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Dans cet ouvrage sont présentées les réalisations de l'architecte burkinabé Francis Kéré installé à Berlin. Alliant matériaux et techniques traditionnels à une conception résolument moderne, l'architecte propose une architecture écologique et durable A native of Burkina Faso, Francis Kere has based his architecture practice in Berlin but his work remains deeply rooted in his home country. He uses universal principles and elements that make it suitable for completely different contexts, like that of his adoptive city. Kere's body of work is exemplary in its use of limited resources and sustainable techniques, and he has become the leader of a new generation determined to make the world better by working for those who have less. This monograph takes stock of his complete oeuvre, from the school built in his native village to the Serpentine Gallery pavilion, in an attempt to articulate it through stereotomic, tectonic, and textile principles.
Architecture --- Architecture, Modern --- Kéré, Diebedo Francis, 1965 --- -Kere, Diebedo Francis, - 1965 --- -Burkina-Faso --- Afrique
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La première intention que j'avais en commençant ce travail de mémoire était de traiter du sujet de l'accès à une architecture de qualité pour les populations les plus démunies. Le sujet étant extrêmement vaste, j'ai cherché à le préciser. Le travail d'Hassan Fathy m'a poussé à m'orienter vers un type d'architecture particulier : l'architecture en terre crue. Ce mode de construction est un des plus anciens que l'homme utilise et est encore totalement d'actualité (un tiers de la population vit dans des habitat en terre). Or, il a, pendant longtemps, été délaissé au profil de matériaux plus « nobles ». Il possède pourtant des avantages indéniables : il est facile à mettre en œuvre, local, renouvelable et partout autour du globe il existe un véritable savoir-faire traditionnel. Il me semble donc qu'il peut être une solution crédible au problème planétaire du manque de logement. Je me suis donc mis à la recherche d'exemples contemporains d'architectures qui utilisent ce matériau et qui cherchent, à la façon d'Hassan Fathy, à remettre l'homme au cœur du processus de conception. Ainsi qu'à améliorer les conditions de vie des plus pauvres, tout en leur donnant l'opportunité de devenir autonomes. J'ai ainsi découvert le travail de l'architecte burkinabè Diébédo Francis Kéré et j'ai décidé de préciser encore plus ce mémoire en me concentrant sur un pays : le Bukina Faso. Ce travail est donc organisé comme tel : une première partie aborde l'universalité de l'architecture en terre, qu'elle soit traditionnelle ou contemporaine. Une seconde présente le Burkina Faso, ses caractéristiques géographiques, historiques, démographiques, mais également son architecture traditionnelle de terre, incroyablement riche de diversité, et la façon dont est organisé un chantier traditionnel, basé sur l'entraide. Et enfin, dans la dernière partie, j'explore, au travers d'exemples, et en particulier celui de Francis Kéré, cette nouvelle architecture contemporaine burkinabè en terre, qui réinterprète l'architecture traditionnelle et qui est en train d'émerger à travers tout le pays et même au delà des frontières, grâce notamment aux nombreuses récompenses internationales qu'elle a reçu. Je m'interroge sur sa viabilité et sur sa capacité à répondre aux besoin nouveaux des habitants.
Habitat communautaire --- Construction en terre --- Terre crue --- Kéré, Diebedo Francis, 1965 --- -Burkina-Faso
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a+u’s May issue features Francis Kéré, a Berlin-based architect originally from the West African nation of Burkina Faso. His earliest work, Gando Primary School, succeeded not only in providing a comfortable learning facility for the village where he was born and raised, but also demonstrated that the design process must embrace the cultural and material roots of a place and its people. As the Gando project expanded in scope to include other social amenities like a secondary school, library, and housing for teachers, Kéré’s architecture became a tool of community building and empowerment. This architecture of humanism relies on the metaphor of the palaver tree, under which a community gathers and knowledge is formed and transmitted. Kéré enriches local, basic materials and traditional know-how with thoughtful and forward-looking technological and ecological concepts, such as double roofs, wind towers, and shade chambers, creating a sustainable, low-cost, and high-performance architecture that serves as a model for the Global South. “As a translator who adds new meaning – to uncover, unlearn, and relearn,” Kéré takes advantage of the collective creativity of a place to create architecture “where in the end we see ourselves in it.” Opening with Gando Primary School and ending with ongoing construction projects, furniture pieces, and exhibitions, this monograph presents 34 works. In addition to texts by Kéré and guest editor Andres Lepik, 3 essays by younger architects of African origins situate Kéré’s work in the broader context of architecture and urbanization in the African continent, invoking issues of translatability, authenticity, justice, community, and empowerment.
72.07 --- Keré, Diébédo Francis °1965 (°Gando, Burkina Faso) --- Vernaculaire ; traditionele ; synthese met hedendaagse architectuur --- Architectuur ; vnl. Burkina Fasso ; 21ste eeuw --- Paviljoenen ; Londen ; Serpentine Gallery ; 2017 ; Francis Keré --- Sociaal geëngageerde architectuur ; Afrika --- Architecten. Stedenbouwkundigen A - Z --- architects --- Kéré, Diébédo Francis
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Ecole --- Bâtiment scolaire --- Kéré, Diebedo Francis --- Souto de Moura, Eduardo --- Kéré architecture --- Burkina faso --- School buildings --- Constructions scolaires --- Kéré Architecture. --- Kéré, Diebedo Francis, --- Burkina-Faso --- 72.07 --- 727.1 --- Keré, Diébédo Francis °1965 (°Gando, Burkina Faso) --- Schoolgebouwen; Burkina Faso; Koudougou --- Vernaculaire ; traditionele ; synthese met hedendaagse architectuur --- Buildings, School --- School architecture --- School-houses --- Schoolhouses --- Public buildings --- School facilities --- Architecten. Stedenbouwkundigen A - Z --- Gebouwen voor opleiding en wetenschap ; scholen --- Kéré, Diébédo Francis, --- Kéré, Francis, --- Lycée Schorge de Koudougou (Burkina Faso) --- Lycée Schorge Secondary School Koudougou, Burkina Faso --- Koudougou (Boulkiemdé, Burkina Faso) --- Kondougou (Boulkiemdé, Burkina Faso) --- Kudugu (Boulkiemdé, Burkina Faso) --- Koudougou (Volta Noire, Upper Volta) --- Buildings, structures, etc. --- Kéré, Diebedo Francis, 1965 --- -Souto de Moura, Eduardo
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Diébédo Francis Kéré, the award-winning architect from Gando, Burkina Faso, has been commissioned to design the Serpentine Pavilion 2017, responding to the brief with a bold, innovative structure that brings his characteristic sense of light and life to the lawns of Kensington Gardens. Kéré is the seventeenth architect to accept the Serpentine Galleries' invitation to design a temporary Pavilion in its grounds. Since its launch in 2000, this annual commission of an international architect to build his or her first structure in London at the time of invitation has become one of the most anticipated events in the global cultural calendar and a leading visitor attraction during London?s summer season. Inspired by the tree that serves as a central meeting point for life in his home town of Gando, Francis Kéré has designed a responsive Pavilion that seeks to connect its visitors to nature - and each other. An expansive roof, supported by a central steel framework, mimics a tree's canopy, allowing air to circulate freely while offering shelter against London rain and summer heat. As an architect, Kéré is committed to socially engaged and ecological design in his practice. Exhibition: Serpentine Galleries, London, UK (23.06.2017-08.10.2017).
72.07 --- Paviljoenen ; Londen ; Serpentine Gallery ; 2017 ; Francis Keré --- Architectuur ; tijdelijke --- Keré, Diébédo Francis °1965 (°Gando, Burkina Faso) --- Architecten. Stedenbouwkundigen A - Z --- Serpentine Galery Pavilion (Architecture programme) --- Architects --- Exhibition buildings --- Buildings, Temporary --- Architectural firms --- Architectes --- Constructions provisoires --- Agences d'architecture --- Constructions pour expositions --- Conception et construction --- Kéré, Diébédo Francis --- Kéré Architecture --- Public buildings --- exhibition buildings --- Conception et construction. --- Kéré, Diébédo Francis
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The first book to explore how the architecture of Montessori schools compliments the intent of the program. The name Maria Montessori is widely associated with a child-centered and careful pedagogy. Montessori schools became trendsetting educational institutions early on, and their philosophy is strongly reflected in their equipment, adapted environment, and architecture. Montessori Architecture is the first book to comprehensively address the architectural design, construction, and use of materials in and the furnishing of educational spaces according to Maria Montessori’s visionary ideas. The book’s first part explores spatial design patterns that make up exemplary kindergarten and school buildings. In the second part, nine case studies from Europe as well as from tropical countries are featured in detail through photographs, plans, and concise texts. This highly illustrative book offers a wealth of information and practical guidelines for architects, teachers, and others engaged in creating stimulating learning environments for children.
Montessori, Maria 1870-1952 (°Chiaravalle, Italië) --- Bawa, Geoffrey 1919-2003 (°Colombo, Sri Lanka) --- Keré, Diébédo Francis °1965 (°Gando, Burkina Faso) --- Hertzberger, Herman °1932 (°Amsterdam, Nederland) --- Schoolgebouwen ; 20ste eeuw --- Scholenbouw ; de schoolwoning als ontwerpopgave --- Architectuur ; scholenbouw ; 20ste en 21ste eeuw --- 727.1 --- Gebouwen voor opleiding en wetenschap ; scholen --- School buildings --- Montessori method of education --- Constructions scolaires --- Méthode Montessori --- Design and construction. --- Conception et construction --- 727 --- 727.112 --- Montessorionderwijs --- Gebouwen voor opleidingsdoeleinden --- Basisscholen --- Schoolgebouwen --- Constructions scolaires. --- Méthode Montessori. --- Montessori, Maria, --- Bâtiment scolaire --- Ecole
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Across the African continent, but especially in the the sub-Saharan region, the light provided by the sun has a particularly stark quality ? a fact that becomes apparent in traditional buildings and in the way sunlight shapes the daily routines of their inhabitants. With no artificial light, architecture had to make use of sunlight to create a light source within a building, yet at the same time it had to protect the inhabitants of a house from its intensity. The result is a vernacular architecture that works with very few or small openings. They render the inside of a building nearly pitch black while the outside is illuminated by glaring sunshine.On the initiative of the lighting company Zumtobel Group, architectural photographer Iwan Baan and architect Francis Kéré set out to capture how the sun?s natural light cycle shapes vernacular architecture in Burkina Faso. Iwan Baan?s pictures are accompanied by architectural sketches from Francis Kéré, who grew up in this light environment and whose architecture is inspired by it.Bron :
Architecture --- Vernacular architecture --- Light in architecture --- Lighting, Architectural and decorative --- 77.092.07 --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Architectural lighting --- Decorative lighting --- Lighting, Decorative --- Electric lighting --- Exterior lighting --- Interior decoration --- Interior lighting --- Lighting --- Municipal lighting --- Fotografen A - Z --- Design and construction --- 77.04:72 --- 72.07 --- Baan, Iwan °1975 (°Alkmaar, Nederland) --- Architectuurfotografie ; architectuur van Francis Kéré ; door Iwan Baan --- Keré, Diébédo Francis °1965 (°Gando, Burkina Faso) --- Vernaculaire ; traditionele architectuur ; Afrika --- Fotografie ; artistieke fotografie ; architectuur --- Architecten. Stedenbouwkundigen A - Z --- 72.017 --- 72.031.4 --- West-Afrika --- Burkina Faso --- Licht (architectuur) --- Vernaculaire architectuur --- Traditionele architectuur --- Architecture, Primitive --- Architectuurfotografie --- Fotografie --- Afrika --- Architectuur --- Licht
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