beschrieben sind. Ausgehend vom modernen Verständnis von Faszination entwickelt die begriffsgeschichtlich breit fundierte Untersuchung einen formalen Begriff dieser ästhetischen Emotion, der für zwei bedeutende Epochen der ästhetischen, poetologischen und semiotischen Theoriebildung - die griechische Antike und das 18. Jahrhundert - diskutiert wird. In der Auseinandersetzung mit antiken Konzepten der Metapher und des Erhabenen sowie mit ästhetischen Positionen bei Addison, Mendelssohn, Klopstock, Hamann, Kant, Stewart und Goethe werden grundlegende Erklärungskomponenten für die Entstehung und Wirkung sprachlich induzierter Faszination aufgezeigt. Ästhetische Faszination ist kein Pathos-, sondern ein Tiefenkonzept. Sie resultiert aus einer Divergenzerfahrung in der Prozessierbarkeit von Sinnlichkeit und Bedeutung. Faszination bewirkt keine Verabschiedung, sondern eine Stimulierung des Intelligiblen.

Александр Блок и русская литература Серебряного века
Year: 2015 Publisher: Tartu University of Tartu Press

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Acta Slavica Estonica is an international series of publications on current issues of Russian and other Slavic languages, literatures and cultures. This issue of the subseries “Blokovskii sbornik” continues the series of studies started by Zara Mints in 1964. The majority of works from Section I of the book, “The Art of А. Blok in the Context of 19th–20th Century Literature,” is devoted to the study of the poet’s works, his perceptions of preceding writers’ works, and his biographical and artistic contacts with contemporaries. The articles in Section II, “Silver Age Literature: Creative and Social Strategies,” are mainly focused on artistic works and essays of modernist literati contemporary to Blok or to some extent resonating with his poetry and artistic worldview.

Александр Блок и русская литература Серебряного века
Year: 2015 Publisher: Tartu University of Tartu Press

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Acta Slavica Estonica is an international series of publications on current issues of Russian and other Slavic languages, literatures and cultures. This issue of the subseries “Blokovskii sbornik” continues the series of studies started by Zara Mints in 1964. The majority of works from Section I of the book, “The Art of А. Blok in the Context of 19th–20th Century Literature,” is devoted to the study of the poet’s works, his perceptions of preceding writers’ works, and his biographical and artistic contacts with contemporaries. The articles in Section II, “Silver Age Literature: Creative and Social Strategies,” are mainly focused on artistic works and essays of modernist literati contemporary to Blok or to some extent resonating with his poetry and artistic worldview.

The Arabic, Hebrew and Latin reception of Avicenna's Metaphysics
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110215764 9783110215762 1306968259 9781306968256 3110215756 9783110215755 9783110215755 Year: 2011 Publisher: Berlin ; New York, N.Y. : De Gruyter,

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Avicenna's Metaphysics (in Arabic: Ilâhiyyât) is the most important and influential metaphysical treatise of classical and medieval times after Aristotle. This volume presents studies on its direct and indirect influence in Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin culture from the time of its composition in the early eleventh century until the sixteenth century. Among the philosophical topics which receive particular attention are the distinction between essence and existence, the theory of universals, the concept of God as the necessary being and the theory of emanation. It is shown how authors such as Averroes, Abraham ibn Daud, Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus react to Avicenna's metaphysical theories. The studies also address the philological and historical circumstances of the textual tradition in three different medieval cultures. The studies are written by a distinguished international team of contributors, who convened in 2008 to discuss their research in the Villa Vigoni, Italy.

Walking through Elysium : Vergil's Underworld and the Poetics of Tradition
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9781487532642 9781487505776 Year: 2020 Publisher: Toronto, Ont. University of Toronto Press

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"Walking through Elysium stresses the subtle and intricate ways writers across time and space wove Vergil's underworld in Aeneid 6 into their works. These allusions operate on many levels, from the literary and political to the religious and spiritual. Aeneid 6 reshaped prior philosophical, religious, and poetic traditions of underworld descents, while offering a universalizing account of the spiritual that could accommodate prior as well as emerging religious and philosophical systems. Vergil's underworld became an archetype, a model flexible enough to be employed across genres, and periods, and among differing cultural and religious contexts. The essays in this volume speak to Vergil's incorporation of and influence on literary representations of underworlds, souls, afterlives, prophecies, journeys, and spaces, from sacred and profane to wild and civilized, tracing the impact of Vergil's underworld on authors such as Ovid, Seneca, Statius, Augustine, and Shelley, from Pagan and Christian traditions through Romantic and Spiritualist readings. Walking through Elysium asserts the deep and lasting influence of Vergil's underworld from the moment of its publication to the present day."--

Germania Litteraria Mediaevalis Francigena : Handbuch der deutschen und niederländischen mittelalterlichen literarischen Sprache, Formen, Motive, Stoffe und Werke französischer Herkunft (1100-1300).
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3110261855 9783110261851 3110229757 3110370360 Year: 2014 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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GLMF IV is devoted to historical and religious narratives of various origins adapted from the French, including German and Dutch historical epics based on ancient romances about Alexander, Aeneas, Troy (Part A), the historical epic based on Chansons de geste in five epic cycles (Part B), and shorter German religious narratives, such as Hartmann's ""Gregorius"" (Part C).

Walking through Elysium : Vergil’s Underworld and the Poetics of Tradition
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781487532642 9781487505776 9781487505776 1487532644 1487532652 1487505779 9781487532659 Year: 2020 Publisher: Toronto : University of Toronto Press,

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"Walking through Elysium stresses the subtle and intricate ways writers across time and space wove Vergil's underworld in Aeneid 6 into their works. These allusions operate on many levels, from the literary and political to the religious and spiritual. Aeneid 6 reshaped prior philosophical, religious, and poetic traditions of underworld descents, while offering a universalizing account of the spiritual that could accommodate prior as well as emerging religious and philosophical systems. Vergil's underworld became an archetype, a model flexible enough to be employed across genres, and periods, and among differing cultural and religious contexts. The essays in this volume speak to Vergil's incorporation of and influence on literary representations of underworlds, souls, afterlives, prophecies, journeys, and spaces, from sacred and profane to wild and civilized, tracing the impact of Vergil's underworld on authors such as Ovid, Seneca, Statius, Augustine, and Shelley, from Pagan and Christian traditions through Romantic and Spiritualist readings. Walking through Elysium asserts the deep and lasting influence of Vergil's underworld from the moment of its publication to the present day."--

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