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Die koptisch-gnostische Schrift ohne Titel aus Codex II von Nag Hammadi : im Koptischen Museum zu Alt-Kairo
Authors: ---
Year: 1962 Publisher: Berlin : Akademie-Verlag,

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Your Wish Is My Command
ISBN: 9781783785582 Year: 2023 Publisher: London : Granta Books,

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A brilliantly original debut graphic novel that imagines a fantastical Cairo where wishes really do come true. Deena Mohamed brings to life a cast of characters whose struggles and triumphs are heartbreaking, inspiring and deeply resonant. Your Wish is My Command is the story of three people who are navigating a world where wishes are literally for sale. Mired as they are in bureaucracy and the familiar prejudices of our world, the wishes that are more expensive are more likely to work as intended. Three wishes sold at an unassuming kiosk in Cairo link Aziza, Nour and Shokry, changing their perspectives as well as their lives. Aziza learned early that life can be hard, but when she loses her husband and manages to procure a wish, she finds herself fighting unreasonable regulations and inequality for the right to have - and make - that wish. Nour is a privileged college student who secretly struggles with depression and must decide whether or not to use their wish to try to 'fix' this depression. And, finally, Shokry must grapple with his religious convictions as he decides how to help a friend who doesn't want to use their wish. Although their stories are fantastical, each of these people wrestles with the very real challenge of trying to make their most deeply held desires come true.

Makhṭūṭāt al-Dirāsāt al-Qurʼānīyah bi-al-Maktabāt al-Miṣrīyah : fahrasah waṣfīyah
ISBN: 9786038175590 9786038175613 9786038175620 9786038175583 9786038175637 Year: 2018 Publisher: al-Riyāḍ : Markaz Tafsīr lil-Dirāsāt al-Qur'ānīyah,

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القصور والبيوت المملوكية في القاهرة: دراسة أثرية وحضارية
ISBN: 9789004441408 9789004441392 Year: 2021 Publisher: Leiden;Boston BRILL

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"Mamluk Palaces and Houses in Cairo studies the types of extant residential buildings in Cairo from the Mamluk era (1250-1517 C.E.) and the factors affecting their design, architectural and decorative elements, and building materials. It provides an archaeological, architectural, historical, and documentary study of all the surviving palaces and houses, focussing on the structural and architectural status of its various parts. The author also discusses its present-day restoration and rehabilitation projects. In this book, Ghazwan Yaghi presents a variety of empirical material that sheds more light on the social and economic history of the Mamluk era, as well as a glossary of archaeological and documentary terminology that could serve as a tool for further research in Islamic architecture"--

Artisan entrepreneurs : in Cairo and early-modern capitalism (1600-1800)
ISBN: 9780815632795 0815632797 0815651155 9780815651154 Year: 2011 Publisher: Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press,

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Little has been written about the economic history of Egypt prior to its incorporation into the European capitalist economy. While historians have mined archives and court documents to create a picture of the commercial activities, networks, and infrastructure of merchants during this time, few have documented a similar picture of the artisans and craftspeople. Artisans outnumbered merchants, and their economic weight was considerable, yet details about their lives, the way they carried out their work, and their role or position in the economy are largely unknown. Hanna seeks to redress this gap with Artisan Entrepreneurs in Cairo and Early Modern Capitalism (1600-1800) by locating and exploring the role of artisans in the historical process. Offering richly detailed portraits as well as an overview of the Ottoman Empire's economic landscape, Hanna incorporates artisans into the historical development of the period, portraying them in the context of their work, their families, and their social relations. These artisans developed a variety of capitalist practices, both as individuals and collectively in their guilds. Responding to the demands of expanding commercial environments in Egypt and Europe, artisans found ways to adapt both production techniques and the organization of production. Hanna details the ways in which artisans defied the constraints of the guilds and actively engaged in the markets of Europe, demonstrating how Egyptian artisan production was able to compete and survive in a landscape of growing European trade. Deftly synthesizing a wide range of economic and historical theory, Hanna reinvigorates the current scholarship on early Ottoman history and provides a persuasive challenge to the largely shallow perception of artisans' role in Egypt's economy.

Making Cairo medieval
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0739109154 0739109162 Year: 2005 Volume: *1 Publisher: Lanham [Md.] : Lexington Books,

The lost archive : traces of a caliphate in a Cairo synagogue
ISBN: 9780691156477 0691156476 0691189528 Year: 2020 Publisher: Princeton, N.J. Priceton University Press

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The lost archive of the Fatimid caliphate (909-1171) survived in an unexpected place: the storage room, or geniza, of a synagogue in Cairo, recycled as scrap paper and deposited there by medieval Jews. Marina Rustow tells the story of this extraordinary find, inviting us to reconsider the longstanding but mistaken consensus that before 1500 the dynasties of the Islamic Middle East produced few documents, and preserved even fewer. Beginning with government documents before the Fatimids and paper's westward spread across Asia, Rustow reveals a millennial tradition of state record keeping whose very continuities suggest the strength of Middle Eastern institutions, not their weakness. Tracing the complex routes by which Arabic documents made their way from Fatimid palace officials to Jewish scribes, the book provides a rare window onto a robust culture of documentation and archiving not only comparable to that of medieval Europe, but, in many cases, surpassing it. Above all, Rustow argues that the problem of archives in the medieval Middle East lies not with the region's administrative culture, but with our failure to understand preindustrial documentary ecology. Illustrated with stunning examples from the Cairo Geniza, this compelling book advances our understanding of documents as physical artifacts, showing how the records of the Fatimid caliphate, once recovered, deciphered, and studied, can help change our thinking about the medieval Islamicate world and about premodern polities more broadly.

Le Caire
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISSN: 12868213 12868213 ISBN: 285088152X 9782850881527 Year: 2000 Publisher: Paris: Citadelles & Mazenod,

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S'il est une des grandes cités du monde dont l'histoire se compte en millénaires, c'est bien Le Caire. À l'origine, plusieurs villes pharaoniques et de grandes nécropoles, qui enserrent le Nil juste avant qu'il n'éclate pour créer le plus fertile des deltas. Depuis, la ville n'a plus jamais quitté les lieux. Ce seront successivement Babylone-d'Égypte, Fustat, Al Qâhira, réunies par la volonté des Fatimides et des Ayyoubides en une ville au prestige inégalé : Le Caire. Dirigés par André Raymond, les auteurs en font revivre les différentes époques : la "capitale du Nord" de l'Antiquité égyptienne, la ville où se développe la religion copte, la ville musulmane, née de la conquête par le peuple de Mahomet en 641, qui en fera une de ses capitales. Désormais, et pour une douzaine de siècles, la ville sera la proie et le joyau de dynasties d'envahisseurs, venus d'Arabie, du Moyen-Orient, de Turquie. Les Mameluks ornent la ville de monuments spectaculaires et somptueux que l'on peut encore admirer aujourd'hui. Lorsque les Ottomans prennent le pouvoir au XVIe siècle, ils continuent à la faire briller au plus haut, avant que ne viennent le déclin du XVIIIe siècle, et le rapide passage des troupes de Napoléon en 1798. La prise du pouvoir en 1805 par un chef militaire d'origine albanaise, Muhammad 'Ali, aura de fortes répercussions. Il prend pour modèle la France de Napoléon III, pour créer une capitale qui rivalise avec ses concurrentes européennes. Les traditions et les styles égyptiens se transforment au contact de l'Art nouveau. La chute de Farouk voit l'avènement de Nasser, premier chef d'État de sang égyptien depuis plus de 2000 ans ! Une nouvelle mutation pour faire entrer Le Caire dans la modernité, et répondre aux défis d'une des villes les plus peuplées du monde, riche d'un patrimoine artistique inégalé. Patrimoine que le lecteur retrouvera au fil des pages, grâce aux reportages photographiques spécialement commandés : vestiges antiques, églises coptes, mosquées et madrasas aux décors de pierre, de céramique, de bois sculpté et d'ivoire, palais des émirs et des sultans, mais aussi une ville grouillante de vie dont chaque échoppe cache des trésors... Gravures de l'Expédition d'Égypte, photographies anciennes, peintures orientalistes complètent cet ensemble.( livre offre au regard du lecteur un patrimoine souvent méconnu de l'art égyptien: églises coptes, mosquées, mausolées, madrasas, palais, fontaines au décor de pierre, de bois sculpté, d'ivoire, de marbre ou de céramique, qui se sont épanouis à l'ombre des pyramides


Cairo (Egypt) --- Le Caire (Egypte) --- Buildings, structures, etc --- History --- Constructions --- Histoire --- Architecture ayyūbide --- Architecture mamelouke --- Architecture ottomane --- Le Caire (Égypte) --- Mosquée --- Le caire --- Art --- Monuments --- Architecture --- Art urbain --- Civilisation --- Kairo (Egypt) --- Kair (Egypt) --- Qāhirah (Egypt) --- Kahirah (Egypt) --- Caire (Egypt) --- Le Caire (Egypt) --- Ḳahir (Egypt) --- القاهرة (Egypt) --- al-Qāhirah (Egypt) --- القاهرة (مصر) --- al-Qāhirah (Miṣr) --- قاهرة (Egypt) --- O Caire (Egypt) --- Lo Cayiro (Egypt) --- Lo Quèro (Egypt) --- Каир (Egypt) --- Qahirä (Egypt) --- Горад Каір (Egypt) --- Horad Kair (Egypt) --- Каір (Egypt) --- Кайро (Egypt) --- El Caire (Egypt) --- Káhira (Egypt) --- Κάιρο (Egypt) --- El Cairo (Egypt) --- El Cairu (Egypt) --- Keiro (Egypt) --- Caireo (Egypt) --- O Cairo (Egypt) --- 카이로 (Egypt) --- Il Cairo (Egypt) --- קהיר (Egypt) --- History. --- Antiquité égyptienne --- Histoire de l'architecture --- Histoire de l'art --- Histoire des villes --- Orientalisme --- Histoire de l'urbanisme --- Islam --- Patrimoine architectural --- Pictorial works --- Histoire. --- Civilisation. --- Buildings, structures, etc. --- 700 --- Egypte --- islam art --- Egypte art --- Caire --- kunst algemeen --- art généralités --- Cairo (Egypt) - History --- Cairo (Egypt) - Pictorial works --- Architecture ayyūbide --- Le Caire (Égypte)

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