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Uncertainty quantification (UQ) is a mainstream research topic in applied mathematics and statistics. To identify UQ problems, diverse modern techniques for large and complex data analyses have been developed in applied mathematics, computer science, and statistics. This Special Issue of Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) includes diverse modern data analysis methods such as skew-reflected-Gompertz information quantifiers with application to sea surface temperature records, the performance of variable selection and classification via a rank-based classifier, two-stage classification with SIS using a new filter ranking method in high throughput data, an estimation of sensitive attribute applying geometric distribution under probability proportional to size sampling, combination of ensembles of regularized regression models with resampling-based lasso feature selection in high dimensional data, robust linear trend test for low-coverage next-generation sequence data controlling for covariates, and comparing groups of decision-making units in efficiency based on semiparametric regression.
Kullback–Leibler divergence --- geometric distribution --- accuracy --- AUROC --- allele read counts --- mixture model --- low-coverage --- entropy --- gene-expression data --- SCAD --- data envelopment analysis --- LASSO --- high-throughput --- sandwich variance estimator --- adaptive lasso --- semiparametric regression --- ?1 lasso --- Laplacian matrix --- elastic net --- feature selection --- sea surface temperature --- gene expression data --- Skew-Reflected-Gompertz distribution --- lasso --- next-generation sequencing --- BH-FDR --- stochastic frontier model --- ?2 ridge --- geometric mean --- resampling --- Gompertz distribution --- adapative lasso --- group efficiency comparison --- sensitive attribute --- MCP --- probability proportional to size (PPS) sampling --- randomization device --- SIS --- Yennum et al.’s model --- ensembles
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This self-contained introduction to the distributed control of robotic networks offers a distinctive blend of computer science and control theory. The book presents a broad set of tools for understanding coordination algorithms, determining their correctness, and assessing their complexity; and it analyzes various cooperative strategies for tasks such as consensus, rendezvous, connectivity maintenance, deployment, and boundary estimation. The unifying theme is a formal model for robotic networks that explicitly incorporates their communication, sensing, control, and processing capabilities--a model that in turn leads to a common formal language to describe and analyze coordination algorithms. Written for first- and second-year graduate students in control and robotics, the book will also be useful to researchers in control theory, robotics, distributed algorithms, and automata theory. The book provides explanations of the basic concepts and main results, as well as numerous examples and exercises. Self-contained exposition of graph-theoretic concepts, distributed algorithms, and complexity measures for processor networks with fixed interconnection topology and for robotic networks with position-dependent interconnection topology Detailed treatment of averaging and consensus algorithms interpreted as linear iterations on synchronous networks Introduction of geometric notions such as partitions, proximity graphs, and multicenter functions Detailed treatment of motion coordination algorithms for deployment, rendezvous, connectivity maintenance, and boundary estimation
Robotics. --- Computer algorithms. --- Robots --- Automation --- Machine theory --- Robot control --- Robotics --- Algorithms --- Control systems. --- Computer algorithms --- Control systems --- 1-center problem. --- Adjacency matrix. --- Aggregate function. --- Algebraic connectivity. --- Algebraic topology (object). --- Algorithm. --- Analysis of algorithms. --- Approximation algorithm. --- Asynchronous system. --- Bellman–Ford algorithm. --- Bifurcation theory. --- Bounded set (topological vector space). --- Calculation. --- Cartesian product. --- Centroid. --- Chebyshev center. --- Circulant matrix. --- Circumscribed circle. --- Cluster analysis. --- Combinatorial optimization. --- Combinatorics. --- Communication complexity. --- Computation. --- Computational complexity theory. --- Computational geometry. --- Computational model. --- Computer simulation. --- Computer vision. --- Connected component (graph theory). --- Connectivity (graph theory). --- Consensus (computer science). --- Control function (econometrics). --- Differentiable function. --- Dijkstra's algorithm. --- Dimensional analysis. --- Directed acyclic graph. --- Directed graph. --- Discrete time and continuous time. --- Disk (mathematics). --- Distributed algorithm. --- Doubly stochastic matrix. --- Dynamical system. --- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. --- Estimation. --- Euclidean space. --- Function composition. --- Hybrid system. --- Information theory. --- Initial condition. --- Instance (computer science). --- Invariance principle (linguistics). --- Invertible matrix. --- Iteration. --- Iterative method. --- Kinematics. --- Laplacian matrix. --- Leader election. --- Linear dynamical system. --- Linear interpolation. --- Linear programming. --- Lipschitz continuity. --- Lyapunov function. --- Markov chain. --- Mathematical induction. --- Mathematical optimization. --- Mobile robot. --- Motion planning. --- Multi-agent system. --- Network model. --- Network topology. --- Norm (mathematics). --- Numerical integration. --- Optimal control. --- Optimization problem. --- Parameter (computer programming). --- Partition of a set. --- Percolation theory. --- Permutation matrix. --- Polytope. --- Proportionality (mathematics). --- Quantifier (logic). --- Quantization (signal processing). --- Robustness (computer science). --- Scientific notation. --- Sensor. --- Set (mathematics). --- Simply connected space. --- Simulation. --- Simultaneous equations. --- State space. --- State variable. --- Stochastic matrix. --- Stochastic. --- Strongly connected component. --- Synchronous network. --- Theorem. --- Time complexity. --- Topology. --- Variable (mathematics). --- Vector field.
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This accessible book provides an introduction to the analysis and design of dynamic multiagent networks. Such networks are of great interest in a wide range of areas in science and engineering, including: mobile sensor networks, distributed robotics such as formation flying and swarming, quantum networks, networked economics, biological synchronization, and social networks. Focusing on graph theoretic methods for the analysis and synthesis of dynamic multiagent networks, the book presents a powerful new formalism and set of tools for networked systems. The book's three sections look at foundations, multiagent networks, and networks as systems. The authors give an overview of important ideas from graph theory, followed by a detailed account of the agreement protocol and its various extensions, including the behavior of the protocol over undirected, directed, switching, and random networks. They cover topics such as formation control, coverage, distributed estimation, social networks, and games over networks. And they explore intriguing aspects of viewing networks as systems, by making these networks amenable to control-theoretic analysis and automatic synthesis, by monitoring their dynamic evolution, and by examining higher-order interaction models in terms of simplicial complexes and their applications. The book will interest graduate students working in systems and control, as well as in computer science and robotics. It will be a standard reference for researchers seeking a self-contained account of system-theoretic aspects of multiagent networks and their wide-ranging applications. This book has been adopted as a textbook at the following universities: ? University of Stuttgart, Germany Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Johannes Kepler University, Austria Georgia Tech, USA University of Washington, USA Ohio University, USA
Network analysis (Planning) --- Multiagent systems --- Agent-based model (Computer software) --- MASs (Multiagent systems) --- Multi-agent systems --- Systems, Multiagent --- Intelligent agents (Computer software) --- Project networks --- Planning --- System analysis --- Graphic methods. --- Mathematical models. --- Mathematical models --- Graphic methods --- Addition. --- Adjacency matrix. --- Algebraic graph theory. --- Algorithm. --- Automorphism. --- Bipartite graph. --- Cardinality. --- Cartesian product. --- Circulant graph. --- Combinatorics. --- Complete graph. --- Computation. --- Connectivity (graph theory). --- Controllability. --- Convex combination. --- Corollary. --- Cycle graph (algebra). --- Cycle space. --- Degree (graph theory). --- Degree matrix. --- Diagonal matrix. --- Diameter. --- Differentiable function. --- Dimension. --- Directed graph. --- Division by zero. --- Dynamical system. --- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. --- Equilibrium point. --- Estimation. --- Estimator. --- Existential quantification. --- Extremal graph theory. --- Graph (discrete mathematics). --- Graph theory. --- Identity matrix. --- Incidence matrix. --- Information exchange. --- Initial condition. --- Interconnection. --- Iteration. --- Kalman filter. --- Kronecker product. --- LTI system theory. --- LaSalle's invariance principle. --- Laplacian matrix. --- Least squares. --- Line graph. --- Linear map. --- Lipschitz continuity. --- Lyapunov function. --- Lyapunov stability. --- Markov chain. --- Mathematical optimization. --- Matrix exponential. --- Measurement. --- Multi-agent system. --- Nash equilibrium. --- Natural number. --- Network topology. --- Nonnegative matrix. --- Notation. --- Observability. --- Optimal control. --- Optimization problem. --- Pairwise. --- Parameter. --- Path graph. --- Permutation matrix. --- Permutation. --- Positive semidefinite. --- Positive-definite matrix. --- Probability. --- Quantity. --- Random graph. --- Random variable. --- Rate of convergence. --- Requirement. --- Result. --- Robotics. --- Scientific notation. --- Sensor. --- Sign (mathematics). --- Simplicial complex. --- Special case. --- Spectral graph theory. --- Stochastic matrix. --- Strongly connected component. --- Subset. --- Summation. --- Supergraph. --- Symmetric matrix. --- Systems theory. --- Theorem. --- Theory. --- Unit interval. --- Upper and lower bounds. --- Variable (mathematics). --- Vector space. --- Without loss of generality.
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This accessible book provides an introduction to the analysis and design of dynamic multiagent networks. Such networks are of great interest in a wide range of areas in science and engineering, including: mobile sensor networks, distributed robotics such as formation flying and swarming, quantum networks, networked economics, biological synchronization, and social networks. Focusing on graph theoretic methods for the analysis and synthesis of dynamic multiagent networks, the book presents a powerful new formalism and set of tools for networked systems. The book's three sections look at foundations, multiagent networks, and networks as systems. The authors give an overview of important ideas from graph theory, followed by a detailed account of the agreement protocol and its various extensions, including the behavior of the protocol over undirected, directed, switching, and random networks. They cover topics such as formation control, coverage, distributed estimation, social networks, and games over networks. And they explore intriguing aspects of viewing networks as systems, by making these networks amenable to control-theoretic analysis and automatic synthesis, by monitoring their dynamic evolution, and by examining higher-order interaction models in terms of simplicial complexes and their applications. The book will interest graduate students working in systems and control, as well as in computer science and robotics. It will be a standard reference for researchers seeking a self-contained account of system-theoretic aspects of multiagent networks and their wide-ranging applications. This book has been adopted as a textbook at the following universities: ? University of Stuttgart, Germany Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Johannes Kepler University, Austria Georgia Tech, USA University of Washington, USA Ohio University, USA
Mathematics --- Network analysis (Planning) --- Multiagent systems --- Graphic methods. --- Mathematical models. --- Addition. --- Adjacency matrix. --- Algebraic graph theory. --- Algorithm. --- Automorphism. --- Bipartite graph. --- Cardinality. --- Cartesian product. --- Circulant graph. --- Combinatorics. --- Complete graph. --- Computation. --- Connectivity (graph theory). --- Controllability. --- Convex combination. --- Corollary. --- Cycle graph (algebra). --- Cycle space. --- Degree (graph theory). --- Degree matrix. --- Diagonal matrix. --- Diameter. --- Differentiable function. --- Dimension. --- Directed graph. --- Division by zero. --- Dynamical system. --- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. --- Equilibrium point. --- Estimation. --- Estimator. --- Existential quantification. --- Extremal graph theory. --- Graph (discrete mathematics). --- Graph theory. --- Identity matrix. --- Incidence matrix. --- Information exchange. --- Initial condition. --- Interconnection. --- Iteration. --- Kalman filter. --- Kronecker product. --- LTI system theory. --- LaSalle's invariance principle. --- Laplacian matrix. --- Least squares. --- Line graph. --- Linear map. --- Lipschitz continuity. --- Lyapunov function. --- Lyapunov stability. --- Markov chain. --- Mathematical optimization. --- Matrix exponential. --- Measurement. --- Multi-agent system. --- Nash equilibrium. --- Natural number. --- Network topology. --- Nonnegative matrix. --- Notation. --- Observability. --- Optimal control. --- Optimization problem. --- Pairwise. --- Parameter. --- Path graph. --- Permutation matrix. --- Permutation. --- Positive semidefinite. --- Positive-definite matrix. --- Probability. --- Quantity. --- Random graph. --- Random variable. --- Rate of convergence. --- Requirement. --- Result. --- Robotics. --- Scientific notation. --- Sensor. --- Sign (mathematics). --- Simplicial complex. --- Special case. --- Spectral graph theory. --- Stochastic matrix. --- Strongly connected component. --- Subset. --- Summation. --- Supergraph. --- Symmetric matrix. --- Systems theory. --- Theorem. --- Theory. --- Unit interval. --- Upper and lower bounds. --- Variable (mathematics). --- Vector space. --- Without loss of generality.
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