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Internationaler Guttemplertag : Hamburg 1911, 3. - 14. Juni.
Year: 1911 Publisher: Hamburg : Verl. von Deutschlands Grossloge II des Internat. Guttempler-Ordens,

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Von der Arbeit zur Erziehung : die Bedeutung der englischen Fabrikgesetze für die Herausbildung der Jugend im 19. Jahrhundert
ISBN: 9783465142843 Year: 2016 Publisher: Frankfurt am Main : Vittorio Klostermann,

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A. Die Ausweitung des Jugendschutzes in der Textilindustrie -- A.I. ""Half-Time System of Education"" -- A.II. Siegeszug der Zehnstundenbewegung im Jahr 1847 -- A.III. Die Normalarbeitstag -- A.IV. Verbesserte Steuerungswirkung der Fabrikgesetze? -- B. Das Motiv der Erziehung für die Ausweitung des gesetzlichen Jugendschutzes -- B.I. Die Ausweitung auf die freien Gewerbe in den 1840er Jahren -- B.II. Die Ausweitung des ""Half-Time System"" in den 1860er Jahren -- B.III. Die Inspektorenberichte zwischen 1860 und 1870 -- Teil 5: Systematischer Wandel bis zur Ächtung der Kinderarbeit (1870-1900) A. Die Einführung der allgemeinen Schulpflicht -- B. Das erweiterte Fabrikgesetz von 1874 -- C. Der ""Consolidation Act"" von 1878 -- D. Die weitere Entwicklung bis zur Ächtung der Kinderarbeit -- E. Resümee -- Schlussbetrachtung -- Literaturverzeichnis B. Die Genese des ""Factory Act"" von 1819 -- B.I. Der ""Factory Act"" und sein Zweck -- B.II. Robert Owens und Sir Robert Peels Einsatz für ein erweitertes Fabrikgesetz -- B.III. Die parlamentarischen Sonderausschüsse und Debatten zur Jugendarbeit in den Fabriken -- C. Die Wirkungslosigkeit des ""Factory Act"" -- D. Resümee -- Teil 3: ""The first legislative step in this country towards a compulsory education for all classes"" -- A. Die Einführung des ""Althorps Act"" von 1833 -- B. Die sozialen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen B.I. Die sozialen Umstände und die Ansichten zur Lage der ""Fabrikjugend"" -- B.II. ""Slavery in Yorkshire"" -- B.III. Der Einfluss des Utilitarismus auf die Fabrikschutzgesetzgebung -- B.IV. Die kontroverse Debatte im Parlament -- B.V. Resümee -- C. Die Wirkung des ""Althorps Act"" zwischen 1833 und 1840 -- C.I. Die Fabrikinspektion und ihre Aufgaben -- C.II. Die Verfehlung von Sinn und Zweck des ""Althorps Act"" -- C.III. Die Steuerungswirkung des ""Althorps Act"" -- C.IV. Resümee -- Teil 4: Die Expansion des gesetzlichen Jugendschutzes zwischen 1840 und 1870 Front Cover -- Impressum -- Inhalt -- Vorwort -- Einleitung -- Teil 1: Die Entdeckung der Jugend durch das erste Fabrikgesetz von 1802 -- A. Der Missbrauch der ""parish apprentices"" -- B. Der Gesetzgeber als Motor für einen rechtlichen Jugendschutz -- B.I. Der ""Health of Morals of Apprentices Act"" -- B.II. Verhinderung der Ausbeutung der ""parish apprentices"" -- B.III. Die Genese des ""Health and Morals of Apprentices Act"" -- C. Die Wirkung des ""Health and Morals of Apprentices Act"" -- Teil 2: Der Eingriff in den Freihandel -- A. Der Übergang von der häuslichen Arbeit zur Fabrikarbeit

Kinder- und Jugendhilfereport 2018 : Eine kennzahlenbasierte Analyse
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3847413406 3847422405 Year: 2019 Publisher: Leverkusen Verlag Barbara Budrich

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The Children and Youth Welfare Report 2018, comprehensively describes the current situation and the more recent development of child and youth welfare in Germany. It is based on the data of the official child and youth welfare statistics. For the first time, child and youth welfare is presented and analysed on the basis of indicators. The report provides a quick and reliable overview of central fields of work and important areas of responsibility. Der Kinder- und Jugendhilfereport 2018, die zentrale Publikation der Dortmunder Arbeitsstelle Kinder- und Jugendhilfestatistik, beschreibt umfassend die aktuelle Situation und die neuere Entwicklung der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. Grundlage sind die Daten der amtlichen Kinder- und Jugendhilfestatistik. Erstmals wird die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe auf der Basis von Indikatoren dargestellt und analysiert. Der Report ermöglicht einen schnellen und zuverlässigen Überblick über zentrale Arbeitsfelder und wichtige Aufgabengebiete. Mit seinen durch Übersichtstabellen veranschaulichten Informationen liefert der Band wichtige Anhaltspunkte für die Planung und Qualitätsentwicklung von Unterstützungsangeboten für junge Menschen.  Soziale Arbeit 09.2019

Au tribunal pour enfants : l'avocat, le juge, le procureur et l'éducateur.
ISBN: 9782753501577 Year: 2008 Publisher: Rennes Presses universitaires de Rennes

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Juvenile courts --- Juvenile delinquency --- Juvenile justice, Administration of --- Tribunaux pour enfants et adolescents --- Délinquance juvénile --- Justice pour mineurs --- Administration --- BPB0907 --- Protection de l'enfance --- Kinderbescherming --- Délinquance juvénile --- kinderbescherming --- protección de la infancia --- cosaint leanaí --- lastensuojelu --- skydd av barn --- заштита деце --- vaikų apsauga --- gyermekvédelem --- proteção da infância --- bērnu aizsardzība --- προστασία του παιδιού --- varstvo otrok --- protecția copilului --- zaštita djeteta --- child protection --- beskyttelse af børn --- protezione dell'infanzia --- lastekaitse --- mbrojtje e fëmijës --- ochrona dziecka --- protezzjoni tat-tfal --- ochrana dítěte --- Jugendschutz --- защита на децата --- заштита на децата --- ochrana dieťaťa --- protecção da infância --- hjälp till barn --- mbrojtje morale e fëmijëve --- bambino soldato --- злоупотреба на деца --- mí-úsáid páistí --- lasten moraalinen suojelu --- βάναυση μεταχείριση παιδιού --- menor maltratado --- criança maltratada --- mí-úsáid leanaí --- moral protection of children --- Defensor del Menor --- zneužívanie detí --- bambino maltrattato --- moralischer Schutz des Kindes --- Kinderschutz --- maltrato de menores --- misshandeltes Kind --- морална заштита на децата --- copil maltratat --- enfant soldat --- dorovinė vaikų apsauga --- aide à l'enfance --- moraliskt skydd av barn --- morele bescherming van het kind --- κακοποίηση παιδιού --- dijete vojnik --- lapsisotilas --- huonosti kohdeltu lapsi --- vaikas kareivis --- centro de protección de menores --- jeugdzorg --- zneužívání dětí --- barnsoldat --- lapssõdur --- ηθική προστασία του παιδιού --- assistenza all'infanzia --- mishandeld kind --- fëmijë i keqtrajtuar --- violencia sobre la infancia --- bērna tikumiskā aizsardzība --- proteção moral da criança --- zlostavljanje djeteta --- protection morale de l'enfant --- enfant maltraité --- child soldier --- laste väärkohtlemine --- bistand til børn --- ayuda a la infancia --- lapsen pahoinpitely --- criança-soldado --- ill-treated child --- bērns kareivis --- child abuse --- morální ochrana dítěte --- fëmijë ushtar --- protecția morală a copiilor --- παιδί στρατιώτης --- abuzim i fëmijëve --- gyermekkatonaság --- vaikų skriaudimas --- mishandlet barn --- barn som far illa --- niño soldado --- малтретирано дете --- Kindersoldat --- morálna ochrana detí --- barnesoldat --- laste moraalne kaitse --- skriaudžiamas vaikas --- moralna zaštita djece --- týrané dítě --- ajuda à infância --- protección de menores --- gyermekek elleni erőszak --- zlostavljano dijete --- bērnu vardarbīga izmantošana --- dieťa, s ktorým sa zle zaobchádzalo --- ενισχύσεις για το παιδί --- väärkoheldud laps --- abuz împotriva copiilor --- bērns, kas cietis no vardarbības --- protezione morale del bambino --- protección del menor --- protection de l'enfance

The state of the world's children.
ISSN: 1564975X Year: 1980 Publisher: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press for UNICEF,

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Each year, the United Nations Children's Fund's (UNICEF’s) flagship publication, The State of the World's Children, closely examines a key issue affecting children. The report includes supporting data and statistics.


Children --- Child Welfare --- World Health --- Child study. --- Enfants --- Kind. --- Soziale Situation. --- Kinder. --- Jugendschutz. --- Welt. --- Entwicklungsländer. --- Health and hygiene --- Soziale Lage --- Soziale Verhältnisse --- Soziallage --- Sozialverhältnisse --- Soziale Bedingungen --- Kindheit --- Kindesalter --- Kindschaft --- Kinder --- Child --- Childhood --- One Health --- One Health Initiative --- One Medicine Initiative --- Worldwide Health --- International Health Problems --- Health Initiative, One --- Health Problem, International --- Health Problems, International --- Health, Global --- Health, One --- Health, World --- Health, Worldwide --- Initiative, One Health --- Initiative, One Medicine --- International Health Problem --- Medicine Initiative, One --- Problem, International Health --- Problems, International Health --- Adolescent Welfare --- Adolescent Well Being --- Adolescent Well-Being --- Child Well Being --- Child Well-Being --- Welfare, Adolescent --- Welfare, Child --- Well Being, Adolescent --- Well Being, Child --- Well-Being, Adolescent --- Well-Being, Child --- Kids (Children) --- Pedology (Child study) --- Youngsters --- Child Welfare. --- Developing Countries. --- Global Health. --- Children. --- Jeugdbescherming. --- Kind --- Soziale Situation --- Entwicklungsländer. --- Santé et hygiène --- Health and hygiene. --- Developing countries. --- Age groups --- Families --- Life cycle, Human --- Situation --- Soziale Stellung --- Lebensbedingungen --- Lebensalter --- Child health --- Health of children --- Puericulture --- Pediatrics --- International Health --- Health, International --- Healths, International --- International Healths --- World Health Organization --- Developing Nations --- Least Developed Countries --- Less-Developed Nations --- Third-World Nations --- Under-Developed Nations --- Less-Developed Countries --- Third-World Countries --- Under-Developed Countries --- Countries, Developing --- Countries, Least Developed --- Countries, Less-Developed --- Countries, Third-World --- Countries, Under-Developed --- Country, Developing --- Country, Least Developed --- Country, Less-Developed --- Country, Third-World --- Country, Under-Developed --- Developed Countries, Least --- Developed Country, Least --- Developing Country --- Developing Nation --- Least Developed Country --- Less Developed Countries --- Less Developed Nations --- Less-Developed Country --- Less-Developed Nation --- Nation, Less-Developed --- Nation, Third-World --- Nation, Under-Developed --- Nations, Developing --- Nations, Less-Developed --- Nations, Third-World --- Nations, Under-Developed --- Third World Countries --- Third World Nations --- Third-World Country --- Third-World Nation --- Under Developed Countries --- Under Developed Nations --- Under-Developed Country --- Under-Developed Nation --- Child Health --- Child Health Services --- Social Work --- Health --- Hygiene --- Emerging nations --- Fourth World --- Global South --- LDC's --- Least developed countries --- Less developed countries --- Newly industrialized countries --- Newly industrializing countries --- NICs --- Third World --- Underdeveloped areas --- Underdeveloped countries --- Santé et hygiène --- Serials --- Care and hygiene --- LMICs --- Low Income Countries --- Low and Middle Income Countries --- Lower-Middle-Income Country --- Middle Income Countries --- Countries, Middle Income --- Country, Low Income --- Country, Lower-Middle-Income --- Country, Middle Income --- Low Income Country --- Lower Middle Income Country --- Lower-Middle-Income Countries --- Middle Income Country

Actualités en droit de la jeunesse.
ISBN: 2804417433 9782804417437 Year: 2005 Volume: 81 Publisher: Bruxelles Larcier

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minderjarige / minderjarigheid - jeugdbescherming jeugdbeschermingsrecht & de tenlasteneming in het Belgisch rechtsstelsel van minderjarigen die een delict begaan hebben & de sancties en de alternatieve maatregelen in de marge van de jeugdrechtbank: analyse en inzet & actualiteit m.b.t. de jeugdhulp & overeenkomsten en grenzen tussen het burgerlijk recht en het jeugdbeschermingsrecht in het kader van de scheiding van de ouders & beroepsgeheim bescherming van de privacy en uitwisseling van informatie tussen de actoren van de jeugdbescherming & de plaatsing van jongeren die in gevaar zijn en de rechtspraak van het Europees Hof


Status of persons --- Family law. Inheritance law --- Belgium --- Children --- Child welfare --- Minors --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Protection de l'enfance --- Protection de la jeunesse --- Tribunal de la jeunesse --- Belgique --- Kinderbescherming --- Jeugdbescherming --- Jeugdrechtbank --- België --- Persons (Law) --- Age (Law) --- Legal status, laws, etc --- Law and legislation --- kinderbescherming --- protección de la infancia --- cosaint leanaí --- lastensuojelu --- skydd av barn --- заштита деце --- vaikų apsauga --- gyermekvédelem --- proteção da infância --- bērnu aizsardzība --- προστασία του παιδιού --- varstvo otrok --- protecția copilului --- zaštita djeteta --- child protection --- beskyttelse af børn --- protezione dell'infanzia --- lastekaitse --- mbrojtje e fëmijës --- ochrona dziecka --- protezzjoni tat-tfal --- ochrana dítěte --- Jugendschutz --- защита на децата --- заштита на децата --- ochrana dieťaťa --- protecção da infância --- hjälp till barn --- mbrojtje morale e fëmijëve --- bambino soldato --- злоупотреба на деца --- mí-úsáid páistí --- lasten moraalinen suojelu --- βάναυση μεταχείριση παιδιού --- menor maltratado --- criança maltratada --- mí-úsáid leanaí --- moral protection of children --- Defensor del Menor --- zneužívanie detí --- bambino maltrattato --- moralischer Schutz des Kindes --- Kinderschutz --- maltrato de menores --- misshandeltes Kind --- морална заштита на децата --- copil maltratat --- enfant soldat --- dorovinė vaikų apsauga --- aide à l'enfance --- moraliskt skydd av barn --- morele bescherming van het kind --- κακοποίηση παιδιού --- dijete vojnik --- lapsisotilas --- huonosti kohdeltu lapsi --- vaikas kareivis --- centro de protección de menores --- jeugdzorg --- zneužívání dětí --- barnsoldat --- lapssõdur --- ηθική προστασία του παιδιού --- assistenza all'infanzia --- mishandeld kind --- fëmijë i keqtrajtuar --- violencia sobre la infancia --- bērna tikumiskā aizsardzība --- proteção moral da criança --- zlostavljanje djeteta --- protection morale de l'enfant --- enfant maltraité --- child soldier --- laste väärkohtlemine --- bistand til børn --- ayuda a la infancia --- lapsen pahoinpitely --- criança-soldado --- ill-treated child --- bērns kareivis --- child abuse --- morální ochrana dítěte --- fëmijë ushtar --- protecția morală a copiilor --- παιδί στρατιώτης --- abuzim i fëmijëve --- gyermekkatonaság --- vaikų skriaudimas --- mishandlet barn --- barn som far illa --- niño soldado --- малтретирано дете --- Kindersoldat --- morálna ochrana detí --- barnesoldat --- laste moraalne kaitse --- skriaudžiamas vaikas --- moralna zaštita djece --- týrané dítě --- ajuda à infância --- protección de menores --- gyermekek elleni erőszak --- zlostavljano dijete --- bērnu vardarbīga izmantošana --- dieťa, s ktorým sa zle zaobchádzalo --- ενισχύσεις για το παιδί --- väärkoheldud laps --- abuz împotriva copiilor --- bērns, kas cietis no vardarbības --- protezione morale del bambino --- protección del menor --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- Children - Legal status, laws, etc. - Belgium --- Child welfare - Belgium --- Minors - Belgium.

Kids Codex. Boek I : Kinderrechten in de Grondwet; De implementatie van het IVRK; Jeugdrecht; Minderjarigen en het procesrecht
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782804431204 2804431207 9782804431211 9782804431228 Year: 2008 Publisher: Brussel Larcier

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Wet & Duiding Kids-Codex verzamelt in 5 delen alle wetgeving met betrekking tot minderjarigen. In dit eerste deel worden de kinderrechten in de international verdragen en Grondwet, het jeugdrecht en het procesrecht behandeld en becommentarieerd.


180.2 Kinderrechten - België - Vlaanderen --- Jeugdrecht ; België --- 311.1 Grondwettelijke rechten en vrijheden --- 254 Internationale verdragen --- 663 Jeugd --- 111 Gerechtelijk privaatrecht --- kinderrechten --- 343 --- 347.63 <493> --- E110033.jpg --- 347.63 <493> Kinderrecht. Jeugdrecht. Afstamming. Adoptie. Kinderbescherming. Proefbuisbaby. Draagmoeder. Leenmoeder.--(huwelijksrecht)--België --- Kinderrecht. Jeugdrecht. Afstamming. Adoptie. Kinderbescherming. Proefbuisbaby. Draagmoeder. Leenmoeder.--(huwelijksrecht)--België --- 343 Strafwetenschappen--(algemeen) --- Strafwetenschappen--(algemeen) --- Comité P --- kinderbescherming --- kinderreiche Familie --- голямо семейство --- velika družina --- família numerosa --- famiglia numerosa --- бројна породица --- familje e madhe --- kinderrijk gezin --- familja kbira --- suurperhe --- famille nombreuse --- daudzbērnu ģimene --- suurpere --- големо семејство --- početná rodina --- πολυμελής οικογένεια --- nagycsalád --- barnrik familj --- familia numerosa --- large family --- teaghlach mór --- familie numeroasă --- rodzina wielodzietna --- daugiavaikė šeima --- børnerig familie --- veľká rodina --- velika obitelj --- πολύτεκνοι --- бројно семејство --- kroostrijk gezin --- mnohočlenná rodina --- голема фамилија --- velká rodina --- protection de l'enfance --- protección de la infancia --- cosaint leanaí --- lastensuojelu --- skydd av barn --- заштита деце --- vaikų apsauga --- gyermekvédelem --- proteção da infância --- bērnu aizsardzība --- προστασία του παιδιού --- varstvo otrok --- protecția copilului --- zaštita djeteta --- child protection --- beskyttelse af børn --- protezione dell'infanzia --- lastekaitse --- mbrojtje e fëmijës --- ochrona dziecka --- protezzjoni tat-tfal --- ochrana dítěte --- Jugendschutz --- защита на децата --- заштита на децата --- ochrana dieťaťa --- protecção da infância --- hjälp till barn --- mbrojtje morale e fëmijëve --- bambino soldato --- злоупотреба на деца --- mí-úsáid páistí --- lasten moraalinen suojelu --- βάναυση μεταχείριση παιδιού --- menor maltratado --- criança maltratada --- mí-úsáid leanaí --- moral protection of children --- Defensor del Menor --- zneužívanie detí --- bambino maltrattato --- moralischer Schutz des Kindes --- Kinderschutz --- maltrato de menores --- misshandeltes Kind --- морална заштита на децата --- copil maltratat --- enfant soldat --- dorovinė vaikų apsauga --- aide à l'enfance --- moraliskt skydd av barn --- morele bescherming van het kind --- κακοποίηση παιδιού --- dijete vojnik --- lapsisotilas --- huonosti kohdeltu lapsi --- vaikas kareivis --- centro de protección de menores --- jeugdzorg --- zneužívání dětí --- barnsoldat --- lapssõdur --- ηθική προστασία του παιδιού --- assistenza all'infanzia --- mishandeld kind --- fëmijë i keqtrajtuar --- violencia sobre la infancia --- bērna tikumiskā aizsardzība --- proteção moral da criança --- zlostavljanje djeteta --- protection morale de l'enfant --- enfant maltraité --- child soldier --- laste väärkohtlemine --- bistand til børn --- ayuda a la infancia --- lapsen pahoinpitely --- criança-soldado --- ill-treated child --- bērns kareivis --- child abuse --- morální ochrana dítěte --- fëmijë ushtar --- protecția morală a copiilor --- παιδί στρατιώτης --- abuzim i fëmijëve --- gyermekkatonaság --- vaikų skriaudimas --- mishandlet barn --- barn som far illa --- niño soldado --- малтретирано дете --- Kindersoldat --- morálna ochrana detí --- barnesoldat --- laste moraalne kaitse --- skriaudžiamas vaikas --- moralna zaštita djece --- týrané dítě --- ajuda à infância --- protección de menores --- gyermekek elleni erőszak --- zlostavljano dijete --- bērnu vardarbīga izmantošana --- dieťa, s ktorým sa zle zaobchádzalo --- ενισχύσεις για το παιδί --- väärkoheldud laps --- abuz împotriva copiilor --- bērns, kas cietis no vardarbības --- protezione morale del bambino --- protección del menor --- 180.2 Kinderrechten - België-Vlaanderen

Les jeunes et le droit
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782807203112 2807203116 2807204481 Year: 2017 Publisher: Anthemis

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Les contributions rassemblées au sein du présent ouvrage s’efforcent d’analyser, par des approches complémentaires, les rapports, tantôt conflictuels, tantôt protecteurs, que le jeune entretient avec le droit.Les droits et responsabilités du mineur représentent un large panel qui n’est pas toujours connu en détail par les praticiens.Quid de la protection au niveau international des droits fondamentaux du mineur et de leurs implications en droit belge ? Par qui le jeune peut-il être représenté ? Quelles sont les limites de sa capacité à agir ? Quelles protections s’offrent à lui au niveau pénal en tant que victime ou auteur d’infraction ? Est-il responsable de ses actes ? de sa santé ? etc.Cet ouvrage permet d’obtenir une réponse à ces questions en passant au crible de nombreuses règles de droit susceptibles de concerner le jeune en tant qu’acteur de son dossier, et, partant, d’acquérir une connaissance de base ou une mise à jour en la matière.


Human rights --- Status of persons --- Belgium --- Youth --- Juvenile delinquents --- Juvenile delinquency --- Juvenile justice, Administration of --- Child welfare --- Juvenile detention --- Parent and child (Law) --- Capacity and disability --- Jeunesse --- Jeunes délinquants --- Délinquance juvénile --- Justice pour mineurs --- Enfants --- Détention des mineurs --- Parents et enfants (Droit) --- Incapacité (Droit) --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Droit --- Administration --- Protection, assistance, etc. --- BPB1801 --- Protection de la jeunesse --- Protection de l'enfance --- Belgique --- Jeugdbescherming --- Kinderbescherming --- België --- Jeunes --- Juridical aspects --- Congresses --- E-books --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- kinderbescherming --- protección de la infancia --- cosaint leanaí --- lastensuojelu --- skydd av barn --- заштита деце --- vaikų apsauga --- gyermekvédelem --- proteção da infância --- bērnu aizsardzība --- προστασία του παιδιού --- varstvo otrok --- protecția copilului --- zaštita djeteta --- child protection --- beskyttelse af børn --- protezione dell'infanzia --- lastekaitse --- mbrojtje e fëmijës --- ochrona dziecka --- protezzjoni tat-tfal --- ochrana dítěte --- Jugendschutz --- защита на децата --- заштита на децата --- ochrana dieťaťa --- protecção da infância --- hjälp till barn --- mbrojtje morale e fëmijëve --- bambino soldato --- злоупотреба на деца --- mí-úsáid páistí --- lasten moraalinen suojelu --- βάναυση μεταχείριση παιδιού --- menor maltratado --- criança maltratada --- mí-úsáid leanaí --- moral protection of children --- Defensor del Menor --- zneužívanie detí --- bambino maltrattato --- moralischer Schutz des Kindes --- Kinderschutz --- maltrato de menores --- misshandeltes Kind --- морална заштита на децата --- copil maltratat --- enfant soldat --- dorovinė vaikų apsauga --- aide à l'enfance --- moraliskt skydd av barn --- morele bescherming van het kind --- κακοποίηση παιδιού --- dijete vojnik --- lapsisotilas --- huonosti kohdeltu lapsi --- vaikas kareivis --- centro de protección de menores --- jeugdzorg --- zneužívání dětí --- barnsoldat --- lapssõdur --- ηθική προστασία του παιδιού --- assistenza all'infanzia --- mishandeld kind --- fëmijë i keqtrajtuar --- violencia sobre la infancia --- bērna tikumiskā aizsardzība --- proteção moral da criança --- zlostavljanje djeteta --- protection morale de l'enfant --- enfant maltraité --- child soldier --- laste väärkohtlemine --- bistand til børn --- ayuda a la infancia --- lapsen pahoinpitely --- criança-soldado --- ill-treated child --- bērns kareivis --- child abuse --- morální ochrana dítěte --- fëmijë ushtar --- protecția morală a copiilor --- παιδί στρατιώτης --- abuzim i fëmijëve --- gyermekkatonaság --- vaikų skriaudimas --- mishandlet barn --- barn som far illa --- niño soldado --- малтретирано дете --- Kindersoldat --- morálna ochrana detí --- barnesoldat --- laste moraalne kaitse --- skriaudžiamas vaikas --- moralna zaštita djece --- týrané dítě --- ajuda à infância --- protección de menores --- gyermekek elleni erőszak --- zlostavljano dijete --- bērnu vardarbīga izmantošana --- dieťa, s ktorým sa zle zaobchádzalo --- ενισχύσεις για το παιδί --- väärkoheldud laps --- abuz împotriva copiilor --- bērns, kas cietis no vardarbības --- protezione morale del bambino --- protección del menor

De kinderen van Oost-Congo : bevrijden met wapens of woorden
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789464015447 Year: 2022 Publisher: Kalmthout Pelckmans

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De kinderen van Oost-Congo brengt het verhaal van twee jongeren uit dezelfde streek rond Goma: kindsoldaat Isaac en activiste Rebecca. De eerste was nauwelijks dertien toen hij een kadogo werd, een rekruut van rebellenleider Laurent Kabila. De tweede was ooit de jongste politieke gevangene toen ze met andere jongerenactivisten opkwam tegen het beleid van Kabila. Waarom heeft de ene voor de wapens gekozen en de andere voor de woorden? Zijn ze trouw gebleven aan hun missie? Hoe universeel is hun verhaal? Wie wilden ze bevrijden? En wie haalt het? De kindsoldaat, meegesleept door valse beloftes? Of de activiste, die koppig vecht voor basiswaarden? Katrien Vanderschoot zoekt in vijfentwintig jaar verslaggeving over de meest explosieve regio van Congo naar antwoorden, tendensen, oorzaken en oplossingen. En ze geeft het laatste woord aan de Congolezen zelf. Een beklijvend verhaal over gekozen worden en kiezen, over inzicht en loutering, over de vrijheid van het individu en de dwang van een gemeenschap, over afhankelijkheid en veerkracht, over hypocrisie en authenticiteit, over fatalisme en hoop. Katrien Vanderschoot is journalist bij VRT NWS. Ze maakte de afgelopen 25 jaar talrijke reportages in Sub-Saharaans Afrika, met een speciale passie voor de Grote Meren. Als radiojournalist zoekt ze steeds naar kleurrijke en diepgaande verhalen van de mensen ter plekke.


History of Congo --- Congo --- BPB9999 --- BPB2207 --- kinderbescherming --- Democratische Republiek Congo --- Kongon demokraattinen tasavalta --- Demokratická republika Kongo --- Демократска Република Конго --- Kongo Demokraatlik Vabariik --- Demokratyczna Republika Konga --- Demokratična republika Kongo --- die Demokratische Republik Kongo --- Konžská demokratická republika --- Repubblica democratica del Congo --- Демократична република Конго --- Repubblika Demokratika tal-Kongo --- Poblacht Dhaonlathach an Chongó --- Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság --- Congo, Republica Democratică --- Congo-Kinshasa --- República Democrática del Congo --- Demokratska Republika Kongo --- Den Demokratiske Republik Congo --- Democratic Republic of the Congo --- Republika Demokratike e Kongos --- Kongo Demokratinė Respublika --- République démocratique du Congo --- Kongo Demokrātiskā Republika --- Demokratiska republiken Kongo --- Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία του Κονγκό --- Kongo Kinšasa --- Kongo DV --- Kongo (Leopoldville) --- Kongo (býv. Zair) --- Конго Слободна Држава --- Конго Киншаса --- Kinshasa Kongo --- Zair --- Zairas --- Ζαΐρ --- República Democrática do Congo --- Заир --- Κογκό Κινσάσα --- Beļģijas Kongo --- Kinshasa --- Congo Kinshasa --- Конго-Киншаса --- Zaire --- Zaïre --- Republica Congoleză --- Kongo (Kinshasa) --- ex Zaire --- Република Конго (Леополдвил) --- Белгиско Конго --- Zaira --- Kongo-Kinshasa --- Congo belgian --- Kongo Kinshasa --- Kinshasan Kongo --- Kinshasské Kongo --- Zairská republika --- protecção da infância --- hjälp till barn --- mbrojtje morale e fëmijëve --- bambino soldato --- злоупотреба на деца --- mí-úsáid páistí --- lasten moraalinen suojelu --- βάναυση μεταχείριση παιδιού --- menor maltratado --- criança maltratada --- mí-úsáid leanaí --- moral protection of children --- Defensor del Menor --- zneužívanie detí --- bambino maltrattato --- moralischer Schutz des Kindes --- Kinderschutz --- maltrato de menores --- misshandeltes Kind --- морална заштита на децата --- copil maltratat --- enfant soldat --- dorovinė vaikų apsauga --- aide à l'enfance --- moraliskt skydd av barn --- morele bescherming van het kind --- κακοποίηση παιδιού --- dijete vojnik --- lapsisotilas --- huonosti kohdeltu lapsi --- vaikas kareivis --- centro de protección de menores --- jeugdzorg --- zneužívání dětí --- barnsoldat --- lapssõdur --- ηθική προστασία του παιδιού --- assistenza all'infanzia --- mishandeld kind --- fëmijë i keqtrajtuar --- violencia sobre la infancia --- bērna tikumiskā aizsardzība --- proteção moral da criança --- zlostavljanje djeteta --- protection morale de l'enfant --- enfant maltraité --- child soldier --- laste väärkohtlemine --- bistand til børn --- ayuda a la infancia --- lapsen pahoinpitely --- criança-soldado --- ill-treated child --- bērns kareivis --- child abuse --- morální ochrana dítěte --- fëmijë ushtar --- protecția morală a copiilor --- παιδί στρατιώτης --- abuzim i fëmijëve --- gyermekkatonaság --- vaikų skriaudimas --- mishandlet barn --- barn som far illa --- niño soldado --- малтретирано дете --- Kindersoldat --- morálna ochrana detí --- barnesoldat --- laste moraalne kaitse --- skriaudžiamas vaikas --- moralna zaštita djece --- týrané dítě --- ajuda à infância --- protección de menores --- gyermekek elleni erőszak --- zlostavljano dijete --- bērnu vardarbīga izmantošana --- dieťa, s ktorým sa zle zaobchádzalo --- ενισχύσεις για το παιδί --- väärkoheldud laps --- abuz împotriva copiilor --- bērns, kas cietis no vardarbības --- protezione morale del bambino --- protección del menor --- protection de l'enfance --- protección de la infancia --- cosaint leanaí --- lastensuojelu --- skydd av barn --- заштита деце --- vaikų apsauga --- gyermekvédelem --- proteção da infância --- bērnu aizsardzība --- προστασία του παιδιού --- varstvo otrok --- protecția copilului --- zaštita djeteta --- child protection --- beskyttelse af børn --- protezione dell'infanzia --- lastekaitse --- mbrojtje e fëmijës --- ochrona dziecka --- protezzjoni tat-tfal --- ochrana dítěte --- Jugendschutz --- защита на децата --- заштита на децата --- ochrana dieťaťa --- internationale politiek --- nieuwste tijd --- dekolonisatie

Jeugdbeschermingsrecht in hoofdlijnen
ISBN: 9789400008670 9400008678 Year: 2017 Publisher: Antwerpen Intersentia

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Jeugdbeschermingsrecht gaat over de aanpak van probleemjongeren en van jongeren (soms zelfs baby's) in een gevaarsituatie. De materie is in volle ontwikkeling, zeker op Vlaams niveau. Het boek bevat een overzicht van procedures gericht op het belang van de minderjarige.De meeste aandacht gaat uit naar strafprocedures. Alle recente wetgeving is in het boek opgenomen.


Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Family law. Inheritance law --- jeugdrecht --- jeugdbescherming --- Belgium --- Jeugdbescherming --- België --- Jeugdrecht --- Jeunesse --- Justice pour mineurs --- Protection, assistance, etc. --- Administration. --- Minors --- Child welfare --- Youth --- Children's rights --- Mineurs (Droit) --- Enfants --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Droit --- Droits --- Protection de l'enfance --- Belgique --- BPB1712 --- Protection de la jeunesse --- 663.2 Bijzondere jeugdzorg --- protecção da infância --- hjälp till barn --- mbrojtje morale e fëmijëve --- bambino soldato --- злоупотреба на деца --- mí-úsáid páistí --- lasten moraalinen suojelu --- βάναυση μεταχείριση παιδιού --- menor maltratado --- criança maltratada --- mí-úsáid leanaí --- moral protection of children --- Defensor del Menor --- zneužívanie detí --- bambino maltrattato --- moralischer Schutz des Kindes --- Kinderschutz --- maltrato de menores --- misshandeltes Kind --- морална заштита на децата --- copil maltratat --- enfant soldat --- dorovinė vaikų apsauga --- aide à l'enfance --- moraliskt skydd av barn --- morele bescherming van het kind --- κακοποίηση παιδιού --- dijete vojnik --- lapsisotilas --- huonosti kohdeltu lapsi --- vaikas kareivis --- centro de protección de menores --- jeugdzorg --- zneužívání dětí --- barnsoldat --- lapssõdur --- ηθική προστασία του παιδιού --- assistenza all'infanzia --- mishandeld kind --- fëmijë i keqtrajtuar --- violencia sobre la infancia --- bērna tikumiskā aizsardzība --- proteção moral da criança --- zlostavljanje djeteta --- protection morale de l'enfant --- enfant maltraité --- child soldier --- laste väärkohtlemine --- bistand til børn --- ayuda a la infancia --- lapsen pahoinpitely --- criança-soldado --- ill-treated child --- bērns kareivis --- child abuse --- morální ochrana dítěte --- fëmijë ushtar --- protecția morală a copiilor --- παιδί στρατιώτης --- abuzim i fëmijëve --- gyermekkatonaság --- vaikų skriaudimas --- mishandlet barn --- barn som far illa --- niño soldado --- малтретирано дете --- Kindersoldat --- morálna ochrana detí --- barnesoldat --- laste moraalne kaitse --- skriaudžiamas vaikas --- moralna zaštita djece --- týrané dítě --- ajuda à infância --- protección de menores --- gyermekek elleni erőszak --- zlostavljano dijete --- bērnu vardarbīga izmantošana --- dieťa, s ktorým sa zle zaobchádzalo --- ενισχύσεις για το παιδί --- väärkoheldud laps --- abuz împotriva copiilor --- bērns, kas cietis no vardarbības --- protezione morale del bambino --- protección del menor --- kinderbescherming --- protección de la infancia --- cosaint leanaí --- lastensuojelu --- skydd av barn --- заштита деце --- vaikų apsauga --- gyermekvédelem --- proteção da infância --- bērnu aizsardzība --- προστασία του παιδιού --- varstvo otrok --- protecția copilului --- zaštita djeteta --- child protection --- beskyttelse af børn --- protezione dell'infanzia --- lastekaitse --- mbrojtje e fëmijës --- ochrona dziecka --- protezzjoni tat-tfal --- ochrana dítěte --- Jugendschutz --- защита на децата --- заштита на децата --- ochrana dieťaťa --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- 347 --- 663.2 Bijzondere jeugdzorg. --- BPB1712. --- Kinderbescherming --- 347. --- Administration

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