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Mise en place de tableaux de bord pour le suivi de l'activité d'un complexe hôtelier
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Ce mémoire-projet, rédigé en français, fait part d'un projet réalisé au sein de l'entreprise sprimontoise Eloy. Le projet consistait à mettre en place des tableaux de bord ainsi que des reportings financiers, basés sur des indicateurs de performance, afin de contrôler et suivre la performance des activités d'un complexe hôtelier ouvert en janvier 2017 dont Eloy est actionnaire.

Conception et proposition de mise en oeuvre d'un tableau de bord de pilotage de la performance de l'innovation au sein de groupe John Cockerill
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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John Cockerill is a technology and engineering company renowned in the Liège region and aspires to be more and more international.&#13;Like any technology enterprise, to remain competitive and offer the best services to its customers, the Group must innovate. Nevertheless, not all these innovations are specifically listed.&#13;Innovation remains a priority strategy for most firms, which see it as a powerful engine of growth. Indeed, innovation will enable the company to maintain its market share and anticipate problems by offering different and innovative solutions. However, too many organizations are struggling to measure the real performance of their innovation portfolio and John Cockerill is currently experiencing some difficulties in measuring this innovation.&#13;It is for this reason that I have designed a dashboard with key performance indicators based on innovation. I followed a methodology in 4 main phases: identification, design, implementation and permanent monitoring. These phases are themselves subdivided into different stages.&#13;The indicators were chosen according to the objectives pursued by the Group as part of its innovation strategy. These indicators should serve as an aid to managing the Group's performance. John Cockerill decision-makers will also use the dashboard as a reference for making or supporting decisions.&#13;Once the dashboard was designed, I made a proposal to integrate and deploy this tool across the company.

Metric dashboards for operations and supply chain excellence
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1606497693 Year: 2014 Publisher: New York, New York (222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017) : Business Expert Press,

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Over the last decade Lean and Six Sigma methods and tools have helped organizations improve to historic productivity levels with the data driven, systematic elimination of waste, and improvement of flow. Today many organizations have enjoyed the benefits of Lean and Six Sigma initiatives, and are looking more to sustain the gains, and aggressively drive a systematic and ongoing approach to improvement and problem solving. The concept of diminishing returns applies here in the early stages when organizations were able to find "low-hanging fruit" and to quickly make significant improvements. Now the easy work is done, and organizations need a simple yet systematic approach to continuing their continuous improvement efforts. The term scoreboards and dashboards are quite common, and many organizations have them. However, the author's observations are that there are many problems common to most organization dashboards.

Analyse des processus et procédures liés au magasin entretien ménager du Centre Hospitalier Régional de la Citadelle
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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In this thesis, we perform an Audit of efficiency on the Process and Procedures related to Cleaning Services of the Regional Hospital of CITADELLE. &#13;The Cleaning Services process is of great importance in the functioning of the hospital because there are recommendations of the High Council of Health whose breach would involve sanctions against the hospital institute.&#13;Our fieldwork enabled us to see that the Cleaning Service process is not formalized enough, there are no controls, no Key performance indicator. We notice also that the Internal services in charge of issuing purchase orders do not master their inventory management. &#13;In our recommendations; we proceed by modeling the process with the Business Process Modeling Notation. This involves developing procedures for key activities, implement Keys Performance Indicators, identification and management of Risks related to the process system. We end up by developing a management tool "Kanban", capable of streamlining the flow in the Cleaning Services Warehouse. We identify the tasks related to the implementation of this tool, followed by an analysis of Return On Investment of the Kanban project.

Développement d'une démarche de mesure de la performance de projets Smart City
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Développement d'une démarche de mesure de la performance de projets Smart City en collaboration avec quatre entités partenaires du travail : deux villes et deux intercommunales wallonnes.

Conception et implémentation d'outils de pilotage de la performance - le cas du département industriel d'Alstom Belgium
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The railway industry has gone through a series of mutations in recent decades. Single European railway area, increased competition and new standards and technologies constitute so many threat and opportunities. Those changes have led many historical companies to adapt their typology of production. Resulting organizational changes require strong and involved industrial players. As a result, management control is no longer sufficient. It is time to drive the performance!&#13;This thesis focuses on the design and implementation phases of performance management tools. The analysis of the practical case submitted by the industrial department of Alstom Belgium will enable us to put into practice the fundamental concepts of performance management.

Mise en place d'une stratégie digitale d'inbound marketing en vue de promouvoir un nouveau site internet commercial et d'aider les commerciaux dans leurs méthodes de prospection.
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Vedia is a local television in the area of Verviers since 1988. In addition of informing people, the company also offers services such as video production, studio rental, broadcast of advertising and communication trainings. However, no one or few people only knows about it. This problem is caused by the lack of online presence. Indeed, Vedia has no website or social network pages to display its services. Vedia is currently developing a commercial website to reach its customers easier but it is not operational yet. As a result, the sales representatives encounter problems in finding new customers and Vedia sees its turnover fall dramatically. It is therefore necessary to improve its online presence as soon as possible. This essay will focus on this problem and will try to develop a solution to help Vedia grow its sales. &#13;&#13;First of all, this document will help Vedia develop an online presence by implementing an Inbound Marketing Strategy. This strategy is based on the publishing of content on the website to increase the visibility of the company and also to attract people. In other words, one section of the website should look like a blog with high-quality articles inside. You will find in this essay all stages to set up this strategy successfully: the Personas, the social networks, the SMART objectives, the main steps of the strategy, the key performance indicators, the workflows and a comparison of marketing automation tools. Moreover, you will find in the appendix of this document some advices to create the new website. &#13;&#13;Finally, the second part of this essay aims to help the sales representatives with the social networks. The goal is to use them in their sales prospection to find new customers easier, to maintain relationship with them and to improve the company’s online awareness. The sales representatives should also integrate a solution of CRM to have a better monitoring of the customers and therefore a better relationship with them.

Implementation of an enterprise wide project management office (EPMO) at NRB
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Enterprise wide project management offices (EPMO) is a recent notion that appeared in big companies in the last ten years. The idea is to homogenize the project management methods within an organization and to create consolidated reporting to the executives. &#13;At NRB, the latest acquisitions and the steady growth of the organization made it impossible to manage the entire project portfolio. With each silo gathering and working on the project data in their own way, it was no longer possible for the operations managers to know the overall situation and to identify operational issues related to the projects.&#13;This project-thesis explores this notion of EPMO and tries to bring a more academic vision of the subject. It defines the first actions that have been taken in recent months at NRB and suggests a list of methods to improve the structure. &#13;The implementation of the EPMO starts from defining a list of KPIs that reflects the most of the operational situation of a project and a method to track the alignment of the projects with strategic objectives of the portfolio. &#13;Moreover, it gathers the methods of collecting the project data through the notion of data governance and the methodology to consolidate and present the data through the notions of Business Process Automation (BPA) and Business Intelligence (BI).&#13;Finally, it takes into account the notion of maturity level in project management, seen as a real competitive advantage, through the acquisition of official certifications. The EPMO has then the role to be a support for the process owners in the study of this maturity level in order to improve it and ensure the future audits.

Etude et mise en place d'un outil de gestion de "Bill Of Materials" au sein de l'entreprise Coexpair.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Ce travail consiste en l’élaboration d’un outil permettant d’optimiser le planning du design à la mise en production. Ce projet est né pour donner suite à un besoin rencontré par l’entreprise Coexpair.&#13;Aujourd’hui, les entreprises actives dans la production de machine « à usage unique » se doivent d’être réactives, flexibles et compétitives. C’est le cas de l’entreprise Coexpair qui est active dans la mise en œuvre de matériaux composite par le procédé de moulage par transfert de résine (Resin Transfert Molding RTM). Ce procédé nécessite l’utilisation de machine « sur mesure » dédiées à cette activité. C’est pourquoi l’entreprise crée et produit des machines qui doivent répondre à un cahier des charges très précis pour réaliser une pièce en composite destinée à l’aéronautique.&#13;L’objectif de ce travail va consister à développer et mettre en place une méthode au travers de différents outils permettant de faire le lien entre les différents acteurs qui jouent un rôle dans le projet. Cette méthode aura pour but d’optimiser le coût, la qualité et le délai. Pour atteindre l’objectif, il convient de prendre en compte l’aspect ergonomique de la solution proposée. &#13;Afin de maximiser le taux de réussite de la stratégie mise en place durant l’étude, beaucoup d’informations ont été recueillies sur le terrain auprès d’acteurs impliqués dans le domaine abordé. L'objectif est alors d'utiliser, avec esprit critique, les informations récoltées sur le terrain afin de proposer un travail pertinent et cohérent. This work consists in the development of a tool to optimize the planning from design to production. This project was born following a need met by the company Coexpair.&#13;Today, companies which are active in the production of « single-use » machines must be reactive, flexible, and competitive. This is the case of the company Coexpair which is active in the implementation of composite materials by the resin transfer moulding process (RTM). This process requires the use of "tailor-made" machines dedicated to this activity. That is the reason why the company creates and produces machines that must meet very precise specifications to produce a composite part for the aeronautics industry.&#13;The objective of this work will be to develop and set up a method through different tools allowing to make the link between the different actors who play a role in the project. This method will aim at optimizing cost, quality, and lead time. To achieve the objective, the ergonomic aspect of the proposed solution must be considered. &#13;In order to maximise the success rate of the strategy implemented during the study, a lot of information was collected in the field from actors involved in the field. The objective was to use, with a critical spirit, the information gathered in the field in order to propose a relevant and coherent work.

International standards on auditing : an institutional driver for audit quality
ISBN: 9782874035463 2874035467 Year: 2019 Publisher: Brugge : die Keure,

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Het boek geeft antwoorden op vragen, waaronder :. Zijn de ISA's optimale auditstandaarden vanuit een theoretisch auditkwaliteitsperspectief ?. Wat is het voordeel van principes boven op regels gebaseerde standaarden, en in welk opzicht kunnen dergelijke standaarden bijdragen aan de kwaliteit van de audit?. Op welke wijze is de potentiële impact van controlestandaarden op de kwaliteit van de controle afhankelijk van de toepasselijke institutionele context ?. Op welke wijze staat de legitimiteit van de controle van de standaarden onder druk?. Wat is de invloed op de vaststelling van standaarden en de regelgeving in het algemeen van de wens van beleidsmakers om een nultolerantie te hanteren ten aanzien van het restrisico?. Hoe definieert en meet een onderzoeker de kwaliteit van een audit vanuit een wetenschappelijk perspectief ?. In welk opzicht is "compliance" verschillend van "kwaliteit" ? Le livre fournit des réponses à des questions, notamment :. Les ISA sont-elles des normes d'audit optimales du point de vue de la qualité de l'audit théorique ?. Quel est l'avantage des normes fondées sur des principes par rapport aux normes fondées sur des règles, et dans quelle mesure ces normes peuvent-elles contribuer à la qualité de l'audit ?. De quelle manière l'impact potentiel des normes d'audit sur la qualité de l'audit dépend-il du contexte institutionnel applicable ?. Dans quelle mesure la légitimité des normes d'audit est-elle mise sous pression ?. Quelle peut être l'influence sur la normalisation et la réglementation en général du désir des décideurs politiques d'une tolérance zéro en termes de risque résiduel ?. Comment un chercheur définit-il et mesure-t-il la qualité de l'audit d'un point de vue scientifique ?. En quoi la "conformité" est-elle différente de la "qualité" ?


prestatiemeting --- audit --- beheerscontrole --- ревизија на управувањето --- kontroll i menaxhimit --- awditjar tal-immaniġġjar --- contrôle de gestion --- kontrola managementu --- auditul managementului --- kontrola zarządcza --- juhtimisaudit --- pārvaldības audits --- procjena uspješnosti menadžmenta --- revizija poslovodenja --- audit manažmentu --- driftsøkonomisk kontrol --- διαχειριστικός έλεγχος --- a menedzsment ellenőrzése --- ревизија пословодства --- förvaltningsrevision --- valdymo auditas --- control de gestión --- hallinnon valvonta --- management audit --- Wirtschaftlichkeitskontrolle --- управленски контрол --- controlo de gestão --- controllo di gestione --- revizija menadžmenta --- pārvaldības revīzija --- manažerský audit --- Controlling --- контрола врз успешноста на управата --- a vállalatirányítás ellenőrzése --- audit managementu --- procjena uspješnosti poslovodstva --- kontrola menadžmenta --- a gazdálkodás ellenőrzése --- audyt --- iniúchadh --- έλεγχος --- verifica ispettiva --- ревизија --- проверка --- revizija --- auditas --- awditu --- podnikový audit --- tarkastus --- revision --- auditoría --- auditim (menaxhim) --- audits --- auditoria --- ellenőrzés --- Rechnungsprüfung --- revisione --- controllo --- внатрешна контрола --- számvizsgálat --- audit společnosti --- audyt wewnętrzny --- audítorstvo --- надворешна ревизија --- belső ellenőrzés --- iniúchóireacht --- merjenje uspešnosti --- suorituskyvyn mittaus --- medición del rendimiento --- misurazione delle prestazioni --- измерване на резултатите --- pomiar efektywności --- meranie výkonnosti --- mesure de performances --- darbības novērtēšana --- мерење на перформансите --- veiklos rezultatų vertinimas --- præstationsmåling --- teljesítménymérés --- Leistungsmessung --- medição do desempenho --- mjerenje uspješnosti --- tulemuslikkuse mõõtmine --- μέτρηση των επιδόσεων --- măsurarea performanței --- měření výkonnosti --- resultatmätning --- kejl tal-prestazzjoni --- performance measurement --- indicador de desempenho fundamental --- kľúčový ukazovateľ výkonnosti --- kluczowy wskaźnik efektywności --- performancemåling --- key performance indicator --- indikaturi ewlenin tal-prestazzjoni --- kluczowy wskaźnik skuteczności działania --- indicador de rendimiento clave --- indicator principal de performanță --- indicador clave de resultados --- võtmetähtsusega tulemuslikkuse põhinäitaja --- indicatore chiave di performance --- medição dos resultados --- misurazione dei risultati --- indicateur clé de performance --- central resultatindikator --- keskeinen suorituskykyindikaattori --- klíčový ukazatel výkonnosti --- ključni pokazatelj uspješnosti --- fő teljesítménymutató --- plasticafval --- galvenais darbības rādītājs --- KPI --- nøgleresultatindikator --- Hauptleistungsindikator --- βασικός δείκτης επιδόσεων --- evaluación del rendimiento --- pagrindinis veiklos rezultatų rodiklis --- indicatore chiave di prestazione --- ključni kazalnik uspešnosti --- Vérification comptable --- Entreprises --- Auditing --- Business enterprises --- Evaluation --- Valuation --- Évaluation. --- iniúchadh bainistíochta --- tomhas feidhmíochta --- Vérification comptable --- Évaluation.

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