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Jack Lenor Larsen : a weaver's memoir
ISBN: 0810935899 Year: 1998 Publisher: New York : Harry N. Abrams, Inc.,

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Selflessness in business
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ISBN: 1622737563 9781622737567 9781622736393 1622736397 Year: 2019 Publisher: Wilmington, Delaware ; Malaga, Spain : Vernon Press,

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Definition of an online and offline communication strategy for the development of the awareness and the consideration of proton therapy in Belgium
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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IBA is medical technology company based in Louvain-la-Neuve. It develops, manufactures and commercialize innovative solutions such as proton therapy, which is the most advanced form of treatment in the field of radiation therapy. &#13;IBA’s current problem is that proton therapy is unknown to the mainstream market as a solution to cure cancer. Moreover, the medical staff does not suggest this type of treatment to its patients because of a lack of scientific proof to support the advantages of proton therapy over conventional x-rays. If patients do not know it exists , they will not look for information in order to be treated in a center. If there are not any patients to treat in centers, there is no need to build some more. Finally, if potential investors or hospitals do not want to invest in a proton therapy center, IBA’s sales will dramatically decrease. &#13;This is why this project is focused on the development of the awareness and the consideration of proton therapy through a structured online and offline communication strategy. In order to build a relevant content strategy that specifically answers the needs and expectations of patients, a qualitative research has been carried, which the results are detailed in the present document.&#13;The communication objective is to develop the awareness and the consideration of proton therapy in order to make the technology become a more trending practice in the treatment of cancer than it is today.&#13;The final recommendation is represented by the communication plan’s architecture, which is based on two main elements: making sure the owned media are ready in terms of content and properties and driving traffic to these properties through paid media campaigns.

The life of David Lack : father of evolutionary ecology
ISBN: 0199339937 0199922659 9780199922659 9780199922642 0199922640 9780199339938 Year: 2013 Publisher: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press,

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The first biography of David Lack, the father of evolutionary ecology and an acclaimed ornithologist

Kritik des Postfaktischen : Der Kapitalismus und seine Spätfolgen
ISBN: 3846764280 3770564286 Year: 2019 Publisher: Paderborn Brill | Fink

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Allerorten wird über Postfaktizität geklagt. Politische Werte weichen dem Schüren von Ressentiments und der Manipulation von Gefühlen. Fake News, alternative Fakten oder Faktenchecks finden als letzte Rettung immer mehr gläubige Anhänger. Wie können wir dem Postfaktischen begegnen, das inzwischen sogar als geopolitische Strategie - ausgehend von Trump, Orban & Co. - erfolgreich Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit auszuhöhlen droht? Wir müssen das Phänomen systematisch unter die Lupe nehmen. Lars Distelhorst zufolge wurzelt das Postfaktische in der fortschreitenden kapitalistischen Ökonomisierung der Gesellschaft, in deren Folge Sinn- und Bedeutungsverhältnisse sich zusehends auflösen. Können Affen, die Pfeile auf den Finanzteil einer Zeitung werfen, ein ebenso gutes Aktienportfolio erzielen wie Investmentbanker? Ergibt es ernsthaft Sinn, über alternative Fakten nachzudenken? Oder ist es an der Zeit, grundlegend zu diskutieren, ob die heutige Gesellschaft noch eine Perspektive für die Zukunft darstellt? » ›Fake News‹, also mit Hilfe digitaler Medien in Blitzeseile verbreitete Falschmeldungen sind weitaus mehr als nur ein zeitgemäßes taktisches Mittel politischer Auseinandersetzung. Sie sind vielmehr - das beweist Lars Distelhorsts neue, bahnbrechende Untersuchung - ein, nein, das strukturelle Merkmal der gegenwärtig weltweit herrschenden Ökonomie: des ›Kapitalismus‹ im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Der von Distelhorst hier erstmals gesellschaftstheoretisch analysierte Begriff der ›Postfaktizität‹ weist auf den historisch so noch nie gekannten Umstand hin, dass erfahrene Sinnlosigkeit nicht nur Aus-druck individueller Lebenskrisen, sondern - mehr noch - die wesentliche Produktionsbedingung des gegenwärtig herrschenden weltweiten Kapitalverhältnisses ist. Mit Distelhorsts neuer Studie ist die Kritische Theorie der Gesellschaft endlich auf der Höhe ihrer Zeit.« - Micha Brumlik

Obesitas : een dik probleem : een nieuwe aanpak van de grootste epidemie van deze eeuw
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789038223834 Year: 2014 Publisher: Gent Academia Press

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Obesitas of zwaarlijvigheid is een thema dat de publieke opinie beroert. Jan Herman gaat in dit boek op zoek naar feiten en oorzaken en wijst op het epidemische karakter. Op een heldere en zakelijke wijze schetst de auteur vervolgens de persoonlijke en maatschappelijke gevolgen van obesitas. Het is nog niet te laat: oplossingen zijn mogelijk. Herman toetst het huidige beleid aan de realiteit en geeft duidelijke suggesties en keuzes voor de toekomst. Zijn visie is gekaderd in een bredere problematiek rond overdadige medische consumptie en besparingen in de gezondheidszorg.(Bron: covertekst)

Elsa Asenijeff's Is that love? and Innocence : a voice reclaimed
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1800106777 1640141472 Year: 2022 Publisher: Rochester, New York : Camden House,

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First English translations of two early feminist short-story collections, shedding light on the "woman question" at the turn of the 20th century and relating to today's #MeToo movement. This edition provides the first English translations of two short-story collections - Is That Love? (1896) and Innocence: A Modern Book for Girls (1901) - by the Austrian writer Elsa Asenijeff (1867-1941). Primarily remembered as the lover and muse of sculptor and painter Max Klinger, in her time Asenijeff was a widely read author. Both books engage with "the woman question" at the turn of the twentieth century: Asenijeff thematizes the lack of education and professional opportunities for women and girls, critiques the bourgeois family as a site of patriarchal power, and sheds light on systemic sexual violence. Is That Love?, in particular, dismantles dominant narratives of romantic love and marriage. Written while Asenijeff was living in Bulgaria, and set there, the text also engages with that country's political turmoil. In Innocence, Asenijeff relies on some of the traditional characteristics of Mädchenliteratur, educational literature for girls, but also subverts its conventions. In their introduction, the translators explicate the sociohistorical background of both texts, arguing for Asenijeff's importance in the history of women's writing in the nineteenth- and twentieth-century German-speaking world and placing her within the larger context of the contemporary global #MeToo movement.

Demanding To Be Served : Holding Governments To Account for Improved Access
Year: 2008 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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This paper presents an overview of the constitutional-legal provisions on access to services in developing countries and shows that rights to public services are not justice-able. It further documents the performance record to show that governments' response to such a weak accountability framework has been predictable - poor performance in service delivery with little accountability. The paper also shows that while there has not been a shortage of ideas on how to deal with this problem, most approaches have failed because they could not diagnose and deal with the underlying causes of government dysfunction. The paper presents an analytical perspective on understanding the causes of dysfunctional governance and the incentives and accountability regimes that have the potential to overcome this dysfunction. The paper also documents practices that have shown some promise in improving access. The paper then integrates ideas from successful practices with conceptual underpinnings for good governance and presents a citizen-centric (rights based) governance approach to access. It further explores how such a citizen empowerment and government accountability framework can be implemented in practice, especially in the context of developing countries, where most governments still operate in a command and control environment with little or no orientation to serve their people. It also presents ideas on how to overcome resistance to such reforms.

Demanding To Be Served : Holding Governments To Account for Improved Access
Year: 2008 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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This paper presents an overview of the constitutional-legal provisions on access to services in developing countries and shows that rights to public services are not justice-able. It further documents the performance record to show that governments' response to such a weak accountability framework has been predictable - poor performance in service delivery with little accountability. The paper also shows that while there has not been a shortage of ideas on how to deal with this problem, most approaches have failed because they could not diagnose and deal with the underlying causes of government dysfunction. The paper presents an analytical perspective on understanding the causes of dysfunctional governance and the incentives and accountability regimes that have the potential to overcome this dysfunction. The paper also documents practices that have shown some promise in improving access. The paper then integrates ideas from successful practices with conceptual underpinnings for good governance and presents a citizen-centric (rights based) governance approach to access. It further explores how such a citizen empowerment and government accountability framework can be implemented in practice, especially in the context of developing countries, where most governments still operate in a command and control environment with little or no orientation to serve their people. It also presents ideas on how to overcome resistance to such reforms.

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