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This book focuses on the creative and transformative work of scholars who are advancing social justice through science/STEM education with limited resources. It draws attention to the significant body of work being conducted in various contexts so that readers could reflect and appreciate how much broader and transformative our impact could be if funding agencies, policy makers, and other researchers would widen their perspective and seek to promote social justice-driven scholarship. Public funding for STEM research on K-12 and teacher education that targets special populations is often limited and tends to favor mainstream research. This book contains case studies on innovative and promising STEM research with a focus on equity, diversity and social justice that are funded with limited or no public funding. It also presents anecdotes from authors in relation to their struggles in either securing funding for their reported study or seeking to publish its findings. This provides more context to the challenges of conducting non-mainstream research in science/STEM education. Most of the contributors are scholars of color and/or women conducting research with traditionally marginalized populations in science/STEM. Thus, this book offers an additional venue to share the voices of marginalized scholars and allies seeking to broaden our understanding of the challenges and successes of promoting equity, diversity, and social justice in various educational contexts.
Educació STEM --- Justícia social --- Igualtat --- Desigualtat social --- Justícia ambiental --- Justícia distributiva --- Reparacions d'injustícies històriques --- Reivindicacions socials --- Educació en Ciència, Tecnologia, Enginyeria i Matemàtiques --- Educació STEAM --- SMET (Educació) --- STEM (Educació) --- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education --- Educació --- Ensenyament científic --- Educació tecnològica --- Social justice and education. --- Technology --- Science --- Study and teaching. --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Education and social justice --- Education --- Education and state. --- Education, Higher. --- Science Education. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- Higher Education.
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Anti-racism --- Culturally relevant pedagogy.. --- Social justice --- Study and teaching. --- Equality --- Justice --- Culturally relevant teaching --- Culturally responsive pedagogy --- Culturally responsive teaching --- Teaching --- Multicultural education --- Antiracism --- Multiculturalism --- Racism --- Methodology --- Justícia social --- Formació del professorat --- Formació d'educadors --- Formació dels mestres --- Perfeccionament del professorat --- Formació --- Escoles normals --- Observació (Mètode d'ensenyament) --- Pràctiques pedagògiques --- Professors --- Igualtat --- Desigualtat social --- Justícia ambiental --- Justícia distributiva --- Reparacions d'injustícies històriques --- Reivindicacions socials
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Social justice and education. --- Education and social justice --- Education --- Educació superior --- Justícia social --- Igualtat --- Justícia ambiental --- Justícia distributiva --- Reparacions d'injustícies històriques --- Reivindicacions socials --- Educació universitària --- Ensenyament superior --- Ensenyament universitari --- Estudis superiors --- Estudis universitaris --- Etapes educatives --- Abandó dels estudis (Educació superior) --- Competències transversals --- Educació clàssica --- Ensenyament de la biblioteconomia --- Estudis de postgrau --- Extensió universitària --- Lectura (Educació superior) --- Orientació en l'educació superior --- Primer cicle d'ensenyament universitari --- Seminaris --- Tercer cicle d'ensenyament universitari --- Campus virtuals --- Escrits acadèmics --- Pràcticums --- Universitats --- Desigualtat social --- Educació superior transfronterera --- Educació superior. --- Justícia social.
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Educació superior --- Justícia social --- Postestructuralisme --- Àfrica --- Estructuralisme --- Igualtat --- Justícia ambiental --- Justícia distributiva --- Reparacions d'injustícies històriques --- Reivindicacions socials --- Educació universitària --- Ensenyament superior --- Ensenyament universitari --- Estudis superiors --- Estudis universitaris --- Etapes educatives --- Abandó dels estudis (Educació superior) --- Competències transversals --- Educació clàssica --- Ensenyament de la biblioteconomia --- Estudis de postgrau --- Extensió universitària --- Lectura (Educació superior) --- Orientació en l'educació superior --- Primer cicle d'ensenyament universitari --- Seminaris --- Tercer cicle d'ensenyament universitari --- Campus virtuals --- Escrits acadèmics --- Pràcticums --- Universitats --- Estats i territoris --- Terra (Planeta) --- Àfrica central --- Àfrica del Nord --- Àfrica occidental --- Àfrica oriental --- Nil (Àfrica : Curs d'aigua) --- Sud-àfrica --- Education, Higher --- Social justice --- Philosophy. --- Study and teaching (Higher) --- Equality --- Justice --- Desigualtat social --- Educació superior transfronterera
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Educació superior --- Justícia social --- Educació universitària --- Ensenyament superior --- Ensenyament universitari --- Estudis superiors --- Estudis universitaris --- Etapes educatives --- Abandó dels estudis (Educació superior) --- Competències transversals --- Educació clàssica --- Ensenyament de la biblioteconomia --- Estudis de postgrau --- Extensió universitària --- Lectura (Educació superior) --- Orientació en l'educació superior --- Primer cicle d'ensenyament universitari --- Seminaris --- Tercer cicle d'ensenyament universitari --- Campus virtuals --- Escrits acadèmics --- Pràcticums --- Universitats --- Igualtat --- Justícia ambiental --- Justícia distributiva --- Reparacions d'injustícies històriques --- Reivindicacions socials --- Desigualtat social --- Education, Higher --- Social justice and education. --- Philosophy. --- Education and social justice --- Education --- Educació superior transfronterera
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This book focuses on the creative and transformative work of scholars who are advancing social justice through science/STEM education with limited resources. It draws attention to the significant body of work being conducted in various contexts so that readers could reflect and appreciate how much broader and transformative our impact could be if funding agencies, policy makers, and other researchers would widen their perspective and seek to promote social justice-driven scholarship. Public funding for STEM research on K-12 and teacher education that targets special populations is often limited and tends to favor mainstream research. This book contains case studies on innovative and promising STEM research with a focus on equity, diversity and social justice that are funded with limited or no public funding. It also presents anecdotes from authors in relation to their struggles in either securing funding for their reported study or seeking to publish its findings. This provides more context to the challenges of conducting non-mainstream research in science/STEM education. Most of the contributors are scholars of color and/or women conducting research with traditionally marginalized populations in science/STEM. Thus, this book offers an additional venue to share the voices of marginalized scholars and allies seeking to broaden our understanding of the challenges and successes of promoting equity, diversity, and social justice in various educational contexts.
Social justice and education. --- Technology --- Science --- Study and teaching. --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Education and social justice --- Education --- Educació STEM --- Justícia social --- Igualtat --- Desigualtat social --- Justícia ambiental --- Justícia distributiva --- Reparacions d'injustícies històriques --- Reivindicacions socials --- Educació en Ciència, Tecnologia, Enginyeria i Matemàtiques --- Educació STEAM --- SMET (Educació) --- STEM (Educació) --- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education --- Educació --- Ensenyament científic --- Educació tecnològica --- Education and state. --- Education, Higher. --- Science Education. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- Higher Education. --- College students --- Higher education --- Postsecondary education --- Universities and colleges --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- Government policy
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This book provides the first comprehensive assessment of ecosystem services (ES) for the territory of the Slovak Republic. Although the ES approach is widely used for the evaluation of the benefits of natural capital and biodiversity for people, this book has a unique character. It provides an assessment of 18 individual ES, which are divided into three main groups - provisioning, regulatory/supporting and cultural ES. For each of ES, a brief theoretical and methodological overview is given, followed by spatial assessment based on own original methodology and dataset of 40 map layers. Besides, an evaluation of main ES groups and overall ES assessment is realized. This book emphasizes the key role of nature protection areas, large areas of forest ecosystems and mountain and sub-mountain areas, for the preservation of the various functions of the healthy landscape and ecosystems. The complexity of the book guarantees its usefulness - not only as the knowledge base for the territory of Slovakia but also as the methodological tool for worldwide researchers.
Ecosystems. --- Geobiology. --- Environmental geography. --- Environmental policy. --- Landscape ecology. --- Biodiversity. --- Biogeosciences. --- Environmental Geography. --- Environmental Politics. --- Landscape Ecology. --- Biological diversification --- Biological diversity --- Biotic diversity --- Diversification, Biological --- Diversity, Biological --- Biology --- Biocomplexity --- Ecological heterogeneity --- Numbers of species --- Ecology --- Environment and state --- Environmental control --- Environmental management --- Environmental protection --- Environmental quality --- State and environment --- Environmental auditing --- Geography --- Earth sciences --- Biosphere --- Biocenoses --- Biocoenoses --- Biogeoecology --- Biological communities --- Biomes --- Biotic community ecology --- Communities, Biotic --- Community ecology, Biotic --- Ecological communities --- Ecosystems --- Natural communities --- Population biology --- Government policy --- Biogeography. --- Areography (Biology) --- Geographical distribution of animals and plants --- Species --- Species distribution --- Geographical distribution --- Política ambiental --- Eslovàquia --- Estat i medi ambient --- Medi ambient i Estat --- Ordenació ambiental --- Política del medi ambient --- Política ecològica --- Política mediambiental --- Política governamental --- Avaluació d'impacte ambiental --- Dret ambiental --- Ecotaxa --- Gestió ambiental --- Justícia ambiental --- Pagaments per serveis ambientals --- Planificació ambiental --- Política hidràulica --- Auditoria ambiental --- Llicències d'emissió transferibles --- Protecció ambiental --- República d'Eslovàquia --- República Eslovaca (1993- ) --- Slovakia --- Slovensko --- Slovenská Republika (1993- ) --- Slowakei --- Europa central --- Spis (Europa : Regió) --- Txecoslovàquia --- Biotic communities.
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Investigació educativa --- Justícia social --- Gran Bretanya --- Igualtat --- Justícia ambiental --- Justícia distributiva --- Reparacions d'injustícies històriques --- Reivindicacions socials --- Investigació pedagògica --- Ciències de l'educació --- Investigació activa en l'educació --- Mètodes educatius --- Britain --- Britània (Província romana) --- Britannia --- Regne Unit --- Regne Unit de la Gran Bretanya i Irlanda del Nord --- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland --- Europa occidental --- Països de la Unió Europea --- Anglaterra --- Bermudes --- Escòcia --- Gal·les --- Gibraltar --- Illes Verges Britàniques --- Irlanda del Nord --- Man (Gran Bretanya : Illa) --- Malvines (Arxipèlag) --- Illes Britàniques --- Educational sociology. --- Education. --- Education and state. --- Education --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- Children --- Education, Primitive --- Education of children --- Human resource development --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- Schooling --- Students --- Youth --- Civilization --- Learning and scholarship --- Mental discipline --- Schools --- Teaching --- Training --- Education and sociology --- Social problems in education --- Society and education --- Sociology, Educational --- Sociology --- Government policy --- Aims and objectives --- Desigualtat social
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Environmental sociology. --- Political planning. --- Environmental geography. --- Geography --- Planning in politics --- Public policy --- Planning --- Policy sciences --- Politics, Practical --- Public administration --- Environmental sciences --- Environmentalism --- Sociology --- Social aspects --- Ecologia humana --- Política ambiental --- Estat i medi ambient --- Medi ambient i Estat --- Ordenació ambiental --- Política del medi ambient --- Política ecològica --- Política mediambiental --- Política governamental --- Avaluació d'impacte ambiental --- Dret ambiental --- Ecotaxa --- Gestió ambiental --- Justícia ambiental --- Pagaments per serveis ambientals --- Planificació ambiental --- Política hidràulica --- Auditoria ambiental --- Llicències d'emissió transferibles --- Protecció ambiental --- Ecologia social --- Relacions home-natura --- Relacions natura-home --- Socioecologia --- Biologia humana --- Ciències socials --- Medi ambient --- Arqueologia ambiental --- Ecofeminisme --- Ecologia política --- Influència de l'home en la natura --- Influència del medi ambient en l'home --- Població --- Psicologia social --- Qualitat de vida --- Assentaments humans --- Higiene ambiental --- Geografia humana --- Sociologia
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This book examines dominant discourses in social justice education globally. It presents cutting-edge research on the major global trends in education, social justice and policy research. Using diverse paradigms, ranging from critical theory to discourse analysis, the book examines major social justice and equity education reforms and policy issues in a global culture, with a focus on the ambivalent and problematic relationship between social justice education discourses, ideology and the state. The book discusses democracy, ideology and social justice, which are among the most critical and significant factors defining and contextualising the processes surrounding social justice education reforms globally. It critiques current social justice education practices and policy reforms, illustrating the shifts in the relationship between the state, ideology, and social justice education policy. Written by authors from diverse backgrounds and regions, this book examines current developments in research concerning social justice education. It enables readers to gain a more holistic understanding of the nexus between social justice education, and dominant ideologies, both locally and globally. It also provides an easily accessible, practical, yet scholarly insights into local and global trends in the field of social justice education. Discourses of Globalization, Ideology and Social Justice, with contributions from key scholars worldwide, should be required reading for a broad spectrum of users, including policy-makers, academics, graduate students, education policy researchers, administrators, and practitioners.
Educational sociology. --- Education—Curricula. --- International education. --- Comparative education. --- Education and state. --- Sociology of Education. --- Curriculum Studies. --- International and Comparative Education. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- Education Policy. --- Education --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- Education, Comparative --- Global education --- Intellectual cooperation --- Internationalism --- Education and sociology --- Social problems in education --- Society and education --- Sociology, Educational --- Sociology --- Government policy --- History --- Aims and objectives --- Core curriculum --- Courses of study --- Curricula (Courses of study) --- Curriculums (Courses of study) --- Schools --- Study, Courses of --- Instructional systems --- Curricula. --- Curricula --- Justícia social --- Globalització --- Sociologia de l'educació --- Igualtat --- Desigualtat social --- Justícia ambiental --- Justícia distributiva --- Reparacions d'injustícies històriques --- Reivindicacions socials --- Educació i societat --- Educació i sociologia --- Problemes socials en l'educació --- Sociologia educativa --- Sociologia escolar --- Sociologia pedagògica --- Educació --- Sociologia --- Entorn escolar --- Entorn universitari --- Adaptació escolar --- Comunitat i escola --- Finalitats de l'educació --- Pedagogia social --- Psicologia pedagògica --- Psicologia social --- Internacionalització --- Mundialització --- Relacions internacionals --- Globalització (Economia) --- Globalització cultural --- Pensament únic --- Moviment antiglobalització --- Transnacionalisme --- Sociologia de l'educació.
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