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The concept of ""American"" literature is not the exclusive province of any one nation. Thanks to the historical circumstances that governed the European conquest and settlement of the Americas, we can and should approach the writings of English and French Canada, the United States, Spanish America, and Brazil as a cohesive group of American literature, worthy of study without constant reference to European texts. Now, Rediscovering the New World makes a timely addition to this expanding field on Inter-American scholarship that should help lead tothe formation of a new canon.
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Although fictional—and often fantastic—representations of nature have been a distinguishing feature of Latin American literature for centuries, ecocriticism, understood as the study of literature as it relates to depictions of the natural world, environmental issues, and the ways in which human beings interact and identify with their natural surroundings, did not emerge as a field of scholarly interest in the region until the end of the twentieth century. This volume employs an ecocritical lens in order to explore and question the use of the river imagery in Latino and Latin American literature from the colonial period to our modern world, creating a space in which to examine both its literal and figurative meanings, associated as much with processes of a personal nature as with those of the collective experience in the region. The slow, meandering streams of nostalgia, the raging currents of conflict or the stagnant waters of social decay are just a few of the ways in which the river has become an important symbol and inspiration to many of the region’s writers. This book offers a diverse collection of writings that, through a trans-historical and trans-geographical perspective, allows us, from the vantage point of the twenty-first century, to reflect on the rich and dynamic image of the river and, by extension, on the vital context of Latin/o America, its people and societies
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A partir de la formulación de Goethe en las primeras décadas del siglo XIX, el concepto de “literatura mundial” ha constituido una propuesta a partir de la cual se han articulado disciplinas como la filología, la historiografía y la literatura comparada. En años recientes, las investigaciones de Franco Moretti y Pascale Casanova han puesto de nuevo el tema en el centro del debate. Ambos elaboran teorías que reformulan, de manera a veces radical, el objeto geoliterario de la literatura comparada. Los artículos del presente volumen plantean una respuesta a estos retos crítico-teóricos desde América Latina, evaluando sus contribuciones a la lectura de la producción literaria regional desde el paradigma de la “literatura mundial”. Asimismo, estos estudios plantean críticas y alternativas a las limitaciones de modelos como la “república mundial de las letras” de Casanova y a metodologías basadas en instrumentos como las “gráficas, mapas y árboles” de Moretti. De esta manera, algunas de las figuras señeras de los estudios literarios y culturales latinoamericanos se preguntan por la legitimidad de este nuevo modelo interpretativo y por sus implicaciones ideológicas y epistemológicas para el caso de América Latina.
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Wie ist das Interesse an Spanien und seiner Literatur in Deutschland entstanden? Seit wann und warum interessiert man sich für Lateinamerika? Wie hat sich die Hispanistik als universitäres Fach konstituiert? Was sind die Ursprünge des Faches Literaturwissenschaft und welcher Methoden bediente sie sich im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert? Von diesen Ausgangsfragen her gibt der Band einen Überblick über Geschichte und zentrale Grundbegriffe der spanischsprachigen Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft und zeigt zugleich die faszinierende Palette gegenwärtiger Forschung. Vorgestellt werden bewährte Zugänge und Hilfsmittel wie Semiotik, Rhetorik, Poetik, Hermeneutik, Rezeptionsästhetik sowie exemplarische Gattungs- und Epochenbegriffe, dazu Thematologie und Imagologie. Traditionelle Anschauungsformen wie die soziologische, die marxistische, die ideologiekritische, die kulturwissenschaftliche und die psychologische ebenso wie beliebte neuere heuristische Modelle wie Bachtins Theorie der Dialogizität, Foucaults Diskurstheorie, Geschichte als memoria und Genderforschung kommen mit Blick auf die spanischsprachige Literatur zur Sprache. Als Kontexte interessieren Themen wie der literarische Kanon, Zensur, Schreiben im Exil sowie der Lateinamerika und Spanienboom der letzten Jahre. Der Blick auf Bild und Text, Film und Literatur, Filmanalyse und Medialität zeigt, wie breit das Spektrum hispanistischer Forschung geworden ist.
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Non-fiction --- Spanish-American literature --- anno 2000-2009 --- anno 1980-1989 --- anno 1970-1979 --- anno 1990-1999 --- Latin American literature --- Autobiography in literature --- Autobiography --- History and criticism --- Latin American literature - History and criticism
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It is commonly assumed that the United States and Latin America, culturally so different, move artistically to very different rhythms. Also common is the assumption that, with rare exception, the literary figures on one side of the global North/South divide have had little interest in the work of their counterparts. With Mutual Impressions Ilan Stavans dispels these notions by showing how solid the bridges between writers and across borders have been, at least since the early days of this century, and how crucial they are likely to become as we enter the next millennium. Divided into symmetrical halves—South reading North and North reading South—the book presents essays by leading novelists, poets, and other writers that focus on the work of another literary figure from across the divide. Borges, for example, finds in Hawthorne the perfect precursor to his own interest in allegories; Katherine Anne Porter examines Jose Joaquin Fernandez de Lizardi as a rascal whose picaresque views of life in The Itching Parrot served to launch the Latin American novel; Cortazar’s study of the plots and style of Poe shows an affinity that left an indelible mark on the Argentine’s short fiction; Susan Sontag views Machado de Assis as the ultimate mirror, a proto-postmodernist. With other essays by Thomas Pynchon, William H. Gass, John Updike, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Alejo Carpentier, John Barth, Robert Coover, Pedro Henriquez Urena, Grace Paley, Juan Carlos Onetti, and Mark Strand, among others, Mutual Impressions offers a remarkable view of the connections that comprise a literary tradition of the Americas. It is a book that will surprise and enliven its readers as it informs and awakens in them a sense of wonder.
American literature --- Comparative literature --- Spanish-American literature --- Latin American literature --- History and criticism. --- Appreciation --- American literature - History and criticism. --- Latin American literature - Appreciation - United States. --- Latin American literature - History and criticism. --- American literature - Appreciation - Latin America.
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Latin American literature --- Littérature latino-américaine --- History and criticism --- Congresses --- Histoire et critique --- Congrès --- -Congresses --- -Latin American literature --- -History and criticism --- Littérature latino-américaine --- Congrès --- History and criticism&delete& --- Congresses. --- Latin American literature - History and criticism - Congresses
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