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This study explores the evolution of Lomonosov's imposing stature in Russian thought from the middle of the eighteenth century to the closing years of the Soviet period. It reveals much about the intersection in Russian culture of attitudes towards the meaning and significance of science, as well as about the rise of a Russian national identity, of which Lomonosov became an outstanding symbol. Idealized depictions of Lomonosov were employed by Russian scientists, historians, and poets, among others, in efforts to affirm to their countrymen and to the state the pragmatic advantages of science to a modernizing nation. In setting forth this assumption, Usitalo notes that no sharply drawn division can be upheld between the utilization of the myth of Lomonosov during the Soviet period of Russian history and that which characterized earlier views. The main elements that formed the mythology were laid down in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; Soviet scholars simply added more exaggerated layers to existing representations.
Authors, Russian --- Enlightenment --- Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilʹevich, --- Ломоносов, Михаил Васильевич, --- Lomonossov, Michail V., --- Lomonossow, Michail Wassiljewitsch, --- Lomonosovas, Michailas Vasiljevičius, --- Ломоносов, М. В. --- Lomonosov, M. V. --- Lomonosov, Mikhaĭlo, --- Lomonosow, Michaelis, --- Łomonosow, Michaił Wasilewicz, --- Łomonosow, Michał, --- Russia --- Civilization --- Soviet Union --- History --- Alexander Pushkin --- Alexander Radishchev --- Isaac Newton --- Leonhard Euler --- Mikhail Lomonosov --- Russian Academy of Sciences --- Russians --- Saint Petersburg
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This book explores the role of causal constraints in science, shifting our attention from causal relations between individual events--the focus of most philosophical treatments of causation-to a broad family of concepts and principles generating constraints on possible change. Yemima Ben-Menahem looks at determinism, locality, stability, symmetry principles, conservation laws, and the principle of least action-causal constraints that serve to distinguish events and processes that our best scientific theories mandate or allow from those they rule out.Ben-Menahem's approach reveals that causation is just as relevant to explaining why certain events fail to occur as it is to explaining events that do occur. She investigates the conceptual differences between, and interrelations of, members of the causal family, thereby clarifying problems at the heart of the philosophy of science. Ben-Menahem argues that the distinction between determinism and stability is pertinent to the philosophy of history and the foundations of statistical mechanics, and that the interplay of determinism and locality is crucial for understanding quantum mechanics. Providing historical perspective, she traces the causal constraints of contemporary science to traditional intuitions about causation, and demonstrates how the teleological appearance of some constraints is explained away in current scientific theories such as quantum mechanics.Causation in Science represents a bold challenge to both causal eliminativism and causal reductionism-the notions that causation has no place in science and that higher-level causal claims are reducible to the causal claims of fundamental physics.
Causation. --- Science --- Causality --- Cause and effect --- Effect and cause --- Final cause --- Beginning --- God --- Metaphysics --- Philosophy --- Necessity (Philosophy) --- Teleology --- Normal science --- Philosophy of science --- Philosophy. --- Causalità. --- Bertrand Russell. --- Curie's principle. --- Donald Davidson. --- Erwin Schrödinger. --- God. --- Heisenberg uncertainty relations. --- I. Pitowsky. --- Leonhard Euler. --- Pauli exclusion principle. --- Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis. --- S. Popescu. --- causal constraints. --- causal eliminativism. --- causal family. --- causal reductionism. --- causal relations. --- causality. --- causation. --- causes. --- change. --- conservation laws. --- determinism. --- directionality. --- dynamics. --- emergence. --- entanglement. --- fate. --- gauge freedom. --- gauge theories. --- higher-level causation. --- higher-level eliminativism. --- indeterminism. --- instability. --- lawlessness. --- least action principle. --- locality. --- necessity. --- nonlocality. --- philosophy of mind. --- physical theories. --- physics. --- probability. --- quantum mechanics. --- reasons. --- reduction. --- science. --- stability. --- statistical mechanics. --- sufficient reason principle. --- symmetries. --- teleological thinking. --- teleology. --- variation principles.
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The history of mathematics is filled with major breakthroughs resulting from solutions to recreational problems. Problems of interest to gamblers led to the modern theory of probability, for example, and surreal numbers were inspired by the game of Go. Yet even with such groundbreaking findings and a wealth of popular-level books, research in recreational mathematics has often been neglected. The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects now returns with a brand-new compilation of fascinating problems and solutions in recreational mathematics.This latest volume gathers together the top experts in recreational math and presents a compelling look at board games, card games, dice, toys, computer games, and much more. The book is divided into five parts: puzzles and brainteasers, geometry and topology, graph theory, games of chance, and computational complexity. Readers will discover what origami, roulette wheels, and even the game of Trouble can teach about math. Essays contain new results, and the contributors include short expositions on their topic's background, providing a framework for understanding the relationship between serious mathematics and recreational games. Mathematical areas explored include combinatorics, logic, graph theory, linear algebra, geometry, topology, computer science, operations research, probability, game theory, and music theory.Investigating an eclectic mix of games and puzzles, The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects is sure to entertain, challenge, and inspire academic mathematicians and avid math enthusiasts alike.
Mathematical recreations --- Mathematical puzzles --- Number games --- Recreational mathematics --- Recreations, Mathematical --- Puzzles --- Scientific recreations --- Games in mathematics education --- Magic squares --- Magic tricks in mathematics education --- Research. --- Bernard Frenicle de Bessy. --- Central Circle. --- Clickomania. --- Euclidean geometry. --- Hasbro. --- Le Professeur N. Claus. --- Leonhard Euler. --- Lewis Carroll. --- Matrix Tree Theorem. --- Multinational War. --- Penney's Game. --- Percy MacMahon. --- Pop-O-Matic Trouble. --- Raymond Smullyan. --- Tangle. --- Tower of Hanoi. --- algebraic graph theory. --- board games. --- children's card games. --- classical logic. --- coin-flipping. --- coloring. --- combinatorics. --- computer games. --- computer science. --- counting problems. --- counting trees. --- crossing numbers. --- cubes. --- distributed processing. --- dragons. --- duels. --- game theory. --- geometry. --- graph theory. --- graphs. --- gruels. --- integer programming. --- iterative duels. --- kasha. --- linear algebra. --- logic puzzles. --- logic. --- magic constant. --- magic squares. --- math. --- mathematical puzzles. --- music. --- musical arrangement. --- nine-point circle. --- nonclassical logics. --- orthocenter. --- paper folding. --- prisoners. --- probability. --- recreational mathematics. --- representation theory. --- roulette wheel. --- spanning tree. --- topology. --- triangles. --- truels. --- twenty-sided dice. --- Éduard Lucas.
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Heavenly Mathematics traces the rich history of spherical trigonometry, revealing how the cultures of classical Greece, medieval Islam, and the modern West used this forgotten art to chart the heavens and the Earth. Once at the heart of astronomy and ocean-going navigation for two millennia, the discipline was also a mainstay of mathematics education for centuries and taught widely until the 1950's. Glen Van Brummelen explores this exquisite branch of mathematics and its role in ancient astronomy, geography, and cartography; Islamic religious rituals; celestial navigation; polyhedra; stereographic projection; and more. He conveys the sheer beauty of spherical trigonometry, providing readers with a new appreciation of its elegant proofs and often surprising conclusions. Heavenly Mathematics is illustrated throughout with stunning historical images and informative drawings and diagrams. This unique compendium also features easy-to-use appendixes as well as exercises that originally appeared in textbooks from the eighteenth to the early twentieth centuries.
Spherical trigonometry. --- Trigonometry. --- Trig (Trigonometry) --- Geometry --- Mathematics --- Trigonometry, Spherical --- Trigonometry --- Abū 'l-Wafā. --- Abū Mahmūd al-Khujandī. --- Abū Nasr Mansūr ibn 'Alī ibn 'Irāq. --- Abū Sahl al-Kūhī. --- Albert Girard. --- B. M. Brown. --- Cesàro method. --- Christopher Columbus. --- Claudius Ptolemy. --- Earth. --- Elements. --- Georg Rheticus. --- Giuseppe Cesàro. --- Hipparchus of Rhodes. --- Islam. --- Islamic religious rituals. --- John Harrison. --- John Napier. --- Law of Cosines. --- Law of Sines. --- Leonhard Euler. --- Mathematical Collection. --- Mecca. --- Menelaus of Alexandria. --- Menelaus's Theorem. --- Moon. --- Napier's Rules. --- Opus palatinum. --- Planisphere. --- Ptolemy. --- Pythagorean Theorem. --- Rule of Four Quantities. --- Sphaerica. --- Sun. --- acute-angled triangle. --- angle. --- area. --- astrolabe. --- astronomical triangle. --- astronomy. --- cartography. --- celestial motion. --- celestial sphere. --- chronometer. --- classical Greece. --- dead reckoning. --- ecliptic. --- equatorial coordinates. --- geography. --- locality principle. --- logarithms. --- marteloio. --- mathematics. --- method of Saint Hilaire. --- navigation. --- oblique triangle. --- pentagramma mirificum. --- planar Law of Sines. --- plane trigonometry. --- planets. --- polygon. --- polyhedron. --- qibla. --- regular polyhedron. --- right-angled triangle. --- rising time. --- sphere. --- spherical Law of Sines. --- spherical astronomy. --- spherical geometry. --- spherical triangle. --- spherical trigonometry. --- star. --- stars. --- stereographic projection. --- table of sine. --- theorems. --- triangle. --- trigonometric table. --- trigonometry.
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More than three centuries after its creation, calculus remains a dazzling intellectual achievement and the gateway to higher mathematics. This book charts its growth and development by sampling from the work of some of its foremost practitioners, beginning with Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the late seventeenth century and continuing to Henri Lebesgue at the dawn of the twentieth. Now with a new preface by the author, this book documents the evolution of calculus from a powerful but logically chaotic subject into one whose foundations are thorough, rigorous, and unflinching-a story of genius triumphing over some of the toughest, subtlest problems imaginable. In touring The Calculus Gallery, we can see how it all came to be.
Calculus --- History. --- Absolute value. --- Addition. --- Algebraic number. --- Antiderivative. --- Arc length. --- Augustin-Louis Cauchy. --- Baire category theorem. --- Bernhard Riemann. --- Binomial theorem. --- Bounded function. --- Calculation. --- Central limit theorem. --- Characterization (mathematics). --- Coefficient. --- Complex analysis. --- Continuous function (set theory). --- Continuous function. --- Contradiction. --- Convergent series. --- Corollary. --- Countable set. --- Counterexample. --- Dense set. --- Derivative. --- Diagram (category theory). --- Dichotomy. --- Differentiable function. --- Differential calculus. --- Differential equation. --- Division by zero. --- Equation. --- Existential quantification. --- Fluxion. --- Fourier series. --- Fundamental theorem. --- Geometric progression. --- Geometric series. --- Geometry. --- Georg Cantor. --- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. --- Harmonic series (mathematics). --- Henri Lebesgue. --- Infimum and supremum. --- Infinitesimal. --- Infinity. --- Integer. --- Integration by parts. --- Intermediate value theorem. --- Interval (mathematics). --- Joseph Fourier. --- Karl Weierstrass. --- L'Hôpital's rule. --- Lebesgue integration. --- Lebesgue measure. --- Length. --- Leonhard Euler. --- Limit of a sequence. --- Logarithm. --- Mathematical analysis. --- Mathematician. --- Mathematics. --- Mean value theorem. --- Measurable function. --- Natural number. --- Notation. --- Nowhere continuous function. --- Number theory. --- Pointwise. --- Polynomial. --- Power rule. --- Princeton University Press. --- Q.E.D. --- Quadratic. --- Quantity. --- Rational number. --- Real analysis. --- Real number. --- Rectangle. --- Riemann integral. --- Root test. --- Scientific notation. --- Series (mathematics). --- Set theory. --- Sign (mathematics). --- Stone–Weierstrass theorem. --- Subset. --- Subtangent. --- Summation. --- Tangent. --- Textbook. --- Theorem. --- Theory. --- Transcendental number. --- Trigonometric functions. --- Uniform continuity. --- Uniform convergence. --- Unit interval. --- Upper and lower bounds. --- Vito Volterra. --- Westmont College.
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A fascinating exploration of the pentagon and its role in various culturesThe pentagon and its close cousin, the pentagram, have inspired individuals for the last two and half millennia, from mathematicians and philosophers to artists and naturalists. Despite the pentagon’s wide-ranging history, no single book has explored the important role of this shape in various cultures, until now. Richly illustrated, Pentagons and Pentagrams offers a sweeping view of the five-sided polygon, revealing its intriguing geometric properties and its essential influence on a variety of fields.Traversing time, Eli Maor narrates vivid stories, both celebrated and unknown, about the pentagon and pentagram. He discusses the early Pythagoreans, who ascribed to the pentagon mythical attributes, adopted it as their emblem, and figured out its construction with a straightedge and compass. Maor looks at how a San Diego housewife uncovered four previously unknown types of pentagonal tilings, and how in 1982 a scientist’s discovery of fivefold symmetries in certain alloys caused an uproar in crystallography and led to a Nobel Prize. Maor also discusses the pentagon’s impact on many buildings, from medieval fortresses to the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Eugen Jost’s superb illustrations provide sumptuous visual context, and the book’s puzzles and mazes offer fun challenges for readers, with solutions given in an appendix.
MATHEMATICS / Geometry / General. --- Pentagon --- Pentagon. --- Pentacles. --- Mathematics --- History. --- Math --- Science --- Pantacles --- Pentagrams --- Talismans --- African Americans. --- Algebraic equation. --- Andromeda Galaxy. --- Approximation. --- Bakery. --- Bank for International Settlements. --- Bargaining power. --- Basic income. --- Bullet Hole. --- Cash. --- Central bank. --- Charles Messier. --- Chesapeake Bay. --- Color space. --- Compass-and-straightedge construction. --- Competition. --- Cosmic distance ladder. --- Crystal structure. --- Crystal. --- Crystallography. --- Damien Hirst. --- Diagonal. --- Diagram. --- Diffraction. --- Dodecahedron. --- Domestic worker. --- Duodecimal. --- Earthrise. --- Economic history. --- Economic policy. --- Economy. --- Employment. --- Empowerment. --- Engraving. --- Equilateral triangle. --- Estimator. --- Eurozone. --- Fermat number. --- Financial crisis. --- Geometry. --- Golden ratio. --- Government of the United Kingdom. --- Hexagon. --- Impact pressure. --- Income. --- Infinite product. --- Irrational number. --- Kamchatka Peninsula. --- Leonhard Euler. --- Linus Pauling. --- Mathematician. --- Measurement. --- Measures of national income and output. --- Meteorite. --- Milky Way. --- Monetary policy. --- Moon rock. --- Negative income tax. --- Nice. --- Notation. --- Number theory. --- Observable universe. --- Optimal control. --- Painting. --- Palazzo Vecchio. --- Payout. --- Pentagonal tiling. --- Percentage. --- Platonic solid. --- Polyhedron. --- Potomac River. --- Private sector. --- Probability distribution. --- Productivity. --- Proportionality (mathematics). --- Public finance. --- Quantity. --- Quasicrystal. --- Rational number. --- Rectangle. --- Regular polygon. --- Requirement. --- Siberia. --- State observer. --- Symmetry. --- Tax credit. --- Taxis. --- Technological change. --- Tessellation. --- Tetrahedron. --- Theorem. --- Transcendental number. --- Trigonometry. --- Unemployment. --- Unit square. --- Vibration. --- Wage. --- Wealth. --- Welfare reform.
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Graph theory goes back several centuries and revolves around the study of graphs-mathematical structures showing relations between objects. With applications in biology, computer science, transportation science, and other areas, graph theory encompasses some of the most beautiful formulas in mathematics-and some of its most famous problems. The Fascinating World of Graph Theory explores the questions and puzzles that have been studied, and often solved, through graph theory. This book looks at graph theory's development and the vibrant individuals responsible for the field's growth. Introducing fundamental concepts, the authors explore a diverse plethora of classic problems such as the Lights Out Puzzle, and each chapter contains math exercises for readers to savor. An eye-opening journey into the world of graphs, The Fascinating World of Graph Theory offers exciting problem-solving possibilities for mathematics and beyond.
Graph theory. --- Graph theory --- Graphs, Theory of --- Theory of graphs --- Combinatorial analysis --- Topology --- Extremal problems --- 1-Factorization Conjecture. --- 1-factorable graph. --- 2-factorable graph. --- Alfred Bray Kempe. --- Alspach's Conjecture. --- Around the World Problem. --- Art Gallery Problem. --- Arthur Cayley. --- Brick-Factory Problem. --- Cayley's Tree Formula. --- Chinese Postman Problem. --- Christian Goldbach. --- Erdős number. --- Euler Identity. --- Euler Polyhedron Formula. --- Eulerian graph. --- First Theorem of Graph Theory. --- Five Color Theorem. --- Five Queens Problem. --- Four Color Conjecture. --- Four Color Problem. --- Gottfried Leibniz. --- Graceful Tree Conjecture. --- Hall's Theorem. --- Hamiltonian graph. --- Herbert Ellis Robbins. --- Icosian Game. --- Instant Insanity. --- Internet. --- Job-Hunters Problem. --- King Chicken Theorem. --- Kirkman's Schoolgirl Problem. --- Knight's Tour Puzzle. --- Kruskal's Algorithm. --- Kuratowski's Theorem. --- Königsberg Bridge Problem. --- Leonhard Euler. --- Lights Out Puzzle. --- Marriage Theorem. --- Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. --- Paul Erdős. --- Peter Guthrie Tait. --- Petersen graph. --- Petersen's Theorem. --- Pierre Fermat. --- Polyhedron Problem. --- Problem of the Five Princes. --- Prüfer code. --- Ramsey number. --- Reconstruction Problem. --- Road Coloring Theorem. --- Robbins's Theorem. --- Sir William Rowan Hamilton. --- Steiner triple system. --- Thomas Penyngton Kirkman. --- Three Friends or Three Strangers Problem. --- Three Houses and Three Utilities Problem. --- Traveling Salesman Problem. --- Traveller's Dodecahedron. --- Tutte's Theorem. --- Vizing's Theorem. --- Voyage Round the World. --- Wagner's Conjecture. --- What Is Mathematics?. --- William Tutte. --- bipartite graph. --- bridge. --- chromatic index. --- coloring. --- complete graph. --- complex numbers. --- connected graph. --- crossing number. --- cyclic decomposition. --- decision tree. --- distance. --- dominating set. --- edge coloring. --- geometry of position. --- graceful graph. --- graph theory. --- graph. --- icosian calculus. --- irregular graph. --- irregular multigraph. --- isomorphic graph. --- leaf. --- mathematicians. --- mathematics. --- orientation. --- oriented graph. --- planar graph. --- problem solving. --- regular graph. --- round robin tournament. --- subgraph. --- theorem. --- tree. --- vertex coloring. --- voting. --- weighted graph.
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The history of mathematics is filled with major breakthroughs resulting from solutions to recreational problems. Problems of interest to gamblers led to the modern theory of probability, for example, and surreal numbers were inspired by the game of Go. Yet even with such groundbreaking findings and a wealth of popular-level books exploring puzzles and brainteasers, research in recreational mathematics has often been neglected. The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects brings together authors from a variety of specialties to present fascinating problems and solutions in recreational mathematics. Contributors to the book show how sophisticated mathematics can help construct mazes that look like famous people, how the analysis of crossword puzzles has much in common with understanding epidemics, and how the theory of electrical circuits is useful in understanding the classic Towers of Hanoi puzzle. The card game SET is related to the theory of error-correcting codes, and simple tic-tac-toe takes on a new life when played on an affine plane. Inspirations for the book's wealth of problems include board games, card tricks, fake coins, flexagons, pencil puzzles, poker, and so much more. Looking at a plethora of eclectic games and puzzles, The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects is sure to entertain, challenge, and inspire academic mathematicians and avid math enthusiasts alike.
Mathematical recreations. --- Mathematical recreations --- Research. --- Mathematical puzzles --- Number games --- Recreational mathematics --- Recreations, Mathematical --- Puzzles --- Scientific recreations --- Games in mathematics education --- Magic squares --- Magic tricks in mathematics education --- Mathematics. --- Mathematic --- Amazing Asteroid. --- Atoll. --- Begird. --- Bernstein's Bijection. --- Chromatic Combat. --- Cookie Monster number. --- Cookie Monster. --- Devious Dice. --- Eluding Execution. --- EndGame. --- Fibonacci sequence. --- Flipping Fun. --- Flush. --- Full House. --- Get the Giraffe. --- Gilbreath numbers. --- Gilbreath permutations. --- Graeco-Latin squares. --- Hamming weight. --- Heartless Poker. --- Hex. --- Knop's puzzle. --- Leonhard Euler. --- Norman Gilbreath. --- SET. --- Sperner's Lemma. --- Straight. --- Super-n-nacci sequence. --- The Game of Y. --- The New York Times. --- Tower of Hanoi. --- Traveling Salesman Problem. --- Tribonacci sequence. --- Zeckendorf representation. --- advanced mathematics. --- affine plane. --- affine planes. --- algorithms. --- baseball. --- card effects. --- card games. --- card moves. --- card tricks. --- chess. --- coding theory. --- coin-weighing puzzles. --- connection games. --- continued fractions. --- cookies. --- coupling. --- crossword networks. --- crossword puzzle difficulty. --- crossword puzzles. --- decomposition. --- delta-to-wye transformation. --- dissection puzzles. --- divination puzzles. --- dualism. --- electrical power distribution. --- epidemics. --- error correction. --- error detection. --- error-correcting codes. --- find-and-label problem. --- flexagons. --- folding puzzles. --- game-theoretic perspective. --- generalizations. --- generator assignment. --- graphical objects. --- group structures. --- ice cream trick. --- infinite families. --- iterative stochastic process. --- just-find problem. --- linear code. --- magic tricks. --- mathematical exhibits. --- mathematical puzzles. --- maze design. --- mazes. --- minimum spanning tree. --- multiple-pans problem. --- museums. --- n-nacci sequence. --- network properties. --- network structure. --- one-move puzzles. --- packing puzzles. --- parallel scales. --- parallel weighing problem. --- period-four move. --- period-four principles. --- phyllotactic mazes. --- playing cards. --- poker. --- probability. --- random graph process. --- random moves. --- random walks. --- rearrangement puzzles. --- recreational mathematics. --- recreational problems. --- seeded stippling. --- simple objects. --- simplex. --- squash. --- surreal numbers. --- symmetries. --- tetraflexagons. --- tic-tac-toe. --- unique solutions. --- vortex tiles. --- weighing puzzles. --- winning strategies.
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