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General notes for the 'Early Kalam Controversy' course. Consisting of four parts, the notes contain original Arabic source texts for analyses and case-studies related to: 1) the principles and methodology of Kalam, 2) the created Qur'an controversy, 3) divine attributes and 4) freewill and determinism.
Islam --- Vrije wil --- Determinisme --- Bronnenonderzoek --- Kalâm --- Koran
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Islam --- Doctrines. --- Dogma, Islamic --- Islamic theology --- Kalam --- Muslim theology --- Theology, Islamic --- Theology, Muslim
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Este libro presenta al lector varios aspectos de la religión islámica , una religión mal conocida y muchas veces vista con prejuicios. Existen más de mil millones de musulmanes en el mundo, hecho que puede llevar a preguntarnos qué encuentran el islam. El libro trata de responder a preguntas que un lector interesados suele hacerse. ¿En dónde surgió? ¿Quién fue su iniciador? ¿Qué clase de hombre fue el profeta Muhammad? De esta forma, podemos conocer cómo fue revelado el Corán, cuál es su contenido, qué nos dice el Corán de sí mismo. También encontrará el lector respuestas a qué significa ser musulmán, cuáles son las creencias y deberes fundamentales del musulmán, como son la oración, el ayuno, la peregrinación. Se incluyen las principales discusiones teológicas, y se comenta la tan mencionada "guerra santa" o "yihad". Se habla de la "sharía" o ley religiosa y su papel central en la comunidad, se aborda también el tema de la mujer y su lugar en la sociedad. Hay un capítulo dedicado al "sufismo" o misticismo, otro al "shiismo" o shía, el grupo minoritario dentro del islam y también se habla de lo que podemos llamar el islam "popular". Mediante una lectura fácil pero objetiva, el lector puede formarse una visión clara sobre esta religión, cuya presencia se incrementa cada vez más en los cinco continentes.
Islam. --- Islam --- Doctrines. --- Dogma, Islamic --- Islamic theology --- Kalam --- Muslim theology --- Theology, Islamic --- Theology, Muslim --- Mohammedanism --- Muhammadanism --- Muslimism --- Mussulmanism --- Religions --- Muslims
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A modern spiritual classic on the perfection of the soul by a renowned writer from the Islamic tradition.
Soul --- Soul (Islam) --- Islam. --- Islam --- Doctrines. --- Dogma, Islamic --- Islamic theology --- Kalam --- Muslim theology --- Theology, Islamic --- Theology, Muslim
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Ce livre présente l'édition et la traduction annotée de fragments issus d'un traité de maqālāt d'Abū al-ʿAbbās al-Qalānisī. À la différence d'al-Balḫī et d'al-Ašʿarī, les deux grands auteurs de maqālāt de cette époque, notre auteur n'est ni muʿtazilite ni formé chez les muʿtazilites, mais un « théologien traditionniste » de l'école d'Ibn Kullāb. Seuls fragments restants de ce grand théologien, ces maqālāt reflètent sa volonté d'intégrer les milieux sunnites dans les débats théologiques du iii e/ixe s. L'histoire qu'il nous livre des premiers siècles du kalām prend ainsi le contrepied aussi bien de celle des muʿtazilites que de celle des ḥanbalites, pour qui les métiers de théologiens et traditionnistes s'excluent mutuellement. Ainsi, al-Qalānisī participe avec al-Ashʿarī de ce grand mouvement de synthèse qui caractérise le ive/xe s tout en se démarquant fondamentalement de son célèbre contemporain. L'étude qui précède l'édition apporte un nouvel éclairage sur ce dernier représentant du kullābisme qu'était al-Qalānisī - permettant par là d'expliquer les raisons du succès d'al-Ašʿarī, dont l'école reléguera aux marges de l'orthodoxie cette première efflorescence du kalām sunnite. This book contains an edition and annotated translation of the remaining fragments of a maqālāt treatise written by Abū al-ʿAbbās al-Qalānisī at the end of the 3rd/9th or beginning of the 4th/10th c. Unlike al-Balḫī and al-Ašʿarī, the two main authors of maqālāt from the same period, al-Qalānisī is a theologian who was never part of Muʿtazili circles but rather belongs to Ibn Kullāb's school that aims to defend Sunni doctrines by the use of the dialectical method. These are the only remaining fragments of the great albeit little-known theologian who probably never left the city of Rayy. They reflect his intellectual agenda of integrating the traditionnist milieux in the main theological debates of the 3rd/9th c. The history he writes of early kalām differs from that of the Muʿtazilis and the Hanbalis, who both agree that theologians and traditionnists are two mutually exclusive professions. Through the category of « traditionnists theologians » which appears for the first time in these fragments, al-Qalānisī takes part with al-Ašʿarī in the great synthesis of the 4th/10th c. However, despite all their similarities, their two historiographical projects differ greatly one from another. The study preceding the edition sheds a new light on the strategy of al-Qalānisī in order to explain the reasons behind the success of al-Ašʿarī whose school relegated this early and flourishing period of Sunni kalām in the margins of orthodoxy.
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Constructs a contemporary philosophical theology from the Maturidi tradition of kalâm.Reconstructs the theological system of Abu Manur al-Maturidi.Explores the development of the early and classical Maturidi tradition.Engages with contemporary philosophy and theology.Provides a systematic treatment of the divine nature and attributes.Advances the fields of Islamic philosophy of religion and kalâm jadid.Ramon Harvey revisits the Muslim theologian Abu Mansur al-Maturidi (d. 333/944) from Samarqand and puts his system, and that of the Maturidi school, into lively dialogue with modern thought.
Kalâm --- Theologie --- Islam --- al-Maturidi, Abu Mansur --- Filosofie --- 297.12 --- 297.12 Islam: theologie; doctrine --- Islam: theologie; doctrine
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Islam --- doctrines --- 297.12 --- Dogma, Islamic --- Islamic theology --- Kalam --- Muslim theology --- Theology, Islamic --- Theology, Muslim --- Islam: theologie; doctrine --- Doctrines. --- 297.12 Islam: theologie; doctrine --- Doctrines --- Islam - Doctrines
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This pioneering volume defines the contours of the emerging engagements of Muslim women scholars from around the world with the authoritative interpretive traditions of Islam, classical and contemporary. Muslima theology, here broadly defined to encompass a range of interpretive strategies and perspectives arising from multiple social locations, interrogates Islamic scripture and other forms of religious discourse to empower Muslim women of faith to speak for themselves in the interests of gender justice. Contributions provide an overview of the field at this juncture-ranging from pione
Women theologians --- Women in Islam. --- Islam --- Doctrines. --- Dogma, Islamic --- Islamic theology --- Kalam --- Muslim theology --- Theology, Islamic --- Theology, Muslim --- Theologians --- Theology --- Feminism --- God in Islam --- Hadith --- Muslims --- Quran --- Sufism
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This book aims to bring Muslim theology into the present day. Rather than a purely academic pursuit, Modern Muslim Theology argues that theology is a creative process and discusses how the Islamic tradition can help contemporary practitioners negotiate their relationships with God, with one another, and with the rest of creation.
E-books --- Islam --- Dogma, Islamic --- Islamic theology --- Kalam --- Muslim theology --- Theology, Islamic --- Theology, Muslim --- Doctrines --- Islam - Doctrines --- Islamische Theologie. --- RELIGION / Islam / General. --- Doctrines.
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