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Colloques --- Colloquia --- Raymond Lulle --- Raymundus Lullus --- Theologie --- Théologie --- 1 RAYMUNDUS LULLUS --- #GOSA:II.ME.LUL --- 189 --- Filosofie. Psychologie--RAYMUNDUS LULLUS --- Philosophy & psychology Medieval Western --- 1 RAYMUNDUS LULLUS Filosofie. Psychologie--RAYMUNDUS LULLUS
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Im Jahr 2007 konnte das Raimundus-Lullus-Institut der Universität Freiburg sein 50-jähriges Bestehen feiern. Aus diesem Anlass fand vom 25.–28. November 2007 ein internationaler wissenschaftlicher Kongress unter dem Titel Gottes Schau und Weltbetrachtung. Interpretationen zum »Liber contemplationis« des Raimundus Lullus statt. Die 20 Referentinnen und Referenten wurden bewusst nicht nur aus dem Kreis namhafter Lull-Spezialisten gewählt, sondern repräsentieren ein breites Spektrum internationaler mediävistischer Forschung. Mit ihren Tagungsbeiträgen, die in diesem Band gesammelt vorliegen, bieten sie eine informative Tour d’Horizon durch Ramon Lulls umfangreichstes und wohl bedeutendstes Werk, den Liber contemplationis in Deum (katalanisch: Llibre de contemplació en Déu). In the year 2007, the Raimundus-Lullus-Institut at the University of Freiburg celebrated its 50th anniversary. To mark this occasion, an international congress was held on 25–28 November 2007, titled Vision of God and Contemplation of the World. Interpretations of Ramon Lull’s »Liber contemplationis«. The congress papers assembled in the present volume offer an informative survey of the Liber contemplationis in Deum (Catalan: Llibre de contemplació en Déu), the most comprehensive and probably most significant work of Lull’s.
Llull, Ramon, --- 2 RAYMUNDUS LULLUS --- #GOSA:II.ME.LUL --- 230 --- 2 RAYMUNDUS LULLUS Godsdienst. Theologie--RAYMUNDUS LULLUS --- Godsdienst. Theologie--RAYMUNDUS LULLUS --- Religion Christian theology --- Conferences - Meetings --- Philosophy, Medieval --- Philosophie médiévale --- Llull, Ramon, - 1232?-1316 - Llibre de contemplació en Déu - Congresses --- Llull, Ramon, - 1232?-1316 - Llibre de contemplació en Déu
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In London Underground: A Cultural Geography, David Ashford sets out to chart one of the strangest, as well as the most familiar, spaces in London. This book provides a theoretical account of the evolution of an archetypal modern environment. The first to complete that slow process of estrangement from the natural topography initiated by the Industrial Revolution, the London Underground is shown to be what French anthropologist Marc Augé has termed non-lieu - a non-place, like motorway, supermarket or airport lounge, compelled to interpret its relationship to the invisible landscape it traverses through the medium of signs and maps. Surveying an unusually wide variety of material, ranging from the Victorian triple-decker novel, to Modernist art and architecture, to Pop music and graffiti, this cultural geography suggests that the tube-network is a transitional form, linking the alienated spaces of Victorian England to the virtual spaces of our contemporary consumer-capitalism. Recounting the history of the production of this new space, and of the struggles it has generated, London Underground is nothing less than the story of how people have attempted to make a home in the psychopathological spaces of the modern world.
Subways --- Cultural geography --- Human geography --- Railroads, Underground --- Underground railroads --- Local transit --- Railroads --- Underground construction --- Urban transportation --- Underpasses --- History. --- London Underground Limited. --- London Regional Transport (Agency). --- LUL --- London Underground --- LU --- London (England) --- Londen (England) --- Londinium (England) --- Londres (England) --- Londýn (England) --- Lunnainn (England) --- Civilization. --- Heavy rail rapid transit --- Metros (Subways) --- Rail rapid transit, Heavy --- Tubes (Subways) --- Undergrounds (Subways)
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Der vorliegende Band versammelt die Beiträge eines Internationalen Kongresses zu Ramon Llull und Nikolaus von Kues, der vom 25.-27. November 2004 in Brixen und Bozen (Südtirol) stattfand.Die insgesamt vierzehn Beiträge untersuchen den nachhaltigen Einfluß des mallorquinischen Gelehrten auf den Brixner Bischof — in dessen Kueser Bibliothek kein anderer Autor so häufig vertreten ist wie Lullus — in historischer und systematischer Absicht für die verschiedenen Bereiche des cusanischen Denkens. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der kritischen Würdigung der Modelle, die beide Denker für das Gespräch zwischen den Religionen entwickeln.Il presente volume raccoglie i contributi d’un Congresso Internazionale su Raimondo Lullo e Niccolò Cusano, svoltosi dal 25 al 27 novembre 2004 a Bressanone e Bolzano (Alto Adige/Sudtirolo).Gli articoli, quattordici in tutto, indagano, sotto il profilo storico e sistematico, il perdurevole influsso esercitato dallo studioso maiorchino Raimondo Lullo sui diversi ambiti del pensiero del vescovo di Bressanone, nella cui biblioteca a Kues nessun altro autore è rappresentato con tale frequenza come Lullo. In particolare viene dato ampio spazio all’analisi critica dei modelli di dialogo interreligioso sviluppati da
Religious tolerance --- Catholic Church. --- 2 NICOLAUS CUSANUS --- 2 RAYMUNDUS LULLUS --- 172.4 --- #GOSA:II.ME.LUL --- 210 --- 172.4 Internationale moraal. Pacifisme. Internationalisme --- Internationale moraal. Pacifisme. Internationalisme --- 2 RAYMUNDUS LULLUS Godsdienst. Theologie--RAYMUNDUS LULLUS --- Godsdienst. Theologie--RAYMUNDUS LULLUS --- 2 NICOLAUS CUSANUS Godsdienst. Theologie--NICOLAUS CUSANUS --- Godsdienst. Theologie--NICOLAUS CUSANUS --- Religion Philosophy and theory of religion --- Tolerance, Religious --- Toleration --- Catholic Church --- Nicholas, --- Llull, Ramon, --- Lullus, Raimundus, --- Lulle, Raymond, --- Lull, Raymond, --- Lully, Reymund, --- Llull, Ramón, --- Lull, Ramón, --- Lulio, Raimundo, --- Lullo, Raimondo, --- Llull, R. --- Lully, Raymund, --- Lull, Raimundo, --- Lullus, Raymondus, --- Lullius, Raymundus, --- Chrypffs, Nicolaus, --- Cues, Nicolas de, --- Cues, Nikolaus von, --- Cusa, Nicolaus de, --- Cusano, Nicola, --- Cusano, Nicolò, --- Cusanus, Nicolaus, --- Khrypffs, Nicolaus, --- Krebs, Nicolaus, --- Kues, Nikolaus von, --- Kusánský, Mikuláš, --- Kuzańczyk, --- Kuzaneli, Nikoloz, --- Kuzanskiĭ, Nikolaĭ, --- Mikołaj, --- Mikuláš, --- Ni-ku-la Kʻu-sa, --- Nicholas de Cusa, --- Nicola, --- Nicolai, --- Nicolas, --- Nicolaus Cusanus, --- Nicolò, --- Nikolaĭ, --- Nikolaus, --- Nikolaus von Cusa, --- Nikoloz, --- Nikoloz Kuzanelis, --- Nikula Kʻu-sa, --- Николай, --- Кузанский, Николай, --- Cusano, Niccolò, --- Cusa, Nicolaas van, --- Nicolaas, --- Religious tolerance - Congresses - Catholic Church. --- Raimundus Lullus --- Nicolaus Cusanus
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